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Single Dad Fake Fiancé

Page 8

by Brooks, Summer

  The weird thing was that I’d only just met Jessica and she felt like a much older friend than Sophie ever did. Sure, our disastrous marriage and then our divorce inevitably led to a serious deterioration of our friendship in general, but even back in the day, it never felt like this with her. I was confortable, at ease, feeling as though I’ve known Jessica for decades.

  She took a bite of her turkey panini. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

  “I will,” I nodded. “Right after I’m done watching you.”

  I instantly wished that I could grab those words and stuff them back into my mouth right after I said them. I sounded creepy, something I definitely never considered myself to be. I liked healthy relationships, I was not an obsessive stalker, but Jessica was starting to make me feel like one.

  Being in a romantic relationship had been the last thing on my mind until this woman came along, and I knew my heart would be in a serious trouble if she didn’t feel the same way.

  “When is your… uh, divorce getting finalized?” She asked plainly. That’s when I started unwrapping a sandwich.

  “It should come through within the month.”

  She nodded, unable to look at me. It was clear that she was uncomfortable with dating me even while I was legally separated, and there was no question about my marriage reaching its finality. I didn’t agree with her, but for me, it wasn’t worth challenging.

  “How’s your sister?” I asked, hoping to transition to an easier topic.

  “She’s good,” Jessica responded, setting down her soft drink. “She’s happy. Brad is great.”

  “Yeah, I haven’t seen her since the day of Neil’s engagement. I keep speaking to Brad, though. He’s a good friend.”

  “Brad is such a good guy,” she said, and I breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t get hung up on what happened at Neil’s engagement, how I’d stupidly hit on her sister. The good thing was that Brad and I had moved on from it, considering it a giant misunderstanding. I would never knowingly try to get with a friend’s girlfriend. He knew that, and now, so did his wife.

  “He's awesome,” I agreed. “Are you excited about their wedding? Six months to go, right?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed with a half-smile. “A fall wedding. Should be fun.”

  “Have a plus one yet?”

  She covered her mouth and laughed. “Sure, let me take someone other than you and then there goes your prospect of staying in the country. You said you wanted this dating to seem authentic, right?”

  I shrugged, not because I didn’t agree with her, but because the mere thought of watching her standing next to a date that wasn’t me made my blood boil.

  “So take me,” I said. “I mean, I’m invited and I’m going. We’ll just go together.”

  She thought about it for a second, staring in the distance.

  “You don’t have to decide right now. It’s your sister’s wedding. Take your time. I want you to do whatever you’d like to. Your call, completely.”

  “I’d like to go with you, for sure,” she said. “That would be great.”

  I smiled, leaning forward and kissing her cheek.

  “Your parents,” I started. “I remember you told me about them in one of your texts. Are they here too? In New York, I mean?”

  She swung her head from side to side.

  “Jersey. They have a house there. I think I told you about them when we were talking about how I ended up on that website. I had to tell you, otherwise you would have thought that I was the one who created that shitty profile with my phone number proudly displayed in the front.”

  “That was funny. I did think it was weird for you to want strangers to contact you straight away.”

  I tossed one hand in the air. “But no complaints. If you’d never responded to my message on the website, maybe I would have considered texting you to get your attention.”

  “You were that desperate, huh?” She joked, and I shrugged.

  “Have you looked at yourself?”

  The color rose to her cheeks.

  I’d developed a sort of fascination for her parents. Mine would have never done that for me, or rather, to me. It was clear that they loved her enough to risk pissing her off, and I was thankful for that or I would have never met her.

  “Well, they sound like awesome parents,” I told her, giving voice to my thoughts.

  She slow-nodded and then smirked. “What about yours? Do they live in New York?”

  “They do. Manhattan.”

  “Oh, nice,” she squealed. “So you probably get to see them all the time, right? I bet they help you so much with the babysitting.”

  Jessica seemed to have forgotten that I was divorced, or… almost divorced.

  “No, not really. Sophie and I divide our week with Megan and when she’s with me, I usually spend every second of that time with her.”

  Jessica’s lips turned downward. Perhaps she was wondering about why Sophie and I divorced, or maybe she was assessing the kind of father I was.

  “How long ago did you quit your job?”

  I shrugged. “It hasn’t been too long. Couple months. I loved being a real estate agent. I was good at it. But again, that would require spending a significant amount of time away from Megan on the days I had her.”

  “But you’ll have more control over your time if you take Henry’s position.”

  I confirmed with a nod.

  “Though, now I’m hoping that I won’t need to stay obsessed with making as many memories with Megan as I can in such a short amount of time. Now, there’s a chance I might get to stay here, and see her every weekend at the very least.”

  Jessica adorned the cutest puppy face, and she wasn’t even aware of it.

  “I’m happy I can help you with that,” she blurted out.

  “So does this mean you’re in?” I asked with a wrinkled forehead. She’d already kind of agreed to the arrangement but I still wasn’t sure if she was only doing it for the promotion.

  “I am.”

  Those two words made me want to jump with joy and look like a complete jackass while doing so. Instead, I mentally balled a fist and thought, Yes.



