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Christmas Gift (Believe Book 3)

Page 6

by Shea Balik

  That got Liam to stop that stupid song as he switched to, “We’re gonna make cookies,” over and over again.

  But when Patrick turned to follow Liam, Cabot put a hand on his arm to stop him. Caramel eyes landed on him, causing butterflies to flap their wings in his stomach as he thought about the plans he had for them. “I brought an overnight bag.”

  Patrick’s eyebrows rose in surprise, but he could also see the desire that flamed to life in his gaze.

  “I was hoping to spend the night.” It wasn’t exactly a question, for he feared that would elicit a no, yet he wasn’t going to demand he be allowed to stay either.

  Which meant he waited for some sort of sign that Patrick was okay with that. What he hadn’t expected was for Patrick to lean in to place a soft kiss on his mouth before saying, “I’d like that.”

  “Cabot, Patrick, hurry up,” Liam called out.

  But it was Maya, who ran right up to them, taking first Patrick’s hand, then Cabot’s and tugging them toward the kitchen, that got them moving. “You promised to make cookies. Daddy bought a lot of pink sprinkles for mine.”

  Cabot chuckled. “Really? Sprinkles, huh? I wouldn’t have known you liked them. And pink? Do you even like pink?”

  Damned if she didn’t nod her head and say, “Pink is my favoritest color. Tonight, when you read me a bedtime story, you’ll see my whole room is painted in pink.”

  If she hadn’t still been pulling him toward the kitchen, Cabot would have stopped dead in his tracks at that announcement. That she was holding his hand was a pretty big deal since she was still warming up to him being around. But to be asked to read her a bedtime story? That was…

  “I know,” Patrick said to him in a whisper. “I’m floored too. She really must like you. Not that I’m surprised, since we all like you.”

  There was that man’s smile again, doing all sorts of things to his body. Some were more appropriate than others. Good thing he brought his apron to hide what his attention was doing to him.

  Speaking of which. As he entered the kitchen, he held out the aprons he’d had tucked under his arm when he took his coat off at the door. He gave Liam a white one, just like he had. Then he handed a blue one to Patrick, because the color really looked good on him.

  “And for you, young lady.” Cabot held out a pink one.

  “Pink,” she cried happily. “Look daddy, I got a pink one.” She held it out to Patrick, who oohed and aahed over it. With a little help, she had hers on, and was twirling around the kitchen.

  Liam just rolled his eyes at her antics. “Girls,” he muttered. Then he turned his attention to Cabot, smoothing the front of his apron. “Did I put it on correctly?”

  Cabot had to bite back the need to laugh at the question. Apparently, it wasn’t just girls who cared how they looked, but he wasn’t about to say that to Liam. “You did and it looks great on you. Now, shall we get to work?”

  Those butterflies in his stomach were flapping wildly as he stared at the other three, all eager to get started making the cookies as a family. He would never admit it to Micah, but his friend was right. It would have been the dumbest thing he would have ever done if he would have walked away from this gift he’d been given.


  “But I’m not even tired,” Maya said on a jaw popping yawn. “Can’t I stay up for five more minutes?”

  Patrick smiled at the way she valiantly tried to keep her eyes from closing. “I’ll tell you what.” He pointed to Cabot, who was sitting on the reading chair with her favorite book, Christmas Princess. “If you’re still awake when Cabot gets done reading, you can stay up for five more minutes.”

  There was a ghost of smile. “M’kay,” she mumbled even as her lashes touched her cheeks when she could no longer keep them open.

  Just like the night before, Cabot hadn’t gotten more than ten words of the story completed before she was sound asleep. Tiptoeing out of her room, Patrick gently closed her door and led Cabot into Liam’s room to tuck him in next. But he was already fast asleep with a smile on his face.

  “Looks like you wore them both out,” Patrick whispered before going in and pulling the covers over Liam’s body and turning off his bedside light. Then he picked up the boy’s dirty clothes and dropped them in the hamper.

