Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4)

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Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4) Page 5

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Fuck,” I hissed. “Do you know what you’re asking me to do?” I closed my eyes and pictured what I had all those nights alone in the shower.

  “I know that if you feel the way about me that I do about you, this is something that we both need. Just for today… pretend with me.” Her voice was almost pleading, and something in me snapped.

  It didn’t matter that this was a bad idea. It didn’t matter that I was going to regret it as soon as I left today. It didn’t matter that it was going to be so much worse in class these last few weeks. I couldn’t turn her down. My body, my brain, my everything wanted her, and it wanted her now.

  I lifted my hand to her chin and turned her to face me. “I’ve got a one-way ticket to Fantasyland baby. Hop on the train of no regrets.” Her eyes fluttered closed just as I leaned in and pressed my mouth to hers.

  It was slow at first. Our lips moved in sync, gliding over one another’s mouths but when she opened up and my tongue met hers, it was like a fuse had been lit. Her hands moved to my shoulders as she lifted off the chair she was sitting on. My hands cupped her ass, pulling her onto my lap where my dick was already straining against my shorts. I knew she’d feel it, but I didn’t fucking care at this point. She straddled my thighs, and her hips rocked across me while her hands knotted in my hair. She pulled gently and a moan tore from my lips on a gasp.

  “Oh shit!” I hissed as she ground down on me. My hands slid up her back under the shirt she was wearing and toyed with her bra strap. Part of me still remembered we were in the library, but Addison didn’t seem to care. She pulled back and lifted her t-shirt over her head, tossing it on the floor.

  “Door’s locked,” she murmured as she leaned in to fuse her lips with mine once again.

  “Right,” I gasped as I reached behind my neck and pulled my shirt off. I had no intention of letting it go any further, but it felt good to feel her skin against mine. She let her hands roam down my chest and toy with my belt buckle, moving them over my ribs and up to cup my face. She rocked her hips over me again, this time with more force and I knew that I was going to come in my pants if she didn’t stop. I hadn’t had to worry about that in years, and I really didn’t want to go back there. “Whoa.” I grabbed her hips to hold her still. “Slow down.”

  “What?” She frowned as she pulled back.

  “I like you. I think that is obvious, but you are so much better than this.” I pressed a kiss to her cheek. “If this is going to happen, it won’t be in a study room of the library.” I sighed because I knew we’d agreed to pretend for the day, so this wasn’t going to happen.

  “How do you know what I deserve?” She scowled at me. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “So teach me.” I grinned as her face fell. “Sorry. Wrong choice of words.”

  “This isn’t funny, Cayden.” She climbed off my lap and reached for her discarded shirt. “I could lose my position for this.”

  “I know that.” I sighed as I too reached for my shirt. “I didn’t want to do this because I know what’s at risk, but now I don’t think you could pay me to stay away.”

  “I don’t want you to stay away.” She smiled as she packed her messenger bag.

  “So what now?” I flung my arms out to the side. It seemed that we weren’t any better off now. To me, we were worse off and I had the blue balls to prove it.

  As she finished packing her books, she turned to me. “There are only six weeks left of the semester. How about I give you private study sessions at my place until then? After that, I won’t be your teacher anymore.”

  “Well, that solves one problem. What about your brother?” I too began packing my things up. No way was I getting anything done in here today. I’d never get anything done in here ever again with the mental picture this room would now bring me.

  “One problem at a time.” She pursed her lips. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

  “Fine,” I conceded, “but this has disaster written all over it.”

  “I don’t know about that.” She grinned. “I have my own place, and it’s private, and if you’re a good boy I’ll give you a treat.” She winked as she unlocked the door and slipped out as easily as she’d slipped in.

  What the fuck kinda hell did I just agree to be a part of? This was going to end badly, but I just couldn’t seem to tell her no. Addison Porter had a serpent’s tongue and she sure as hell knew how to use it.

