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His Prize Model (A BBW Romance)

Page 9

by Malcolm Jordan

  “A great model never packs too much…maybe Ethan will invite you to stay a few extra days. Plus, remember all the paparazzi will be there,” she chuckles. I resign myself to the fact that Jada will not be denied and allow her to complete my wardrobe selection.

  The night before we are scheduled to depart, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. For some unexplained reason I am trembling with excitement. I will finally be in Ethan’s crosshairs and I find myself looking forward to catching a glimpse of what Mr. Stone is really like.

  I hardly sleep a wink and I’m up at the crack of dawn, making breakfast and buzzing around the apartment. My early stirring disturbs Jada, who is mad as a hatter. “Riley, what the hell are you doing up at this time of the morning and fooling around the house? Damn girl, you need to get your beauty sleep. You need to look fabulous when you arrive in The Bahamas.” My roomie stumbles about, shooing me back to bed.

  “I just couldn’t sleep. I have to keep busy,” I brush her off, while fidgeting with my pajamas.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so antsy?

  I finally manage to calm down and flop onto the living room couch.

  “Now you see what you have done. You have me awake and you know I don’t like to get out of bed before eleven,” Jada scolds. We both sit holding hand, staring at the walls. I must have dozed off, because when I glance at the clock on the wall it is close to ten o clock. Both of us shriek and rush into the bathroom. The town car would be down for us at midday and we girls take a very long time to get ready, well Jada in particular.

  By some feat of magic we manage to be on time when we hear that knock on the door and the driver announcing that he was there to collect our bags. Jada and I giggle and open the door. The driver looks startled at the sight of the two very large suitcases sitting in the middle of the apartment. We had packed for an entire week. The heavyset man squirms under the weight of the suitcases, but accomplishes the task of getting them down the elevator and into the back of the car. Jada and I jump into the back seat, still giggling and hi-fiving.

  The driver turns on the radio and steps on the gas, heading towards the private airport where the jet was fuelled and waiting.

  I wonder how many models and wardrobe people will be on our flight?

  Jordan had hinted that private jets would be taking off from different cities, shuttling everyone in.

  I won’t lie, I am excited as can be.

  This is the big time, Riley. This is what you have been dreaming of.

  The ride to Teterboro private airport takes about an hour and I stare out the window during the entire journey, deep in thought. Jada, on the other end of the spectrum, has a big smile plastered all across her beautiful face. I tremble in glee at the sight of the private jet. It’s a gorgeous looking machine… sleek and sexy. Just the way I like my rides.

  We head straight toward the plane, having already been pre-cleared by the Immigration authorities. “Welcome aboard, ladies,” the flight attendant, a cute redhead in sexy white uniform announces.

  Jada and I exchange glances.

  Is this Ethan’s personal jet? Is this the way his stewardesses dress?

  Once inside the aircraft, I recognize a few big-time models. They give me the once over and wave, saluting us. Jada and I return the greetings and flop into our seats. Everyone is chattering excitedly as we taxi down the runway. Obviously, the word had spread about the fabulous island and the sexy billionaire who owns it. The models, it appears, are all looking forward to the assignment, but most of all in meeting the hunky host, up close and personal.

  I settle back and enjoy the flight, which turns out to be a rather relaxing one. Jada and I peer outside the window and share jokes throughout the journey. The others are mostly quiet, napping during the roughly three-hour flight.

  The closer I get to Cary Island, the faster my heart beats.

  My palms are sweaty and Jada seems to notice my nervous energy. “Calm down, Riley. It’s not about him.” She wraps her arms around me. “It’s about establishing yourself among the big names and impressing everyone. Remember, a lot of eyes will be on you. You are the flavor of the month, girl.” I smile and find myself feeling much more tranquil. I am so glad I brought Jada along. She may just be a year older than me, but she is pretty experienced, having been a model from the age of seventeen. My roomie has nerves of steel. Nothing fazes her. But then, she has never met Ethan before.

  “This is the captain speaking… we are about to begin our descent into Nassau,” a voice crackles through the intercom. “There you will clear private immigration and customs before boarding a smaller plane, which will take you to Cary Island.”

