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His Prize Model (A BBW Romance)

Page 15

by Malcolm Jordan

  We head downstairs where my bodyguards are waiting with the BWM. Leonardo jumps around the wheel, while Jeffrey sits in the front passenger’s seat beside him. Riley and I are ensconced in the back. She leans her head on my shoulders during the ride, barely speaking, seemingly enjoying the view and drifting into a pensive mood.

  Driving around with her close to me just seems right. I can’t explain it, but it just feels damn right, as if she belongs with me. No, not like the possessions I fancy, but as a part of my life.

  We arrive at the set of her latest photo shoot and she introduces me simply as Ethan. The director, however, immediately recognizes me and makes quite a fuss about what an honor it is having me around. I tell him just to relax and take a seat in the corner of the set, where I can quietly watch her work. Once they start rolling, Riley takes on a different personality. She seems to be making love to the camera.

  I sit totally mesmerized, watching my lover work. She takes time to glance and smile at me a few times, but remains totally professionally, interacting with photographer, director and wardrobe.

  My presence on the set appears to have brought out all the assistants and even the head of the company drops by and says hello. I return the greetings politely, but remain in the background. I don’t want to rain on Riley’s parade. This is her show.

  Riley puts in a full day’s work, save for a short lunch break, during which she snacks on fruits and water. She spends a few minutes cracking jokes with me and introducing me to the rest of the cast. I see the admiring glances from the other models and Riley is quick to point out that she will load my gun next time we are in bed, if I so much as mess with any of the other girls. I crack up laughing.

  At the close of day’s shooting, we drive Riley back to her apartment. Jada is home, having just come back from a photo shoot herself and I spend a leisurely evening chatting with them both. I like Jada, she is refreshingly funny and a perfect foil to Riley’s more pragmatic approach to life.

  Jada appears to be eyeing the dynamics of Riley and me being together. She takes note of the way we act around each other and how we relate. I find it funny, but suppress my inclination to laugh. She is like a mother hen, but it’s a good thing for Riley going forward, as there is no doubt she is going to be one of the world’s top plus-size models very soon and Jada will be there to guide her along the way.

  I am enjoying being in Riley’s world. It relaxes me and at least for a day I can be plain old Ethan; not the billionaire CEO or Sexiest Man Alive. just simply Ethan Stone.



  Today was a revelation. Can you imagine Ethan gave up running his multi-billion dollar empire to hang around me, watching me at work and afterward come up to the apartment and chat and joke with Jada and I. The man never ceases to amaze me; Just when I think I have him pegged, he displays another facet of his personality that rocks my world, pulling me deeper in love with him.

  Jada has fixed us a small supper which Ethan says he totally enjoys. I run into my room to grab some toiletries and underwear, since I will be staying by Ethan’s place again tonight. He says he is not in the mood to go out on the town, just wants to stay home and chat and watch old movies.

  “Goodnight, Jada,” Ethan says, rising from his seat on the couch after I return with my overnight bag.

  “Goodnight Ethan; was such a pleasure having you here. Make sure you drop by soon, dude.” Jada gives him a hug.

  Ethan’s phone rings and he spends a minute listening keenly to whoever is on the other end of the line. “Bad news, hun?” I notice the pronounced knitting of his brows.

  “Depends on how you look at it,” he responds coolly. “My bodyguards just informed me that there is a crush of paparazzi and local television news anchors outside your apartment.”

  “Really,” I exclaim. “I can’t believe it, let me see.” I walk over to the window and peer outside. Ethan’s information is spot on, a crowd has formed in front of the building.

  “Just like in the movies,” Jada interjects, with a smile. “Are you guys going to try and sneak out down the back stairs?”

  “No,” Ethan answers sharply. “Riley and I have nothing to hide. Let the damn vultures make whatever they want out of this. We are not going out by the back.” With that he reaches for my hand and walks me towards the door.

