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Who Shot Ya Box Set

Page 11

by Renta

  I snatched the Kush stick from his fingers and cut him off. “See, lil’ bro, that’s the problem with the game. Niggas don’t know how to seal their lips. That’s what leads to indictments. Benjamin Franklin once wrote, ‘The only way to keep a secret between three people is if two of them are dead.’ Now, there’s nothing in this world, I wouldn’t lace your chucks up to.

  “But, I want you to always remember, there’s no such thing as no secrets when life and death is on the board. There are some things in life best held close to the chest. The feds can’t force outta nigga what he don’t know. A goon can’t torture the location of the safe from someone who has no idea where it’s at. Yet, for the man that risked it all to see my feet back on solid soil. I’ll make an exception, but first—I need to know something.”

  A curious smirk creased my brother’s lips. We knew each other so well, he could see the wheels spinning in my head before he spoke. “Fam, fuck you talking too? We came up on the same cornas. Trapped outta tha same projects. I know the game as well as the laws. Yet, what you’re forgetting is that we’re in the mud together. We know shit about each other, that can get both of us the electric chair. Miss me with the real nigga spill and give it to me straight. No chasa, this yo’ shadow you talkin’ to, not a worker.”

  I laughed at my nigga’s realism. “We’ve never kept a secret or fucked each other’s bitch. No snake shit in our castle. Kool, folk—sho’ you right, but before I tell you the craziest shit you’ve ever heard. As well as pull you into some shit, that may end up with both of our fuckin’ heads busted, let me ask you this.” He raised his left eyebrow, quizzically. “You fuckin’ that D.A.’s wife, Nutz?”



  Everything was set tonight we fully expected my art exhibit would be a smash hit. Me and my friend, Markus who is also the creator of most of these beautiful paintings and sculptures put our all into this night. Sipping from my Martini glass I stared transfixed at the beauty of his work.

  “Remarkable, the use of light and shadow—and image that hints at deep pain, yet conveys a promise of hope,” I whispered.

  “Girl, you’ve been one of my biggest admirers, and critics since we were in college. Yet, you still find yourself within the contrast. I’ve known you for most of our adult life. The only time you become so entranced with a color scheme is when your mind is all over the place. So, spill it, bitch.” Markus broke through my reverie.

  Without taking my eyes away from the painting. I searched for the words to explain my thoughts and feelings.

  “Have you ever just wanted to get away from it all? Just pack a bag and leave? Tell nobody where you’re going?” Finally, I directed my eyes his way.

  As he sipped the yellow concoction in his glass he studied me intently. “Girl, palease, I’ve been gay for as long as I can remember. Just imagine what I went through being one of three boys, and always attracted to my brother’s friends. I’ve been an outcast my whole life. Of course, I’ve wanted to just vanish to places where no one knows me. But, Des, that’s not how life works. We can’t run from ourselves, and we damn sure can’t just pack a bag and leave behind things we’ve invested so much into. Especially, the people who love us regardless of our—shall I say, abnormalities.” He struck a pose to make his point.

  I laughed at his silliness. “I know that Marky, but when we started this place. Did you ever imagine the success? The failures before it? The stress of it all?”

  He narrowed his colorful eyes. “This is about, Sa’Mage, isn’t it? You love that man, Des, okay I get that. There’s nothing wrong with that. But, you can’t allow love to torment you when being in love is the ultimate goal. When was the last time you spoke to him?”

  As if on cue the bell above the door chimed alerting us to a new arrival. The person that stepped in caused me to arch my eyebrow but caused Markus to look at me as if to say, “Lucy, you have some explaining to do.”

  The night would be very interesting, indeed.



  Ever since Brains introduced me to his sexy ass nephew Assata. I won’t lie, the slut in me has been working overtime. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his thuggish ass. His girl caught me, eye fucking him a few times the look she gave me, let me know we wouldn’t be getting along. Yes, the girl was a bad bitch, to say the least, but I’m no slouch and Snow always gets what she wants. I’m not trying to be wifey or nothin’, but I’m gonna fuck him one way or another.

  “Bitch, you, betta snap outta whateva has your ass in la la land and focus on what the fuck, I’m saying.” Brains seethed.

  I focused my attention allowing my eyes to capture every face present. Assata, Jazzy, some dude with funny eyes named Strange, and a pretty boy named Gusto were all present. We all listen intently as Brains bounced his ideas off us. He looked from me to Assata.

  “Nephew, this some big boy shit, you and your gal tryna pull off. I dig Jazzy’s plan and in a few minutes, shit is gonna get funky. You know, yo’ Unk keeps his ears to the street. I have some associates that has a way to kill two birds with one stone. Assata, you just gotta tame that temper of yours, and see beyond the moment. You’ll get what you want, but first, let’s get to the money.”

