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My place in the life

Page 14

by Quelli di ZEd

didn't succeed in putting to fire, a sudden heat invaded me and climbed me to the head.

  I warned a family ticking as a hammer that it beat on an anvil; I looked around me to try to find the person that was using the hammer but a vain excuse and a miserable hope it was alone.

  A terrible headache struck me to the temples and I was forced to bring me the hands to the head and to press with all the strength that I had.

  Laura was puzzled from my behavior:

  «Thing happens you it Feels happy? Are you badly?»

  I didn't have the strength to answer. I bent me on the legs trying to hide the head the more possible with the braccias but everything was useless.

  My parents came also.

  «Thing you have it Feels happy? Answer me please!» it was the voice of my mother and I found the strength to answer her.

  «This hammer makes me go crazy!! The head is bursting me!.»

  It was the promptness of Patrick to save the situation.

  «I immediately bring her to the first aid!» It is in an instant it lifted me between his/her braccias and him it directed toward his/her auto launching a last look to my parents.

  «If you want to come with us, hurry you!»

  My father took the arm of my mother and practically dragged her/it up to the auto of Patrick, which had already abandoned me on the anterior seat in the meantime and you/he/she was closing the safety belt, while I didn't succeed in tearing off the hands from the head.

  We finally departed, with Laura and Stephen to the succession.

  That few kilometers that separated me from the hospital it seemed they didn't have to end anymore.

  I vaguely remember Patrick that cursed toward the other motorists, even though keeping the usual calm, my father that invited him/it to go stronger while my mother told him to go plain and to watch out for the traffic.

  We crossed the gate of the hospital as a missile and in an instant Patrick it went down from the auto, the safety belt removed from me and took me in arm. I was welcomed in the hospital by a rather young physician and by three nurses.

  Patrick abandoned me on a stretcher and in an instant he/she explained thing to the physician you/he/she was happened.

  «Of accord, however you have here now to go out from. Arrange out you in the saletta. Thanks.»

  I remember that tossed me on that bunk as I was prey to a crisis of abstinence. I felt the physician that did me some questions, the nurses that you/they spoke to me, but the only thing that I succeeded in howling with all of my strength was:

  «I have badly to the head! You breaks!»

  They gave me a shot, I believe a sedative and the hammer, plain pian, ended to hammer leaving my mind in the most total confusion.

  When I awakened me, my mother was shaking me the hand, perhaps some exaggeratedly because I succeeded in warning the pressure of his/her fingers on mine. As I opened the eyes such pressure it increased for an instant for then almost immediately to disappear, because my mother brought him the hands to the face and said:

  «Finally! How much you have made me be in punishment!»

  «How you are treasure?» It was the voice of my father, however I immediately didn't succeed in understanding from what it departs it originated. It was from the other side of the bed and a hand passed me on the forehead removing me the hair that you/they had leaned on above.

  «I am well but I feel me confused. Because they are still in the hospital?»

  «The doctor that has welcomed you to the first aid has not succeeded in establishing the origin of your discomfort, therefore he wants to submit you to some examination» my father answered quickly.

  «You/he/she has also said to call not it as soon as I/you woke up you» it added my mother.

  «Then call you him, so we immediately see thing he/she wants to do of me!» I succeeded in jokingly saying.

  My parents smiled and at that time the door opened. It made his/her entry a physician and immediately notaries the strong charm that emanated. It had something of detail that attracted my attention but at that time I didn't understand what.

  «It feels happy, this is the physician of whom we have spoken to you» it said my mother.

  «Hi it Feels happy. How do you feel yourself?»

  «I am some confused but I believe to be well.»

  «Of accord. If you are not sorry it, gentlemen, would like to ask some question to your daughter, alone.»

  There was an instant of silence, during which my parents exchanged a worrisome glance.

  «Because we cannot stay?» he/she quickly asked my mother.

  «I would prefer there were not during this kind of interview, because the patients, so many times, they stay very influenced in the answers that have to give if there is some present person. Not worried you: I will put you to the current one of all however.»