  If this is how a fake date was supposed to feel, I might never want a real one. Arthur lived up to his promise when he said I won’t regret my decision to take a chance at this.

  I hadn’t reconsidered it, not for now, at least.

  The man’s presence alone gave birth to some intense butterflies in my stomach. So, when I got a chance to tell him that I would love for him to come over, I did so without hesitation.

  “I would love to see your place,” he said, his voice a whisper.

  It made my heart sink, my insides melt.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist him if it were just the two of us, alone.

  I was almost shivering while walking to the apartment door, and he followed closely behind.

  He scanned the place for a few seconds when we entered, and then his attention turned to me.

  I held his hand when it brushed against mine and our faces were inches apart within seconds.

  His green eyes were on me and my face was almost buried in his chest. I lifted my eyes to look at his face and his grip around my waist tightened when I did.

  “Jessica,” he whispered, his voice deep and sultry. “Can I kiss you?”

  I leaned into him further and he took the cue, pressing his lips against mine. It was slow at first, soft and gentle, but it barely took him a few seconds to pin me against the wall. I grinded against him, feeling his cock that was so rock hard, it made me blush.

  The look on his face told the whole story, and I couldn’t wait for those hands of his to touch me in places that begged to belong to him. Each thought that entered my mind took me by surprise. I didn’t know what it was - the fact that I hadn’t done this in a long time or that it was with him.

  I wanted it to be the former. As much as my body begged for him, my heart w
asn’t ready. It knew it wasn’t. I just couldn’t risk it.

  “Something wrong?” He asked, as if he could read my mind. “Do you want me to stop?”

  It was only seconds ago that he was using his tongue on the side of my neck while holding on to my wrists against the wall with one hand and pulling me into him with the other.

  I wanted to feel that again. I needed to. So, I shook my head.

  “Don’t stop.”

  His smirk was subtle and he bent his neck to reach my lips. His hands were now on my ass that he then lifted, pinning me against the wall. I slid my arms around him and moaned, his strong arms holding me in place. The same arms that I’d drooled over in his first picture that I saw.

  Memories of me obsessing over him were sending me over the edge, making it that much harder for me to believe that this moment was for real, that he was really as horny for me as I was for him.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned when he sucked my bottom lip and reached for the edge of my dress, then went all the way up to my hips.

  I wanted to tell him that I needed his hand over my pussy, his fingers inside of me, but all I muttered was, “You want to take this into the bedroom?”

  He smiled, not removing his gaze from mine, until he picked me up and carried me into my room, placing me on the edge of the bed.

  Arthur got on his knees and put my left leg over his shoulder. Throwing my head back, I dug my fingers into his hair when he touched the edges of my panties. I shivered when I felt his fingers brush against my pussy as he pulled the fabric over to one side.

  My dress was all scrunched up against my waist and all I wanted was for him to rip it off and take me. But Arthur was a tease and he seemed to be taking an intense pleasure at torturing me, running my length with his fingers and playing with my clit.

  My grip over his head tightened, then I found my hands reaching for my breasts like they had a mind of their own.

  Arthur’s eyes were on me when he stood, reaching for my zipper in the back. He unzipped my dress painfully slow, using the other hand to slide inside at the same time. My dress fell to the floor and my bra followed suit.

  Arthur palmed my breasts, then ran his hand across my waist, my thigh.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “I need you so bad.”

  He scanned my face, searching for a response, trying to assess how I was feeling.

  “I need you too,” I murmured, without intending to.

  I might not have been able to say it out loud if he hadn’t, but I couldn’t get myself to deny it. There was no mistaking the fact that this man knew how to make me feel like a woman, to feel wanted and beautiful. One look, and I was his.

  Arthur told me to relax onto the bed. I was laying over it with my legs hanging from the edge.

  He was on his knees again, and all I was wearing now were my panties and my heels.

  God, I’d never felt this sexy before. Never. Not with anyone else.

  I wanted to run the heel across his chest, marking him as mine.

  He began by kissing my ankle, moving his lips toward my knees and then my thighs.

  “Ah,” I moaned, feeling ticklish and euphoric at the same time.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded, and I stayed put, my breaths short and uneven.

  He was kissing the insides of my thighs, then the edge of my panties. He finally yanked them off down to my thighs and teased my clit with his tongue, nibbling on it till I was on the verge of screaming. Then, like the fucking tease that he was, he pulled himself away and slid two of his fingers into me.

  This time, I did scream. My body was on fire.

  “You taste so good,” he said, almost moaning. His face was back between my legs and I felt soft kisses over my thighs while his fingers continued to fuck me ruthlessly. I was in pain, but the pain felt good. I never wanted him to stop, never wanted his fingers to abandon my pussy. I needed him to tell me that I was his, only his.

  “Arthur,” I murmured under my breath, his name barely escaping my throat.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  I held onto his hair with one hand and dug my nails into his shoulder with another. I took one last look at his fully-clothed body between my open legs, and that was it for me.

  I screamed, feeling my body release over his fingers.

  “That was amazing,” I panted, wishing for him to lay next to me on the bed.

