The Phoenix of Altria
Page 29
Iasz shook my hand and led his companions out the door and into the streets of Roselake.
"Alright, let's hit the road, we've got a little journey back to Istria," I said, moving over to the door.
We exited the tavern and made our way through the streets of Roselake until we found the mayor and a couple of other townsfolk waiting for us on the edge of town.
"I figured you'd come this way soon," Colton said. "We all wanted to thank you for the service you've done for our town once more before you return to Istria and report to the lady governess."
"You're welcome, Colton," I replied. "I wish you and the people of Roselake a speedy recovery."
I held out my arm for him to shake, and Colton, who was holding a large stack of papers in his hands, shifted them to allow him to shake my hand.
"Midnight Rondo," Colton said after I stepped back from him, "we have gathered up a little something to show our gratitude to you. As I understand it, you delivered the final blow to both Thomas and Jameson."
He took the large stack of papers and handed them to our scowling rogue. Looking over at the one on top, I could see that a dick was drawn on it.
"I personally got all of the men in town to draw their penises on these for you," Colton said, twitching his mustache in an embarrassed sort of way. "I understand that you are a collector of these things."
Rondo opened his mouth as if to respond, but then shut it. So instead Eldertits, clearly holding in laughter, said, "He'll always treasure them. In fact, once he gets a permanent room of his own, he'll hang them up on the walls."
"Very good," Colton said. "If you ever need more just send word, and I'm sure we can get you some."
"Uh, sure," Rondo said finally. "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."
"Well, have a safe journey back to Istria, and give my regards to the Lady Katarina," Colton said with a wave.
"Goodbye Colton," I responded and began leading the others down the road and away from the village.
The journey back to Istria was a relatively uneventful and easy journey for our group. In seemingly no time at all, the red-tiled rooftops and white walls that sat by the sea of Istria came into view. It really was a beautiful city. Completely different from Ithielthiel or Maleuhur, but beautiful in its own right.
I decided that before we went to visit Katarina, we should check in with Viltria, Turin, and the new recruits for the clan. Turin and Viltria had been busy recruiting members, and the clan now had seven new members since we left for Roselake.
As we reach the clan hall, it now resembled a small one-room house instead of the outhouse it had been before. I opened the door and entered a room with simple hardwood floors and comfortable-looking furniture. A desk was near the back of the room with Viltria sitting at it studying a piece of paper.
"Viltria," I said, walking across the room, "how have things been going here?"
She looked up and said, "Oh Ryland, it's been very busy here. I've got Turin working on upgrading the hall to level three. Thanks for getting all that experience for the clan. I take it the mission to Roselake was a success?"
"Very much so," I replied, smiling at my busy clan secretary. "I just wanted to stop by here before we went to turn in the quest at the palace."
"Well, I think I can introduce you to a couple of recruits," Viltria said standing up. "The gnome right there is Snazzleberry, the human is Riran, and the dwarf over there is Bella Earthshield. Recruits, this is the clan leader Ryland, behind him is Eldertits, the Warleader, and behind her is founding member Midnight Rondo."
Noticeably absent from her introductions was any mention of Elaria who'd come in just in front of Rondo and was impossible to miss. Elaria, for her part, just frowned at the dark elf and ignored her.
Sighing inwardly, I put it out of my mind and spoke to the new clan members. Bella and Snazzleberry were both normal human players while Riran was an NPC. So far, it sounded like Viltria just had these new members collecting resources for the clan, but both Bella and Snazzleberry were anxious for some action and requested to be included in the next clan quest. I told them I'd do what I could, but I couldn't make any promises without knowing what quest would come our way next.
After this, Rondo, Elaria, Tits, and I headed for the palace to turn in the quest to Lady Katarina. If I was being honest with myself, I was pretty excited to speak with the beautiful young woman again. I kept this thought to myself as we walked back on the main road and lazily made our way along.
