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Prince of Vampires

Page 1

by Emma Night

  Prince of Vampires

  Other books by Emma Night



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  The Wolf Shifters Box Set (Sample)

  Prince of Vampires

  A Paranormal Vampire Romance


  Emma Night

  Copyright 2019 by Emma Night

  This book is licensed to you for our personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity of real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

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  About the Author

  Emma Night has always had a flare for writing about paranormal fantasy. She fell in love with vampires at a very young age and her love grew to include Sci Fi Fantasy Romance. She has found a devotion for writing about her shifters and being able to bring all the worlds together. Her books are filled with twists and turns. Just when you think you have the series figured out, there will be a shift.

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  Other books by Emma Night

  Claimed By The Alpha Wolf

  Wolf Trap

  Wolf Lord


  The Wolf Shifters Set

  Cursed Dragon

  Royal Hunger

  Royal Dragons Take The Vampire

  Kidnapped By The Royal Dragons

  Cursed Dragon Set

  Billionaire Bear Takes His Mate

  Billionaire Bear Set


  A night out suddenly goes terribly wrong for Amee Carrington when a mysterious blue-eyed stranger arrives.

  The next thing Amee knows she’s waking up in a room, tied to a chair. She’s been kidnapped and it’s very unclear why. Though her captors assure her they won’t harm her she senses something sinister lays just below the surface of their beautiful faces.

  Finally Amee learns the shocking truth. Not only has she been initiated into a shocking, taboo custom, she’s been taken as part of a ritual where a man she doesn’t know will be transformed into a vampire… and she’ll be the one whose blood is on order.

  In the midst of danger, caught between humanity and a world they don’t fully understand, Ross and Amee forge a bond that goes far deeper than the unexpected, wild night of passion they share.


  Svetlana stared down at her two bodyguards. The females were impressive specimens even as far as vampires went. They were nearly as ancient as she and beautiful in their own way. Sarali was blonde with lush curves. Her strength and fighting skills were renowned. Bettina was dark haired with bronze skin. She was a tiny female though the fiercest Svetlana had ever seen with knives. She had witnessed Bettina turn a rival female into noting but ribbons with a few quick slashes of her wicked blades. Svetlana herself had waves of cascading blonde hair so fine it was almost white. Her high cheekbones and flawless face spoke to her ancient bloodline. She was tall but generously curvy.

  “Have you found a woman yet? I don’t want to delay any longer.”

  Sarali and Bettina bowed together before addressing their mistress. “Yes. We have been watching her for some time. We are just waiting for the right time to take her.” Bettina bowed and stepped aside.

  Svetlana considered her closest companions for a moment. They had done well. First they had found the Prince. Reincarnated into the body of a human, no less. It had taken three decades to find him and only one night for Svetlana to seduce him. She had kept him close to her. Brainwashed him into believing he was deeply in love with her.

  He was ready for marriage. Little did he know that the night of what he believed would be a human union to the woman of his dreams would actually be his last night alive as a human. When they had the girl Svetlana could do the transition. She needed the pure blood of a virgin to offer up as sacrifice, to feed her new husband. When he became the Prince of vampires, when she turned him, she would rule as his princess.

  “A hundred years of planning will come to fruition tonight,” Sarali promised. Her blonde hair was bound in two tight braids and woven atop of her head, pinned there with small crystals. Her blue eyes glowed with a fierce loyalty.

  Svetlana sighed with satisfaction. She sunk back against the leather couch in her enormous living room. As nice as this human house was she couldn’t wait to leave behind the trappings of this world and return to where she truly belonged. As a powerful princess, a new force that would bring both mortals and vampires alike to their knees.

  “As a reward for your loyalty, my two dear servants, you have my word that you may enjoy the delights of this virgin first. I know how you like to sate yourselves on such delicious morsels.”

  Bettina and Sarali’s faces glowed, their fangs punching out. They licked their lips in hunger.

  “Until tonight,” Svetlana whispered, dismissing the two women with a wave of her hand. Tonight. Everything she had been waiting for would come true.

  Chapter 1

  Amee Carrington walked through her best friend’s house, marveling at the way two hundred odd sweating, drunk bodies could change it for the worse.

  Keesha walked into the kitchen, a tray of jelly shooters balanced on her arm. She was dressed in a tight fitting black dress and little flats. Her long legs went on forever. Her dark hair was curled into perfect ringlets. Her makeup, as usual, was flawless. Amee felt totally intimidated by her best friend when she was done up. Her own pale skin never looked right with makeup, her long blonde hair refused to hold a style and her lush curves were hard to dress.

  Amee had chosen her go to staple, her own little black dress, which was much less revealing than what Keesha wore. Amee’s dress was more like a work staple. It came modestly down past her knees. Normally she felt at least pretty in it but seeing Keesha’s dress, Amee noted that her best friend far surpassed Amee’s own style.

