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Cocky Playboy

Page 16

by Wolf, Alex


  Things have been going great between Decker and me. For the past three weeks I’ve spent my free time with him and Jenny, and I can’t remember a three-week period in my life where I’ve been happier. I never stay in my hotel room anymore. Spending the night with him just feels natural.

  I make sure to arrive at work separately even though I ride with him. The office doesn’t need to know we’re together, though I’m sure Quinn figured it out. Bless her for keeping it to herself. Decker needs to give her a raise for not gossiping like some of the women here who spread rumors in the cafeteria.

  Quinn has been their target as of late. It hasn’t gone unnoticed that an admirer sends her flowers every single Friday. I don’t feed into watercooler gossip, but I keep my ears open for signs of trouble that could tank the merger. I trained myself to listen to the same rumor mills back in Dallas. Part of me feels guilty for spying on Decker and his employees but that’s why I’m here. Regardless of my feelings, I have a job to do.

  I walk down the hallway for my morning coffee while I get dressed. Decker cooks Jenny breakfast before school while she gets ready in her bedroom. She’s complained all morning about what to wear. I remember being that age, feeling ugly in everything.

  I have their morning routine down to a science at this point, and pretty much know everyone’s daily schedule.

  The doorbell rings and Jenny shouts from the stairs, “Uncle Weston!”

  My face pales and I might vomit right there on the floor. I freeze and my stomach twists in a knot so hard it feels physically painful, even though I know it’s all in my mind.

  What the hell is he doing here?

  I haven’t told Weston anything about my personal involvement with Decker. I’d hoped we could avoid the conversation all together, at least until the merger goes through, but now… here we are.

  Jenny tugs Weston around the corner and goes right past me. When his eyes meet mine, I want to dissolve into the hardwood floor. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this pissed off. I’m standing in Decker’s freaking t-shirt and pajama pants. I’ve gotten used to wearing them when I stay over because they smell like him.

  Weston glowers at me, but Jenny keeps moving him toward the kitchen. I don’t know what to do. Do I follow them and hope he doesn’t make a big scene in front of Jenny?

  I know he’s irate. He’s a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

  He speaks with Decker once he reaches the kitchen, and then he says, “If you’ll excuse me, I need to step out and make a call.”

  “You don’t want coffee?”

  “Not right now.”

  Damn. I suck in a breath and hear his footsteps as he searches for me. It’s like everything goes into slow motion and I’m in a horror film as the killer creeps through the house. Weston’s footsteps grow louder with every second until they pound in my ears.

  When he rounds the corner. His mouth forms a tight line and his jaw clenches. “Outside, now.”

  I nod, feeling like I might throw up. I’ve never screwed up at work, not once. Something tells me this might be unforgiveable. I knew he’d be upset, but I didn’t think he’d be like this. He looks like he might fire me on the spot.

  I walk with him out front, grabbing my wristlet as we go. I start to say something but he cuts me off.

  “Not yet,” he growls, grinding his teeth.

  Knowing Weston and the way he keeps up appearances, he may shove me in a car and wait until we get to the hotel.

  Instead, the second he’s sure nobody can hear, he wheels around on me. “What the fuck’s going on here?” He whisper-screams his words and eyes my clothing like he’s disgusted with what he sees. He raises a finger. “Hold that thought.” He pulls out his phone and calls me a cab, the entire time holding his finger up to let me know not to utter a word. Once finished, he hangs up and says, “You have fifteen minutes. What the hell did I just walk in on?”

  “It just happened, okay? But the merger is good to go. The BankIt suit was dropped. No other conflicts. Everything is ahead of schedule.”

  He sighs.

  My temples throb. It’s too damn early to have this conversation. I need coffee.

  “Great. Since everything is squared away, get your ass back to Dallas. Don’t pick up your things. I want you out of here now. I’ll have my secretary make arrangements. Just show up at the gate. I’ll have your stuff sent back.”

