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Goddess of the Grove

Page 5

by Mandy M. Roth

Gigi screamed, twisting in her uncle’s arms and hitting him hard across the face. It did little to sway him as he slapped her back. Her cheek stung but she stood her ground, shaking her head. “You broke the agreement. You killed those I put under my protection! The other gods will come. They’ll sense your betrayal.”

  He laughed. “I killed no one. If they ask, I will tell them Parth killed the druids.”

  Gigi tried to get away but Norval advanced on her quickly, jerking her to him. Her lips curled in disgust as he made contact with her again. She wasn’t a warrior but she wasn’t one to take defeat lying down either. Once in her life she’d fallen under his control because she’d weakened herself. It would never happen again.

  She thrust magik at him, causing Norval to release her. The moment he did a huge wave of power, which wasn’t Gigi’s, slammed into him, lifting him up and off the ground. Her eyes widened and she turned to see Korey, on his side, his arm in the air, wielding god-like amounts of magik.

  The blood drained from Norval’s face, leaving a mask of terror in its wake. “No. How?”

  Korey pushed to his feet, maintaining his mystical hold on her uncle. “I do nae know and I do nae care. You will die for yer sins. And you willnae ever hurt my Gigi or anyone else I love again.”

  His Gigi.

  She backed away as Korey sent a blast of power through her uncle, causing the man to contort and cry out in pain. Gigi was numb to Norval’s pleas for mercy. He’d shown none in his past nor would he ever grant it should he be allowed to live. He would continue to try to end the line of druid sorcerers. It was his sole mission in life. One Gigi could not abide.

  Turning away, she closed her eyes, letting Korey do what needed to be done. When the screams ended, Gigi knew it was over. She looked back in time to see a flash of white light and then her mother appearing. Where once Gigi’s mother had been eternally young, she’d had her powers sapped by her brother and had aged a great deal in the last decade. Gigi knew it had happened right after her escape from her uncle’s hold but her mother had never fully explained the how or the why of the matter.


  The elderly woman glanced at her deceased brother and then to Korey. “You did this?”

  “Mother, Norval left him no choice,” Gigi said, going straight for her mother.

  “I know, darling. I’m not here to condemn Korey. I’m here to thank him for freeing me from my brother’s hold.” She shook her head and the long, wiry strands of grey turned back into their youthful dark brown. When it was done, Gigi’s mother looked as she had before Gigi put the village under her protection. Anyone who saw the women standing together would assume they were sisters, not mother and daughter.

  Her mother lifted a hand and waved it in the air. Power zigged and zagged throughout the pub.

  Two heavy groans and several Gaelic curses later, Gigi realized the noises were coming from Parth and Coyle. She went to them, going to her knees between their bodies. They rolled onto their backs, each one appearing stiff.

  “What in the name of…?” Coyle opened his mouth wide as if to flex his jaw. He peeked out from one eye. “Och, I feel like I spent the night drinkin’ ol’ lady McCallister’s special brew.” He stared down the length of himself. “There are no sheep here, are there? I do nae want to be explainin’ that one to my wife.”

  Korey let out a soft, tear-filled laugh. “It cannae be that bad, cousin. And a sheep? You’ve never mentioned anything about waking up with a sheep before. You wouldnae be the reason we got labeled with the stereotype, would you?”

  “Uh, I was joking. Aye, joking.” Coyle glanced at Parth, who looked as roughed up as Coyle, and they stared at one another for a moment. “I owe you a thank you for coming to aid me. At first, I dinnae think you were here to help.”

  Parth lifted a dark brow and rubbed his cheek. “Really? So, you do nae greet all yer guests with a punch to the face?”

  She stared at him. “How did you know to come back and help Coyle?”

  Grinning, Parth shifted his jaw back and forth, rubbing it once more for good measure. “Och, lass, you remember how we always kept tabs on the druids?”

  She nodded.

  “We dinnae stop doing it after you left, Gigi. In fact, I made it my personal mission to know where each member of the village you gave so much for was at all times. I should have paid these two fools a personal visit years ago. I’d have seen you then.” He touched her arm lightly and winked. “Now, tell me how it was you dinnae know yer husband was a sorcerer.”

