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Page 14

by Skye McDonald

  He sighed and stood to bring one of the chairs around to face his own. “Will that do?”

  I took my time sliding off and settling into the seat. My palms were damp with nervousness, but messing with him was irresistible. Will leaned forward in his chair and set his glass on the mat on the desk, clearly ready to get down to business.

  I took a sip of whiskey and tried to remember all the things I’d planned to say. “How should we do this?”

  “Simple. We should talk honestly. Do you want me to start?” I nodded, so he said, “Well, then, the purpose of this meeting is to establish—”

  I snorted into my glass. “Ugh, so formal. This isn’t really a business meeting.”

  He threw both hands up. “Fine, then, why don’t you start? Say what you came to say.”

  “I lied when I said I didn’t want to define us.”

  His nod screamed duh.

  “Okay. Okay. So.” The bourbon burned my throat while I tried to unknot my tongue.

  “Liv. Why are you so tense?” he asked gently.

  I stared at him. “Hello? Because I’m here with you, telling you that I want us to be official. Us. Liv and Will. Two people who have spent their adulthoods rolling their eyes at each other. Now, I suddenly want—”

  I stopped and stared at my lap. My volume cut in half as I said, “I’m nervous over all that. And I’m afraid you’ll think this is silly.”

  My chair glided forward abruptly. Will pulled until our knees touched. “I know, Liv. I know it’s crazy how we went from, well, us to this. Believe me, it’s blown my mind since the first moment. But you know I don’t think this is silly or else you wouldn’t be here. Just tell me what you need.”

  That simple statement hit a bullseye in my chest. When I chewed on my lip, his eyes darkened, so I leaned forward.

  Will sat back with a shake of his head. “Talk first. Then I’ll think about letting you kiss me again.”

  “Oh, please. You’ve thought about it the whole time.”

  He smiled. “I’ve thought about it since the last time I kissed you, but I can hold out a little longer.”

  “So disciplined.” I sighed, then gathered my thoughts. “Here we go. Yes, I’d like to define us. To start, I need you to be honest with me.”

  Our knees still touched, but Will slumped back in his chair in a perfectly casual pose. He rested his temple on his fist and nodded. “About what?”

  “No, I mean… a lot seems to be changing in my life, and I need someone to be honest with me about that. I, ha, like how you don’t let me bullshit. And I like how you push me to know what I want. So, more of that honesty.”

  Will’s lips curved into a small smile. “We can’t happen any other way.”

  I nodded with another deep breath. “I figured, but I wanted it said. Next thing. You don’t have to make a lot of promises, but please don’t vanish, okay? I don’t want to text you one day and find you’re not answering.”

  “I have meetings.”

  “No, I mean at all.”

  Will’s brow creased, but he didn’t speak.

  “Tell me when it’s over,” I clarified.

  He still didn’t speak, so I rolled the glass between my palms and barreled on. “Last thing is that I’d like to know you weren’t sleeping with anyone else.”

  Dark eyes went wide. “I am absolutely not.”

  Just say it all. “But if you do meet someone you’d rather be with, please don’t disappear. Tell me first, although I guess that takes us back to item two. So, uh, I think that’s it.”

  “All I’ve heard is that you’d like me to not be a complete asshole to you. How is that a request?”

  I bit my cheek so hard I winced. “Like I tried to say the other day, we’re complicated to begin with. I don’t want to be your good time, Will. I’m aware that I’m nothing like other women you know, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for me to just be amusement until someone better comes along.”

  “Is that what you think this is for me? Just amusement until someone better?” Will looked out the window, then back at me. From his expression, I knew for sure that it never had been.

  “That’s what I’m not okay with it being for either of us. I need to trust that this is more because it sure feels like more. I don’t want to be a fool this time around.”

  I looked at the remaining liquid in my glass and willed away a sting of tears. “I’d rather it be nothing than to have it… be nothing.”

  Will tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. “You’re still unhappy.”

  I drained the drink. “Kind of feel like I just bared some dark stuff, Langer. Not an easy thing to do when your nemesis is the definition of self-confident.”