  “Hey… do you want a shooter?” Keesha asked, her face breaking into a huge smile when she spotted Amee hiding out in the corner of the kitchen.

  “No. Thanks. I’m probably going to take off soon. I brought my car so I made sure I haven’t drank anything.”

  “I told you to take a cab!” Keesha set down the shooters on the corner of the kitchen table. It was full of red plastic cups with drinks in various stages of being consumed. People milled back and forth, generally avoiding the kitchen. The party goers preferred the backyard with its pool and lush grass or the living room where a ping pong table now served as a beer pong championship table and the TV was playing music videos on full blast.

  “I know. I know it’s your birthday and all. But you’re just eighteen! We just graduated. The last thing I want is to lose my license by having a drink. It took me four tries to get the stupid thing.”

  “My parents bought all the booze for us so we could have a good time
! We just graduated last month. In another month we will all be off to college and probably never see each other again. This is our last chance to have a good time with every one we know and love!”

  “Yah I know.” Amee sighed. She knew her best friend was right. In a month Keesha would be off to New York and Amee would be left behind. She wasn’t brilliant like Keesha and her parents didn’t have a lot of money. She was smart enough to get into the community college and she was going to take that opportunity. At least between her savings from waitressing and her parent’s money she could afford to take classes. She could still work at her old job part time and she could live at home. The plan was a good one except for the fact that Amee felt more than a little left out.

  The party really was Amee’s last chance to say goodbye to everyone. Keesha was almost a full year younger. She’d skipped fifth grade because she was so damn smart. Her family was well off and it was going to be Ivy League schools and frat parties for her now on.

  “I’m just going out to get some fresh air,” Amee said.

  “Okay. But promise me you aren’t going to leave!”

  Amee sighed. “No I’m not leaving.”

  “Promise?” Keesha pretended to fake pout.

  “I promise. Of course I wouldn’t just leave. You haven’t even opened the present I got you.”

  “Oh! Where is it?”

  “In the backseat of my car.”

  “Well go get it! I’ll wait right here.”

  Amee nodded. She could use an excuse to exit the house. There were way too many people for her taste and she was getting a headache from the pounding music.

  Picking her way to the front door turned out to be nothing less than an extraordinary feat of endurance. Amee witnessed three different couples making out, one person vomiting into a fake plant and a rousing game of beer pong.

  Finally she was able to pull open the front door and escape. She took a deep breath of the warm night air. She had never been one for parties and this was just crazy. The house should only hold fifty people and there was almost two hundred. Keesha had invited their whole graduating class and then some other friends. She was a popular girl and almost everyone seemed to have turned out.

  Amee rubbed her arm against the side of her dress. She had somehow acquired another person’s sweat on her venture through the house. Her flip flops were sticky with spilled alcohol and other dubious substances and as Amee walked through the front yard she was sure to drag her feet extra hard.

  The screams and cries of delight, excited yelling and loud conversation rose from the backyard, reached the street. Amee rolled her eyes. If Keesha hadn’t been her best friend she never would have come.

  Amee had to park more than a block away as by the time she arrived the party was in full swing. She finally reached her car, the hair on the backs of her arms standing on end. She hated to be out at night alone. Even in good neighborhoods. There was a sense of fear that the darkness held something sinister and unknown.

  Unlocking her ancient beater manually, Amee was about to reach into the backseat of the car when something, or someone, brushed her shoulder.

  She whipped around and faced a blond woman. She was tall and beautiful, her fair features illuminated by the streetlight overhead. Her blue eyes seemed to glow in the darkness.

  “Can I help you?” Amee asked, a surge of trepidation rising in the back of her throat. She swallowed forcibly, pushing her worry and fear down.

  “Oh yes,” the woman purred. “More than you will ever know.”

  Amee blinked, the world rapidly growing black around her, closing in on the edges. She felt herself falling and couldn’t stop it.

  Chapter 2

  Amee opened her eyes, blinking to clear the darkness that still lingered. Her head felt heavy and strangely muffled.

  Her eyes flew all the way open when she remembered what she had been doing. She had gone to get Keesha’s gift out of her car and then that blonde haired woman had shown up and everything after that was just darkness.

  She glanced around her. She was sure it was still night though the room she was in didn’t have any windows. It looked modern enough though the only piece of furniture there was the chair she was sitting in. The carpet was plush, a beige color. The walls were a tan cream with white trim. The ceiling was high. It all looked very normal.

  When she tried to reach up to rub her eyes, Amee realized that her hands were tightly bound in front of her. She stared at the white rope in shock. She tested it by flexing her arms. It wouldn’t budge. She was tied tightly.

