Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4)

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Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4) Page 4

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Problems?” I snickered as he turned back to the table. “She’s a girl. You know that, right?” I was pushing his buttons, but he was so wasted that I hoped he wouldn’t remember most of this in the morning.

  “Shut up, fucker!” He sneered at me before grabbing the ball and attempting to hit a cup at the other end. He missed, and Addison howled in laughter.

  “You need to practice more,” she teased.

  “Maybe the shoe would be on the other foot if you were into them as much as me when you asked me to play.” Dylan shrugged before glancing over at me. “Come here, Sutter.”

  “Dylan. You know I’m the DD. I can’t drink.” I held my hands up.

  “You’re not going to. If she hits one, I’ll take it. I need you to put her in her place.” His smile broadened as Addison smirked at our exchange.

  “If Will sees this…” I glanced around, looking for him.

  “He’s in his room with some chick by now. Get your ass over here. That’s an order.” He pointed at the spot beside him.

  “Fine.” I moved to take his place just as Addison tossed the ball and missed.

  “Ooh. Burn.” Dylan chided. “Let’s go, Sutter. Make her drink.”

  Little did Dylan know, my brother and I used to play this when I was way too young to be drinking. I never played at the house unless I had a few in me to even the playing field. I picked up the ping pong ball, took aim, and sunk it in one of the cups.

  “Drink up, Addy.” Dylan snickered.

  I watched as Addison picked up the cup, fished the ball out, and tipped it to her lips. She downed the thing faster than I’ve ever seen a girl down a beer. When she finished, she used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth and tossed the cup over the porch railing. “Did that turn you on?” She shrugged but it came across as flirting.

  “Maybe.” I shrugged in return. “Ready to go again?”

  Without a word, she picked up the ball and volleyed it back, sinking it into another beer. We went back and forth like this until the game ended, and Dylan was too drunk to play again. Just as I was getting ready to ask Addison if she’d like another drink, Josh came up to me.

  “Time to drive, DD.” He snickered.

  “Thanks.” I groaned as I looked wistfully over at Addison. Her face was flushed from the alcohol and she wasn’t trying to hide the fact that she was staring at me.

  “Oh, this is classic. Did I just cock block you, Sutter?” He threw his head back in laughter. “Wait until Will hears about this.”

  “Let’s not and say we did.” I rolled my eyes as I shouldered past him to head toward the front door where my passenger was waiting.

  When I got back to the party, it was late enough that most of the people remaining lived there. There were maybe a handful who didn’t, and they were walking distance away, except for maybe Addison. I didn’t know where she lived, and I was surprised she was still there.

  “Hey.” I hip checked her when I saw her leaning against the back railing. She was looking out into the dark and sipping a beer. “Need a ride?”

  “No,” she mumbled. “My car is here.”

  “You can’t drive.” I sighed as I mirrored her position.

  Her head snapped in my direction. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.” Her finger waved between us. “There’s no ‘we’ here.”

  “So you’re a mean drunk.” I nodded. “Good to know.”

  “I’m not drunk.” She pushed off the railing and turned to face me. “I have more going on in my life than you could ever fathom, and just maybe I’m tired of always being the responsible one. Maybe,” she flung her arms out, “I just want to be able to have fun once in a while. Maybe my brother could act like something other than a spoiled kid for once.”

  “Yep.” I nodded. “Mean drunk.”

  “Oh screw you.” She downed the rest of her beer and stormed inside.

  “I wish,” I thought. I followed in her wake, determined to not let her drive.

  “Later.” She waved as she passed a few brothers who were sitting on the couch. A girl was sandwiched between them, and they might as well have been having a threesome. She was half naked and moaning as they pawed all over her. “Tell Tris that Will can give her a ride home.”

  I stumbled as my feet skidded to a stop. The only Will in our fraternity was our president, Will Porter. Oh fuck. Will is the brother Addison is mad at. Oh fuck fuck fuck.

