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Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4)

Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Ice cream?” I smiled as he pulled me into his side and led us toward the stairs up off the beach.

  “This is the best place around.” He grinned like a little boy as he slipped his feet into his flip-flops, and tugged me along behind him. “Just wait.”

  When we reached the window, I could see what he meant. The line was significantly long, and the flavor sign had more choices than I knew what to do with. They had the traditional flavors like chocolate and vanilla, but I had no idea what some of the others would taste like. Unicorn Poop for example. How the heck do you know what that flavor is?

  “Do you know what you want?” He nudged me in the side as we moved closer to the window. We only had two more people ahead of us, and I was no closer to making a decision than I was when we got there.

  “No,” I whined. “Why don’t you pick for me?”

  “That could be dangerous.” He chuckled. “What if you don’t like it? Then, I would have ruined the entire evening because I picked wrong.”

  “Dramatic much?” I teased.

  “Well it’s true. I know women, and I know that if you don’t like it, I’ll be blamed.” He shrugged as we stepped up again, this time being our turn.

  “What can I get you?” The young man behind the screen window smiled as I scowled at Cayden.

  “Are you really going to make me pick?” I pouted some more hoping to get out of choosing among the fifty-two flavors.

  “Fine.” Cayden sighed. “I’ll have a double scoop of Creamsicle, and she’ll have a single scoop of the Death by Chocolate.”

  “Chocolate huh?” I smiled as Cayden’s face fell.

  “You don’t like chocolate? I thought all girls like chocolate.” He handed the guy a ten as we waited.

  “I love chocolate, I’m just surprised you picked that.” I shrugged as I grabbed some napkins.

  “You’ll love it. Trust me.” He winked and then handed me my cone. After Cayden got his, we made our way back to the beach and began walking as we ate. It was warm despite the water being cold, and he was right, the ice cream was the best I’d had in a long time.

  “So what’d ya think, about the ice cream I mean? Good choice?” His brows bounced with mischief.

  “Very good choice.” I nodded.

  “Can I get a prize or something?” he teased.

  “Maybe.” I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me. “Depends on how the rest of the night goes.

  “Challenge accepted.” He snickered as we reached the pier. He pulled us underneath, and pressed my back against one of the pillars. “I know the ice cream was better than a ‘good choice’.” He leaned in. “You have a chocolate ring around your mouth that says you loved it.”

  “I do?” I started to reach up and wipe my lips.

  “No.” He gripped my wrist. “Let me.” I relaxed, thinking that he was going to use his thumb or something, but instead he leaned closer and gave the corner of my mouth a little lick. “Mmm.” He groaned as he moved to the other side and repeated the motion. “You’re right. It’s delicious, but I think I like the way you taste better.” With that, he stepped closer, pressing the length of his body to mine and sealing our lips. His hands dove into my hair, and he tilted my head to get better access. His hips pinned mine to the pillar, and I gasped when I felt him harden against my thigh. “You’ve been driving me crazy all night, Addy. You and this dress are a dangerous combination.” He peppered my face with small kisses as we both laughed, but when he stopped he didn’t back away. His breathing was labored, and his forehead rested against mine. I glanced up to see his eyes squeezed shut, and the vein in his neck pulsing with restraint.

  “I said I wasn’t going to do this tonight, but I can’t help it. I need you so bad right now, and I know you need me. Tell me no right now if you’re not into this. If you don’t, I’m taking you home, and I’m staying the night. I need to be buried so deep in that treasure between your thighs that I can’t think straight right now.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he gritted his teeth together.

  After the last time Cayden was over, I was afraid we wouldn’t get another chance, but here we were. “Take me home,” I whispered as I cupped his cheek, lifted up on my tip toes, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I need you too.”

  Chapter 11


  It had been a week since I’d slept over at Addison’s, and things have been going well, I guess. We really haven’t talked much, but I’ve been busy with house stuff. I’m supposed to be meeting the girls from Omega Phi this afternoon to discuss the details of the Spring Formal. Dylan is going with me, but I doubt he’ll be much help. He’s dating one of the girls on the planning committee, and I know that the reason he volunteered was for the sole purpose of seeing her. He never was very bright.

