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All Spell Breaks Loose

Page 36

by Lisa Shearin

Page 36


  “I can’t do that. ”

  I froze. Way to go, Raine. Nukpana probably told her they’d have separate bedrooms if she kept me from escaping. Just because the girl doesn’t want to marry the guy doesn’t mean that she—

  Mirabai lifted the hem of her gown off of the floor, showing me her ankles. A shackle was locked around one of them; a shackle attached to a chain, long enough that she could get from the chair to the table—or to the bed—but not long enough to reach me. The shackle glittered. I did a double take and looked closer. The thing was virtually encrusted with diamonds, as was the chain that ran from the princess’s ankle to one of the massive bedposts.


  And kinky.

  “Damn, what a sick bastard,” I muttered.

  “I am as much a prisoner as you,” she said.

  The jeweled shackle and chain, the opulent room. Princess Mirabai was a bird in a literal gilded cage.

  “My parents betrayed me to Sathrik. I was in hiding, with allies of Chigaru. One of them was a traitor and told my parents where I was. My father sent some of his men for me. Chigaru’s friends tried to protect me, but there were too many of my father’s men. They killed them all and took me to Sathrik. ”

  “Your parents did this?”

  Mirabai nodded. “They only care about marrying me to whoever is on the throne. When Chigaru…” Her eyes started to well up again. With an angry sniff, she forced them back. “Then Sathrik made a deal with my father. In exchange for me, my father would receive more lands and titles. ”

  I didn’t think I could be shocked by much anymore, but this did the trick. “He sold you. Your own father sold you. ”

  “Essentially, yes. ”

  “I take it you didn’t want to marry Sathrik, either. ”

  “I love Chigaru. ” Mirabai held her head high and proud as a single tear flowed down her cheek.

  Yeah, he loves you, too. And now Sarad Nukpana was playing a rollicking game of how many lives could he ruin before sundown today—and how many more could he end by daybreak tomorrow.

  I gave the princess what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “Well, if I can get a few things to go right in the next couple of hours, my plan is to completely disrupt and utterly ruin your wedding. ”

  Mirabai drew in her breath in a delighted gasp. “Thank you! Is it true that Tamnais Nathrach’s mother pulled the trigger that assassinated Sathrik?” The princess’s eyes were bright, but not with tears. It was with a ferocity that was at odds with her delicate appearance. At that moment, she reminded me more than a little of a young Imala.

  “Yes, she did. ”

  Mirabai nodded with grim satisfaction. “Once Sarad is dead, I will have Chigaru make her a countess. ”

  “Chigaru’s already said he’d make her a duchess, but I’m sure Deidre wouldn’t object to being both. ”

  At the mere mention of the goblin prince’s name, her eyes lit up. The girl had it bad.

  “Once Sathrik was out of the way, and Sarad had nothing else between him and the throne, I thought he wouldn’t need me, but my father’s political ties are still important to him. ” Mirabai paused. “Sarad told me that he will live forever. Is that true?”

  “The Saghred’s been known to boost life expectancy, but forever might be a bit ambitious for him to claim. Not to mention, every breathing creature hates him. ”

  “Except for his mother, the witch,” Mirabai spat.

  “Is that witch description literal or figurative?”

  Mirabai flashed her tiny fangs in a fierce smile. “Both. The term ‘bitch’ also applies. And it’s rumored that she bathes in the blood of virgins to keep everything from sagging. Judging from present appearances, virgins must be getting few and far between. ”

  Ouch. I liked this girl.

  “And you are an ungrateful brat who does not know her place,” said a cool, silky voice, a woman’s voice. “Yet. ”

  It came from the doorway; at least I thought it did. From where I was chained, I couldn’t see a door anywhere else in the room.

  “If you do not learn it soon,” the woman’s voice continued, “I will be forced to go to great pains to instruct you. ”

  A goblin woman glided into view, her head held high and perfectly still—as if she already wore a crown there. She had a cold, dark beauty that was accentuated by her shimmering silver court gown. Her blue-black hair was elaborately styled, an abundance of hairpins set with sparkling rubies holding it in place. Her makeup had been expertly applied, but it was a little heavy for my taste—or for anyone with taste.

  I didn’t need an introduction. Sandrina Ghalfari had the whole evil-queen act down pat.