  “Wait!” I grabbed her elbow as she started down the steps out front. “Will’s your brother? As in the president?”

  “Welcome to the party, Freshman!” she growled as she started to pull away from me.

  “Would you stop calling me that? I’m not a freshman.” Anger began to boil inside of me.

  “Why? You act like one.” Her lip curled on one side as her beer-soaked brain attempted to find whatever bit of information she was about to throw at me. “This test doesn’t reflect what I’ve learned in class. Please don’t fail me,” she mocked as my mouth dropped open and embarrassment flooded me. Her arms crossed over her chest before she began to move toward the steps, but I stepped in front of her.

  “You’re not driving.” I placed one hand on each shoulder. “Say whatever you want. I’m not letting you get behind the wheel.”

  “You’re such a goodie two shoes,” she growled as she unfolded her arms and pushed at my chest.

  “Maybe, but you’re going to be alive because of it.” I held my ground as the anger began to melt away from her features.

  “Fine. Let’s go, Freshman. I’m tired and my vibrator is waiting on me.” She strode down the sidewalk and paused. “Which one of these is yours?” She turned to face me, and that’s when I realized I hadn’t moved. I pointed at my car as I attempted to get the vision of Addison getting herself off out of my brain. No amount of naked old people was going to erase that, and she knew it.

  “Something bothering you?” She laughed as she climbed in the passenger seat.

  “Nope.” I swallowed again as I slipped behind the wheel and cranked the engine.

  Aside from Addison giving me directions, the ride to her apartment was quiet. When I turned in the parking lot, she turned to face me.

  “I’m sorry I was such a bitch. You wanna come in?”

  I pulled into the parking space and sighed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why. You afraid of my big bad brother?” She rolled her eyes as she opened her door and climbed out.

  “Your brother is only the beginning.” I blew out a breath as I closed my eyes and repeated over and over that I was just going to walk her to the door.

  “Your loss. I’m told I’m quite a catch.” She pulled the tie out of her hair that was holding it in the messy knot and shook her hair out. Without a word, I followed her to her door. “How come you’re so nice?” She peered back at me as she unlocked her door.

  “Habit, I guess.” I laughed lightly as I tried to quiet the voice in my head that kept telling me to leave. “If I were as nice as you think I am, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.” She jumped when she heard how I close I was. “I shouldn’t be here, Miss Porter.”

  “I know,” she whispered as the door slowly opened and she turned to face me.

  “Then why am I?” I swallowed.

  “Because despite what you think you know, I see what could be, and I’m tired of doing what’s expected. My brother gets what he wants. Why can’t I?”

  “I don’t know.” I started to turn and go back to my car. She was inside now. She was safe from anything that could happen, but before I could she fisted my shirt.

  “I like you, Cayden, and I’m tired of doing the right thing.” She yanked at my shirt, and pulled me through the door, and that’s when my common sense took a vacation. My hands cupped her cheeks and I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers.

  She released my shirt and stumbled towards me. I turned us and pressed her back against the door. All the fantasies I’d had over the years about this moment di
dn’t hold a candle to the real thing. Her lips tasted of beer, and as they moved over mine she drugged me with lust. My body reacted like any male’s would who was being pressed to the woman of his dreams, but like an inexperienced teen, I tried to hide it.

  “You like me too.” She moaned against my mouth as her hand palmed me. Why it was then that my brain decided to catch up was beyond me. That action was like a bucket of cold water and I stepped back, panting.

  “We can’t do this.” I ran my hand through my hair and turned to begin pacing, a nervous tick of mine. “Your brother would kill me, and not to mention you’re the TA of one of my classes, a class I need to graduate.”

  “You’re right.” She nodded as if the gravity of the situation was just beginning to sink in. “You need to leave.” She moved away from the door and opened it so I could step outside. “See ya around, Freshman.” She smiled before closing the door and separating us, effectively ending what was probably my only chance with her.

