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Sanctuary's Aggression Box Set

Page 45

by Maira Dawn

  "She's a kid. I'll help you." Dylan's gruff voice broke. "I -- I sent her out there. I did this. I can't leave her now, don't ask it."

  "I don't know what happened, but I know you would never intentionally hurt this woman. You mooned over her before this all started. Frankly, I didn't think you stood a chance." Paul laughed. "Guess I was wrong."

  "I didn't. Then the world ended, and everything changed." Dylan bent his head over Skye.

  Paul put a hand on Dylan's shoulder. "You don't want to be here. I promise Bre is an excellent assistant. This would be a good time to get those men who did this back here and locked up in one of those trucks."

  Dylan nodded. Keeping busy probably was the best thing. But before Dylan answered, a bang at the door and raised voices alerted them to Jesse's presence. "I wanna see her, and you can't stop me!"

  Dylan grimaced, seeing himself in Jesse. "Let the boy see her, then we'll go and let you be about your work."

  Paul nodded, and Dylan opened the door. Jesse burst in almost tripping into the vehicle as he did so.

  Dylan righted him. "Hey, slow it down, boy."

  Jesse fixed his gaze on Paul. "Did you fix her?"

  "Not yet, as soon as you've seen her."

  Jesse moved to Skye's side and looked down at her. "But you're gonna, right?" Jesse pleaded as he raised his hope-filled eyes back to Paul.

  That was something a doctor could rarely answer with certainty, and Dylan knew it. He saved Paul from being forced to respond. "He's gonna do his best. Say what ya want to say, and we'll let him get to it."

  Jesse laid his head on Skye's upper arm and moved her hand to sit on the back of his head mimicking the many times she'd smoothed his hair. He stayed there for a minute murmuring in her ear before standing up and scrubbing at his eyes. Jesse narrowed his eyes at Paul. "You better do a good job!"

  "My very best, I swear."

  "Okay, then." Jesse threw another suspicious look over his shoulder at Paul as he left.

  Paul was pretty sure Dylan felt the same as Jesse. As he laid out his tools, he wondered how prim, proper Skye Jackson had gotten all tangled up with the Cole boys. Clearly, she and Dylan had a thing going on. Paul mainly knew her in a professional capacity. He would never have guessed this grit and determination lay under all that make-up and heels.

  Paul chuckled. Well, you just never know, do you?


  The End of Me

  Dylan whistled sharply and nodded Jesse to follow him. They walked together to the box truck on the opposite side of the parking lot from the woods.

  Dylan pointed at the vehicle. "If I can get that runnin, it'll be good for transporting the prisoners."

  "Why are we doin this? We should be with Skye!"

  "Best to let the Doc do what he's gotta. This'll keep us busy."

  Jesse crossed his arms. "Busy don't mean I'll forget what's going on."

  "No, it don't."

  Dylan tried to shove any thought of what might be happening to Skye away. If he thought about that, he'd go crazy. And if he were honest with himself, it wouldn't bother him one bit to shoot those three in the head right here and let them rot. Not after what they had done to his woman and boy.

  They were murderers and rapists. Destroyers. The one admitted it. If they were going to live by the gun, then they shouldn't be surprised when they died by one.

  But he knew Tom tried to keep the law, as best he could. Dylan had been helping him do that. Now wasn't the time to be changing, no matter how much he wanted. Dylan trusted that Tom would handle the situation to his satisfaction. Those men would die at some point. If Dylan needed to wait a bit to help Tom, he could do that.

  The box truck's engine roared to life when Dylan hot-wired it. He climbed into the driver's seat to find Jesse hurriedly rubbing at his tear-stained face with his shirt's long sleeve.

  "You okay?" Dylan asked Jesse.

  "I'm worried 'bout her."

  "Yeah. Me too." Dylan patted the boy on the shoulder. Jesse seemed small sitting in the ample passenger's seat, but he was old enough. "I want you to see what happens to men that act like they do. You took what they dished out, and I'm proud of how ya did. Now you get the satisfaction of retribution."

  Jesse's lips thinned as his face hardened. "What are we gonna do?"