  Chapter 6


  “So, how was studying?” Noah grinned like he knew what really happened at the library.

  “Fine,” I grunted as I lifted the bar above my chest again.

  “Just fine?” His head tipped to the side as he stared down.

  “Yep,” I grunted as I lifted it again.

  “Huh.” He chuckled. “When I saw Little Miss Hottie go rushing after you, I thought for sure your study session would have gone better than fine.”

  “What are you, my therapist now?” I placed the bar back where it rested and rocked forward. “Your turn.” I pointed at the bench.

  “Still didn’t get any action. Noted.” He sighed as he got in position and lifted the bar over his chest.

  “You know…” I paused. “You might want to lay off the smack talk when you’re relying on me to spot you.”

  “Also noted.” Noah pressed his lips together as if he was trying not to laugh.

  The rest of our workout was pretty uneventful. We worked our upper body with the promise of having a leg day tomorrow. I wasn’t sure after my study session tonight on whether I’d feel like working out tomorrow or not.

  “You wanna hang at the house later?” Noah called out as I started to walk toward my car. I’d opted out of showering at the gym and was just going to head back to the dorms.

  “Maybe. I’ve got a few things to do. Not sure when I’ll be back tonight.” I waved him off.

  “Let me know if it works!” he shouted back.

  I turned and held my arms out in question. I should have known that whatever was going to come out of his mouth was not going to be good, but Noah’s my best friend and sometimes I can’t help myself. I shook my head at myself before yelling back, “If what works?” I stood there preparing for his zing as a sly smile spread across his face.

  “If pretending she’s someone else really works?” His grin grew before he shrugged and continued. “We both know that it’s little Addy whose legs you want to be between, but you obviously won’t pursue her so you’re going after someone else. I wanna know if it works so I can try it next time.” His smile dropped as his face sobered.

  I shook my head as I rolled my eyes. “Why are you so interested in my sex life? You wanna tryout for the other team or something?”

  His head snapped back as I gave him a look that said ‘yeah fucker. I can dish it out too.’

  “Not with you.” He laughed. “You’re too high maintenance.”

  “Fuck you.” I waved him off before turning back toward my car. I needed to get cleaned up before I headed to Addison’s, and I wanted to be able to take my time.

  By the time I showered, and shaved it was well past eight. Addison hadn’t given me a time, but I didn’t want to be too late. We’d both had classes that day, and after working out I was rather tired. I’d gone for a casual look tonight, deciding on just a t-shirt and basketball shorts. I’d slipped a baseball cap on my wet hair as I’d grabbed my backpack. After all, we weren’t going anywhere and this wasn’t a date or anything.

  It didn’t even take me ten minutes to get there since I knew where I was going. After parking, I jogged up to her door and knocked. It took a few minutes, but then the door opened a crack and one eye appeared.

  “You gonna let me in, Miss Porter?” I smiled, although calling her that made me want to do anything but smile.

  “Wanted to make sure you weren’t my brother,” she sighed. “He called earlier and asked if he could come over and hide out. Some chick he banged last weekend is harassing him. Gue
ss he forgot to tell her that he doesn’t do relationships.” She rolled her eyes as she moved back farther to let me in. “I told him no, but sometimes he just shows up. I needed to make him think I was sick like I told him I was.”

  “I see,” I mused.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I love my brother, but I did not want him screwing up the first time I get you here.”

  “Why?” I kept my face sober. “I thought we were just studying.” I glanced around and saw a laptop sitting on the coffee table along with a dry erase board.

  “We are,” she nodded, “but this is a private session.” When she closed the door, I really noticed what she was wearing. A pair of the shortest shorts I’ve ever seen encased her beautiful ass, and a loose UNCW t-shirt covered her top half. The neck was wide, and every time she moved it would slip off her shoulder, revealing a pink bra strap. “Have a seat, and I’ll explain the rules.” She nibbled her lip.

  “Ok.” I let out a deep breath as I moved around to where the couch was and sunk down to the floor, leaning my back against the front. “Let’s hear it.”