  “Hey, man!” Will caught my attention as I was walking toward the quad. The weather’s turned nice, and I’ve been studying out there a lot lately.

  “S’up?” I nodded as I paused for a moment.

  “Not much. A couple of us are just hangin’ out over here. Thought you might want to join.” He had a look on his face that said he was up to something, but I shrugged it off. I hadn’t been spending as much time as I used to with the guys, and I did miss it. Despite our differences, we did have fun together.

  “Sure.” I hoisted my backpack higher and changed directions to head to where he was standing. When I got closer I could see Josh and Dylan sitting on the grass with their legs stretched out in front of them. They were laughing at something, but stopped when my shadow loomed over them.

  “Have a seat.” Will nodded to a grassy patch. “We’re scoring the ladies on the steps over there. I called dibs on the one on the right.” He chuckled as he tipped his chin down and glanced over the top of his sunglasses. “See any you like?”

  My stomach knotted as I thought about Addison. I felt like I was doing something wrong. Who rates girls when they’re kinda dating someone? Me I guess because before I could tell my mouth to stop, the words ‘the one in the green top’ came tumbling out.

  “I think I know her. I could get you an intro.” Dylan smirked.

  “Yeah. Get him an intro,” Josh chided. “He needs to get laid more often. It’ll loosen him up.”

  “I’m plenty loose.” I elbowed him in the side. “Just because I don’t stick my dick in everything in a short skirt does not mean that I’m uptight.”

  “Sure.” They all laughed as Dylan started to get up.

  “I’m on it, man. Give me five.” He started to jog off toward the girl I’d pointed out, and before I knew it he was talking to her.

  “Fuck,” I muttered as I bent my knees and crossed my arms on top of them. I let my head drop as Josh and Will erupted into laughter.

  A few minutes later I heard an ‘umpf’ as Dylan dropped back down on the grass, “Sorry, no dice. She said she doesn’t date pussies.”

  “I am not a pussy.” I don’t know why I let these yo-yos get me in these situations, but every time I walk right into them.

  “Prove it!” Will crossed his arms over his chest. “I dare you right now to take off everything but your boxers and sit here on the quad for ten minutes.”

  “You’re on,” I challenged back. “You idiots have to stay with me though.”

  “Nope. We’ll watch from over there. It’s warm now. Your junk won’t shrink. Maybe you can impress her with your what is it? Six inches?” Will volleyed back as the others barked with laughter.

  “Real mature.” I rolled my eyes.

  “What? You too chicken shit?” Will cocked his head to the side as his eyes stayed trained on the girls several feet away.

  “Nah.” I shook my head. I reached behind my neck and yanked my shirt over my head before standing up. After toeing off my shoes, I reached for the buckle on my belt. I’d worn khakis today and when I released the clasp, the weight of the belt caused them to fall rather unceremoniously to my ankles. I kicked them to the side before lowering myself to the ground and offerin
g a smile up to where Will, Dylan, and Josh were standing. “This work?” I motioned in front of me as I reached for my sunglasses. The sun was blinding today.

  “I’ll start the timer.” Josh snickered as they started to step away.

  “Hey ladies!” Dylan shouted as he cupped his hands around his mouth. “Our buddy Cayden just broke up with his girlfriend. He needs some attention.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at their antics. What they didn’t understand was I had a family that did this same kinda crap. I’d been watching my dad and uncle try to one up each other for years. Sitting out here in my black boxer briefs was not as embarrassing as they’d like it to be.

  I don’t know how long I was out there, but the warm sun felt good on my skin, and when I laid back on the grass and closed my eyes, I must have dozed off waiting for them to tell me my time was up. When I did awake, the girl in the green shirt was standing over me.

  “Your friends left about an hour ago,” she mused. “They took your clothes with them.”