  I scooted over to one side, making it abundantly clear that I wanted him next to me.

  Somehow, the warmth of his chest was even more pleasing than all the things that he’d just done to me.

  I rubbed myself against him, my body still exposed.

  “You’re… so hard,” I said in one short breath, feeling shy as ever. “Do you want to…”

  He shook his head lightly.

  “I do, but I don’t want to fuck this up with you, Jessica. I just want to make sure you feel good.”

  He must have sensed the disappointment in my expression, because he continued.

  “I like you, Jessica,” he said, giving rise to those butterflies again. I turned more to the side and glued my body against his. He pulled me into him like he just couldn’t get close enough. “I really, really, like you. I want to take this slow. I want to do it right.”

  I lifted my neck, my cheek brushing against his arm. “But I don’t think slow is going to work in our case.”

  “You’re probably right,” he smirked. “So complicated,” I whispered, feeling the sudden overwhelm in my chest taking over.

  He kissed my forehead. “We’ll figure it out.”

  "Let's figure it out now," I whispered, looking into his eyes pleadingly. "I want you. I don't care about going fast or slow or whatever. I want you now."

  Arthur growled as he kissed me feverishly, "You're not making it easy on me to remain a gentleman."

  "Then don't be," I heard myself say, biting his lip and sliding my hand over the rock-hard member in his pants. He pushed himself against my palm and I began to stroke him.

  Letting out another growl, he ripped at his belt buckle, and I fumbled with his button and zipper, eager to let him out, to feel his smooth skin in my hand, in my mouth, in my pussy. Once I had his pants open, I reached inside and pulled out his cock, my shyness disappearing as I looked down to get a good view of the beautiful thing that was now in my hand. I salivated at the sight of it - thick, heavy, warm. I stroked his silky smooth skin, using the arousal that was leaking out of his tip to spread over the head of his engorged cock. He panted with delight as I stroked him.

  "I want you in me," I whispered to him. "Please fuck me, Arthur."

  He growled like an animal, sitting up and rolling over on top of me, mounting me in one fell swoop.

  "Spread your legs if you really want this now," he panted. "Once I start, I'm not going to be able to stop."

  My legs spread wide, and I looked at him pleadingly, nodding my head. "Yes," I panted breathlessly, "please fuck me hard."

  He smoothly put on a condom that he pulled out of his back pocket, and I smiled at the fact that he had come prepared, knowing that this might happen. As he put it on, I watched in eager anticipation of the perfect cock that was about to impale me. He was so much bigger and juicier than Tyler had ever been.

  He leaned down to kiss me, our lips meeting as he slid the tip of his cock into my waiting wetness. My mouth automatically opened and I moaned into his mouth as he shoved his tongue between my lips and his cock against my cervix. My eyes closed as I gave in to the waves of pleasure. He was hitting me just right, his pelvic bone massaging my clit as the head of his cock hit that special spot inside. Nobody had ever made me come from vaginal sex before, but he was about to.

  "Do you like this, baby?" He breathed into my ear, keeping up his steady rhythm.

  "Oh God, you're fucking me so good," I panted.

  "I can't last much longer inside your sweet pussy," he warned me. "Let's come together."

  He picked up speed, his hand pinching my nipple at just t
he right time as we both hit our peak in a blurry haze of moaning and spasming and tightening. He came so hard I could feel the warmth of his seed filling the condom inside me.

  He held me tight, then collapsed next to me in a sweaty, spent, satisfied heap. I nuzzled into his chest, which was still heaving. We were silent for a long time, as our sexual waves of euphoria slowly subsided. He gently stroked my hair, holding me close. Finally, I spoke.

  “Your family,” I said. “What would they think about all of this? Are you going to tell them the whole thing or…”

  "Am I going to tell them how I just had the most intense orgasm of my life? No, I'm not going to tell them that, Jessica."

  I giggled. "No, not that, silly. You know what I mean."

  He shrugged. “I'm going to tell them about our plan to marry, sure. My parents are champs. They can handle anything, but the last thing I want them to think is that I’m gaming the system, which I kind of am. But then, my motivation is being with my daughter…and you. I’m gaming the system for a good cause.”

  I nodded, sort of seeing his point of view. Having grown-up with parents that were “champs” in their own right, but also overprotective and judgmental at the same time, I understood the need to keep this under wraps.

  Though, there was one person I knew I needed to tell.

  * * *

  After Arthur left my place, leaving me wanting so much more of him, I waited for my sister to visit me at the apartment. I was lounging in my pajamas without a care in the world and still floating in the air with all the sexual euphoria, when I heard a knock at the door.

  The first face I saw was little Amber’s.

  “Such an angel,” I cooed, surprised that Heather had brought her over. “Thought you’d leave her home. Doesn’t she sleep early nowadays?”

  Heather shook her head and sighed. “She’s a handful. Max was so much easier when he was this age.”

  “See, I told you,” I laughed, laying Amber over my shoulder. “Baby girls are more work for whatever reason. Exactly how I felt when Lily was a baby. Where’s Max, by the way?”


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