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Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4)

Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Um, no.” I slowly lowered myself down on the mattress. I was uncomfortable to say the least, and I had this sinking feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong. “Will’s downstairs talking to Megan, I think.”

  “Oh.” She grinned as she moved closer.

  I slid away and almost stood back up.

  “What’s wrong?” Her brow furrowed as she blinked at me.

  “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I’m not interested.” I forced the words out. “I told you at the fun park that I have a girlfriend, and I love her very much. This,” I waved my hand between us, “isn’t going to happen.”

  “I know.” She laughed lightly. “I don’t like you like that.” I watched as she pulled her legs up and folded them underneath herself. “You’re not the Alpha I was hoping to land.”

  “What?” I almost jumped up.

  “I guess I should have said something,” she laughed again, “but I didn’t think you’d help me. I like Will.”

  “Really?” I jerked my head back. “So what was all that at the party?”

  “That was my attempt to make him jealous. I guess it was a little childish, huh?” She nibbled her lip.

  “You could say that. He wants to beat my ass because he thinks we’re dating, and that I’m playing some game with his sister.” I grabbed the back of my neck. “This is so fucked up.”

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

  “Come on.” I stood abruptly, and reached for her hand.

  “What are you doing?” she squeaked.

  “Clearing this up, and then getting the fuck outta here so I can fix my own problems.” I began pulling Serena behind me as I made my way downstairs. I was not one to let stupid misunderstandings go, and this was an easy fix. If Will wasn’t interested, then he could tell her himself.

  Chapter 19


  I was probably being childish, but I didn’t care. I’ve been locked in my apartment for the last four days hiding from life in general. I’ve been avoiding school, avoiding Cayden, and avoiding my brother. I’ve had two video chats with my advisor for my thesis, and Dr. Haywood has been very understanding with my lack of involvement in the class. I’ve actually come close to just leaving campus, and applying for jobs elsewhere. Seeing Cayden and my brother go at it daily isn’t appealing, and I’m beginning to wonder if Cayden was even worth it.

  All the drama that came with a relationship with him, if you’d even call it that, has been more than I ever bargained for. I’ve been deflecting texts daily, and when his name popped up on my caller ID this morning, I considered going to a coffee shop to hide out. Cayden very seldom ventured off campus, so I knew I’d be safe.

  I’ve been curled up on my couch watching reruns of SNL all day when I hear a knock at the door. I grabbed my wallet as I shuffled over thinking it was probably the pizza I ordered, when I hear his voice. “I know you’re in there, Addison.” He didn’t sound angry or even hurt. I glanced in the mirror across the room to take in my appearance. Baggy sweats and a messy updo. Great. As I reached for the knob I mumbled, “I don’t even know why I care.”

  The knock sounded again, this time slightly more persistent before he barked another order. “Let me in Addy, or I’ll break it down.”

  I yanked the door open right before he started to pound again, leaving his fist midair. “Caveman much?” I shook my head at him.

  “If it makes you listen to me, then yes,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “What if I don’t want to talk to you?” I shifted on my feet, popping my hip out to the side and blocking the entire doorway.

  “I don’t really care.” He stepped forward causing me to step back, then used it to his advantage to push his way inside. “Sit.” He motioned to the couch I just vacated.

  “I don’t remember inviting you inside.” I tried to sound annoyed but seeing him standing there all alpha on me, no pun intended, made it hard.

  “We’re going to talk, and then if you want me to leave I will.” He stalked over to the oversized chair I had in the corner and flopped down.

  “Fine.” I sighed as I rolled my eyes at him. I resumed my position on the couch, and turned up the volume on the TV. Childish I know, but I was feeling like pushing his buttons today. “Go ahead.” I motioned as I ignored him.

  “Kinda hard with that.” He rocked forward and placed his elbows on his knees.

  “I never said I wanted to listen to you. You wanna talk, then talk.” I cranked the volume louder again, and watched him snap.

