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Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute

Page 35

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  As the best way of getting into communication with the youth whom hesuspected to be the object of his search, Hector asked him the name ofthe street.

  On receiving an answer, he said, in an explanatory way:

  "I am a stranger here. I only arrived on the last steamer."

  The other looked interested.

  "Where do you come from?"

  "From New York."

  "I used to live there," said Gregory--for it was he--with a sigh.

  "Have you bettered yourself by coming out here?" asked Hector.

  Gregory shook his head.

  "No," he said; "I begin to think I was a fool to come at all."

  "Perhaps you had poor prospects in New York?" said Hector.

  "No; my uncle is a rich merchant there. I have some property, also, andhe is my guardian."

  "Did he favor your coming?"

  "No; he was very much opposed to it."

  "Perhaps I ought not to take such a liberty, but I begin to agree withyou about your being a fool to leave such prospects behind you."

  "Oh, I am not offended. It is true enough."

  "I suppose you haven't prospered, then," said Hector.

  "Prospered? Look at me! Do you see how shabby I am?"

  Gregory certainly did look shabby. His clothes were soiled and frayed,and he had the appearance of a young tramp.

  "That isn't the worst of it," he added, bitterly. "I have spent my lastcent, and am penniless."

  "That is bad, certainly. Did you lose any of it in there?" said Hector,indicating the gaming house.

  "I have lost full half of it there," answered Gregory. "This morning Ifound myself reduced to four bits--"

  "To what?" inquired Hector, puzzled.

  "Oh, I forgot you had just arrived. Four bits is fifty cents. Well, Iwas reduced to that, and, instead of saving it for my dinner, I went inthere and risked it. If I had been lucky, I might have raised it to tendollars, as a man next to me did; but I'm out of luck, and I don't knowwhat to do."

  "Why don't you go back to your uncle in New York?"

  "What! and walk all the way without food?" said Gregory, bitterly.

  "Of course you couldn't go without money. Suppose you had the money,would you go?"

  "I should be afraid to try it," said Gregory, smiling.

  "Why? Don't you think he would receive you back?"

  "He might but for one thing," answered Gregory.

  "What is that?"

  "I may as well tell you, though I am ashamed to," said Gregory,reluctantly. "I left New York without his knowledge, and, as I knew hewouldn't advance me money out of my own property, I took five hundreddollars from his desk."

  "That was bad," said Hector, quietly, but he didn't look shocked orterror-stricken, for this would probably have prevented any furtherconfidence.

  "It wasn't exactly stealing," said Gregory, apologetically, "for I knewhe could keep back the money from my property. Still, he could representit as such and have me arrested."

  "I don't think he would do that."

  "I don't want to run the risk. You see now why I don't dare to go backto New York. But what on earth I am to do here I don't know."

  "Couldn't you get employment?" asked Hector, for he wished Gregory tounderstand his position fully.

  "What! in this shabby suit? Respectable business men would take me for ahoodlum."

  Hector knew already that a "hoodlum" in San Francisco parlance is a termapplied to street loafers from fifteen to twenty-five years of age, whoare disinclined to work and have a premature experience of vice.

  "Suppose you were assured that your uncle would receive you back andgive you another chance?"

  Gregory shook his head.

  "I don't believe he would, and I am afraid I don't deserve it. No,I must try to get to the mines in some way. How are you fixed?" saidGregory, turning suddenly to Hector. "Could you spare a five-dollar goldpiece for a chap that's been unfortunate?"

  "Perhaps I might; but I am afraid you would go back into the gamblinghouse and lose it, as you did your other money."

  "No, I won't; I promise you that. Four bits was nothing. Five dollarswould give me a chance of going somewhere where I could earn a living."

  Gregory seemed to speak sincerely, and Hector thought it would do him noharm to reveal himself and his errand.

  "Your name is Gregory Newman, isn't it?" he inquired.

  Gregory stared at him in uncontrollable amazement.

  "How do you know that?" he inquired.

  "And your uncle's name is Titus Newman?"

  "Yes, but--"

  "He lives on Madison Avenue, does he not?"

  "Yes, yes; but who are you that seem to know so much about me?"

  "My name is Hector Roscoe."

  "Did I know you in New York?"

  "No; I never met you, to my knowledge."

  "Then how do you recognize me and know my name?"

  In answer, Hector took from his pocket a photograph of Gregory anddisplayed it.

  "How did you come by that?" asked Gregory, hurriedly. "Are you adetective?"

  Gregory looked so startled that Hector had hard work not to laugh. Itseemed ludicrous to him that he should be supposed to be a detective onGregory's track, as the boy evidently suspected.

  "No," he answered, "I am not a detective, but a friend. I have come outto San Francisco especially to find you."

  "You won't inform against me?" asked Gregory, nervously.

  "Not at all. I come as a friend, with a message from your uncle---"

  "What is it?" asked Gregory, eagerly.

  "He wants you to come back to New York, and he will give you anotherchance."

  "Is this true?"

  "Yes; will you come?"

  "I shall be glad to leave San Francisco," said Gregory, fervently. "Ihave had no luck since I arrived here."

  "Do you think you deserved any?" said Hector, significantly.

  "No, perhaps not," Gregory admitted.

  "When will you be ready to return?"

  "You forget that I have no money."

  "I have, and will pay your passage."

  Gregory grasped the hands of our hero gratefully.

  "You are a trump!" said he.

  Then he looked at his wretched and dilapidated suit.

  "I don't like to go home like this," he said. "I should be mortified ifI met my uncle or any of my old acquaintances."

  "Oh, that can be remedied," said Hector. "If you can lead the way to agood clothing house, where the prices are moderate, I will soon improveyour appearance."

  "That I will!" answered Gregory, gladly.

  Within five minutes' walk was a good clothing house, on Kearney Street.The two entered, and a suit was soon found to fit Gregory. Then theyobtained a supply of underclothing, and Gregory breathed a sigh ofsatisfaction. His self-respect returned, and he felt once more like hisold self.

  "Now," said Hector, "I shall take you to my hotel, and enter your nameas a guest. You and I can room together."

  "Do you know," said Gregory, "I almost fear this is a dream, and thatI shall wake up again a tramp, as you found me half an hour ago? I wasalmost in despair when you met me."

  Though Gregory seemed quite in earnest in his desire to turn over a newleaf, Hector thought it prudent to keep the funds necessary for theirjourney in his own possession. He gave a few dollars to Gregory asspending money, but disregarded any hints looking to a further advance.



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