  We are almost there. We are almost at Ethan’s special hideaway.

  The plane touches down effortlessly, drawing applause from all on board and taxis down the runway before grinding to a halt. I excitedly peek outside the window. It’s a small airport, thank God. We won’t have to spend too much time here. I so want to just get to Cary Island. We disembark and are ushered toward a private immigration area. Being a VIP does have it perks and in no time we are walking through a section of the building, towards a small twin-engine plane.

  I hate tiny planes, but I try and mask my apprehension. No sense in letting everyone see how scared I am.

  There are about four aircraft on the runway, waiting to transport different groups to their destination. I grip Jada’s hand tightly and glance at her, pressing back against the seat to try and disappear. She strokes my hand reassuringly. “Calm down, Riley. Just be calm. Everything’s going to be alright.” Luckily, I am in the rear of the small craft. I would have died being in the front, too close to the pilot.

  We quickly take off and soar into the afternoon skies. I glance on my watch. It’s just after five. The pilot hints that the flight will be about half an hour, so I settle back into my seat, close my eyes and await the descent to the home of the man who has captured my thoughts.

  All too soon my eyes flicker open, as I feel the plane start its descent. We are approaching Cary Island. Somehow, it seems much bigger than I had imagined. I see the outlines of a large, majestic beach and a few massive buildings nearby. As we draw closer, suck in air greedily after holding my breath. The island seems so tropical and beautiful from the air. I can’t wait to be on the ground and sample its splendor.

  I am already in love with Cary Island.

  The aircraft finally lands and Jada and I quickly unfasten our seat belts, at the ready for our island adventure. I am the last one out of the plane and as my foot touches the ground, I am immediately struck by the exoticness of the island.

  This is indeed paradise. I could live here one day.

  A giant, middle-aged man rushes out to meet our party. Even at his age, I could make out the power in his body. He obviously works out and keeps fit. It seems everyone around Ethan stays in shape. “Hi, I am Braddock, one of your hosts for the weekend. I trust you had a pleasant flight.” His eyes are sharp and quickly surveys the landing party, sizing us up from head to toe.

  I am a little disappointed that Ethan did not come out to greet us, but I figure that wasn’t his style, of course. He is a man of grand entrances. “Yes, it was great, Mr. Braddock,” Jada answers on behalf of the group.

  That seems to please him as he flashes a toothy grin. “Come, follow me… I will take you to your quarters. Your group is staying in the main mansion.”

  Jada and I look at each other and smile.

  So I get to stay close to Ethan.

  Braddock personally shakes each of our hands and escorts us to a few brand new Land Rovers parked in the shade of the palm trees. They all have drivers who open the doors and usher us inside. Jada and I are ensconced in the back seat of one of the vehicles. The air conditioning is quite welcoming, as the island is hot, much hotter than New York at the moment. The driver takes off and we get a chance to take in the sights, as we rumble along the neatly paved roads.

  I had expected all dirt tracks, but Car
y Island appears very well developed. We pass a number of smaller barracks-type buildings, some with armed guards outside. Ethan appears not to be taking any chance with security.

  In a matter of minutes we drive up to a huge, imposing gate that swings open electronically and we cruise along a beautifully manicured driveway, garlanded with giant, majestic palm trees. I gush at the beauty of the surroundings and how well kept it is. The driver finally stops in front of what I can only describe as the biggest house I have ever seen. It’s more than a mansion. It resembles a number of mansions joined together.

  I climb out of the Land Rover and excitedly stroll up towards the main door. Some guys, who appear to be local islanders, wander down and quickly extract our luggage from the vehicle.

  Braddock motions us to follow him. The mansion door swings open and I step into what is as paradise on earth. The large entrance is aligned with magnificent statues and paintings. It’s as if we have stepped into another world. Jada and I again exchange knowing glances. Her eyes open wide, as does her mouth. We are both in awe. So this is how billionaires live. Goodness gracious.