  “Fuck this,” he growled as he stomped over to me, yanked on my hand causing me to stand, and then grabbed the remote from my grip. He clicked the TV off, then ushered me into the kitchen.

  “What are you doing? “I smacked at his chest, but he didn’t move.

  “Does hitting me make you feel better, Addy?” He smirked as he leaned in, causing our noses to almost touch. When I didn’t answer he moved even closer, and I could feel the beginnings of an erection. “You look really hot, by the way.” He chuckled, then before I could answer his first question he grabbed me around the waist and boosted me up on the counter. “I came here to talk,” he stepped between my legs, “but right now that’s the last thing I want to do.” His breath fanned across my cheeks.

  I don’t know how I ever thought that I could stay away from him. Whether my brother liked it or not, I couldn’t back off. I wanted Cayden more than I wanted anything else, and our connection seemed to be getting stronger, not weaker with distance. “There’s so much working against us,” I whispered, this time my lips brushing his lightly.

  “Don’t care,” he murmured.

  “What about school?” I swallowed, feeling my body begin to burn. Every ounce of me was begging to touch him. It wanted to feel, to forget, it longed for that connection that we’d had in the pool the weekend before.

  “Got it covered.” He grimaced as he ground his jaw together.

  “The house?” I pushed.

  “God damn it, Addison.” His fists balled the edge of my shirt beside my hips. “I need,” he hissed, “fuck!” His lips slammed into mine, and when I gasped in surprise, his tongue took full advantage. Hands slid up my sides cupping my breasts along the way before settling in at my jaw. My legs wrapped around his hips, pulling his hard cock against my center. Heavy breathing turned into grunts and groans as our kisses went deeper and deeper. Just as he was starting to unclasp my bra, reality brought me back in the form of the real pizza guy.

  “Stop!” I pushed against his chest breaking the connection. Cayden backed up immediately. He ran his palm down his face as he attempted to calm down. His shorts were tented, and as he pulled at his hair aggressively, I could hear him mumbling something to himself.

  I hopped off the counter and went to answer the door, all the while righting my clothes and trying to slow my breathing. We did need to talk, and sort things out before this went any further, and I guess this was the universe's way of doing that. After paying for the pizza, I tossed it on the table and went to grab some paper plates and sodas from the fridge. “Want some?” I motioned to the box.

  “That’s the last thing I want, but ok,” Cayden began mumbling again.

  “What are you saying?” I watched as he sat down across from me.

  “You did feel my dick against you like ten seconds ago, right?” He laughed.

  “Kinda hard not to.” I nibbled my bottom lip.

  “Well, it’s hard to just make it go away. Sometimes he needs a little pep talk.” This time he laughed.

  “So you’re talking to your dick.” I giggled. “Does it actually work?”

  “Would reminding you of the time you walked in on your parents doing it cause you to lose your desire to fuck, work for you?” His face went sober. “Yeah. Totally happened. I picture that,” he pointed to his head, “and he calms down.” He then pointed to the shrinking tent in his shorts.

  “Sorry I asked.” I stuffed a piece of pizza in my mouth. �
��So, what now?” I looked over at him. “I mean besides eating, we’re no better off than we were four days ago.”

  “Actually, we are.” He grinned like he knew a secret that I wasn’t privy to.

  “Oh really?” I tossed my pizza down. “Do tell.” I guess I should have trusted him, but I’d been burned one too many times, and I also knew my brother wasn’t a forgiving person. Hell, Will held grudges ten times longer than I did.

  “I talked to your brother this morning. We’re cool.” He leaned back in the chair and smiled at me.

  “What?” I started to choke.

  “I know, right?” He batted his eyes and tipped his head to the side, exaggeratedly teasing me.

  “Stop.” I tossed my crust at him before he roared with laughter. “That still doesn’t solve the school thing. How are we going to date with me teaching, especially next year?”