I had to admit it was nice journeying to the palace of our free will and not being dragged there in a prison cart. The guards in front of the castle definitely seemed nicer this time around. When we greeted them and said we were here to report to Lady Katarina, they ushered us in through the front doors and took us to the audience chamber.
As we approached the chamber, I could hear raised voices and people arguing. Upon entering the room, I could see that there was a group of soldiers standing in front of Lady Katarina in different uniforms than the ones I'd seen around the city.
"Lady Katarina," their leader demanded. "You must understand that the Hotel Du Loche is simply not up to the proper standards to house some of Varland's finest soldiers. We kindly ask that you put us up in the palace."
"Sergeant Kofford," Katarina replied levelly, "the Hotel Du Loche is the finest establishment in the city and more than adequate for your troops. The palace simply does not have the ability to accommodate your men without leaving staff members homeless until you leave."
Kofford snarled and said, "Bah, they are servants. Surely a couple of nights on the streets would be normal for them."
"Sergeant, my decision is final," Katarina said firmly.
Kofford glared at her and said with venom in his voice, "Is Altria not a vassal state of the Varland Empire? We are soldiers of Varland. It is your duty to make sure we get the best possible accommodations that your pathetic city has to offer."
Katarina closed her eyes for only a second. Upon opening them, she stared at Kofford with a gaze that could have melted ice. In this moment, she looked a bit like a tiger that had just been provoked.
"While it is true that Altria is a vassal of Varland, this does not mean that citizens of Varland own us. Furthermore, the Amarion family owes our allegiance to the Emperor, not to a lowly sergeant in his army. You dare come to my city and make demands of me? Who do you think you are? You and your men will march right now to the Hotel Du Loche where you will stay until you leave Istria. If you do not go willingly, I will have my men find accommodations for you in the dungeons. They're in the palace basement, so maybe you'll get your wish."
"My superiors will hear of this," Kofford snarled, turning toward the exit.
"Oh, I hope they do," Katarina said. "I'm sure they'll love to hear how one of their soldiers treated one of Varland's most important allies with such hostility."
Kofford gritted his teeth and motioned for his men to follow him out of the room.
As the troop of men passed us, I couldn't help but say loudly, "You know the palace dungeons are pretty comfortable, I'd probably take her up on that offer."
"Shut your mouth peasant, before we shut it for you," Kofford snapped.
"I'm just saying," I replied with a grin. "They're perfect for a pampered man like yourself. They even deliver food to your room, so you don't have to go out and get it."
"Men, seize this man," Kofford yelled.
Two soldiers broke off from their line and started making for me. They stopped in their tracks when Minty stepped out in front of me and grew four times his normal size. While usually the otter looked cute, in its Giant of the River form, it looked terrifying.
"I'd be careful if I were you," Eldertits said next to me. "He's very diseased, and most of the diseases he passes on can't be removed, even in the event of death."
"Sir, it's a giant rat," one of the soldiers said backing away. "I've never liked rats."
"Gibbons, you coward," Kofford snapped, but he looked wary him
self. "Leave the peasant. We don't have time to deal with him."
Storming past us, Kofford and his men huffed the entire way until they were out of sight.
"Look at you Minty, you're the real hero here," I said, petting the enormous otter on the head.
He squeaked in a pleased tone while Eldertits muttered, "Just had to step in and defend your girlfriend, didn't you?"
"What? He was being a jackass. Any of you would have said something if I didn't," I replied, defensively looking to Rondo and Elaria for help.
The two of them just looked back at me with an expression that said they didn't buy what I was selling for a minute. Shrugging it off, I led us forward until we stood in front of Katarina's throne.
"Ryland of the Immoral Exiles returns to us," Katarina said, adjusting herself in her chair. "Or is it the Phoenix of Altria now? It seems you have gone from an outsider to being of Altria rather fast."
"That title was just an attempt to intimidate some goblins," I replied sheepishly. "Unfortunately, it seems to have stuck."
