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Slave of Froize: A Froize Trilogy Novel

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by Emera Rose

  "Great, that’s just what we need, another Stelian." I rolled my eyes, thinking about the pain that was sure to come. I don't know how long I would be able to do this.

  "Maybe it's not that bad; maybe he isn't as devilish as his predecessor."

  "Don't count on that."

  "Never, only on you."

  "No, not even on me."

  Since I’d proven hard to break, many slaves had begun to look at me as some sort of leader. I didn't understand why I mean I got beat and bloodied with the best of them, but they seem to think I held more power than I believed I did. Every chance I got, I made sure to let them know I would not be the one to save them, they would have to be strong for themselves.

  "Maybe... " She started up again.

  "Leann, enough of this foolishness. Take heed of where you are; this is not the place for fairytales and dreams. This is hell, a place you should be accustomed to by now."

  "You're right, you're right."

  I heard her shuffle as if she was moving away from the door, and then there was nothing, just more silence. All I could hear was the dripping water from overhead. I wondered if it was still cold.

  I laid back in my corner, waiting for sleep to take me. I hadn't slept properly for so long. I always on edge that someone would come and hurt me that I could never really trust my surroundings enough to sleep. Tonight, though was different. I fell asleep quickly and deeply, dreading the days to come.


  I woke the next morning with a spring in my step, I had dreamt of mama and pa. We were out in the pasture, playing games and laughing. My nose still burned at the scent of my mother, the honeysuckle I could taste at the back of my throat. My hand tingled like I’d just rubbed it along Pa's beard, but I knew they were no longer with me. It took everything in me to wake up from the dream, and when I’d finally done so, I cried silently, until it was time to start work. Even then, it was a chore to get myself together. I walked out from my cell and toward my designated area only to see a large crowd. That was never a good thing.

  I parted the crowd, bending my shoulders this way and that trying to make room for my slender frame. I stopped when I saw the hand lying limply on the floor. Fingertips were already turning a dusky blue. I pushed my way through further to see Leann on the floor. She was dead; there was no mistaking that look in her eyes. Emptiness. I envied her. Leann would not wake up here one more day; she was free from the monsters that crawled along the walls. I let my breath leave my body and fell to my knees. Leann wasn't always the best company, but she was a good person and didn’t deserve to have her life ended so suddenly.

  Her body was contorted not from broken bones but appeared as if her killer took her by surprise. The two slash marks on her neck were enough to tell me she wasn't killed for any other reason except someone was hungry. She was someone's meal. The thought alone was enough to raise my temper. The one place we had to feel any form of safety was now stripped from us. Was there nothing they wouldn’t do to try to destroy us? It made me wonder if I would be better to fight back, I might as well just go down in a blaze of glory.

  Even as the thought occurred, I knew I wouldn't do it. I couldn't betray mama.

  A hush fell over the crowd as the masters made their way down into slave quarters.

  "What is this nonsense?" Davorin called. He looked around at the slaves, some his some not. "You will respond, I have authorization from your master's to get to the bottom of the issue here."

  Everyone began to speak, except me, I wanted to hear what Davorin was going to do and I wanted to discover who killed her.

  "We came out from sleeping, and she was-"

  "I didn't see a th-"

  "She had it coming-"

  I glared at the slave who spoke last, Rosalie. If she wasn't the spawn of Satan himself, I didn't know who could be. She was just mean for no reason. She usually curried some favor from the masters because she was beautiful and put out without giving them grief. However, Rosalie washed floors and scrubbed windows right along with the rest of us, so I couldn't see how she could be so evil toward people in the same predicament as herself. I continued to glare at her; she would say no more ill of Leann, I would not allow her to mock the dead.

  "Quiet! What I want to know is why none of you have reported for your duties?" Davorin looked at each of them, waiting for a reply. He received none. "You have thirty seconds to get your asses up those stairs and begin work. Since you all seem to have forgotten your place, you will pay for the delay you have caused us with one meal. No breakfast for you all today." He grinned like he had just done something great.

  I heard a few gasps and even some sobs before people started to walk toward the stairs. Food came infrequently so breakfast may have been the only meal they remembered to feed us, and now we would have to do without. Leann would suffer no more, and there were only two things that I could do for her. One was to try and discover who did this to her, and the other was to bury her.

  "Who did this?" I raised my voice but not loud enough to stop the crowd. Master Davorin heard me, though.

  "What did you say?" He squinted his eyes in my direction. I know he didn't need me to repeat the words I’d just said, he just couldn't believe that I’d actually said them. I would make him a believer. I squared my shoulders and asked again.

  "Who did this?"

  Before I could blink, I was on the floor, slumped over with blood oozing from my nose. Davorin was hovering over me, fists balled up, muscles straining against his skin. "Be careful how you speak, slave!" He emphasized the word slave like I had trouble remembering I was no longer a free girl.