  “I worked that out too.” He bounced his brows in pride. “I can date a TA, just not my TA.” He held his finger up to halt me as I started to remind him that I was going to be a professor in September. “You don’t start teaching until September. The classes I need to graduate are available this summer.” He shrugged. “I’m just going to go to summer school, and walk in December with my class.”

  “You’re going to kill yourself that way. That’s a lot of school in a short amount of time.” I was bewildered by his plan.

  “I’ll survive. I’m smart, remember? I graduated high school a year early.” He chuckled as he stood up and rounded the table. “Besides,” he reached for my hands and tugged me to a standing position, “you’re worth it.” Before I could even protest, he sealed his lips over mine in a soul searing kiss.

  I may have been the one teaching Cayden in the classroom, but he sure taught me about love.


  4 years later…


  I can’t believe how time has flown by. I never thought in a million years that I’d be where I am today. My office overlooks the ocean, and that’s not even the best view. I’ve been working as a design engineer for a small startup company here in Wilmington. When I landed the lead design position at Cannonics, I couldn’t really say no. I mean, in addition to being right down the street from my house, it had one of the biggest perks I could have asked for.

  “The schematics on this are finished if you want to sign off on them.” My intern handed me a manila folder and stood in the doorway waiting for me to dismiss him. “Your wife wanted me to tell you that she’s going to be late tonight. She’s got a late meeting.”

  “Thanks, Andy. See ya Monday.” I waved as I opened the folder and started to scan it, then thought better of it and set it to the side. Late meeting, huh? She was going to make us late for the party tonight.

  I glanced around my office before grabbing my jacket, and heading out. As I locked my door, I looked across the hall and there she was hunched over her desk. I shook my head as I changed directions and pushed her door open. “Late meeting, huh?” I laughed as I leaned against the jamb.

  “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Freshman?” Addison murmured as she continued to stare at the paper in front of her.

  “Must you call me that at work?” I moved closer, trying to get her attention but she wouldn’t look up. “What kind of meeting is the senior algorithm specialist going to on a Friday night?”

  Addison laughed lightly, “One that George called last minute.”

  “Skip it.” I leaned down and kissed her neck.

  “I don’t think I can.” She sighed as the pen she was holding fell from her grip.

  “I think you can. I’ll come up with an excuse.” I ran my lips up her neck and stopped right by her ear. “Promise.”

  “Are you ready to leave now?” she squeaked.

  “Yep.” I stood up, and held my hand out for her knowing I’d won this battle.

  “Fine.” She began to frantically text her boss as she shoved things in her purse. “Let’s go to this party.”


  The drive to my Uncle Nick’s house didn’t take long. It was almost impossible to find a place to park though. You would have thought that it was a special holiday or something, not my brother’s birthday.

  We climbed out of my car, and made our way around to the deck stairs just as my sister in law was rounding the corner. “Hey, Mel.” I waved and she sighed. “Thank god you’re here. I need an extra pair of hands with these two.” She was standing there with my twin nieces, one on each hip. “Here.” She handed me one, and then rushed off.

  “Can you take her?” I looked over at Addy, “I’m not really a baby person.” I panicked a little. Ava and Anna weren’t your average two-year olds, they were holy terrors. My parents said they put my brother and I to shame.

  “Sure.” Addy reached for Ava and then followed in Mel’s wake.

  “She’s gonna change her mind real quick.” Brooklyn, my nephew rolled his eyes.

  “Oh really?” I teased. I always had fun with this kid.

  “Yep.” He nodded matter-of-factly. “No nap today.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” I chuckled as I ruffled his hair.

  “Bro!” my brother, Aaron shouted where he was currently being ganged up on by my cousin Emma’s daughter. “Come help me!”

  “I need a minute, Old Man!” I shouted as I pointed at my dress shirt.

  “I ain’t old.” He scowled back.

  “Yes you are, Uncle Aaron.” My five-year niece laughed as she tossed the basketball into the floating hoop and cheered. “Mom says you’re an old man and that I have to be nice to you.”