  “I’m not a freshman.” It was a weak retort, but she’d wrecked me. I’d had a taste, and now I was royally fucked. I’d never be able to look at her again and not relive that kiss. Eight more weeks. That’s all that was left of the semester. Eight weeks, and she wouldn’t be my teacher anymore. Eight more weeks, and Will would graduate. Eight more weeks was all I needed to survive, but who was I kidding? Eight weeks seemed like an eternity when I had to be near her and pretend this never happened.

  Chapter 5


  I’ve avoided pretty much everything for days. Other than going to class, I’ve made sure that I don’t run in to Addison. She hasn’t taught any of the classes, and I’ve skipped the tutoring sessions. I’ve thought about hiring a tutor from the math department to help me, but I’m afraid I might get her. Right now, I’m doing ok, but I know the day will come that I need help again. It may sound childish, but I’m afraid that being around her is just going to be awkward. I don’t want to chance it, and I don’t want anyone knowing what happened. Will could kick me out, and I don’t want to even think about the school’s policy on being with a teacher.

  It’s been two weeks now, and I just got my most recent test back. I thought I did pretty good, but I was wrong. A big fat D is written in red across the top. When Dr. Haywood placed it on my desk, my entire body deflated. I knew some long nights in the library were in my future, and maybe summer school if I didn’t get my shit together. When class ended, I hiked my backpack up on my shoulder and headed to meet Noah for lunch. Today was my short day, so I guess after filling my stomach, I’d go fill my brain and try to learn this stuff.

  “S’up?” Noah pushed his pile of stuff out of the way so I could sit down.

  “Not much, man.” I sighed as I flopped down in the chair and tossed my bag of food on the table. “Fuckin’ differential equations is gonna kill me, that’s all.”

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Little Miss Hottie teach that class?” His lip twisted up to the side as he eyed me.

  “That’s part of the problem, dude.” I rummaged through the bag in search of my burger.

  “Uh, why?” He shifted to face me. “She seemed pretty into you at the kickoff party. You do something stupid like turn her down?”

  “She was drunk.” I didn’t want anything to get back to Will so I’d kept my kiss with Addison under wraps.

  “Drunk sex is the best.” He snickered. “They let ya do more than they would sober.”

  “You’re an asshole.” I shoved him. “If I was going to do anything with her, I’d want her to be ok with it.”

  “So you do like her.” He laughed as he shoved me in the arm.

  “What are you, twelve?” I rolled my eyes as I took a bite of my cheeseburger.

  “I don’t understand what the problem is. You like her. She likes you. Do something about it and quit moping. I’ve seen you pouting at night. All moody and shit. You’re not getting laid, and it’s starting to get to you.”

  “I’m getting laid just fine.” I muttered as I took another bite. Noah was right though. I hadn’t been with anybody in almost a year. My last relationship had left a real sour taste in my mouth, and I haven’t found anyone to take a chance since. I’d thought that Addison might be worth it, but if the teacher thing wasn’t enough, she’s also Will’s sister.

  “Right.” He shook his head. “You’re getting so much tail that I’m missing it all. You dating your hand now? Is that it?”

  “Fuck you.” I tossed half of my burger back down on the wrapper.

  “No thanks. I’m getting plenty.” He laughed, but then the sound just died. “Dude. Incoming.” My head lifted just in time to see Addison striding toward our table. She was dressed much like she was the very first time I met her in the library. Her hair was stuffed under her hat, and she had a messenger bag slung across her chest.

  She stopped at our table and cleared her throat. “Cayden, can I talk to you?”

  I sighed before I lifted my eyes to meet hers. “About what?”

  “I graded the last set of tests…” her voice trailed off. “I’m worried about you.”

  “Well, don’t be,” I snapped. I was giving her attitude that she didn’t deserve, but I was angry that I couldn’t have what I really wanted, her.

  “I can help you study if you want.” She shifted on her feet as I tried with everything in me to ignore her. “I’m heading to the library later.”