  When he turned to head back to Cabot, he found the man watching him with a wistful expression. Not about to wake Liam, he waited until they were in the hallway, with his door shut before asking, “You okay?”

  Cabot smiled, but for the first time, it didn’t reach the man’s eyes. “Yeah. I’m good.”

  He was so lying. Patrick may not know all that much about Cabot, but that much he knew. Taking the man’s strong hand in his, Patrick led him down the hall and into his own room. Flipping on the light, he shut the door behind them.

  Fairly sure he wouldn’t wake up the kids, he said, “Look, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but clearly something’s up.”

  Pink ran up Cabot’s neck and into his face, landing in his cheeks. Damn, if it wasn’t completely adorable. Reaching out, Patrick touched the skin to see if it was warm. He hadn’t expected Cabot to lean his head into the touch, but was happy when he did.

  “I guess, I just always prayed for a family, you know? When I was a kid, it was someone to pick up after me,” Cabot let out a soft chuckle. “Not that I was looking for a maid, but just to have someone care.”

  That was something Patrick could relate to. “Yeah, actually, I kind of do. My parents never really paid much attention to me. They were there, so, I had that, but most of the time, I’m not even sure they were aware they had a son.”

  The touch of Cabot’s fingers on his hand that was still cupping Cabot’s cheek reminded him that this hadn’t been about him, but Cabot. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “You didn’t. You couldn’t.” Cabot closed those pretty blue eyes for a moment. When he opened them, there was so many emotions in their depths it was hard to pick out just one. “I want to learn everything there is to know about you. I mean…”

  His face grew a bit warmer as the pink darkened. “As a kid, I wanted parents.” He took a step closer to Patrick, their bodies just brushing against each other. “But as an adult, I want a partner, kids, a family.” But his head was shaking even as he finished. “Except, since I met you…” he let out a small laugh. “A mere two days ago, that dream of finding someone, a faceless man, has morphed into you. Is that weird that I feel so strongly in just two days?”

  “If it is, then we’re both weird, because I feel the same.” Closing the distance, he sealed their mouths together in a tender kiss that had his heart racing and every cell in his body coming alive.

  It was as if the air around them was charged as the hairs along his arms rose up the longer they kissed. He could taste sugar cookie and frosting on Cabot’s lips. As if they were completely in sync, their lips parted at the same time.

  And then Patrick dipped his tongue into Cabot’s mouth and tasted the man, really tasted him, for the first time. The sugary dessert was there, but there was also something richer beneath the sugar that was all Cabot.

  Wrapping his arms around Cabot’s waist, Patrick drew their bodies together, until nothing but their clothes separated them. Twin sighs echoed in his ears as they felt the way they fit together. Like two pieces of a puzzle finding their home.

  The sappy thoughts had Patrick nearly rolling his eyes at himself, but he figured he was due some sappiness. It was the holidays, after all. A time to believe in magic. And if knowing after only two days that this wonderful man in his arms was the one for him wasn’t magic, he didn’t know what was.

  It was like one of the fairytales his grandfather used to read him as a child. One with a happily ever after his grandpa used to tell him he’d find. It had been hard to trust that it would happen when his own parents couldn’t be bothered with him, but now that he had the man of his dreams in his arms, Patrick planned on doing everyt
hing he could to keep him there.

  Which meant telling Cabot what was in his heart. That was far scarier. His palms were sweating and there was a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. What if Cabot laughed at him? What if he walked out?

  But Patrick had made a promise to himself that if Cabot came back today, which he damn well knew almost didn’t happen, that he wouldn’t allow his fears to get in the way of having a relationship with this man. It was crazy to think, after such a short time, there could be a relationship, yet that’s exactly the way he felt.

  He was ready to have Cabot move in. Hell, he’d go to the courthouse tomorrow and marry this man if he didn’t think that might get the children taken away from him for being insane. Well, not insane. But there was no way Mrs. Sanchez wouldn’t wonder about his decision making skills if he got married three days after meeting Cabot.

  Suddenly, those warm, sweet lips were gone, and blue eyes were staring at him with a question in them. “Is something wrong?” Cabot asked.