  "We're gonna load them, none too gently, into this truck like the animals they are and take 'em to town. Then we are gonna gladly watch as the law does its worst to them. They're gonna die Jesse."

  "Good. They wanted my mom to die." Jesse glanced away and back. "What about my dad?"

  Dylan was careful to keep his face impartial. "What do you want done?"

  "Can we -- can we bury him?"

  "We can do whatever you want."

  Jesse nodded and looked up at Dylan. "He saved me, you know. And Skye too. He pushed the gun so it didn't kill her. That's why Calvin killed him."

  Dylan raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know that.” It seemed, in the end, Frankie did something right. "We'll have a real nice burial for him."

  Jesse rubbed his eyes again. "I'm sad even though he wasn't -- well, he wasn't--"

  Dylan squeezed Jesse's shoulder. "We always love our parents, even when they don't deserve it. Can't help ourselves. Nothin to feel bad about."

  Jesse nodded.

  Dylan and Wade wrestled Calvin and Pete into the back of the truck as Jesse stood guard. If they needed to bash the vile degenerates now and again to get them to cooperate, they weren't overly upset about it.

  Dylan, Wade, and Jesse stood over Tony. "This the one who wanted you dead?" Wade asked.


  Wade kicked at Tony. "What d'you plan for this boy?"

  Tony's gaze slid away. Dylan and Wade dragged him, screeching, through the woods and threw him onto the floor of the truck. They weren't too sure he'd make it back to Colton, but that didn't worry them much.

  After that, they loaded Gregory and his men into the box truck too. Then they leaned on the bumper of a car facing the medical vehicle and willed the doors to open and everything to be okay.

  It seemed forever before Paul stepped out. Dylan felt his heart sink, and the blood leave his face. He couldn't live without her. He couldn't--

  Paul glanced up and smiled. Dylan sighed away all his anxiety.

  Paul clapped Dylan on the shoulder. "She did real good. There wasn't near the damage I worried about. She's still out. Give her a minute to rest while I patch up these two," Paul indicated Aaron and Curt, "then I'll take you in to see her."

  Wade smacked Dylan and Jesse on the back as they all beamed. "Looks like we might all make it home in one piece after all."

  "I'm sure hopin so," Dylan said.

  When Paul led them into the trailer, Skye rested easy. In spite of the low lighting, it was clear her color was better, and the blood washed from her face.

  Dylan eased his way to her side and tenderly took her hand. "I remember the first day I saw her." He shot a quick glance at Wade. "Walkin down the sidewalk with that saucy way she has, in those fool-headed heels of hers. I've never cared much for those, but I knew right then, she could wear whatever she wanted." He chuckled as he slowly shook his head.

  "Then the day Skye ran smack right into me, and I moved her out of the way. For the first time, I touched her." A smile curved the edges of his mouth. How had he got so lucky? Dylan's brow knitted. "When I saw her on the side of the road, my heart stopped. It stopped, Wade. I wanted her so bad I would've done anything she wanted. And it scared me to death. I knew it'd be the end of me. And I was right. From then to now, I've never wanted to be away from her, not for a day or an hour, even a minute. Every time I am, I'm just counting the seconds to when I'm near her again."

  "I know, little brother," Wade said, "I know. I told ya, you got it bad."

  "It ain't easy, bro."

  "It sure ain't."

  Skye stirred, her hand inching toward her gunshot wound until Jesse stopped her by taking it in his. "Hey, Mom."
r />   "Hey, Baby," she said softly, opening her eyes and squeezing his hand.

  She gave Wade, who stood at her opposite side, a smile before turning her eyes to Dylan. Carefully, he smoothed her hair from her forehead. "You're all patched up, darlin'. You ready to go home?"

  "I am." Skye's green eyes were brilliant for a minute before turning hard. "Did you get them?"

  "I did. We did. We got the degenerates all loaded up, ready to take to Tom. Then I'll just wait for the word."

  Skye knew what he meant. He waited for the day he would play executioner. "They are evil, Dylan. The things they said they did."

  "Don't you worry about that. We'll get it all figured out."

