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Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute

Page 37

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  Armed with the affidavits which were to restore to him the position inlife of which his uncle had wickedly deprived him, Hector returned toSan Francisco. He found Gregory unaffectedly glad to see him.

  "Glad to see you back, Hector," he said; "I missed you."

  Hector was glad to find that Gregory had not taken advantage of hisabsence to indulge in any of his old excesses. He began to hope that hehad already turned over the new leaf which was so desirable.

  "I know what you are thinking of," said Gregory, after Hector hadreturned his salutation. "You are wondering whether I 'cut up' any whileyou were gone."

  "You don't look as if you had," said Hector, smiling.

  "No; I have had enough of sowing wild oats. It doesn't pay. Shall I tellyou what I did last evening?"

  "If you like."

  "I attended a lecture illustrated with the stereopticon. I was in bed atten."

  "Gregory," said Hector, taking his hand, "you don't know how glad I amto hear this. I am sure your uncle will be delighted when you return tohim so changed."

  "I've made a great fool of myself," said Gregory, candidly. "Hereafter Iam going to make you my model."

  Hector blushed deeply, for he was a modest boy.

  "You compliment me too much, Gregory," he said. "Still, if you are inearnest, I will try to set you a good example."

  "You won't have any trouble in doing that. You are one of the fellowsthat find it easy to be good."

  "I am not sure of that, Gregory. Still, I mean to do my best."

  In the evening the two boys attended a theatrical performance. It wasnot till after eleven o'clock that they emerged from the theatre, andslowly, not by the most direct way, sauntered home.

  There was no thought of danger in the mind of either, yet, as a fact,Hector had never in his life been exposed to peril so serious as thatevening. Lurking behind in the shadow a shabby-looking man followedthe two boys, keeping his eyes steadily on Hector. At a place speciallyfavorable, our hero was startled by hearing a bullet whiz by his ear. Heturned instantly, and so did Gregory. They saw a man running, andthey pursued him. They might not have caught up with him, but that hestumbled and fell. Instantly they were upon him.

  "Well," he said, sullenly, "you've caught me after all."

  "Were you the man who fired at me?" asked Hector, "or was it my friendhere you sought to kill?"

  "I was firing at you," answered their captive, coolly. "Now, what areyou going to do with me?"

  "Was this forced upon you by want? Did you wish to rob me?"

  "No; I had another motive."

  "What was it?"

  "If I tell you, will you let me go free?"

  Hector hesitated.

  The man proceeded, speaking with emphasis.

  "If I tell you who put me up to this, and furnish you proofs so that youcan bring it to him, will you let me go?"

  "You will not renew the attempt?" asked Hector.

  "No," answered the man; "it isn't likely; I shall have no furthermotive."

  "Yes, I agree."

  "Read that letter, then."

  "There isn't light enough. Will you accompany me to the hotel, where Ican read it?"

  "I will."

  The three walked together to the hotel, where Hector and Gregory werestaying. There Hector read the letter. He was astonished and horrifiedwhen he discovered that it was from his uncle to this man, with whom heseemed to have an acquaintance, describing Hector, and promising him athousand dollars if he would put him out of the way.

  "This is very important," said Hector, gravely. "Are you ready toaccompany me to New York and swear to this?"

  "Yes, if you will pay my expenses."

  By the next steamer Hector, Gregory and the stranger, who called himselfReuben Pearce, sailed for New York.



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