  “Why would you ask that?” Those knots tightened a bit more in his stomach.

  “Because you didn’t seem like you were into the kiss just now.” There was trepidation in Cabot’s eyes that felt like a knife to Patrick’s heart.

  He’d been so busy thinking of all the repercussions of what he wanted to say to Cabot that he hadn’t allowed himself to just be in the moment. It was time to man up and stop worrying so much.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” he assured Cabot. “But I was thinking about something. You… us, actually. I know this is fast and I know it sounds crazy, but…” Those damn knots twisted and turned, causing his stomach to cramp, but Patrick refused to let it stop him. “I think I’m falling in love with you,” he blurted out.

  Then he shook his head. “No. I don’t think it, I know it.” He reached up his hands and cupped Cabot’s face, loving the slight stubble that grew along his chin and cheeks at the end of the day. “What I’m trying to say is, I love you. I know it’s fast…”

  Cabot’s finger pressed over his lips, stopping him from continuing. “It is crazy,” Cabot said with a grin. “But I love you too. It doesn’t make any sense how it could happen so fast, but I think I fell in love you with the moment I saw you ask Maya if she wanted a penguin.”

  All those knots melted away as his heart beat a million miles an hour at hearing those words. “Please tell me this is real and not some weird…” Patrick shook his head trying to come up with what he was trying to say. “I don’t know… dream or hallucination.”

  There was a sting along his side as Cabot pinched him. “Ow,” Patrick frowned. “What did you do that for?”

  Damn if that smile Cabot wore didn’t take all of the sting away. “To prove this is real. We are real.”

  They moved as one, their lips coming together once more. Except this time, they didn’t stop at just kissing, for their hands started to move as they removed each other’s clothing.

  Each inch of pale white skin he revealed was like unwrapping the most precious gift. One he couldn’t wait to fully explore.


  From the moment he’d laid eyes on Patrick, Cabot had felt physically attracted to the man, but now that he was able to see him completely naked… Cabot knew he could spend the rest of his life in this man’s bed and never tire of touching him. There was the tiniest amount of softness around Patrick’s middle, something Cabot knew all about, as he struggled to keep his body toned even though he made pastries for a living.

  It wasn’t as easy as it once had been to stay fit, but Patrick appeared to be doing a great job of it. For beneath that little bit of extra padding was a hard body that had his fingers tingling to map out every inch.

  Later. When the lust that was pumping through his veins had been quenched. It was almost like he was a horny teenager again as his dick throbbed for relief.

  With each kiss, nip, and touch, his blood heated even more, until Cabot was nearly mindless with the need to feel Patrick inside of him. Or, to have Patrick’s tight muscles wrapped around his cock. Either way. Cabot wasn’t picky. But he was needy.

  “You feel so good,” Patrick murmured as his fingers stroked over Cabot’s chest and down his abdomen. His lips trailed along after those talented hands, lighting up Cabot’s nerves as he writhed on the bed they had managed to fall onto after they’d stripped down.

  He ached to give Patrick as much pleasure as he was receiving and started to knead the flesh of the man’s perfectly formed ass. It was nice and round, causing Cabot to imagine what it would feel like to slide inside of him.

  Fluid started to leak from the tip of his prick. Desperate for some friction, using the leverage he had on Patrick’s round globes, he thrust up, letting his cock glide against Patrick’s thick length.

  Both of them groaned at the erotic sensation.

  “Fuck, that’s good,” Patrick growled out.

  The rough texture of Patrick’s voice sent shivers up and down Cabot’s spine. Thrusting again, he felt Patrick shudder right along with him.

  “You keep that up, and this is going to be over before it’s even begun,” Patrick warned him as his gaze practically glowed down on him.

  But it was hard to stop when it felt so damn good. He grinned up at Patrick and did it once more. Then he spread his legs wide, which let Patrick’s lower body be cradled by his own. “I’m too on edge to make this last anyway,” he admitted, his speech coming out way too breathy. “I say we make this first time quick.”