  “I’m busy.” I stood abruptly, causing her to step back. “See ya in class, Miss Porter.” I brushed past her, tossing my half-eaten lunch in the trash, and booked it outside. I sent Noah a text telling him I’d see him at the house later, and then rushed to escape into the library. I was going to study, but I also knew I could hide between the stacks and avoid the fact that what I wanted was so close, but untouchable.

  Byrd Library was surprisingly busy. I guess the fact that the temps had begun to climb into the upper eighties, students didn’t want to sit on the quad anymore. I understood, but it made finding a spot that was secluded that much harder. I climbed the steps to the fourth floor and weaved my way to the back corner. I eyed the table that Addison had once told me was hers, as I jiggled the handle to the study room in the corner. It was only big enough for maybe three people but it was unoccupied. I stepped inside, tossed my books on the table, and sat down. The room was quiet, and as I pulled out my differential equations notebook I sighed in relief. I could work with no distractions, and I might be able to get something done.

  A few minutes into my study session, I got a text from Noah.

  Noah: Where’d you go Bro?

  Me: Library. That spot you told me about. Need to clear my head.

  Noah: Wanna go to the gym later?

  Me: Sure

  Noah: Maybe you should clear your pipes while you’re at it.

  I silenced my phone after that. He was right. I was strung too tight but I couldn’t have the girl I wanted and looking for someone else seemed pointless. They would never stand up to her, and I knew I wouldn’t feel any better in the long run.

  I’d been there about an hour when the knob behind me jiggled. It was as if someone was checking to see if it was locked. “Great,” I thought. I didn’t really want to share the space, but I hadn’t reserved it, so I wasn’t going to have much of a choice.

  “Sorry,” I started to say, but the rest of my words died on my lips when I looked up to see Addison standing there. She had her messenger bag hanging over her shoulder, and a determined look on her face.

  I began packing my things up, knowing that I needed to leave. A confined space like this was a bad idea. “Would you just stop!” she growled as she blocked the door. “I’m here to help you.”

  “This isn’t a good idea,” I mumbled as I reached for my books.

  Addison pushed them out of the way and locked the door behind her. The click of the lock caused me to swallow. I felt like some little kid, not the adult that I was. What was wrong with me? Here I am in a locked room w
ith the woman I’ve had fantasies about for years, and I’m trying to escape. “Cayden! Stop!” She reached out and placed her hand on top of mine, effectively halting me. “You almost failed the test. Let me help you.”

  I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out through my nose. “Fine,” I ground out. “Why now?”

  “What do you mean?” she absently murmured as she sat down and unpacked her things.

  “I mean, you’ve never wanted to help me before. Why now?” I crossed my arms on top of the table.

  “Maybe I want you to pass. Maybe I want you to not be my student anymore. Maybe,” she paused and stared at me, “I want you to see me as a woman, and not your teacher.”

  “You think I don’t? Are you blind?” Her mouth fell open as I reached over and placed my hand on top of hers. A zing shot up my arm and I braced myself for what was to come next. “Do you remember what happened when I took you home from the party?”

  She blushed as she started to turn away. “Yes.” It was more of a whisper.

  “So what makes you think that I don’t want the same things you do?” I tightened my grip on her hand.

  “You’ve been avoiding me like the plague.” She shrugged as her teeth caught her lower lip.

  “Because I do not want to sit in class in a constant state of arousal.” I leaned closer. “You make me insane, Addison. I want you like I need my next breath. Being around you is painful for me because I can’t do what I want to do.” I was right beside her ear at this point and could smell her shampoo. It was coconut and something else. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  I watched her throat bob as she swallowed, and the pink of her cheeks spread to her neck. Her bottom lip was going to have a bruise at the rate she was going. “I can’t act on what I feel and we both know why.”

  “What if I don’t care?” she whispered. “What if I wasn’t your teacher today? What if I was just helping you out in here? Would you treat me like a woman who you were attracted to if I asked?” She blinked a few times and then her tongue came out and ran across her lips.


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