  I glance back at Jada, flashing her a big grin. She is doubling over with laughter and heads towards the window to watch the drama unfold. We ride the elevator in silence. There is annoyance printed all over Ethan’s face. It is more than obvious that he loves his privacy.

  We exit the elevator and step outside the door to face a massive crowd. Cameras are flashing and television anchors are desperately seeking comments. “Mr. Stone, is there any truth to the rumor that you and Miss Hamilton are secretly engaged?” One pretty blonde reporter asks.

  I raise my eyebrows. Where the heck do these people get their misinformation from?

  Ethan seems oblivious to all the attention, as his bodyguards push through the throng, clearing a safe path for us.

  “Riley, can we get a photograph of you and Mr. Stone kissing, please?” A member of the paparazzi fraternity cries out.

  We ignore the comment and keep walking. The over exuberant photographer however, grabs my arm, while trying to get me to stop, causing me to almost lose my balance. In a flash, Ethan whirls around and slams his fist into the guy’s jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground. He then crouches over the man as if considering whether to deliver a chop to his neck.

  “Ethan, don’t,” one of the bodyguards shouts, just as Ethan is about to slam the guy again.

  Ethan jerks back and looks at the photographer, who is shaking out the cobwebs from his head.

  “Don’t you ever… and I mean ever, touch my girl again,” he snarls at the groggy fellow.

  “I’ll sue,” the man shouts, slowly rising to his feet.

  Ethan looks at him, his voice calm and deliberate. “You do not want to take me on. Let me be clear, you do not want to tangle with me.”

  His tone is menacing and the photographer, finally using better judgment, backs away trembling.

  I am about to burst out crying, when Ethan turns around, grabs me in his arms and delivers a crushing kiss to my lips. The crowd goes crazy, more flashbulbs pop all around us.

  Ethan finally releases me and for a moment my legs wobble.

  Did he just do what I think he did?

  Ethan kissing me in front of the media was the last thing I had expected. I figured he would have tried to hide; instead he has just opened up a brand new can of worms. The man is ice cold, nothing freaking bothers him.

  The bodyguards finally manage to shove us into the car and speed away. I take Ethan’s hand in mine and steal a nervous glance at him. I won’t lie, sometimes being in his company can be so darn intimidating. Ethan has this larger than life persona. It’s hard to explain… he really does come across as super human.

  We chit-chat a bit during the ride back to Ethan’s place. He seems to have something weighing on his mind and I make an effort not to pry. I am sure he will tell me about it when and if he wants to and that’s cool with me.

  The car finally pulls up in front of his New York home and we dash inside, just in case any of the photographers had followed us. There is none in sight, however.

  Ethan bids his bodyguards goodnight and takes my hand, leading me up the private elevator. I have flashbacks of him fucking me in here last night and feel that familiar warmth between my legs. I am getting freaking moist, again.

  Once upstairs, I lead Ethan inside the bedroom. “I think you need a massage,” I command. “Why don’t you get out of those clothes, grab a quick shower and then come back into the bedroom.”

  Ethan looks at me curiously, as if wondering what I am up to, but like a good boy, strips off his clothes and heads to the bathroom.

  Shit, the sight of his rippling muscles and fantastic body has me creaming in my pants. I want t
o ride his prick, not massage him. But that will have to wait.

  While Ethan is inside the shower, I open my bag and unpack a number of scented candles I had taken from my apartment, without his knowledge. I place them all around the bed and light each one. I also retrieve my massage oils and set them on the night table. I turn off the lights and the room is bathe in the romantic glow of candlelight.

  I smile, feeling quite pleased with myself and nervously wait for Ethan to step out of the shower.

  The door of the shower creaks open and in steps Ethan. At first, there is a look of surprise on his face, but it slowly changes to a smile. His eyes light up. “Riley, you devil, you,” Ethan says. “You really got me this time.”

  “Get your ass on the bed!” I instruct him.

  Sometimes you just have to take charge with these powerful men like Ethan. Tonight is one of those times. “My pleasure, madam,” Ethan responds with a devilish smile.