  Patrick quirked an eyebrow at him. “First time?” Then he grinned back at Cabot. “Does that mean there will be a second time tonight?”

  Cabot chuckled as so much happiness enveloped him. How could he feel any other way in this man’s arms? “If you play your cards right,” he told Patrick.

  Patrick reached over to his bedside table. “Shit,” he softly whispered when he pulled out the lube. “I don’t have condoms,” he admitted. “It’s been so long, and then with the kids, I never thought…”

  Cabot once more placed a finger over Patrick’s lips to stop him. It was endearing when Patrick babbled, but this definitely wasn’t the time for it. “I bought a box on my way over here.” He gave Patrick a wink before wriggling out from under him. “I was hopeful.”

  “I guess so if you thought we needed that big of a box,” Patrick said when Cabot pulled out the twelve pack of condoms. “You know we’re not teenagers any longer,” he teased.

  Cabot chuckled and threw the box at him, which Patrick easily caught. “I’m not suggesting we use them all tonight. But…” Now it was Cabot’s turn to be nervous about voicing his thoughts. “If we’re in a relationship…” He let his voice trail off, unable to get past the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat.

  “Hey,” Patrick sat up and grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward the bed. When he was once more arranged under Patrick’s body, the man leaned down and kissed him softly. “We are in a relationship. This may have been fast, but it’s real.”

  Then those lips took his again, this time in a possessive, searing kiss that had Cabot’s toes curling and his dick surging back to life. Never could he remember a kiss causing his whole body to react like it was. He was pretty certain, he could come on Patrick’s kisses alone. Not that he was going to let that happen. No, he wanted the man inside of him in the worst way.

  He palmed the lube from where it rested near his head. Popping the cap was all it took for Patrick to visibly react. His head came up, eyes going straight to Cabot’s hand. His lips curved upward as his gaze shifted to stare down at Cabot. “Eager?” he teased.

  “Very,” he told Patrick. “The only question is, would you rather open me up, or do you want me to do it?”

  Those caramel eyes flared at both suggestions, but Patrick quickly took the lube from Cabot’s hand and poured a generous amount onto his fingers. “Hands and knees,” Patrick said, his voice husky and unsteady.

  Cabot didn’t waste any time flipping over and sticking his
ass out for Patrick’s pleasure. He knew he had a great ass. Then again, he worked at it. One of the pitfalls of owning a bakery was how easy it was to gain weight, so he spent a lot of time working out. Knowing his ass had always been his best feature, Cabot made sure it remained that way.

  Soft lips brushed along the base of his spine, before teeth nibbled their way along the curve of his right ass cheek, then moved to his left. Heat bloomed out across his body from every one of Patrick’s touches.

  Then his breath caught in his throat as he felt the man’s fingers trace along his crack. Anticipation thrummed through him. It might have only taken a few moments before those digits brushed across his pucker, but it had felt like he’d waited a lifetime.

  His entire body shuddered in relief at the touch. But it was feeling that first finger slide into him that had Cabot feeling as if he were exactly where he was meant to be. It was strange, yet familiar all at once. As if his body were made for this man.

  One finger quickly became two, then three as Cabot rocked back and forth in time with Patrick’s hand. He was moaning for more when Patrick tugged free. Whimpering at the loss, he’d nearly begged the man to put them back in until he felt the blunt head of his prick pressing insistently at his entrance.

  Patrick’s body blanketed his own as he thrust forward. Lips brushed along his neck as Cabot opened up to the invasion and Patrick’s length filled him up. “Home,” Patrick whispered reverently.

  That’s exactly what he thought, too. For the first time in his life, Cabot found the place he was meant to always be. His forever home. It might have taken far longer than he prayed for, but now that he was there, Cabot knew the wait was worth it.

  Another kiss was placed at the base of his neck as Patrick gave him a moment to adjust to him. When he was ready, Cabot pushed back a bit and squeezed Patrick’s cock with his internal muscles to silently encourage him to move.

  But Patrick wasn’t moving fast enough for Cabot. “Move,” he demanded, which had Patrick smiling against his skin.


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