"Unfortunately?" Katarina asked raising an eyebrow. "You should be honored."
"Of course, it is an honor," I replied quickly, before catching the lady snickering under one of her hands.
"I'm sorry, I'm having a bit of fun at your expense," she said. "You caught me in a bad mood, and well, you could see why. I appreciate your kind words to Sergeant Kofford, by the way."
"Just thought he was out of line and that someone should say something to him," I muttered, blushing slightly.
"Well, it's appreciated nonetheless," Katarina said, smiling down at us. "Now, on to the real reason you've come here. No, wait, don't tell me. You found some creepy ruins underneath Roselake, some people trying to bring back the goddess of death, and freed some captives?"
"It appears you're rather well-informed," I said after a small cough. "Yes, that pretty much sums it up."
"Two of my guards were among the prisoners," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "They filled me in on a great many details, but perhaps you and your clan could fill me in on the rest."
"Sure, it would be our honor," I said, proceeding to tell her the whole story of our time in Roselake, minus some of our more outrageous and blundersome escapades.
When I came to the end of the tale, I skipped over my conversation with Axis as well. I didn't know how she would take it, but that conversation would literally change her outlook on everything if she believes me, and since I didn't think it was that pertinent to our mission, I skipped it.
"I must admit that you and your clan have proved much more capable than I initially thought you would be," Katarina said, smiling down at me. "As Lady Katarina Amarion, second daughter of Duke Karl Amarion, Governess of Northern Altria, I hold your oath fulfilled. Furthermore, any crimes of illegal entry into Altria are forgiven for you and your clan. You may now consider yourselves minor friends of the realm."
Congratulations you have completed the quest: Disappearances in Roselake! You have earned 10,000 XP, 1000 gold, and 2500 reputation points with the Duchy of Altria.
Your reputation with the Duchy of Altria has gone from Neutral (-99 to 99 points) to Minor Friendship (1000 to 4999 points). They are close to viewing you as a full-fledged friend and will treat you in this light.
Congratulations you have reached Level 24!
HP: 225 → 234
MP: 350 → 364
You have 14 unallocated stat points.
You have 14 unallocated skill points.
Congratulations you have reached Level 25!
HP: 234 → 243
MP: 364 → 378
You have 16 unallocated stat points.
You have 16 unallocated skill points.
Congratulations you have reached Level 26!
HP: 243 → 252
MP: 378 → 392
You have 18 unallocated stat points.
You have 18 unallocated skill points.
Congratulations you have reached Level 27!
HP: 252 → 261
MP: 392 → 406
You have 20 unallocated stat points.
You have 20 unallocated skill points.
Your passive ability Birthed by Flame II has been upgraded to Birthed by Flame III.
Birthed by Flame III
"Like a mother's touch, the first thing a Phoenix feels when it is born is the kiss of flame and ash."
+30% resistance to fire
+ 30% resistance to heat
+ 30% bonus damage to fire-type spells
Congratulations you have learned the spell Phoenix Detonation!
Phoenix Detonation
"You are now able to summon the power of Phoenix in front of you. You channel your energy into an area in front of you. The spell gets stronger the larger you build it up, but the more you build it up, the more mana it consumes."
Type: Fire
Range: 30 feet, circular area of effect
Charge Time: 5 seconds per stage (max 10 stages)
Damage: 15 fire damage to all enemies within area of effect (multiplied by 1.6 for each additional stage)
Additional Effects: 10% chance to burn enemies
Mp cost: 60 per stage (max 10 stages)
Level: 1
You are over encumbered. You will move at half speed until you either raise your carrying capacity or shed some of the weight you are carrying.
Current Carrying Capacity: 150 lbs.
Current Inventory Weight: 179.4 lbs.
Four new levels, an upgraded ability, and an awesome new offensive spell. I knew I was going to enjoy turning in this quest, but this beat even my expectations. Phoenix Detonation would have been extremely useful during the fights in Rurilae. Pity I hadn't unlocked it yet. Still, that just meant I would get to try it out against new enemies in the future.