  Ethan lay on his stomach, his ass pointed in the air. The man has muscles in all areas and his ass is tight and bulging. His torso and legs are like pieces of iron. To say Ethan is fit is an understatement. He is the finest male specimen I have ever seen.

  I walk over, pour massage oil on Ethan’s back and gently begin massaging his shoulders. They are hard as a rock, but under my ministrations he relaxes a bit. My hands trail down his back repeatedly, until they reach his buttocks. Ethan’s breathing quickens as I massage his ass. His prick begins to uncoil and stiffen.

  Shit. I almost cum in my panties at the sight of his dick hardening a little bit at a time, until it is at full length. I want to take it in my mouth and suck him off until he orgasms, but I resist the urge. I want to give him a full massage and ease away the tension.

  My fingers bypass his prick and massages his legs all the way down to his toes. His titanic body is slowly relaxing under my touch…everything except his prick that is.

  “Flip over,” I urge, my voice sounding almost guttural and filled with lust.

  Ethan turns over, his eyes closed, obviously enjoying the pampering.

  I begin at his toes this time, slowly making my way up his thighs. I could look at his body all freaking night long. By the time I am up to his chest, my panties are soaking wet.

  My hands continue gliding up and down Ethan’ chest, but my eyes are firmly glued to the large prick jutting up like a flagpole from between his legs. Finally, I can’t stand it any longer and wrap my hands around Ethan’s prick. He shudders, but still maintains his eyes closed. The shaft seems to have a life of its own, throbbing in my hands.

  I slide my hands up and down Ethan’s prick, gently massaging the large, pink head. His breathing starts to quicken and I move them faster and faster, causing his hips to jerk involuntarily off the bed. I tickle my nails against the opening in the tip of his organ and a groan escapes his lips. This is all new to me, but I let my female instincts take over.

  I lean over the bed and slowly lower my lips over his prick, sucking on the head gently… then firmer. Ethan starts fucking my mouth. I lick the head and suck for all I am worth. Suddenly, his eyes open and he lets out a blood curling scream as his shaft erupts. I hurriedly remove my lips, not used to the salty semen and jerk him off until he is limp and spent.



  I have spent two days and nights in Riley’s company, attending her shooting assignments and chilling at her apartment with Jada.

  All hell has broken loose in the news media following my punching out of the photographer. The scene is played all over the news and on social media, as is my kissing Riley and calling her my girl. The New York tabloids are filled with pictures of me kissing Jada and me creaming the guy. I am normally quite calm, but when someone touches or messes with my peeps, or my woman, I lash out and unfortunately that silly photographer got in the way.

  Not that I give a fuck. If he tries to sue or ask for a settlement, I will bury him in court and in his personal life. He is no fucking threat to me.

  Let the photographer have his day in the sun, I have much more important matters to attend to. Apart from spending time with Riley, I have a meeting with staff and shareholders of the beleaguered MX Air, to formalize the takeover and inform them of what our plans are. Braddock is all for breaking up the airline and selling off its different branches and I have to say I agree. I have no use for a company wracked with so many problems.

  I dress carefully in anticipation of the meeting, settling for a dark suit, dark shirt and matching tie. I glance in the mirror and like what I see. I appear very much the conservative businessman.

  Leonardo and Jeffrey, who are acting as my chauffeurs this trip, buzz me that it’s time to head to the meeting, which is being staged at the airline’s New York headquarters in Manhattan. I descend the elevator in a thoughtful mood. Braddock is already sitting in the back of the limo, so I slide in beside him and the vehicle pulls away into the morning traffic.

  “Everything fine, Ethan?” Braddock looks at me curiously, no doubt wondering about my pensive mood of late and fully aware of the latest incidents with the photographer. He is used to me being in a buoyant mood just before we move in for the kill, whether it’s on the battle field or in the boardroom.