  Skye nodded, putting her full trust in him that they would. Her eyelids drooped, she was still sleepy from the anesthesia.

  Paul noticed. "If everything's ready out there, the best time to transport her is while she's sleeping."

  "Sure thing, Doc," Wade said, "We're all ready."

  All the supplies had been reloaded in a second box truck found at the back of the store. Aaron tried to drive, but given his beaten state had trouble. Paul sent Kelsey over to them.

  As the timid girl got behind the wheel, Aaron and Curt exchanged a glance.

  Paul laughed. "Yes, I know she's tiny, but she's a good driver. I have her take turns on that thing." He pointed to the medical trailer that was almost as long as a bus.

  Curt leaned forward looking over his brother to see her. "How old are you, girl?"

  Kelsey shot him a displeased look. "I'm fourteen, which means nothing now. I've been on my own for a while. So I -- I know how to do things, like drive big trucks."

  Paul chuckled. "I leave you in good hands."

  On their way out of the superstore's parking lot, Dylan looked back at his now bullet-riddled shiny new black truck and Skye's bright blue Jeep. He grimaced. Being a new truck owner hadn't lasted long. Surely there was a car lot somewhere with another pickup with his name on it. And he'd keep his eye open for another blue Jeep so he'd see Skye's dark hair waving in the wind.

  In the meantime, he would enjoy hitting every pothole and dip in the road while listening to the thumps, curses, and moans of the rotten men in the back of the truck.

  As they took the curve overlooking the store, Wade pointed back to the plaza. "Shoulda hit up that medical supplies place back there while we were at it."

  "Doc, didn't say he was low on anything, did he?" Dylan asked.

  "No, he didn't mention nothin."

  "Let's worry about that another day then." Dylan put the truck in gear and roared up the hill. "I'm more’n ready to get home."


  The Beginning of Them

  Skye woke to bright morning sun and the bang of a hammer against wood. She smelled breakfast cooking before she heard it. The sizzle of eggs in the pan and a curse from Dylan right before something crashed.

  "You okay in there?"

  "Yep. Don't you worry about it."

  Skye smiled. Dylan had been incredibly bossy with her since she'd been injured. Though she had to admit if the roles were reversed, she would be the same. Skye's injuries had been dangerous enough for constant monitoring, so if everything else hadn't scared him, that did. And he got pushy when he was scared. But then, Dylan was rather pushy all the time.

  Skye didn't remember the trip back to the cabin. But as soon as they were able, Wade, Dylan, and Jesse caught her up on everything. Calvin, Pete, Tony, Gregory, and his men were all in Tom's jail awaiting trial. Tom wanted to do this by the book, and he'd somehow found a judge willing to make the trip to Colton to oversee the proceedings.

  Jesse had given his dad a beautiful burial. Surprisingly, most of the Colton had turned up for it. Skye was sure that was more for Jesse than for his father. But in the end, Frankie had done the right thing, and it had cost him his life. Jesse could be proud of that, proud of his father now.

  Tom and Tricia, along with the other Colton townsfolk, were preparing nearby empty cabins for their move to the mountain. Each time a hammer hit a nail, Skye got a little happier. Soon all her family would be together.

  Dylan made his way over with Skye's breakfast. He handed her the plate and sat on the bed beside her. He took her hand, as he always did, with a slight question in his eyes. Dylan was sure of his own emotions but continued to be a little vulnerable about hers. Skye squeezed his hand, reassuring him as she did each time he came to her. His head dipped a little as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

  From a clinical point of view, it made sense to Skye that it would take time for him to know their relationship was real. From a personal, though, she hoped it wasn't too long. Though a timid Dylan was rare and charming.

  Already it was fading as Dylan cleared his throat and sat straighter. "Eat your breakfast now."

  "You know, you're entirely too bossy for my taste lately." Skye laughed.

  "Me? Woman, how dare you. You've been bossin me around for days."

  "What?" she started to argue but looking around at where he pointed, she saw everything she'd ordered him to fetch. She shrugged and giggled, then raised his hand and kissed the back of it. "Okay, we're both bossy."