  She wasn’t entirely sure.

  Coyle grunted. “Because we’re damn guid at coverin’ our arses and hiding who and what we are.” He glanced at Parth. “Better than you even.”

  “Boys,” Gigi’s mother said sternly.

  Gigi glanced up at her mother, emotions lodged in her throat as she nodded her appreciation.

  Coyle followed her gaze. “The goddess Carys?”

  Her mother nodded and smiled. “Yes, but we’ve met before, Coyle O’Caha.” She motioned to Gigi. “You’ve visited me with my daughter before and—” Her gaze slid to Korey. “—my son-in-law.”

  Coyle and Parth helped each other to their feet and then Parth pulled Gigi up as well. “You healed us?”

  Carys locked gazes with Parth. “I did and I’ve also gifted you both with god-like powers. Seems only fair since Korey received the same gift when he shared power and mated with my daughter.”

  Gigi embraced her mother, holding her close and letting her tears of joy flow freely. Carys patted her back and lifted her long hair, fixing it. “You don’t have to live in fear anymore, darling. You’re free to love him as it was meant to be.”

  Staring back over her shoulder, Gigi caught the flicker of hesitation in Korey’s eyes and knew without being told that she was anything but free to love him. While she may not be as old as him in years, she was wise, and spotting a man full of inner demons was easy to do. He would leave. Of that she was sure. Stopping him wasn’t an option. She’d not spend the rest of her days holding tight to a man who didn’t want to be held.

  Chapter Six

  Gigi packed the last of her things and stared around the tiny two-bedroom house she’d called home for the last several years. For some reason, it, more than any other place she’d ever laid down roots, felt like home.

  Because of Korey.

  Her heart and head knew but none of that mattered. Not now.

  Boxes lined the walls and if Deri had been successful in finding last-minute movers, they would be arriving come morning.

  A new start.

  She sighed. Gigi had already had one of those. Her time with Korey had been her second chance. Unfortunately, it hadn’t worked out as well as she’d hoped it would.

  She ran her hand over a smooth rock she’d brought with her on her journey from the old country. She’d picked it up at the Burren, in Ireland, wanting a token to remember the area by—anything to be connected to something of old. As she held the stone, Gigi couldn’t help but remember the grove to which Korey had whisked her away. It too was full of beauty and nature’s marvels, as was the Burren.

  “I’ve been out of yer life all of two weeks and you’ve taken to petting rocks on Friday nights instead of meeting me for a movie and dinner.”

  She spun around to find Korey leaning against the living room entrance, a smug smile on his handsome face and a bag of something in his hand. He lifted the bag and inclined his head towards her. “Now, I dinnae remember the exact movie title you wanted to watch so I bought five that sounded like they might be it. You’ve no idea how many movies revolve around a girl wantin’ to make it big in New York. Trust me on this.”

  Gigi stared at him. The black jeans he wore were snug in all the right places and loose in the rest. The matching T-shirt and boots added to his badass appearance. She wondered if he had ridden his motorcycle over and, if so, why she hadn’t heard him approaching. “Forget how to knock?”

  He tapped on the wall for e
ffect. “No. I remember. I simply choose nae to. Why? Something against having movie night with yer husband?”


  The word made her laugh.

  Korey didn’t appear quite as amused as he set the bag down on a packed box and came towards her. “Planning a trip?”

  “Yes. A permanent one.”

  He motioned to the stone in her hand and appeared puzzled. “I can sense things from certain places and if I’m right, that’s nae from around these parts. Exactly how far away were you planning to go?”


  “Quite the talker tonight.” He opened the box nearest him and began removing items from it.

  Gigi huffed. “Korey, what in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  He glanced back at her nonchalantly. “I thought it was rather obvious, lass. I’m unpacking for my wife.”

  “I’m not your—”

  He rounded on her, desire burning in his eyes. “You are and you well know it.”

  But do you?

  She snickered, deciding against voicing her inner thoughts. Fighting with him would be too easy. Saying goodbye for good was the difficult part.