  His short laugh made me jump. “Self-confident? Good god, Milani, how do you not see it?”

  My brows tightened. “See what?”

  Will just shook his head. “You want to trust me. I’d do anything to make that happen, but I’m not sure what it is.”

  “You’ve always been honest, even when you’re a total dick.” We traded a smirk. “I do trust you, Will.”

  He drained his glass and slammed it on the desk, then held out his palm and guided me to my feet. “Liv, everything you want is a given.”

  “It’s not a given for me,” I whispered. “Not at all.”

  Will shrugged out of his jacket and draped it on the chair behind him. I stepped closer, my hands on the cool material of his dress shirt, and looked up at him. Even in heels, he had a few inches on me.

  He stroked my cheek. “You are so much more than idle amusement or a good time. I’m insulted that you’d suggest that was ever the case. I won’t let you down. I swear I won’t vanish or dick around. In turn, I really do want to have fun with you. All I ask is that you don’t run from this. Have a little patience, and trust that we’re worth the effort. Deal?” He quirked the corner of his mouth up.

  My face split into a goofy grin. He’d made this so easy. I’d cycled through so many “relationships” that told me not to invest too deeply. Simply by being himself, Will Langer had upped my bar. I could’ve collapsed with relief. I laughed instead. “Deal.”

  This is happening. Will and me. This is a thing. Holy shit.

  I wound my arms around his neck. “You just committed to me. Can you believe that?”

  He backed me against the desk. “Liv, I committed to you when four little words came out of your gorgeous mouth.”

  “’Drugs are bad, m’kay?’”

  He laughed. “Try, ‘Kiss me, Will Langer.’”

  Will groaned when our lips met, a desperate mmmph punctuated by his tightening embrace. It was the sexiest sound I’d ever heard. There was no filter or editing. He needed this. He needed us.

  Thank god it wasn’t just me.

  Liquid heat tingled through me as my pulse surged. I fell back on his desk and pulled him over me, our kisses so hard and deep that I forgot to breathe.

  “Wait, Liv,” he gasped, scraping his teeth along my chin. “We have to leave. You can’t kiss me like this now—”

  “I’ll kiss you like I damn well please. And I do not care if we’re late. See? I’m telling you what I want, just like you said I should. Proud of me?”

  He chuckled between kisses. “Very proud. And in a lot of trouble for it.”

  I wouldn’t have been opposed to letting him have me on the desk, but we managed to disentangle ourselves with clothes still intact. Will collapsed in his chair, his lips wet in the evening sunlight.

  “Restroom’s there.” He gestured to the door but blinked twice as I sat up. “God, so electric.”

  He was right. I redid my hair and makeup, but the flush on my cheeks enhanced the whole effect. When I emerged, Will had donned his jacket again and leaned on the desk, waiting for me. We eyed each other across the room.

  “God, the things I would do to you if we didn’t have to go.”

  I walked to him and pulled on his collar for a quick kiss. “Raincheck.”

>   22


  Will called goodnight to various faces on the way to the lobby, but I buzzed with so much energy that I barely noticed. We packed into an elevator down to the garage. His fingers splayed across my waist to pull me against him.

  This is happening.

  I aimed the fob at my little red Chevy Bolt and glanced over. “It’s no Audi.”

  After an hour in his office, the difference in our financial stations was again apparent, but Will just snorted and buckled up.

  This is happening.

  “This is happening.” The words came out with a giddy laugh.

  “What is?”

  “You and me. It’s a thing.”

  He reached for my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. “Yes. It’s a thing. Now drive. We’re going to be terribly late if you don’t.”

  “Gah, so bossy.” I pulled my hand back to put the car in reverse. On the short drive to the restaurant, I ventured to ask, “Doesn’t that weird you out?”

  Will’s fingers tapped on his knees. “Weird me out? No.”

  “Really? You and Olivia Milani are a thing. Not weird?”

  He inhaled deeply but didn’t speak. I wanted to look at him, but traffic was so heavy I had to concentrate on the road. I parked at the restaurant and turned to him with a frown. “You’re a man of few words sometimes.”