  “I’ve got a copy of the last test. We’re going to go over it together. Each problem you get right, I lose something.” She waved her hands up and down in front of herself. “Every one you get wrong, you lose something. Sound good?” She lowered herself down beside me.

  “I didn’t really plan for this.” I chuckled. “I’ve only got enough on to miss four problems before you’ve got me naked.”

  “Guess it’s a good thing I’m a good teacher then, huh?” She laughed as she straightened her top and handed me the test. “Let’s start with the first one. Show me how you’d start it and I’ll show you what you should’ve done.”

  “You’re so sure that I got it wrong, aren’t you?” I narrowed my eyes as I studied the problem.

  “I graded your test, Cayden.” She shook her head as she pointed to the paper in front of me.

  “Right.” I nodded as I went to work. I was able to get about three quarters of the way through before I got stuck, and I watched as she waited for me to give up and ask for help. “Here, Miss Smarty Pants.”

  Addison laughed as she took the paper from my hand. “It’s not that I’m smarter,” she started before she paused and looked at my work. After a few moments she looked back up, “Well, maybe I am.” She sighed before she began marking through some of what I’d written. “Right here is where you went wrong. You have to isolate this first. If you do that, then this is easier to finish.”

  I listened intently as she drew arrows on the paper and artfully explained what I should have done. She made it sound so easy, and I knew skipping those tutoring session was a big mistake. If I’d just swallowed my pride after that first kiss, and done what I’d been doing, I’d be passing with at least a B right now.

  “Let’s see it.” She smiled as she placed the pen down on the table.

  “See what?” I was so lost in listening to her talk, that I’d completely forgotten her rules to this session.

  “Take something off.” She motioned to my shorts, but I wasn’t going there yet. We’d never finish if it started that way.

  I smiled as I reached up and tossed my hat to the side. I ruffled my still damp hair with my fingers before I dared turn in her direction.

  “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind,” she grumbled.

  “I know.” I winked and her eyes went straight to my lips. “Next.” I reached for the test and began working on the next problem. Problem number two, I’d gotten right, so I flew through this one. I think Addison remembered that I got it right too because her mouth turned down when she scanned over it and realized that it was her turn to disrobe.

  “You got this right the last time,” she mumbled as she reached for the tie in her hair and tugged it out. As her brown locks tumbled down to her shoulders, I scowled. “What?” She narrowed her eyes as her lips pinched together. “You took off your hat.”

  “So you like to play dirty, huh?” I ran my hand over the stubble on my chin. “I see how it is.”

  “Well if I took something like my shirt off, you might not be able to concentrate. I’m doing it for you.” She lifted a shoulder before pointing back to the test. “Get crackin.”

  I started working on number three, but this was one of the ones I was totally lost on. I tried to remember what she’d said about the first one so I could use it on this, but I was coming up blank. “Just admit that you’re lost,” she whispered right next to my ear.

  “I can’t focus like this,” I muttered.

  “Like what?” Her head tipped to the side as she moved closer.

  “Like this.” I turned to face her, completely giving up on the test and coming mere inches from her delectable mouth. I could feel her breath fan across my face as her eyes flared. We were there. We were at that point where we either stopped this, or went all in. No one would interrupt, and we had privacy.

  Her eyes dipped to my lips as she sucked in an audible breath before her arm reached out and shoved the table back. In the same motion she pulled her legs under herself and rose up on her knees, causing me to lean back. My neck rested against the couch, and before I knew it my willpower snapped.

  My mouth met hers in a fiery kiss as her left leg swung over my hips, putting her heat right over my now hard dick. “I can’t do this anymore,” she panted as she pulled back slightly.

  “Do what?” My eyes remained closed as I silently told myself to calm down.

  “Resist you.” She leaned back in, this time pressing her chest to mine. “I’ve tried, and I just can’t do it anymore.” She ground her hips down onto my lap as she snaked her hands around my neck and pulled at the hairs at the nape.