  «It is all right. We, go then to take a coffee, and to inform your friends» it said my father picking up my mother for hand and literally dragging her/it out of the room.

  The physician, that as doctor Smith introduced him, taken the chair next to the window and systematized her/it of side to the bed, so that I/you could see well it.

  It grasped a biro and it started to write on a cartellina.

  «Thing makes doctor?» I asked incuriosita.

  «I write your data on this card and then all the answers that you will give to my questions. I want to understand what has happened you and so much to start give me of the you.»

  «It is all right.»

  «Ivan, my name is Ivan.»

  «You have an unusual name.» The almost timidly said.

  «In fact I am not Italian. My father is English and my Norwegian mother but practically suit in Italy from when I was two years old.»

  I succeeded in understanding, finally, the look and the attraction of that man. It had the features typical of a northern, with deep blue eyes that you/they remembered those a very distant boy. Surely you/he/she had primarily inherited the origins of his/her/their mother and perhaps the color of the hair was that of his/her/their father, rather dark.

  «Thing remembers yourself it Feels happy?»

  I remained an instant in silence, assembled on the few images that wandered me in the mind.

  «It seems me to remember that I was me to the photographic show, then the head has started to ache me.»

  «How it hurt you?»

  «Sembrava.sembrava the noise of a hammer that is beaten.»

  «And then?»

  «Then the head has started to hurt me, I believe here, above the temples» And I touched me with the hands the point that I had described.

  «There you felt only pain?»

  «It seems me of yes.»

  «Also your friends have said that you pressed the hands in that point.»

  I remained an instant to think; I didn't remember none of my friends in front of me while I had been feeling badly. Perhaps realized Ivan what I was thinking and quickly it said:

  «You/he/she has been your teacher Patrick to bring you here. There were also a boy and a girl and you/they have said to have assisted to the whole scene. Perhaps you were suffering so so much that you don't have of certain minded their presence.»

  It was possible, because I had solo a vague memory of someone that lifted me of weight and it made me sit on an auto.

  «You have warned other times these pains?»

  «To dir truth has not been the first time. You/he/she has also happened in past to feel this kind of hammer but an instant lasted and only I attributed him/it to a normal headache.»

  «You have never talked to a physician of it?»

  The face of Ivan did him darker and serious.

  «No, because as I have told you I thought they were simple sharp pains of headache, even due to the study, to the warm one, to the stress.»

  Ivan started to write something, very quickly, as if it feared to be able to skip some particular or to make an important word b
e escaped.

  «I will submit you to some examinations and specific visits, so much you will remain here for a couple of days. I go to call your parents, so I will inform them about thing I have intention to do.»

  The physician got up but I didn't give him the time to reach the handle of the door and I called him/it back.

  «You excuse me. excuse Ivan. Do you believe can have something serious? Some strange illness?»

  «I don't know what to tell for now you, Feels happy. We say that for the time being you/he/she can treat him of anything; we don't hold anything yet and therefore I am not able to make a diagnosis. You are calm, however. You/he/she could be also a simple headache.» After having mentioned a tender smile it went out of the room leaving me prey to the panic.

  And if I/you had had an incurable illness? Or a tumor? Or some damned curse rained by the sky?

  I brought me the covers until under the chin, as if I/you had been cold and I thought about the fact that I owed also prepare me to the worse.

  At that time it entered the room Laura, immediately followed by Stephen and Patrick.

  Laura he launched verse of me and, after is sat him on the bed and to have taken me the hands among his, began to storm me of questions.

  «Oh Feels happy! How are you? Do you still have badly? Has thing told you the doctor? Thing.»

  «Cries her/it Laura! If you continue so you will again hurt her/it star!» Stephen intervened.

  «How you hear yourself sweetness?» he/she asked Patrick.

  «Very better. I also wanted to thank you. You/they have told me that you have been you to bring me to the hospital. Thanks of heart.»

  «Imagine. I have done my duty and then you/he/she would have done him whoever.»

  «It is not true Patrick.

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