  “Your rooms are beside each other on the second floor and Horatio will show you where they are,” Braddock announces. “There will be an itinerary in your quarters awaiting you. Just for information, tonight we have a welcome dinner outside on the east lawn. I will see you then.” He disappears with a wave of the hand.

  Horatio, a tall, young islander, smiles at us. He and another local, a rather burly fellow, gather our luggage and both nod for us to follow. We ascend the winding staircase to the second floor and saunter behind them for about five minutes before they stop at adjoining rooms and beckon us inside.

  “See you in a jiffy,” Jada mouths to me.

  “You bet,” I whisper back, excited to see what my room looks like.

  Horatio drops my bag inside the room, bows courteously and departs.

  My eyes scan the room. It’s a gorgeous suite, filled with fresh flowers and a bottle of champagne, glasses and fruit platters. I jump on the massive four poster bed and roll around like a pig in mud.

  This is the life. This is the freaking life.

  I am still wallowing in bed when there is a knock on my door and Jada’s head appears.

  “Come on into my parlor,” I command, jokingly.

  Jada rushes into the room and jumps on the bed and we both start jumping around like kids. “Riley, oh my goodness, this is paradise girl. How rich is Ethan? Jeez.”

  “You said it, girl,” I retort, before flopping on my ass.

  We are both ravenous from the journey and dive into the fruit platters. The fresh Caribbean delights are delicious and melt in my mouth. We pour ourselves champagne and wash it down. The bubbly tickles my nose. I feel euphoric. I am indeed living in a fairy tale.

  We spend a good part of an hour chatting about what an amazing time we will have, before Jada jumps up and heads for her room. “Look at the time, Riley. We have to get dressed…you know, we models have to look our finest tonight, what with all the competition around for Ethan’s attention,” she laughs mockingly.

  With Jada gone, I take a long hot shower, enjoying the feel of the water against my skin. My nipples tingle. I am excited and my ebony skin is literally glowing. Refreshed from the shower, I begin the process of unpacking, which I thoroughly hate.

  What am I going to wear tonight? I settle on a super short white dress that shows off my bow legs and hugs my thick figure like a glove. I may not be skin and bones like most models, but hell do I look sexy. After skillfully applying just the right amount of makeup, I step back and admire myself in the mirror.

  Riley, you looks extra hot tonight. You’re gonna knock them dead.

  I smile at my reflection and she smiles right back at me. I am ready to turn heads, but deep down I know there is only one head on my mind and I just hope he turns up. I would be awfully disappointed if he doesn’t.

  Jada’s knock snaps me back to attention. She struts in, wiggling her ass and doing her best runway impersonation. “Ta dah!” Jada gushes. She is dressed in a flowing red gown, her favorite color and looks simply irresistible. I had almost forgotten how beautiful she is when dressed to kill.

  “You look fantastic, Jada. I am almost afraid to walk next to you… you are too stunning.”

  “Thank you… thank you, my loyal subject,” my roomie jokes, stretching out both hands, obviously enjoying the grandeur of the occasion.

  I grab her arm. “Come on baby, let’s go set this place afire.”

  Jada giggles, opens my room door and follows me outside. We glide down the hallway and gingerly descend the stairs, where we are greeted by a hive of activity downstairs, as staff members are busily assembling items for the dinner outside.

  Horatio spots us and offers to escort us to the east lawn. “You ladies are looking just fabulous,” he says and there is no mistaking the admiring look in his eyes. I smile to myself.

  Outside, the night is alive and teeming with energy. Cary Island has a vibration to that is contagious.

  My eyes bulge and my breath hitches in the back of my throat as my eyes behold a gigantic tent set up on the lawn, with swanky round tables filled with the most amazing decorations, golden utensils and a multitude of glasses. I make a mental note to follow Jada’s lead while dining, since she has been to many more high-class events than I have.

  This is indeed an occasion fit for the queen that I want to be, sitting beside King Ethan on his throne.

  Most of the guests are already seated, but heads immediately turn as we approach. I see the look of envy on many of the women’s faces and the unadulterated lust emanating from the men.

  Mission accomplished, Riley.