  Taking a bite of fluffy eggs, she moaned her appreciation. The man sure knew how to cook. They ate quietly for a while, enjoying the peaceful time together. Skye looked around the cabin, then at Dylan. "I'm just happy to be safe at home."

  Dylan let out a huff then stood and walked to the window. He leaned an arm against the trim as he stared outside. Skye wasn't sure what she said to provoke his reaction, but he would tell her if she gave him the time. It didn't take long.

  "Skye, there ain't no place that's safe." Skye could tell from his low rough tone this wasn't something he wanted to discuss but felt he needed to.


  "No, there ain't." He turned back to Skye. Dylan threw his hand out. Exaggerated gestures meant he was upset, he needed her to understand. "Sometimes you take the longest time to get something in your head. All that's happened, and ya still don't get it? You're always lookin for the safe place but there ain't one. There never was. Do you think that Wade and I or Jesse had a safe place, ever? We've always been looking for the next blow. It's always coming from somewhere. You just have to figure out where. That big, fancy life you had, you didn't live in the real world. You lived in an illusion, a bubble, and you're still tryin to. It's time to stop. It's gonna get ya killed."

  Dylan had lived in an entirely different world than she had before all this. He knew things, things that kept him alive, things that kept them all alive.

  She needed to respect that. Dylan was right her big, fancy life had seemed safe. Yes, she'd had problems, large ones. But if she was honest, most of those were of her own making, nothing like Dylan's troubles.

  While she needed to believe most people were good, there had always been those types like Calvin, who could quickly turn to evil if they let themselves. And there had always been those who only kept civility because they were forced to.

  Dylan would view it differently, as the sad experiences in his life trained him to see it. He saw everyone as bad until they proved otherwise.

  Skye lived in his world now. Seeing it Dylan's way was how she would stay safe, how she would help keep Jesse and her family safe.

  "I understand, and I will work on that," she said in a quiet voice. "Still, I'm happy to stay home for a while, anyway. All this running around, climbing mountains, getting beat up and shot at is really not me."

  Skye's effort to diffuse Dylan's emotion worked, and he smiled. "Really, I wouldn't've guessed that."

  "Come here. Sit with me." When Dylan settled on the bed, she took his hand in one of hers. Skye raised the other to the side of his face and stroked his stubbled jaw. "I promise I won't do anything to jeopardize this family. Only save it. I trust you, I follow you, I love you. You just say the word, and I'm right there with you."

  "Just say the word?"


  "Anything I want?"

  Skye laughed. "Anything within reason."

  Dylan snorted. "Oh, now it's within reason. Always a catch with you."

  Skye pulled at Dylan, raising her lips to his, savoring him when they met. Then she laid her head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. This was exactly where she wanted to be. "I love you."

  "I love ya too, darlin'."

  Skye was a bit surprised the words came so quickly to him. "That's the second time you've said that. Some people have trouble with that."

  "I've said it a lot more than two times. You just weren't awake to hear it." He pulled back a little and laid his forehead on hers, gazing into her eyes. "It ain't hard to say it to you, not at all."

  Skye smiled and kissed him again. "It's a big deal."

  He tried to dismiss it. "Yeah, whatever."

  "No, not whatever. It means a lot to me." Skye ran her hand through Dylan's thick hair then teased him. "But I have to ask, the first time you told me you loved me, I get the crazy and terrible but wonderful? That's a bit optimistic for you, isn't it?"

  "Yeah, well, I was in the moment," he smirked. "Don't hold it against me."

  "Oh, I'm going to." Skye moved closer, wrapping her good arm around him. "I'm so going to hold it against you."

  "Stop," he said even as he pulled her tighter.

  The sudden pounding of feet on the wooden porch prepared them for Jesse's arrival. "We really need our own room," Dylan said, complaining about his one-room cabin, as he pulled away, grimacing his displeasure at the interruption.

  Jesse chatted non-stop about his part in the building work. She recalled when it took everything she had to get him to say more than two words at the same time. A warm glow started as he continued his animated story. This was her son. She helped Jesse become this, something he would never have been without her.


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