  It was then Gigi noticed the dark circles under Korey’s eyes and the fact he’d not shaved in some time. He stared around her living room, his attention returning to the boxes. “Och, Gigi, I more than know it. I felt yer pain every time you packed something reminding you of our time together. I felt yer fear of staying and of going. I felt yer hurt for what you think was rejection by me.”

  Her lips pursed in suppressed rage. “What I think was rejection? Korey, you walked out of the pub two weeks ago and this is the first time I’ve seen you since then. If that wasn’t rejection, what was it? Enlighten me, oh wise one.”

  “It was a seven-hundred-year-old druid sorcerer needing time to grow up and be as mature as his young wife,” he said, the corners of his mouth twitching as if he were fighting a smile.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she peered down her nose at him, willing herself to remain mad. When he went to the bag he’d brought and retrieved a lone flower, identical to the kind he’d given her as a boy in the village, her resolve wavered. She lifted a shaky hand to the flower and plucked it from his fingertips.

  He smiled. “Gigi O’Caha, forgive me for being an edjit. It was shame for darin’ to raise my hand to you that drove me away.”

  “You didn’t hit me, Kor,” she said, taking another step towards him.

  “But I lifted my hand all the same.” The humiliation in his voice broke her heart.

  She touched his arm and closed her eyes as her magik trickled forth, recognizing his instantly. Korey closed the gap between them and traced a path down her cheek, neck, upper chest and then back to her chin. He lifted her face, bringing her gaze upwards.

  “You dinnae object to being called Gigi O’Caha.”

  He was right. She hadn’t objected to the idea. Truth be told, she lay in bed at night, thinking about what it would be like to have Korey with her, truly by her side, filling the part of her other half, her soulmate.

  He bent and pressed his lips lightly to hers. The kiss was barely there but that did little to stop the rush of desire that spread throughout her body. Gigi yanked at Korey’s lower lip and kissed him harder, not caring her thumb was in the way. He bit at it, managing to catch it while still lacing his tongue around hers. She moaned and knew all Korey had to do was look at her and she was putty in his hands.

  “It goes both ways, a ghrá, trust me.” He feathered his tongue over her lower lip.

  Her body responded, her breasts swelling and her inner thighs quivering with the knowledge of what the man before her could do with his tongue. Her pussy dampened. She whimpered. A laugh escaped him.

  She paused. “Korey, I didn’t say anything out loud.”

  A shit-assed grin moved over his face. “Did I forget to mention one of my god-like powers appears to be the ability to read yer mind? Started right after we made love. At first, I thought I was hearin’ things…you know…right up until you thought about my arse bein’ lush and all, then I knew it was you.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “After all, I’d nae be imagining my own arse that way. Yers—” He drew in a sharp breath, his gaze looking hungry. “—is another matter entirely. I’ve been thinking about turning you over and having my way with every inch of yer body.”

  “And you needed two weeks to come up with what it is you think you’d do with my body?”

  He centered his blue gaze on her. “No. I needed one week to realize I was a fool. I’m old. Cannae fault me for takin’ longer than most to see the light. Epiphanies are known to have to be forced on us O’Cahas.” He stroked her cheek. “Then, I took several days to think of everything I want to do to you. I’ve got a verra vivid imagination so we’re lucky I only took days…not months.”

  She slapped his arm playfully.

  He winked. “A day to retrieve the flower from the century I first picked one for you and another day to talk my cousin into helping me find that damn movie you wanted to watch.”

  Her lips trembled as she fought to keep from laughing but failed. “You really made Coyle help you look?”

  “Made him? Hell, the man leapt at the chance of getting out from Deri’s nursing ways. She made him lie in bed for two whole days!”

  Gigi hid her smile. “Two whole days after dying and being brought back to life by a goddess? The nerve of Deri.”

  “Och.” Korey’s expression was serious. “I know. An hour’s nap, maybe. Two days? That’s a wee bit excessive, do you nae think?”

  She looked away to keep from laughing. “Oh, totally.”