  Jada and I smile as we make our way to a table near the front of the tent, thankfully near to a large head table which will contain the guests of honor. Glancing around, I notice a number of famous models and designers in the audience. The place is a who’s who of the fashion, business and entertainment world. Jada nudges me and my eyes follow her direction. I see Kate Garner, the number one model in the world, preening in all her glory. To her left is Brittany Johnson, the glamorous actress. Every table, it seems, has a celebrity seated there.

  For some reason though, all eyes seem to be on me, or at least that’s how I am being made to feel. I guess the gossip must be about my photos with Ethan and I figure they are wondering what is going on between us.

  Speaking of Ethan, there is no sign of him anywhere.

  The place fills up quickly. Finally, everyone is seated and ready for what promises to be an amazing evening, but there is one chair conspicuously empty at the head table. Braddock, the man who had met us on arrival, rises from his seat and heads over to the lectern. “Ladies and gentlemen of the fashion world,” he begins, eyes scanning the exclusive crowd. “I want to welcome you to Cary Island. You are all here for a very special and exclusive preview of a collection that is second to none and we are delighted to have you.”

  Braddock pauses and glances around the room. “Tonight is not about speeches. Tomorrow will be the big show, but tonight is about fun and making new friends and when our host arrives, you will a chance to meet him.” He waves his hand, the servers appear as if by magic and the feast begins. There is excited chatter as everyone at our table introduce themselves and the conversation flows easily, with Jada, as usual, being the life of the party. My roomie has us all in stitches with her jokes and bubbly personality.

  The meal is delicious, but remembering that I have a fashion show to do tomorrow, I cut back on my portions, much to my dismay.

  I am enjoying the occasion, chatting, drinking and savoring the opulence, when suddenly a hush descends on the tent and I follow the direction of the eyes all around me.

  Making his grand entrance is none other than Ethan Stone.

  Ethan strolls in with a cocky grin on his ruggedly handsome face. He is immaculately dressed in a dark suit that clings perfectly to his hunky, powerful body, spor
ting a dark shirt and a smashing yellow tie. I can sense Jada squirming beside me and her eyes are glued on Ethan. “Jesus fucking Christ, Riley. I had no idea he was this handsome in person. The man is fucking hot, pardon my French,” Jada whispers in my ears.

  Ethan shakes a few hands with persons at the head table and then takes his seat. I watch his eyes scan the room and he nods to a number of faces he recognizes. Finally, his eyes focus on my table and then on me. They widen slightly and then light up. I hold his stare, as if mesmerized… not daring to blink. Our eyes lock and for a minute the whole world stands still. It’s as if no one else is in the tent. Mercifully, he turns away and returns his attention to the head table.

  My chest is feeling tight like it might explode with emotions, my sex quivers with anticipation and my nipples are torturously turgid against my bra. A familiar dampness envelopes my sex and I suck in air

  “I saw the way he looked at you,” Jada pokes me in the side. “He likes you. I could see it in his eyes.”

  “Shush Jada. Ethan is a charmer, if he likes me why hasn’t he called since our date?”

  “I guess you will find out sooner or later, because here comes the man.” Jada’s eyes twinkle and I whirl around to see Ethan making his way over to our table.

  My throat thickens with emotions and I make a goofy face at the sight of Ethan approaching. My chest feels like a huge bolder is pressing against it, but I relax and act cool, as if hardly noticing him.

  Ethan shakes hands with a few people at the table before turning to me. His eyes are trying to bore a hole in the back of my skull, reminding me of the first day we met. “Riley, darling, it’s an unexpected pleasure to see you again.” Ethan takes my hand and plants a kiss on it.

  I can feel my face burning and my cheeks flush as I start blushing. “Ethan, it is nice to see you again, as well. Thanks for inviting me.” I flutter my lashes and give him one of my patented billion dollar smiles.

  Ethan laughs with his eyes. “If I had any idea you would be here, I would have rolled out a special red carpet.”

  I am sure he is lying. He must have known I was on the guest list, but then again it’s a large gathering, so maybe he didn’t.


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