  She tossed a disdainful glance at the jewel-encrusted chain linking Mirabai to the bed. “You are a temporary political necessity for us and a plaything for my son—nothing more. ” Sandrina turned her black eyes on me, glittering with intense satisfaction, and a burning hatred that was just a wee bit on the insane side. Her son definitely had his mother’s eyes. “And you have harmed my child for the last time. I only regret that we won’t have more time together; I would have enjoyed that. ”

  “Somehow I don’t think I would have. ”

  “No, you most definitely would not. ”

  “I hear he’s made you his right-hand… mom. ”

  Sandrina gave me a brittle smile. It was a wonder her makeup didn’t crack. “My son will have more important things to do than rule any single kingdom. I will remain here to protect his interests. ”

  “To make sure he has a cozy home away from Hell to come and rest up for the next round of slaughter?”

  “Sarad told me you have an amusing way with words. ” She gazed down her aristocratic nose at me. It was literally down since I was essentially chained to the floor. “Then again, he is more easily amused than I am. ”

  “And I’ve been told you have a penchant for poisons. ”

  Sandrina’s smile broadened, baring a pair of dazzling white fangs. “Ah, Tamnais has been talking. ”

  “He’s been known to do that. ”

  Sandrina looked me up and down. “Among other things. He always had a weakness for elven women. I never understood the appeal of your race. Pale and colorless. Stunted teeth. Hair the color of mud, dirt, and the hay fed to farm animals. As a whole, your race is only marginally above repulsive. Speaking of repulsive, I understand Tamnais’s mongrel came to Regor with him. ”

  “I can’t help you there. I don’t know any mongrels. ”

  “He should be in a kennel, instead of causing difficulties for our soldiers. The creature will be cornered and dealt with accordingly. ”

  Mirabai was right; this one was a real witch with a capital B. Where was a stake, a pile of firewood, and a nice, toasty torch when you needed them?

  “If all goes well, by sunrise, the entire Nathrach family will be no more,” Sandrina was saying. “Tamnais and that elven paladin won’t leave you, and they can’t leave the Saghred. So they are here and we will find them. ”

  Which meant it’d been over an hour and they, along with Imala, Piaras, and Chigaru, hadn’t been caught. I felt a surge of pride.

  “In the meantime, I’m here to see that you’re appropriately attired for your role in tonight’s festivities. ” Sandrina held a black-wrapped bundle in her hands that was tied with a thin, red cord. I hadn’t noticed it before. I’d been distracted by finally meeting the thing that had hatched Sarad Nukpana. Sandrina untied the cord and pulled aside the wrapping, revealing a silken gown of the purest white.

  I looked from the gown to Sandrina’s over-painted yet impassive face and back again. “Mine, I take it?”

  “Sarad wants even the least of his new vassals in the back of the temple to see your blood spilt. It will show up so much better against the white. Remove your clothes. ”

  “We just met. No offense intended, but you’re really not my type. ” />
  “The tub in this room will be filled and you will bathe yourself. Other than my own tub, Sarad’s is the only other one located in a secure area. ” Her upper lip curled back in revulsion. “He knew that I would never allow a filthy elf in my apartment, let alone in my bathtub, so he was left with no choice but to have you brought here. If you require assistance disrobing, there are a score of temple guards within calling distance. I’m certain it would be their pleasure to help you. ”

  “She means it. ” Mirabai was blushing furiously.

  Holy crap. This woman was way past due for an ass kicking.

  I raised my hands, showing the manacles and the length of steel links chaining me to the floor. “If I can’t stand, I can’t strip. ”

  Sandrina shrugged. “It can do no harm to remove them; you can’t escape. ” She made a small gesture and the manacles simply fell off.

  That was way too easy. I cautiously extended my hand about two feet in front of me, and was rewarded with a nasty zap.

  Ward. Naturally.

  “Pity,” Sandrina said. “I was rather hoping that you would do something barbaric and attempt to attack me. ”

  “I’m not sorry to disappoint you. ”

  Sandrina dropped the white gown over a chair. “I will step outside for a few minutes while you disrobe. ” She tossed me what was probably Mirabai’s bathrobe. It passed right through the wards, landing in a silken puddle at my feet. Interesting. Objects could get in, but I couldn’t get out.

  “What? You don’t want to watch?” I asked.

  Sandrina raised one over-plucked eyebrow. “You’re not my type, either. ”

  “Just how am I supposed to get to the tub with this ward in the way?”

  “You will remain precisely where you are until the tub is filled. ” She gave a little smile. “Then you will be moved across the room. ”

  That didn’t sound like something I’d enjoy.

  There were times when I didn’t want to be right. This turned out to be one of those times.

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