  “We’re not finished. I still have matters to go over with Decker and his brothers. Nothing major. I need a few more weeks.” I try to buy myself more time. I’m sure Weston sees right through it.

  “No need. I’ll find someone else. Someone who won’t fuck the people we’re doing business with.”

  Finally, the truth comes out.

  “Why are you being an asshole about this?”

  “Why am I being an asshole?” He shakes his head and shoves his hands in his pockets. “You’re the smartest lawyer at the firm so I find it hard to believe you suddenly became blind as a fucking bat.”

  “Humor me.”

  “You kidding me with this shit? This deal is huge for our firm, and I won’t see it fucked into a Chinese circus if you two have a falling out. Christ, look at you.” His hand flies from his pocket and waves toward me.

  I know I look rough. I’m dressed in Decker’s clothes. My hair hasn’t been brushed. We had a long night.

  “I sent you here because you’re the best I have. Who are you? What happened to my ball-busting shark?” He shakes his head like he doesn’t even recognize me.

  I swallow hard and try to push aside my feelings for Decker. I know some of what Weston says is true. I didn’t come here to develop feelings for Decker. I look back at his front door with an uneasy sensation in my gut. “I can handle it.” I shut my eyes tight and nod. “I can do this.”

  His features soften and he gives me a sad smile, almost like he pities me. “It’s not personal so don’t go full blown pussy on me. How much do I have to kiss your ass and tell you what a great attorney you are? You’re my biggest asset. But you need to see this from a big picture perspective. Put yourself in my shoes.”

  I shift on my feet and keep my mouth closed. He’s still my boss. I love my job. I don’t argue. I can’t, because he’s right.

  “If you were me, would you risk it? If I wanted to date the partner of a firm you were merging with? With this type of money and all these jobs on the line? Think about all the employees and their families, and you’re out here playing Russian Roulette with their livelihoods. Would you be cool with me doing the shit you’re doing?” His voice raises up a notch.

  I stare at the ground as he chastises me. The truth and weight of his words sink in hard. Decker and I were fooling ourselves.

  “No.” It guts me to agree with him, but I do. I let out a shaky breath and try to suck it up. This isn’t like me.

  “So, we’re good?”

  “We’re good.” I can’t meet his eyes. I’m embarrassed. I’m hurt Decker knows I’m getting my ass chewed and isn’t doing anything about it. I wouldn’t expect him to change Weston’s mind. I just figured he’d go to bat for me. I know Jenny’s his main priority but what about me? What about us?

  “Go wait for the cab. I’ll deal with the rest. Once the merger is complete, I’ll send you back. You can work it out. Decker’s a great guy. I’m not trying to be a prick.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Call when you land.”

  I look back at Decker’s front door and feel like I might shatter into a million pieces.

  Weston pulls out his cell phone and calls his secretary to make flight arrangements.

  I look down at my feet. I’m wearing flip flops, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll buy something on the way. They have plenty of gift shops at the airport.

  As I walk away, part of me hopes this will end like one of those scenes in the movies. Decker will rush out and tell me to stop. He’ll tell me he doesn’t want me to go, and he’ll scoop me i
n his arms and carry me off to bed. But he doesn’t. I reach the end of the driveway and look back one last time. Decker isn’t coming and Weston has gone inside. The cab pulls up and all I can do is look at the house and try to lock it in my memory, in case I never make it back.


  Jenny rushes around grabbing her things, then scarfs down her breakfast.

  Why did Weston drop in unannounced? He never stops by without putting something on the books.

  I leave Jenny with Weston to check on Tate. I peek in my room and her clothes still hang on the back of my closet door. Her makeup bag is on the counter and the blow dryer is out. I walk through the house to see where she went. My jaw ticks when I come up empty.

  Jenny calls out to me, “Dad, I’m leaving. Bus is here.”

  I meet her in the foyer and kiss her forehead. At the same time, I notice Tate’s shoes by the door. “See you tonight. I’m making taco salad.”

  “Can’t wait. Tell Tate I said bye.”

  I give her a nod. “Will do, slugger.”

