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My place in the life

Page 19

by Quelli di ZEd

was sure of itself but that situation he/she left him/it some interdict.

  «Hi it Feels happy.»

  «Hi Mark, doesn't succeed in believing us.»

  We so tenderly embraced there to arouse the emotion in our friends.

  I would not be more me wanted to detach from those strong braccias that softly encircled me.

  «You are me missed tremendously.»

  «Also you.»

  We looked at there in the eyes and we didn't succeed in dissuading the look anymore. For us it didn't exist around anymore anything, we was alone there two.

  «Tell me as you are.»

  «I feel very well me, despite has suffered a rather delicate intervention. And you?»

  «Very well, now that see you.»

  «You sees that you are well.»

  We looked again at there for some instant, under the had a good time eyes and happy to Laura and Stephen.

  We spoke for the whole afternoon, also after our friends had gone.

  We didn't know anything the one of the other because it had been being for a lot of time that we didn't write us and however it was not the same thing to directly talk to a person and to read his/her letters. So many times it is not possible to write some things, as what for example tries him in the depth of the heart.

  Mark was changed but you/he/she had succeeded in preserving that sweet air and that kind attitude that had always characterized him/it. You/he/she was grown and it had a notable physicist, also because it made a lot of sport.

  You/he/she had changed the cut of the hair; it slightly brought now them shorter and it tried to hold back them. Its eyes abducted me as you/they had already made once and if I fixed him/it for more than five seconds I was lost.

  I realized to be still or again in love of him, to want to always be with him not to want out others of him.

  To the sudden one it stopped speaking, it looked me fixed in the eyes and it told me:

  «It feels happy, it is so much time that I want to do something and I don't succeed anymore now in holding back me.»

  It got up from the chair and him it folded up verse of me.

  «Excuse me but I cannot wait anymore.»

  «I feared I didn't want him/it» I confessed him.

  He/she kissed me with the sweetness of once.

  «You are stupendous and I want you a good of the soul!»

  «Oh, Mark! You don't know how much happiness you are giving me!»

  I didn't succeed in believing yet how same happening; Mark was there, with me, you/he/she had returned for not leaving again anymore, he still wanted me.

  Its eyes still succeeded in enchanting me. I didn't remember pits so beautiful and I lavish his/her look. I was sure that from that moment in before I would not have been able to forget him/it anymore.

  House sweet house: it is really true.

  I had never been so happy to return home as that day. I had to observe only a long period of rest but the thought not to be in the hospital me risollevava the moral one.

  You/they had arrived a heap of messages for me; they were for him/it more than friends, schoolmates, some relative, but among the so many one it attracted my attention. It was a letter coming from the foreign countries; it brought a very particular postage stamp, raffigurante an Egyptian statue and I deduced of it that had to arrive from warm Egypt. I opened him with a lot of curiosity, even if I had some suspicion on who the sender could be.

  And in fact it dealt with Patrick. In the letter he/she wrote that it was found in Egypt, marvelous earth from the thousand secret. It was had to stop a couple of weeks for then to continue the trip toward the center of Africa and subsequently in east. He/she asked me news on the health and it begged me to answer him as soon as possible because it suffered a lot for me. It was very tender and altruist, perhaps for this he/she succeeded very well in his/her job.

  In the envelope there were also two photos: one withdrew Patrick in front of the pyramids of Giza, the other one it represented a desert landscape to the sunset, a stupendous and indescribable show that Patrick however you/he/she had succeeded in immortalizing with his/her photographic car capturing the magic and the emotions that it aroused of it.

  In the letter he/she asked me to make to have him as soon as possible my news, therefore I intended me to answer him the same evening, at the most the day later.

  I felt very well me that day; it was a warm summer day, the birds chirrupped in garden while the rays of the sun pleasantly heated the air.

  I was tasting and absorbing the benefits of that afternoon when I heard the voice of Laura.

  «Not to tire too much you! Seem me you coop some on that I lay down!» it howled while it was entering garden.