  “Everything’s fine, captain,” I reply. “Just thinking ahead.”

  Braddock runs his fingers through his thin, balding hair. “We will be making a truck load of money off this company, Ethan. We got it dirt cheap and the assets are worth three times what we paid. You should be really happy. What has happened, you got a particular girl on your mind?”

  I glance over at Braddock. “You mean Riley? No, we are cool man. No distractions there.”

  “Not even after punching out a photographer for her and risking a messy lawsuit,” Braddock eyes me carefully.

  “Don’t give a fuck, captain. You know the rules back from our days together in the squad… say all you want, but never touch a member of the team. That man crossed the line, so he had it coming.” I gaze out the window, the clouds have darkened as if rain is coming.

  The car pulls up outside MX Air headquarters, just as a light drizzle spatters on the pavement. Leonardo hauls out an umbrella and covers my head. We rush inside the imposing building and are ushered politely into the auditorium by a cute redhead receptionist stationed at the front. Ted and Mick are already there and give us a lukewarm reception.

  “Mr. Stone,” Ted declares. “Hope you have some good news for the staff today. They are anxiously awaiting your presence.”

  I nod at the previous owners. “Let’s get this meeting underway, shall we.” I am not in the mood to spend more time than is necessary in getting the whole affair over with. Somehow, I am not feeling any joy in winning this battle.

  What the fuck is eating you, Ethan. Get a grip.

  We walk out towards the stage and take a seat. Ted begins addressing the crowd. My mind is far away and I hardly hear a word he is saying. I see Riley’s face in the crowd everywhere I look. I close my eyes and reopen them, but see her there just the same.

  Ted introduces Braddock, who goes on about how it is better for the staff and shareholders if we sell of the company. He is met with boos and jeers.

  “C’mon man,” one man in the audience yells. “With a small investment, we can have this airline making a healthy profit. Give us a couple new planes and expand our routes and we will make money for you.”

  “Now that’s not a smart business decision,” Braddock counters.

  “Our lives are wrapped up in the company. If you sell it off we will all be out of jobs and who will feed our families?” A woman, with Riley’s face, shouts.

  I have heard enough. I jump to my feet and head towards the microphone. Braddock is startled, as I never normally speak at these events. That is his forte. This time, however, I have to speak.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I am Ethan Stone, your new owner.”

  Again boos ring out.

  “Why should I retain this company? Can
you promise me that if I invest more money you can turn over a profit?” I stare at the faces in front of me, daring them to react.

  “Yes we can, Mr. Stone. Just give us a chance,” another man chimes in.

  I look back at Braddock, who shakes his head and mouths “Don’t do it, Ethan.”

  I see the faces of the men and women in the audience, but most of all I hear Riley’s words to me.

  Ethan, wouldn’t it be good for once to build something…to create a legacy?

  Something inside me snaps. “Okay…okay. Calm down you all. I have decided not to sell off the company. I will create a new board and a new management team, led by Mr. Braddock. We are going to get MX Air back on its feet.”

  The auditorium explodes with cheers. People are jumping for joy and hugging each other. Even Mick and Ted are beaming.

  I put down the microphone and walk away, heading out the door towards the car.

  There is a huge smile on my face.

  Riley, I am finally building something. This one’s for you.



  I am lying in bed, watching television, cartoons to be exact. I needed something to take my mind of the previous two days. Since the kissing incident with Ethan, I have suddenly become the most-talked about girl in New York… being referred to as the girl who scaled Cary Island and tamed Ethan Stone.

  The phones at the agency have also been ringing off the hooks, with clients trying to book my services as a model or spokesperson. All my wildest dreams are suddenly coming true and I know I have Ethan to thank for that. I now realize he knew exactly what he was doing when he floored the photographer. He was making me even more of a star.

  He did it deliberately.

  Ethan is going to his big meeting today. The one where he is going to announce that he is selling off the parts of the new airline he bought. It makes me sad to think what good he could do in this world if he sets his mind to it.


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