  "I do not wish to speak out of place, Master, I only wish to know who is responsible for this atrocity. She was owned, her Master is not here." Searching for any excuse to explain why I was speaking out. It was also true that no one could harm a slave unless their master approved. Her master was off at war, so he wasn’t responsible for her death.

  "That is not your concern."

  "Master, if you would just-"

  He slapped me before I could even finish the sentence. I closed my mouth and felt one of my molars was broken, the jagged edge now cutting into my cheek.

  "I will tell you once more, understand your place." Davorin looked at me, almost wishing me to continue; I didn’t want to disappoint.

  "Master, if it pleases you, allow me to bury the girl." I hunched my shoulders; sure he would strike me again. Sure enough, within seconds, he had me by my throat pressed up against the cold wall. Spots flashed before my eyes as I gasped for air. I felt something pop and began to fight more. I was being suffocated; I wouldn't go out like that. At least not without a fight.

  "Release her." A deep, commanding voice echoed against the walls.

  I was released immediately. I clutched my shoulder as I fell to the floor, now I could breathe, I realized where the pop had come from. My collar bone was dangerously close to poking out of my skin, and I would need to get someone to push it back into place. I heard a few gasps, and suddenly everyone began to fall to their knees, Davorin included, this could only mean one thing. The prince had arrived and was here in our presence.

  Chapter 2

  I popped up to my knees as quickly as I could. I knew I had to show reverence to the prince, or Davorin would not stop to ask questions before he killed me next time.

  "Prince Jett, I apologize for the disturbance, you need not come down here it is only-"

  "Who are you to tell me what I need not do? This is my kingdom, and I will go anywhere I so please."

  "My lord."

  It was probably the first time I had heard Davorin be quiet. Every other time he always needed to have the last word or laugh.

  The prince was a sight to behold. He was tall and built as if he’d been cutting wood his entire human life. Muscles pushed against the leather tunic he had on, his trousers looked as if were made out of the finest materials, and a belt fit snugly on his waist, but his boots were well worn. They looked as if t
hey’d been repaired after each use instead of replaced. I found that to be a bit strange, why have the highest quality clothing only to sully them with something as trivial as worn shoes.

  He walked up to me and stood right in my line of sight, which at that moment was on the floor, he saved me once, I didn't want to press my luck.

  "Slave stand and address me." His words caused every hair on my body to try and stand on edge. There was something about him that just brought forth fear. He didn't have a menacing voice, and from the little that I could see, he didn't look like more of a monster than anyone else. It was just the way he carried himself that scared me like he had nothing to lose.

  I stood as best as I could still trying to nurse my busted shoulder.


  "Explain to me what you were trying to explain to Davorin."

  "Well, I was just trying to say..." I mumbled as I looked down at the floor.

  "Are you dimwitted? I am here, girl." He roughly put his hand under my chin and relocated my eyes to his face. "Now speak like you have sense, girl."

  I cleared my throat and did not move my gaze from his face; if he wanted a challenge, I would give him one. "I was simply letting Master Davorin know that we needed to bury the body, humans can’t be around rotting flesh lest there be an outbreak of the plague. We would all get sick, and you would need to find new slaves."

  "What makes you think it would be a problem to find new slaves?" He cocked his head to one side, still never taking his blistering eyes away from mine.

  "I am sure it would be no problem; I just wish for you not to go through the trouble of training another set of slaves. It seems that it would be an unnecessary chore."

  A hiss flew through the air and straight to me. I didn't look, but I could tell that Davorin was seriously pissed, no one addresses the prince in this fashion. I would pay for this later, but right now, I would play who can be wittier with the prince if he so wanted. My gaze never wavered. The prince smiled, a gesture I was not expecting, a gesture that made the new prince look incredibly human, the dimple in his cheek sunk in forming a crater. I had the sudden urge to stick my pinky in there to see how far it went. Of course, I would never do such a thing.

  "Davorin!" The prince called still never taking his eyes off me, "This slave is correct, I will not have disease and rotting flesh in my home. She will take this body out and bury it; in fact, there should be one place where all the humans are buried. She will see to it, and whatever help she needs to get this done will be given to." He tore his eyes away from mine to turn and look at Davorin. He was still kneeling on the floor looking down, but I could see the veins at his temple jumping, he was grinding his teeth in frustration. Not only had the prince gone over his head and given me what can be interpreted as special treatment, but he’d also done so in front of the majority of the slave population.

  I took my position, kneeling as the prince made his way back toward the stairs that led to the main floors of the castle. I small smile began to cross my lips, and I didn't even feel the pain until the liquid started to rush down my face. The blood I was so used to smelling. Davorin was standing in front of me; my blood splattered on his shirt.

  "Don't you ever speak against my word again, the only reason you are not dead with your friend is because he expects you to complete the trivial task of this burial. "

  I mumbled something, even my ears couldn't understand, and the darkness overtook me.