  “Fuck!” I hissed. “Me neither.” My hands went for her hips and pulled her closer as she ground down again. Her finger ran through my hair as I tilted my head and plunged my tongue into her delectable mouth. “What are we doing?” I pulled back. Fuck, I sounded like a girl.

  Addison went stiff as her head snapped back. “What do you mean, what are we doing? I thought you wanted this.” Her lips pursed as her hands left my hair and she crossed her arms over her now heaving chest.

  “I do. Oh god do I ever want this. I just want to make sure we’re on the same page before this goes any further.” I scrubbed my hand down my face as I sighed. I sounded like such a pussy at the moment, and I hated myself for it. I just don’t think that Addison understood how much was at stake for me. “I don’t think you understand what I’m risking here.”

  “You?” She scrambled off my lap and stood up. As she paced in front of me, she scowled. “I’m a TA. Your TA. I could get formally reprimanded for this. I could lose my TA position. You think I’m not risking anything here?” She spun to face me, and I saw fire in her eyes.

  “I get it.” I swallowed. “I promise I get it, but I’m risking a lot too. Your brother is the president of my fraternity. He could kick me out for this, and like you said, you’re a TA. I could face academic suspension or worse because I could be accused of cheating or worse. What if we get caught and the dean kicks me out of the department or something?” I was beginning to realize why I’d been resisting her all this time. We both had so much to risk, and for what? What if this didn’t work out?

  “So what are we going to do?” She turned to face me, and that’s when I saw the version of her that I met in the library. Despite being a teacher, putting on a front, being older, she was still a beautiful girl who was looking for the same thing I was. She was attracted to me, and no amount of telling herself it was wrong was going to stop the way she felt.

  I quickly stood and moved to stand in front of her, effectively stopping her pacing. “I like you, like a lot. I want to see where this goes, but I also wanna be there for you. I don’t know how to do that though if we have to hide this. What am I supposed to do when you’re at the house and one of my brothers makes a comment about fucking you? Your boyfriend should be able to stick up for you. Are you really going
to be ok with that?” I murmured as I stopped mere centimeters from her. Her eyes blinked rapidly before she slowly licked her lips.

  “All I know,” she paused as one hand slowly slid up my arms, just her fingertips touching the tanned skin, “is that this isn’t working. It physically hurts me to be near you and not know what you feel like. I don’t wanna walk away from you without knowing what you feel like when your sweaty body is hovering over me. I wanna know your touch, the look you have when you come. I don’t wanna regret not doing this, and if that makes me too forward, well I don’t care. I’m tired of waiting for my brother to approve or the department. I wanna do this for me, and if it blows up in my face at least I won’t regret it.”

  I took a deep breath and blew it out of my nose. How was I supposed to resist that? She was everything that I wanted in a woman, and she was offering me the world at the moment. We were only promised that night, but my brain didn’t care. I wanted to feel her too. I wanted to know what she looked like when she came. Did the real thing hold up to my fantasies, or was it better?

  “Fuck it!” I muttered as I bent forward and captured her lips. Her body swayed into mine before I leaned down and effortlessly lifted her into my arms. Studying was long forgotten as she wrapped her legs around my waist. “Bedroom,” I mumbled against her lips as I started walking toward the dark hallway.

  “Second door.” She tightened her grip as I moved us, following her directions.

  I may feel differently about this in the morning, but at the moment I didn’t care. I had my fantasy in my arms, and I was awake for it this time. Addison Porter was going to be mine, and I hers. Tonight, I was going to be the teacher, and she my pupil. I’d make sure that this lesson was one she would never forget no matter what the expiration date on us would be.

  Chapter 7


  My back hit the mattress with a soft thump, and we toppled over, oblivious to everything around us. It was dark in my room with the exception of a glow from the street light in the parking lot. I laughed lightly and felt Cayden still.


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