The over encumbered status sucked, but I couldn't complain as I was now one thousand gold richer. I'd just have to make a trip to the bank after we left the palace.
"Thank you very much," I said, beaming up at Katarina. "It was our honor to serve you and the Duchy of Altria."
"You have served the Duchy well," Katarina said, smiling down. "Ryland, I was wondering if you have a moment to discuss something with me in private."
"Oooooh," Eldertits said, clearly sensing an opportunity for mischief.
I stomped on her foot and said, "Of course, I'd be more than happy to."
Katarina stood up and walked down from her throne and said, "It would be best if your clan members would wait out here. This is something best discussed just between the two of us. Cunliffe, could you please get refreshments for the rest of the Immoral Exiles while they wait?"
"Damn, our little Ryland is going to get laid. I'm such a proud momma," Eldertits said to Rondo, pretending to wipe away a tear.
Rondo snickered at this comment but was stopped in his tracks by the icy stare Katarina gave him and Eldertits.
"Please, follow me, Ryland," Katarina said, walking toward a door off to the side of the throne.
Once we were through it, she wound her way through a semicircular hallway and exited out of the palace into a beautiful garden behind the palace that jutted out from the end of the Istrian peninsula into the sea. It was quite a breathtaking view, to say the least.
"What do you think?" Katarina asked me, looking out at the sea. "This is my favorite place in all of Istria."
"I can see why," I replied. "It's beautiful."
"Yes, it is," she said. "Count yourself lucky, not many people ever get to see it. It's also a great location for a quiet conversation when one doesn't want to be overheard."
"Oh?" I asked, not sure where she was going with this, but I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
Looking at me with her beautiful blue eyes, she sighed and asked, "How much do you know of Altrian politics?"
"Uh," I responded stupidly, trying to buy time.
Whatever I was expecting her to say, it wasn't that, because it caught me completely off gua
"Not much I'm afraid," I said, finally clearing my head of cobwebs. "I know that it's a vassal state of Varland."
"Yes, we are a vassal of Varland," Katarina responded. "We are actually one of the most important allies of Varland on the continent because of the amount of trade that comes through Altria. We hold a prime location for shipping goods to and from continents to the south, and even though we are beholden to Varland when it comes to trade, we remain neutral, so goods bound for all of Pantigos pass through our ports."
"That seems like a good position to hold," I replied, waiting for her to continue.
"To the southeast of Istria is a large island chain called the Saunora Isles. They are part of Altria and strategically important as all of the shipping lanes between Pantigos and the continent of Ichia go through them. They are loosely governed by a governor appointed by my father, but the Isles are a bit wilder, and the governor's job is mostly to try and protect as many merchant ships from pirates as possible."
I nodded my head to let her know I was listening but kept my mouth shut because I didn't have anything to say and didn't want to interrupt. Mainly, I was just trying to concentrate on not staring at her too much. It was a really difficult thing to do.
"This is highly sensitive information, so I must have your word that you will not repeat what I am about to tell you if you do not accept my proposal," Katarina said, staring deeply into my eyes.
Gulping I said, "You have my word, I promise."
"That is good to hear. I knew I could trust you," she said, beaming at me. "Though some of your companions seem less than trustworthy. Especially that wild elf."
"She's an, uh, interesting character. But I assure you, she is trustworthy," I replied.
"We have reason to believe that the governor of the Saunora Isles is conspiring with the Kingdom of Eld," Katarina said, lowering her voice. "The Kingdom of Eld would love nothing more than to strike a blow against Altria which would, of course, be a blow against their mortal enemy of Varland. House Amarion cannot allow the Isles to operate independently of Altria, but we cannot be seen moving officially against the governor my father appointed. The Immoral Exiles are still a lesser known clan in Altria, so though you've earned the trust of the state, you won't be recognized as an envoy representing House Amarion."