  I woke up on the hard stone, bruises forming on my side. My hair stuck to my face, the color slightly off due to the dried blood. I looked around and saw Leann still laying there on the floor, the stench emanating from her body compounded by the lack of circulating air. I covered my mouth with my hand, inhaling too much of the stink, and I was likely to gag. I didn't want to have to clean that up also.

  I slowly made my way up to my designated area only to find it in complete shambles, with blood splattered everywhere, couch filling tossed around, and glass broken. At first look, I thought maybe there had been a fight, but when my eyes reached Davorin's face, I knew this was no fight. This was part of my punishment.

  "You will clean up every ounce of dirt from this floor, and you will not eat or sleep until you have completed it to my liking. That is after you complete the task that our Prince has deemed fit for you." He smiled, waiting for me to speak out, but I just bowed my head and went to work.

  I walked up the cobblestone stairs, the heel of one shoe quiet while the other clicked. I looked into the cells looking for anyone to help me, but it was midday and everyone would be deep into their chores, unable to come and help me. I walked back down the stairs to Leann's body; if she were to be buried, it would be by me and me alone.

  I wrapped her body the best I could in the garment she was wearing, but her body was now stiff and would not be easily moved into a position small enough for the fabric. The thin material tore in places I needed it to hold fast, I gave up and settled on covering her with it instead. I dragged her through the corridors toward the back of the castle. The land near the castle was barren except for a few scatterings of saplings. Most plants never flourished here, as there was so little sunlight. I found an area close to one of them and let her body rest there.

  Sweat poured off my brow, she was a petite girl, but I would bet my next meal that she was at least double my weight. She was heavier than a bale of hay. Surprise hit me with the realization while no one had come to help me; no one had come to stop me either. I looked toward the castle and noticed all the doors leading outside had been closed. The inside buzzed with slaves completing their daily chores. Blood being heated for their masters. Screams from the slaves as those same masters decided, the slaves pulsing blood was far more appealing than anything they could have heated. I put my head down and continued my work. I had to hurry, or I would never be done.

  My stomach gurgled, the acid searching every nook and cranny for even a small piece of nourishment, and angrily letting me know there was nothing there. I used the makeshift shovel and dug deeper, just a few more feet, and I would be able to Leann to rest. Just a bit further, and I could move on to the second part of my long day.

  "Did you care for her?"

  A low voice wrapped itself around my body, causing me to jump in surprise. No one had been there moments ago, where did he come from?

  Prince Jett was standing against the tree. His legs crossed at the ankles, watching me intently. In his hands, a small piece of rock that he was shaving ever so delicately with his fingernails.

  "Not exactly your highness. She was a tad annoying and a know it all, but she still deserves a proper burial." I said honestly.

  "I see." He stood up straight and walked around me. My head remained down, staring at the earthworms moving beneath my toes. "Are you prepared to do this for everyone, or were you just trying to prove a point with this one."

  "I will do it if you so wish, my lord." Great, just what I needed another work detail, and the way that these bloodsuckers killed humans, I would never be done.

  "I think you are just trying to get out of your duties with Davorin."

  "Well, my lord, if you were beholden to a man like Davorin, you would be trying to get out of your duties as well." I raised my eyes to his face just in time to see the anger settle there.

  "How dare you speak to me in such fashion, I could have you placed on the rack for your tone, girl."

  Oh shit, I had to save this, "Indeed, my lord, and if that is the punishment you deem appropriate, I will take it with no dispute."

  I hoped that would be enough to appease him. The small smile that played near his lips seemed to signify it was working.

  "What’s your name, slave?" His eyes squinted as if he could not truly see me.

  "I am Laramie," I said as softly as I could manage. Maybe he would forget.

  "Laramie.. Laramie." He repeated my name, whether it was to taunt me or to solidify it in his memory I didn’t know. Just wonderful.

; Suddenly without any outward cause, his back stiffened, and he stood up ramrod straight. His eyes darted past me, and his arm folded behind his back, the stance of royalty. "Finish this assignment, quicker. I don't want to see you out here again. I am sure you have other duties to attend, or should I let Davorin know that you require other chores?"

  "No, my lord, I will finish with utmost haste." I lowered my eyes back to the ground.


  After three hours, I had finally finished the chore. Leann was in the ground and a small marker placed on her grave. Hopefully, they would not notice it, or it would surely be taken down.

  I walked into my main area to see the devastation left in the main room, instead of huffing and puffing about it, I went and got my washing rag to begin what needed to be done.

  "Laramie!" My name echoed off the stone walls, the voice causing my stomach to lurch upwards. The lonely acid ready to make its way up.

  "Yes, Master," I said without moving an inch, knowing that whatever room he was in, he would be able to hear me.

  "Surely, all of your chores are done by now?" He questioned loudly, not bothering to leave where he was in.


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