  Fear washed over Amee. It shook into full consciousness, clearing the remaining fog from her mind. She felt hot and cold in turns. She wanted to cry but she thought that would be the worst thing she could do. What she really needed to do was focus on getting loose.

  “Amee, I believe.” Amee whipped around at the sound of the silky voice that came from the entrance of the room.

  Amee turned her head. The blonde woman she had seen right before everything went black stepped into view. Amee let out a startled gasp. “What do you want with me?” She asked, trying to keep the fear from creeping into her voice.

  “That is not for you to know… yet. Suffice it to say that you are part of a greater destiny than even you could understand.” A dark haired woman stepped into the room, joining them. She was petite and as alarmingly beautiful as the blonde. The two women couldn’t look more opposite but they were both lusciously built. Their bodies were incredible, their faces fine boned and aristocratic looking. They seemed like they’d been cut out of a magazine. Both their eyes were that startling blue.

  Amee had the feeling that their beauty hid something wicked just below the surface. There was something strangely sinister about how the two women were looking at her.

  Shivering, Amee tugged at the ropes binding her hands. She tried to stand up from the wooden chair but realized her ankles were bound to the legs.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Amee whispered. “Please. You could just let me go. I promise I won’t cause any trouble for you.”

  The blonde woman laughed. “Oh Amee. You sound so afraid. Fear not. I promise we won’t harm you.”

  The dark haired woman stepped forward. “I’m Bettina and this is Sarali. We won’t harm you, as she said. On the contrary, Amee, we promise to make this night one you won’t soon forget.”

  “What… what do you mean?” Amee stammered. She felt more afraid than ever.

  Sarali smiled. “Look at me Amee. Study my eyes. Are they not beautiful? Could you not lose yourself in those gorgeous depths?”

  Amee didn’t want to look at the woman but for some reason she could not resist the woman’s command, voiced in her sugary tone. She was unable to tear her gaze away from the Sarali’s unearthly blue glow.

  It was otherworldly. That gaze was dark and full of promise. Those eyes, Amee realized, were not human. She stared at Sarali’s face and suddenly she felt her body relax. She took a deep breath and she realized the fear that had permeated her entire being since she awoke in the strange room, was gone.

  “That’s right Amee. You are no longer afraid. In fact, I think you feel something else.”

  “Yes,” Bettina added in her a sugary sweet tone. “Tell us what you feel Amee.”

  A rush of sensation swept through Amee. She was completely captivated by Sarali’s eyes. “I feel…” what indeed? How could she describe the rush of fire that spread through her veins, threatening to erupt at any second? The burning hot sensation, the sudden throbbing between her legs... “I feel… desire,” Amee finally whispered.

  Chapter 3

  “That’s right,” Bettina whispered smoothly. She stepped up to the chair where Amee was tied. Her eyes glowed and Amee still could not tear her gaze from the incredible blue depths. “You can always trust me Amee. I will let no harm come to you. Do you believe me?”

  “Yes,” Amee answered automatically. Oddly enough, she did though
she sensed, deep down, that she should not.

  Sarali stepped forward, laughing heartily as though she had just shared in a good joke. “Slice her up Bettina then. Let’s have our fun,” she demanded, a cruel smile twisting her beautiful face.

  Amee felt a shiver of fear ripple down her spine. Her breathing came heavy and hard, her chest heaving with the effort. Out of her knee high boots, Bettina drew two knives. The blades were long and wicked, sparkling in the one overhead light.

  In a single movement she slashed the rope binding Amee’s hands. Amee stared at her in wonder. Bettina knelt and cut the ropes on Amee’s ankles as well. She stuffed the knives back into her boots and reached out with a tiny, delicate hand. Amee grasped it. Her flesh was like ice. Amee almost dropped her hand with the shock of it.

  Bettina gripped her firmly and pulled her to standing. “Come Amee. I will show you my quarters. I think we shall be very well acquainted soon enough.”

  “And what of me?” Sarali asked, crossing her arms over her full chest.

  Bettina laughed. “Oh Sarali. Since you insist I’ll let you have her first. But remember… there are limits.”

  “Of course I remember,” Sarali snapped. She took hold of Amee’s arm and steered her roughly away from Bettina.

  Amee went willingly and unquestioningly. Her brain told her she should though her body wanted to resist. She was sure that looking at Bettina had done something to her… made her unable to resist anything that was about to happen. It didn’t make any sense but Amee could almost feel the pull of someone else’s thoughts in her head, controlling and dictating her actions and emotions.

  Sarali steered Amee down a long hallway. The house was modern. Abstract art hung on the walls. There were pot lights in the ceilings. It was strange. Amee almost suspected she had been transported to another world and another time. There was something about Sarali and Bettina that was not normal. Those eyes and that frigid cold skin. The ice of Sarali’s touch reached Amee through the long sleeves of her dress.


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