  “What?” I rocked forward and sat up. Sure enough when I looked around they were gone, and my clothes were too. The only thing they left was my backpack. “Fuckers.” I shook my head.

  “I can give you ride if you want. My car is parked that way in the student lot. I’m Serena by the way.” She held out her hand and smiled. She was prettier up close now that I really got a chance to look at her, but it didn’t really matter. I had who I wanted, and no matter what the guys tried to pull, they weren’t going to ruin that for me.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I have things to do this afternoon.” I stood, lifted my bag, and swung it up on my back. They did leave my shoes, so I slipped my feet in and started walking. Was this going to get me down? Fuck no, and showing up at the house like this would prove it.

  “You’re walking home like that?” She giggled.

  “Yep,” I nodded, turned to walk away, and offered a wave. I heard her laugh again, but she didn’t say anything else.

  It took me about fifteen minutes to get to Greek Row. I jogged up the steps, and barged through the front door. Will and Josh were in some battle on the Xbox, and didn’t even look up.

  “Wondered when you’d show up.” Josh called out at he stared at the tv screen.

  “I would have been here sooner if campus police didn’t stop me for indecent exposure.” I shrugged as I tossed my backpack on the floor and flopped on one of the nearby chairs.

  “What!” Josh’s eyes left the TV as his mouth gaped open. Will just laughed and then fired at Josh’s avatar, causing him to lose the battle they were fighting. “Damn you, Porter! I’m trying to listen to Sutter’s story about his lack of manliness.”

  “Why? Do you want to date him?” Will chuckled as the words ‘Game Over’ appeared on the screen. “Don’t you two have a meeting to get to?”

  “Fuck!” Josh tossed his controller to the side and stood up. “I ain’t going anywhere with you until you put some clothes on.”

  “Well, gee,” I rolled my eyes. “I wonder where they could be?”

  “Last I checked the homeless guy down the street had a shirt just like you did today.” Will snickered.

  “I’m going shopping in your closet then.” I pushed up from the chair and turned toward his door. I knew he was full of shit, but I wasn’t going to back down.

  “Hold up.” He sprung to his feet. “No one wears my clothes unless they’ve tickled my junk the night before.” He pointed to the bathroom. “Yours are in there.”

  “Thanks.” I smirked as I changed directions and headed to the bathroom. “Give me five, Josh.” Josh saluted me before heading towards the front door.

  I quickly dressed myself, and then grabbed my backpack before following in Josh’s footsteps. “Tell Megan that we’re not doing some chick theme this year. I’m not wearing pink or any other girlie color,” Will shouted as I closed the door behind me. I don’t know why he thought I cared about that. He was the one who pawned this gig off on me. After today’s stunt, I might suggest pink just for him.

  Omega Phi was only 2 blocks away from our house, so Josh and I opted to walk. It was still nice out, and this way I could leave right after the meeting and go to Addison’s, where I really wanted to be. Several sisters were sitting out on the porch when we walked up, and directed us inside. Apparently, they were pledges, and prohibited from attending.

  “It’s about time,” Megan, Omega Phi’s president, sighed as she stood from where she was sitting on the couch. “We’ve just about got this figured out with the exception of a few things.”

  “I thought this was a joint thing.” I wrinkled my forehead in confusion. Why was I here if they really didn’t need me or cared what I thought?

  “It is, but you’re late,” she placed her hands on her hips in a look of impatience. “Have a seat.”

  When I stepped farther into the room, I could see there were two more girls sitting near her. Their backs were to me, so I didn’t know who they were.

  “You should already know Grace,” she motioned to the blonde who was currently giving Josh a look that said she wanted to get him alone, “and this is Serena. She’s our new treasurer.” Megan sat back down and flipped open a notepad.

  “Hi.” I waved as Serena blushed and avoided looking at me.

  “So, we’ve got a venue. We’re going to use one of the multi-purpose rooms in the student center, and Grace is contacting several caterers about food and drinks. We still need a DJ, and a theme.”