  I wait until she gets on the bus. Once I know she’s headed to school, I return to the kitchen to confront Weston. It’s no damn coincidence he showed up. Something’s going on.

  Weston seats himself at the counter and helps himself to coffee and a plate. He grins like an asshole and shovels food into his mouth. Taking his time, he dabs at his face with a napkin. His smile disappears when he sees the glare on my face. “For someone eager to get this merger completed you don’t seem very happy to see me.”

  “Where’s Tate? And what the hell are you doing here?”

  Weston makes a show of pushing his plate away and standing up. He adjusts his suit and turns to face me. “Got a phone call. Didn’t like what I heard. So, I decided to see how things were going. Didn’t expect to find my senior attorney playing house with you and Jenny.”

  I move toward him, fists clenched at my sides. “Don’t bring Jenny into this. That’s a low fucking blow and you know it.”

  Weston shakes his head and smirks. “Someone needs to pull your head out of your ass. It’s not personal.”

  “Yeah.” I nod. “Business is business. So, you got a call?” Fucking Donavan.

  He shakes his head like there’s no way in hell he’ll give up the source. “The phone call isn’t important. You wanted this merger, remember? You came to me. Do I need to remind you what was said? Think about Jenny.” He takes a second to collect himself. “Look, Tate’s my best attorney. I can’t afford her juggling all this right now.”

  I take another step toward him and grit my teeth. “Where is she?”

  He scrubs a hand through his hair. “You need to relax.”

  “The hell I do. Where. Is. She?”

  Weston lets out an exasperated breath and walks away, staring up at the ceiling. He finally turns back to face me and shakes his head like he can’t believe he’s dealing with any of this.

  I can’t really blame him. If I was in his shoes, I’d do the same thing. But, that’s beside the point. This is Tate, and as much as Weston doesn’t want it to be personal, it is.

  Weston looks me dead in the eye. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  I shake my head at him, telling him with my stare how determined I am and the lengths I’m willing to go.

  “Fuck. I sent her to the airport, okay? I’ll have someone else handle the last few things before we finalize our agreement. Once the merger is a done deal, I’ll send her back if that’s what the two of you want. It’ll all work out. Trust me. I know what I’m doing.”

  I shake my head. It’s not good enough. Not for me. Not for Tate. I already feel like I can’t breathe without her and she hasn’t left Chicago yet. “No.”

  “No?” Weston raises his eyebrows. He stares at me like I’m from outer space. “What do you mean no?”

  I flatten my palms on the counter. “Tate stays or I terminate the merger.” I look right at him when I say the words. She’s that important to me. I’m willing to walk away from the deal of a lifetime. Jenny will understand. It’ll break her heart if Tate leaves.

  Weston lets out the most sarcastic laugh I’ve ever heard, like this all has to be a joke. “You can’t be serious.”

  I step up so that our faces are inches apart. “Look at my eyes. Do I look like I’m joking?”

  He stares at me.

  I don’t budge an inch. “I love her.”

  Weston scoffs, but I don’t give a shit.

  “Tate is everything to me. I didn’t plan on this, but it happened. I won’t lose her. Not for a second.”

  Weston’s jaw clenches.

  “Weston, you know I wouldn’t let her around Jenny if it wasn’t serious. How many women have you seen me bring home the last fourteen years?”


  “Exactly. Jenny loves her too.”

  Weston paces back and forth. He pauses here and there, looks up at me, then glances away. He finally lets out an exasperated sigh and throws his hands up. “Fine. Fuck it. It’s your life.”

  I damn near tackle him I hug him so hard. It wasn’t planned, and it’s a bit awkward. I finally lean back to maintain some dignity and put a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you. Seriously. You have no idea how much it means.”

  Weston brushes invisible dust off his shoulder where my hand was resting. “Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Go get the girl. I’m not fucking doing it for you. My generosity for the day has been concluded.”

  “She’s on her way to O’Hare?” I’m damn near bouncing on the balls of my feet as I ask the question, and I’m positive my face is fixed in a permanent smile from ear-to-ear.