  Korey took hold of her hips and jerked her to him. A fierce growl of possessiveness came from him and Gigi put her hand on his chest. He stared past her, at the sofa, and bent, hiking her up and over one shoulder with ease.

  Gigi yelped and Korey swatted her backside.

  He tossed her onto the sofa and yanked at her bottoms until they were off and cast aside. The determined look in his eyes told Gigi exactly what Korey had in mind. She opened her legs to him, giving in faster than she should.

  He pressed his mouth to her slit, inhaling deeply and making her moan. His tongue found her clit and he circled it, driving her mad with need. Gigi bucked beneath his touch, grabbing hold of the back of the sofa and clenching not only her teeth but her channel around his tongue as he inserted it into her.

  He fucked her, sliding it in and out as his face rubbed her clit. Screaming sounded like a great idea. Instead, she held her breath as her orgasm built. The second Korey moved to licking her folds and thrusting two fingers into her, the dam broke loose. Gigi hit her zenith, thrashing her head back and forth and crying out his name.

  Gigi assumed he’d join her. He didn’t. Korey continued his licks and thrusts, finger fucking her and taking it to another level by pressing his thumb into her ass. She jerked and came again, this time so hard that she lifted off the sofa briefly.

  Korey chuckled, the sound of a man who knew he’d pleased his woman.

  Running her hands into his hair, Gigi fisted it, tugging to the point she got his attention. “I…need…you.”

  “Aye, and I need you,” he said, moving up and over her. He pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her totally nude while he was still fully dressed.

  Korey bent, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking gently. Gigi squirmed, her pussy wet and throbbing from coming so many times. Each suck, each tug on her nipple made her abdomen spasm. He traced a hand down her torso and slid a finger into her core before rubbing her clit with his thumb.

  It was too much, yet not enough.

  “Kor-ey,” she bit out, gritting her teeth.

  He moved to her other nipple, giving it the same painstakingly slow attention. He lifted his head, his eyes gleaming. “Do nae disturb a man when he’s doin’ his best to make up for bein’ an arse.”

  Gigi gave him a hard look. “Korey O’Caha, you have tw
o seconds to start fucking me or I will turn you into a toad. I can do it.”

  “But then I couldn’t do this.” He nipped at her flesh. “Or this.” He rubbed her swollen bud faster, making her come again. “Or…”

  She let her power out enough to zap him in the ass. He twisted and grinned. “Can’t stay away from my lush arse?”

  Gigi growled.

  Korey pulled his shirt over his head, his muscles rippling. When started to remove his jeans, she tried to sit up and help. His magik slid over her, pinning her in place.

  “Korey, I want to taste you.”

  “And you will.” He slipped his jeans off and stood before her, a model of male perfection. Gripping his cock, he approached, tossing one powerful leg over her but keeping the other on the floor. His sac hung above her face, his magik still holding her flat to the sofa. “Lick me, Gigi.”

  She obeyed, running her tongue out and over his balls. She sucked, gently drawing one into her mouth. Humming, she made Korey jerk above her, his body stiffening. He stroked his shaft and then lifted his hips, pushing down on his cock and putting the head of it to her lips.


  Again, she obeyed.

  Korey eased his cock into her mouth and Gigi focused on relaxing her jaw and throat. His manly scent assailed her, spurring her on as she sucked on him. He gasped and began making shallow thrusts. Gigi wanted to grab hold of him and force him to give her more. His power prevented that.

  She moaned, sucking harder until he gave in, sinking his cock deeper into her mouth. He was too big to take all of him but that didn’t stop Korey from pushing in more. Gigi relaxed, taking all he offered, her mouth wide, full of him. As his cock touched the back of her throat, she raked her teeth over it. Korey jerked and began moving harder, faster, taking her mouth as he would her pussy.

  Gigi closed her eyes, loving the fact she did this to him—she made him this crazy with need.

  He eased his power, allowing her to use her hands. She cupped his sac and sucked harder. Korey tried to pull away but Gigi let out a sultry laugh, tossing her power around him, keeping him locked in place as his balls drew up and seed shot forth, filling her mouth. She drank his offering down, savoring the taste of him.


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