  “Thanks, Em.” Aaron glared at our cousin who was currently surveying the food table while rubbing her swollen belly.

  “Don’t mess with me,” she warned. “I’m pregnant and I have the mood swings to prove it.” As she was warning Aaron, her husband Brock was nodding in agreement.

  “Thirty isn’t old,” Aaron whined like a little kid.

  “Yes, it is.” I laughed along with my cousins.

  “You can talk about being old when you’re pushing sixty.” Uncle Nick turned from where he was currently residing at the grill.

  “Hey, Uncle Nick.” Brooklyn furrowed his brow and I could tell his ten-year-old brain was working overtime.

  “Yeah, Buddy?” Nick paused.

  “Did you have TV in your house when you were little?” The side of his mouth curved up as he watched my Uncle’s mouth drop open.

  “I think it’s time you go for a swim,” Nick warned as he advanced on my nephew. The closer he got, the faster little Brook’s feet moved until he took a flying leap towards his father in the deep end. The rest of us just roared with laughter.

  “It’s not funny.” Nick scowled, but quieted down when Aunt Leah hugged him.

  Dinner was soon served and everyone gathered around the tables. It was something we didn’t do enough of anymore. Aaron lived an hour away, and Emma travelled with her job. Brock was still working with my dad and Uncle Nick, but family gatherings didn’t happen like they used to. The last time we were all together was my wedding.

  “Ryan said he and Jess were really sorry that they couldn’t make it,” Leah lamented as we were finishing up.

  “That’s ok.” Addy wiped her mouth as she reached for my hand and nodded.

  “You think that maybe he could make it back here next spring?” I smiled at my wife.

  “Maybe? What’s going on?” My mom’s eyes darted between mine and Addison’s.

  “We’d like to have a party here with everyone when you meet your next grandchild.” I grinned so big my cheeks started to hurt.

  “Really?” Mom bounced in her seat. “I’m gonna be a grandma again?”

  “That’s what the doctor says. Probably around April.” Addy giggled.

  “Another baby?” Brooklyn groaned from his spot at the table. “Great. It better be a boy this time.” He slunk back in his chair as the rest of us looked around. He was the only bo
y, and that had to get hard.

  “I’ll see what I can do about that.” I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around my wife and leaned over next to her belly. “You hear that, little guy? There’s been a request for a boy.”

  “Cayden.” Addison scoffed. “What if it’s a girl?”

  “Then we’ll just have to keep practicing until we get a boy.” I shrugged.

  “Or teach her how do boy things, like fish or play sports,” Brooklyn chimed in.

  I laughed as I pulled Addison closer to me. I’d been sitting on this secret for a week now, and it felt good to finally tell everyone. I had everything I could possibly want in life; a beautiful wife, a great job, and soon I was going to be a dad.

  The End

  Teaching Cayden Playlist

  Where the Light Comes In- BRANT

  Kiss Somebody- Morgan Evans

  One Number Away- Luke Combs

  Horses- Keith Urban

  Steal My Thunder- Keith Urban

  Cry Pretty- Carrie Underwood

  Graveyard- Kelsea Ballerini

  Faded- Alan Walker

  Silence- Marshmello

  The Middle- ZEDD

  Us- James Bay

  Small Doses- Bebe Rexha

  Unapologetically- Kelsea Ballerini

  Slow Dance in a Parking Lot- Jordan Davis

  Worth It- Danielle Bradbury

  Somethings Gotta Give- Camila Cabello

  Keeping Score- Dan + Shay feat. Kelly Clarkson

  How Does It Sound- Dylan Schneider

  Lonely Call- RaeLynn

  Stay the Night- ZEDD feat. Hayley Williams

  Other Works by H. D’Agostino

  The Second Chances Series

  Unbreak Me

  The Boy Next Door

  The One That Got Away

  Inside Out- A Second Chances Novella

  Fallen From Grace

  The Family Next Door

  The Shattered Series






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