  “She’s probably almost there. Might want to throw your old cleats on and haul ass.”

  I slap him on the shoulder. “Thanks! I’ll see you—fuck, I don’t know when, but I’ll see you.”

  “Don’t come back without my all-star attorney. And stop acting like a pussy. I might vomit.”

  I snatch my keys off the hook and slip on the first pair of shoes I find on my way to the garage. I connect my phone to hands free and immediately call Tate, hoping I reach her before she gets on the damn plane.

  I hammer the gas and my tires squeal as I get sent to voicemail. The car weaves through the morning traffic, and I curse anyone who gets in my way. “You want to fucking go?” I throw my hands up and bang on the horn.

  I try her cell again with no luck. “Fuck.” My face heats up to a thousand degrees. I smack the wheel as some asshole cuts me off. I’m going to fucking kill Donavan for calling Weston.

  I shake my head to rid my thoughts of revenge and take a few deep breaths to calm down. Being angry will solve nothing. My goal is reaching Tate in time. Nothing else matters. The worst that can happen is she gets on the plane, then immediately gets on another plane back to me. I kick myself for not going to see what her and Weston were discussing in the front yard. If I’d had any idea he was sending her home, I’d have been out there in a heartbeat. I never imagined he’d ship her back to Dallas. She probably sat there wondering why I hadn’t gone after her.

  Fucking Weston.

  It wasn’t like that asshole didn’t have the woman of his dreams already. I know for a fact one of his partners fell for his assistant, and she was a damn subordinate, not even an attorney.

  One thing eats at my gut as my mind wanders to the worst possible places. What if Tate gets back to Dallas and decides Weston is right? What if she sees her family and realizes how much she’ll miss them if she moves to Chicago? There are too many liabilities if she makes it back there. I have to have her, and I have to get to her before she gets on the plane. I wish I’d just told her how I felt before this morning. There’s no way she’d leave if I’d just told her the truth.

  I love her.

  She’s the one.

  I hammer the gas even harder, and my car rockets down the highway.


  I arrive at the airport feeling like my life is falling apart. I k
now I screwed up my chance at being named a partner at the firm, but all I can think about is Decker. I’m hurt, embarrassed, lovesick… I reach for my phone and remember I left it on his nightstand. My heart squeezes at the thought of the man. I look down at my haggard appearance, feeling people staring at me—passing judgement. I look like a damn bum.

  I make my way to a gift shop and purchase some leggings, a Welcome to Chicago t-shirt, and a pair of flats. It’s not perfect, but it’s passable for airplane attire.

  I find the nearest bathroom to change. At least I have my wristlet with my ID and credit cards. I feel wretched and hope Jenny doesn’t think I abandoned her. It sounds insane, but I love that kid to bits—her father too. I wish I’d told him how I felt. Maybe he’d have come after me in the driveway. Maybe he’d have talked some sense into Weston, pleaded with him for me to stay.

  I know we haven’t been serious for all that long, but I expected him to fight for me. The way he looks at me, the way he fucks me, the way he makes me feel and lets his guard down around me—I know he feels the same way I do about him.

  I stop in the bathroom and splash cool water on my face, then dry it with paper towels. I look as rough as I feel. Like I’ve been run over by a damn semi. I need to slow down for a second, step back, and think things through.

  How did my life go from amazing to pure shit in a matter of minutes? I should’ve gone by the hotel and packed my things, but Weston was insistent I come straight here. I wouldn’t feel so lost if I had my stuff.

  Why did he rush me out of there anyway? There must be a reason. A small part of me hopes he didn’t tell Decker what he was doing. Maybe that’s why he hurried me out of there, because he knew Decker would come after me. The probability of Decker chasing me down the driveway was high, but there’s no way he’d leave and go to Dallas to find me. He wouldn’t leave Jenny and his work at the office behind.

  Fucking Weston. I swear that man always thinks three steps ahead when he plans something devious.


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