  «The doctor has prescribed me absolute rest and me I am following his/her suggestions to the letter» I answered her from under the ombrellone.

  «Apart the jokes, are you well?»

  «I would say of yes. It is a stupendous day and me I want to enjoy after all her until. You that you serve as these parts?»

  «I/you/they are given for seeing if you were still long live and to make you a proposal.»

  «We feel what you have in mind this time.»

  «Nothing eccentric. I wanted to organize one weekend to the sea, you, me, Stephen and Mark. What do you say of it?»

  «Would be splendid! When?»

  «We could also depart this weekend, give only me the time to find a hotel.»

  «But not to joke! I will ask the keys of the house to my parents to the sea, so much this year we have not gone there yet.»

  «Creeds that will leave her/it? It would be a true convenience.»

  «I will ask him/it this evening to my father, as soon as it reenters from the job.»

  «Perfect! Is go suffered to bake Stephen.»

  «Laura, does thing say Mark?»

  «In that sense?»

  «In all the senses! I believe that you talk a lot to Stephen, both of me and of the whole rest. What impression has you/he/she done you?»

  «An alone: it is cooked of you and he/she doesn't want to lose you anymore!»

  «We hope. I don't succeed in believing yet that has returned. I love him and I would not like to lose him/it for any reason to the world anymore.»

  «Won't happen. We see us this evening.»

  «Of accord, I wait you here.»

  Laura always had a ready idea, a proposal, a solution; I had realized that had suffered badly for mine and it tried not to do me more to think about all of this that I had had to bear.

  Unfortunately, however, soon our roads would be divided. We had chosen two different schools, therefore we would have been forced to see us very less. Our friendship, however, was strong and nothing would have divided us, not even thousand street kilometers.

  That evening, before going out with Laura, I wanted to answer to the letter of Patrick; I put everything of my appointment to write two sheets of paper but at the end I was satisfied of the result.

  I looked for of mielosa not to be too but however I wrote that it missed me terribly and above all that I felt the lack of his/her joy and his/her jobs.

  For the time being definite that would not have said him nothing respect to Mark but I intended me to do him/it in the next letter.

  I wrote him of Laura and Stephen, of my family and of the intervention. I told him what time you/he/she could be calm, the worse you/he/she was passed and I was well. I had to make to understand him, to convince him/it, that if he/she thought too much about my situation it risked to make himself/herself/themselves influence on the job.

  I wanted that he/she succeeded in realizing some marvelous and unforgettable photos, worthy of his/her style and of his/her personality. I was sure that a true artist would have become, appreciated all over the world and esteemed by the colleagues.

  I also wrote him that I had enrolled in the faculty of medicine and that, later what had happened me, I would have undertaken with all my
self to graduate me and to become a good physician, without abandoning, however, the passion for the photo; I would never have been able to abandon her/it, both because by now it belonged to my life, both because it tied me to an exceptional person as it was him.

  I very simply concluded the letter, with the usual regards and kisses, begging to write not it me as soon as you/he/she had been him possible and asking to send him me, if for him it was not a trouble, some photo of the trip, so I would have been able to keep on learning from him.

  Laura introduced him to house my prestissimo, in fact I still had to end to dress me and to have breakfast; therefore I invited her/it to make me company considering that in the hurry you/he/she was forgotten to eat.

  My parents still slept and I didn't absolutely want to disturb them; you/they had granted me the use of the house to the sea without making histories, rather they seemed enthusiastic, perhaps because they desired that I became distracted me the more possible after what had happened and especially in sight of the university, for which had said theirs that I would have given all myself.

  We quickly had breakfast because Laura was not in the skin anymore; he/she cannot wait to reach the sea, to cause trouble in the beach and therefore to let Stephen to despair. Poor boy! It bore her in everything and for everything, however it was not to become angry effortless with Laura, because anything did it was for her a fun and accordingly it made happy also us.

  We took the backpacks after having checked that there pits everything and we went out finding Stephen and Mark that waited us in auto.

  Having departed rather soon we didn't find traffic and we reached the sea that the sun was

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