  He smiled again. “Olivia Milani and I are a thing.”

  “Weird, right? At least a little.”

  He leaned for a gentle kiss. “Weird isn’t the word I’d use. Stop worrying. We’ll talk more later, I promise.”

  We walked across the parking lot, but Will slowed at the doors. “Let’s not go in together. You go ahead. Say I had to make a call.”

  So, with a nod and a deep breath, Family Liv pulled open the door.

  “Happy birthday, Mommy!” I wore a huge grin when I found everyone at a table with a round of drinks. Mom squeezed me when I wrapped her in a hug and kissed her cheek.

  “Sorry I’m late. Traffic was bad. Hi, Dad.” I pecked his cheek, too.

  “Did you forget Will?” Mom asked while I sat down beside Tom.

  I laughed. “I was tempted, but I knew better than to keep him from your birthday. He had to make a call.”

  “You look lovely, little one. Simply radiant.” Mom gave me the eye.

  I tucked my hair behind my ear and simpered a thanks. My phone buzzed, so I snuck a glance.

  WL: Don’t smile like that. It turns me on way too much.

  “Happy birthday, Claire.” The voice narrating the text in my head was suddenly in my ears. Will bent to kiss my mother, and I shoved my phone deep into my purse.

  Not weird, really?

  Once spring rolls were on the table, Tom tapped his knife against his glass. His toast was so heartfelt and grateful that Mom dabbed her eyes with a napkin when he was done.

  After we’d sipped, Tom grinned over at me. “While I’m at it, I want to toast Liv, too. She’s going to be a teacher at Maddie’s daycare. Sis, I am so proud of you for taking this chance at a new career.”

  Career really threw me, but the smiles on both my parents’ faces eased my nerves fast. A tear spilled down Mom’s cheek this time. Overwhelmed, I joined the toast and ducked my head.

  The family let me hide for a minute, but before long Dad cleared his throat. “What kind of training does the job require? Are you CPR certified?”

  Dad, the resident expert on everything, led a gentle interrogation throughout the meal. I hadn’t been the object of so much praise since I won first place in a science fair in 5th grade. The more they asked, the warmer I got until I was pretty sure the restaurant could’ve been powered on the energy I radiated.

  After dinner, the wait staff sang and brought cake for Mom, and we commenced with gifts and dessert. When the table was cleared and coffee and scotch were all that remained, Mom sighed and smiled at everyone. “What a fantastic birthday. I’m so happy you all could be here tonight, and yes, Will, that includes you.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it,” he replied.

  “That reminds me. My coworker Gail’s daughter is back from Rome. You met her at our Christmas party last year. Remember she was getting her doctorate?”

  Will shrugged, and I focused on stirring my coffee.

  “Anyway, Gail mentioned she’d returned, and I wondered if you’d like me to give her your number? She’s a lovely girl.”

  One drop of coffee splashed out of my cup. The light brown pinprick seeped out steadily on the white tablecloth. I watched it, jaw locked, breath shallow.

  “Oh, thanks, but no.”

  The spoon stopped, my gaze still on the stain.

  “Are you sure? She’s pretty. Blonde, blue eyes, smart as a whip.”

  “Liv, pass the milk, please.” I jumped when Tom spoke in my ear. He took the little pitcher and said, “Why not, man? Go for it.”

  Will cleared his throat. I didn’t look, but I imagined he swirled his scotch around the glass in this unbearable moment. “She sounds lovely, Claire, but I’m seeing someone.”

  The spoon clattered out of my hand and onto the table, adding another blemish to the linen. “Sorry,” I muttered to no one, because that’s exactly who was paying attention.

  “Oh?” Mom and Dad asked in unison.

  Tom’s attention snapped to his friend. “Really? I don’t think you’ve mentioned Stacy in weeks.”

  “It’s not Stacy.”

  There was no air in my lungs while the table waited on Will to elaborate, but the silence stretched.