  “How can you have food with no theme?” I rubbed my forehead. This chick was intense. “Wouldn’t it make more sense to have food that went with the theme? Like tacos if it was Mexican?”

  “Good point.” Megan nodded as she drew a little heart on the top corner of her page. Girls were so weird about stuff like that. “So what do you suggest?”

  “Well it’s spring, right? What about something with a beach theme? We go to school near the beach. It’s right after spring break. We wouldn’t even need to dress up in formal wear.” I cringed as I said that. Most girls loved to get all dressed up. This was their chance to make us wear a tux or a suit. “I think I could get you more help than you ever needed if you make the attire beach attire.”

  “I’m ok with that.” Serena smiled softly.

  “We could even have the party on the beach. Make a bonfire, the works,” I chimed in.

  “This sounds like all our other parties.” Megan sighed.

  “We could save a lot of money this way.” Serena started writing down figures on a piece of paper.

  “Alright, Sutter.” Megan threw her hands in the air. “Everyone seems to be on board with this. If the Alphas are ok with it, then so are the Omegas. Have Will text me. You guys are in charge of getting us a spot and building the fire pit.”

  “Sure.” I nodded before standing.

  “I’m gonna hang here for a little while.” Josh grinned as Grace wrapped her arms around him. “See ya later, Bro.” He headed down the hallway with Grace in tow and I couldn’t help but groan. He’d been so quiet during the meeting, I’d almost forgotten he’d come.

  “Why don’t you walk Cayden out, Serena.” Megan glared at her as Serena slowly stood up. She nodded, and I could tell this was some sort of upperclassman/ lowerclassman thing.

  When we stepped outside, Serena smiled at me. Gone was the confident girl I’d met on the quad. This one was quiet and seemed very uncomfortable. “I’ll see ya around,” she murmured before hugging me and catching me off guard. All I could do was hug her back to keep us from toppling over and down the stairs. I wasn’t sure what it was about, but she rushed off before I could say anything.

  I shook my head as I turned and started walking toward Addison’s apartment. I was dying to spend some time with her, and I had late classes in the morning. This would be the perfect opportunity to make up for lost time. I didn’t even think about the fact that Serena’s perfume had rubbed off on me, that is until Addison pointed it out.

apter 12


  Today has been a busy day. I’ve been preparing for a test in my dynamical systems class, and Dr. Haywood gave me a folder full of tests to grade. To make matters worse, I hadn’t been feeling that great. I think between trying to finish up my Masters and dating Cayden, I’ve spread myself too thin.

  It’s been four days since I’ve gotten more than three hours of sleep a night, and I’m starting to hear things, at least I think I am. I’ve got several books spread out in front of me as I go over my notes for the five thousandth time when I hear a knock. At first I thought it was the neighbor’s door, but then I heard his voice.

  “You gonna let me in, pretty girl?” Cayden’s muffled voice came through the door.

  I scrambled to my feet, and shuffled over to the door. As I slowly pulled it open I was rewarded with a heart stopping smile. It’s times like these that I ask myself why I fought this obvious attraction for so long. “What are you doing here?” I glanced around to see if anyone was watching. It was late afternoon, and I had nosy neighbors.

  “I finished up at the house early today, and I haven’t seen you in a while. I missed you.” He pouted as he leaned against the jamb.

  “I miss you too, but now isn’t a good time.” I sighed and felt terrible when his smile dropped. He was right. We hadn’t spent much time together the last few days and it was sweet that he’d come over on his own, but I had so much to do that I really needed the quiet time.

  “Are you really sending me away?” He pushed back from the door and started to turn.

  Guilt got the better of me, and I reached for him. “Wait!”

  He turned and smiled before walking with a little too much swagger back to the door. “I knew you couldn’t resist me.” He winked as he brushed passed me, and that’s when I smelled him.

  “When did you start wearing ladies’ cologne?” I glared at him.

  “What are you talking about?” He froze like he knew he was guilty of something, but tried to play it off.


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