  Tom tried again. “Who, then, and since when? I don’t remember the last time you were officially seeing anyone.”

  Will’s glass thumped on the table. “I’d rather not discuss it. Sorry to disappoint everybody. It’s complicated, and I don’t want to say much while things are still new. Again, thank you for offering, Claire.”

  “Of course,” Mom agreed. “Your business is your business. Offer retracted. I don’t like the word complicated, but I hope this girl makes you happy.”


  Oh, my heart.

  “She must for you to commit to her.” Tom’s muttered words slammed my heart against my ribcage again.

  “Let’s go out sometime then, yeah?” he said to Will.

  “What are you guys doing up in the mountains next weekend?” My voice didn’t sound like my own as I steered the conversation in a new direction.

  In less than half an hour, dinner was over. A sleepy Maddie cried when Tom hugged her goodnight and strapped her into Mom’s car. Will stared at his phone beside me while the parents drove away, but energy still snapped between us.

  Tom checked the time. “It’s already ten. I might as well take off for the hospital and try to catch a nap before my shift.”

  “Can you drop me at the office on your way?”

  Will’s question shattered my anticipation. Both Tom and I looked at him in surprise.

  “I got a message during dinner. Some contracts were delivered by the courier that have to be gone over, signed, and in the mail tomorrow morning. Since my car is in the shop, I guess I’ll sleep there tonight if you can drop me off.”

  “It’s Friday night.” The words came out before I could stop them. I bit my lip, but Tom’s agreeing nod let me exhale.

  “It’s business. I’m sure you’ll be devastated to have the house to yourself, won’t you Olivia?”

  Tom chuckled at his wry tone, but I had to hold back a blush. “Whatever will I do without you? Kick back in the recliner and watch whatever I want on TV? Poor me.”

  “Sounds rough, sis. Try not to suffer too much.” Tom hugged me quickly and went to his car. “Come on, buddy, I’ll drop you, no problem.”

  Will gave me a half-second glance before he followed, but it said enough.

  I cranked Arianna Grande’s “Into You” all the way home. Windows down, I sang at the top of my lungs as the day sank in a little more.

  He turned down a gi
rl with a freaking Ph.D. He told my family he was “very happy” with the girl he was seeing. Seeing, as in dating. As in a relationship.

  And he’d meant me.

  My smile died when I parked at the dark house. This was our day. We were official, and what did I have to show for it? A bones deep longing that wouldn’t be sated anytime soon.

  I flopped on the couch and caught the last half hour of Casablanca on TCM, comforted by a relationship more complex than my own. When the fog rolled over the screen, I shut off the TV and went upstairs, picked up a magazine, and perched on the vanity bench to flip through the pages.

  By the time I got to makeup tips, I tossed the mag to the floor in a huff, ready for a good pout. Look at this outfit. Does it deserve to be dumped in the hamper rather than stripped to the floor?

  … You could just go to his office. Maybe finish what we started on the desk earlier?

  I chewed on my lip. There were several logistical hurdles to my fantasy of striding into his office unannounced, but who cared? I reached for my keys.

  Just then, a car door thumped closed outside. Seconds later, a soft knock tapped at my door. I jolted and tumbled off the bench.

  “Come in,” I called from the floor.

  My pulse rioted when he leaned in my doorway, arms crossed. His brows arched to see me on my ass, peeking over the bench, but I tossed my hair like this was completely normal.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Will shoved a hand through his hair. “I’ve been called in late before and always just slept at the office. It was easier.”

  I got up slowly and straddled the bench. “Uh-huh.”

  He came and stood over me. His eyes were hooded as he traced one finger down my cleavage. “There is nothing easy about staying away from you, Olivia.”

  Will grasped my hand to bring me to my feet. He pulled the tie on my wrap shirt and slid his palm over my bra. “You’re blushing,” he teased.

  “You can be very sweet.” I reached for his buttons.

  Will grunted. “I’m not sweet. I’m honest.”

  I pushed his dress shirt off, shook my head, and stepped closer. “No, super sweet. A total sweetie. Made of pure sugar.”


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