  The expression on Assata’s face revealed he was lost. It was amusing to watch as confusion and curiosity stained his hard features. He had no idea how hard it was about to be to tame his temper, once he saw the other piece of Brain’s plans.

  The sound of the doorbell rang and all eyes went from Brains to the door. Brains smiled at me with a crazed look in his eyes and gestured to the door. I could barely contain my hormones with so much testosterone and ‘G’ shit in the atmosphere. The bulges under all these niggas shirts told a tale all in itself. I knew this new turn of events was about to set a flame to the fumes in the air. I stood to get the door, but first, I made sure Assata’s fine ass was paying attention. I wanted him to see this ass bounce as I strutted away. Just an appetizer to the main course.



  Pride surged through me as I observed success in the making. I watched as Markus spoke to a prospective buyer. The man’s blue eyes were startling, in contrast to his sun-kissed skin. Curly sandy blonde hair framed his face, taking the edge off the sharp features, that otherwise gave him a dangerous appeal. It’s been whispered that the man’s money was dirty, but that’s none of my business. I’m more interested in the quarter million he intended to spend on merely three pieces of our art collection. Markus worked being two of those pieces. A crowd of nameless, yet important people admired other artwork with the promise of a small fortune by the end of the night.

  The champagne in the flute I’d been nursing had become warm, and my nerves were shot. Everyone was oblivious to the darker presence in the room. No one seemed to notice the micro bugs planted all around the room, nor the small lens of the camera’s peppered sporadically, well everyone but me and Markus. His posture told me his nerves were as jumpy as mine. I assumed his knowledge of the unsuspected company sprinkled around the room, but most importantly not knowing why they were there.


  ~Ice-Berg ~

  The tension was thick as I stood with my hands in the air making it obvious, I was there in peace. This nigga, Assata, and his two road dawgs had they burnas aimed in my direction with deadly intent. The only reason my blood wasn’t splashing on the floor, was because this nigga Brains placed himself in the middle of the funk.

  Facing his nephew he said. “Assata, you, niggas are being disrespectful. Put the shit up and sit down. If you ain’t feeling the spill the nigga gives, y’all can whack the nigga at your own discretion. But, if one drop of blood touches my Persian carpet, you, niggas won’t be too far behind him.”

  He then looked at me. “Young, nigga, I came up with your ole man back in the day. He did me a few solids when I needed a helping hand. Since them, white folks has him locked away in their prison. I’ve been repaying my debt by helping you
reach your goals, but you and my nephew got blood in y’all eyes that I won’t stand in the middle of. So, for the sake of everyone involved make this nigga see why it’s in the best interest of us all to place the bullshit on hold.”

  I looked to Assata. He was the only one that still had his banger on display. His eyes were on fire and there was no time to waste. He honestly didn’t give a fuck about his uncle’s Persian rug.



  “Damn—I can’t see how niggas be wearing this typa shit?” I was fresh to death fa sho’, but the tuxedo jacket was way too fitted for a nigga of my stature. Fuck it—I’m out here. There was a cluster of uptight looking ass niggas standing around conversing about God knows what. They must’ve thought I couldn’t hear because the dialogue became hushed as I passed. Something made me glance at the person nearest me, and a moment of craziness surged through me. I could’ve sworn, I’d seen the sucka somewhere before. I almost stopped to ask him, but the mission I was on caused me to keep it moving. Yet, I couldn’t shake the sick feeling eating at a nigga.

  “Damn—I’m trippin’ but I never forgot a face. There ain’t too many niggas, that a nigga will confuse for a District Attorney,” I told myself.

  A quick glance back assured me that I was trippin’, or was I? The Kush had me on one even though it wasn’t him. I coulda sworn, I saw six people when I passed now there was only five. No more Kush for the boy tonight.


  ~ Assata~

  “Man, you mu’fuckas gotta be stupid or summin’ Unk. I can’t believe you even entertaining this shit. Nigga, this a suicide mission.” I was burning up as I paced a hole in my uncle’s floor.

  The whole room had their eyes on me. I looked to Jazzy her eyes were down, and that sexy ass look she gets when deep in thought was evident.

  “I know you ain’t considering this shit, Jazz?”

  Her hazel-greens raised and focused on me. “Assata, baby, the nigga explained his plan of action. If I must say so myself it’s a pretty good one. I think we can pull it off G, but shit like this will take all of us under one umbrella. I know you—”

  “Fuck that shit you talkin’ ‘bout.” I dead that shit she was bumpin’. “These pussy ass niggas smoked yo’ blood, and you wanna trust them with our lives?” I turned my wrath on my flesh and blood. “Unk, you know, you’ve been like a pops to me, but you outta line bringing my enemy here. This ain’t how it—" my words caught in my throat as the white girl, Snow strutted into the room.

  Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun and the strapless, white, Versace dress she was squeezed into molested her curves. She gave Unk a brief glance setting her sights on me.

  “Assata, I know, it’s not my place to speak on your business, but this is the problem with men. Y’all allow pride to guide your footsteps. Then by the time, it’s too late to react, all that can be said is, “I fucked up.” But, ‘I fucked up means nothing when you’ve sacrificed your whole camp on a whim, or missed out on millions because your insight couldn’t surpass your hindsight. I’ve been involved with some made men in my life, every one of them fell victim to their own arrogance. My advice is that you place your beef to the side if only for a moment and get this money. I can’t tell you if these other men are trustworthy or not. But, I can tell you that this pussy comes with a money back guarantee if it doesn’t serve its purpose.”

  The look in her eyes hinted at her double meaning, but I’m not a tender dick nigga. I don’t give a fuck ‘bout none of that shit.

  “Look, I’m sure you may be able to pull it off, but the fact still remains this sucka right here had a hand in my right hand’s death and I want—” before I could finish my sentence.

  I was face to face with the deadly side of a bad mu’fucka, with a clip so long I wondered how I’d missed it from the jump.

  “Look, Assata, we’ve been at it since lil’ niggas. I’ve slumped some of yours and you put even more of mine in the dirt. You know, I don’t fear you and you know without a shadow of a doubt, that my pistol bust just like yours. I’ma say this one time and never say it again—” the nigga stared into my eyes without blinking. “I didn’t eighty-six that nigga, Shy. You think I’d put yo’ ace in the dirt nigga, and be stupid enough to trust you at my back in a plot to get cake? Assata, you know, we cut from the same cloth. I’m here to break bread with you and yo’ circle not fuck over you.”

  The nigga’s eyes never left mine, even though he had to hear the distinctive sounds of slugs being jacked into the chambers of Gusto and Strange’s burnas.

  “We can end this shit right now, fam. Yea, yo’ squad can shut my lights out, but I doubt either one’s aim is precise enough to do so before I do you. The thing is if we get this shit jumping we all lose. You’ll die without knowing the nigga that smoked yo’ boy. I’ll die without being able to spend the loot I’ve risked it all for, and we’ll both miss the opportunity of a lifetime.”

  With that being said the nigga took the tool outta my face and stepped back. I smiled and with the quickness of a viper, I went straight in his mu’fuckin’ mouth and dropped him to his back pockets.

  “Nigga, you bet not ever pull a tool on me, and not use it.” I hissed before Jazzy stepped between us.

  “Assata stop this is dumb shit, bae,” she screamed as her eyes filled with water. “I know you got blood in your eyes, hell we all know that. But, baby, Shy’s gone and no matter how much blood you taint these streets with, he—he’s not coming back, A.” Her eyes pleaded with me as murder danced in mine.

  Something in her gaze spoke to me in a language only we could comprehend. “She’s right nigga—let’s get this bread. After we fill the safe we can fill a tub up with the blood of, Shy’s killa.” Gusto said beside me before he looked to Berg. “I’ve never fucked with yo’ side for the sake of you, and everybody you’re close to. I hope you ain’t had a hand in my nigga’s death.” He then looked to Strange. “I’m in, fam.”

  Slowly, but surely nods of agreement went around the room until the only ones left on the outside of the plan was me and Jazzy.

  “I’m with you wrong or right. If you with it, I’m with it—if you ain’t feeling it we can walk out this door, right now.”

  She let it be known where her loyalties stood. My eyes were burning into Berg.

  “This Russian nigga is about that action, fam. I’ve been plotting on the sucka for a minute and can’t see how to get at the boy. He's plugged in with some heavy mu’fuckas and he ain’t no slouch.”

  “So, tell me again, how we gonna get the ups on this pussy boy?” Brains slapped me on the back.

  “Well, Neph, that’s where your uncle comes into play,” he said smiling at Snow.

  “Baby girl you know what to do.”



  “Boy stop,” I gushed as Nutz stood behind me with his arm securely around my waist.

  He’d sucked my neck so many times, I wouldn’t have been surprised if there was a mark of passion there.

  “So, baby, is that him?” I whispered.

  Nutz tensed as he pulled me even closer to him. “Shush,” he demanded with a stern face. “Watch your mouth, Des—that’s not your business. Damn, I don’t even know why I told you the business,” he fumed.

  I turn to him and wrap my arms around his neck. “Baby, I’m sorry. I wasn’t being nosey or nothing. I’ve just never been a part of anything like this. I want you to know I’m down that’s all.” I put on a small pout for him.

  As he kissed my lips I could tell he was over it just that fast. “It’s Gucci, ma just walk light, so you won’t piss the ground off,” he replied before looking at his watch. “Where the fuck is she?” He whispered more to himself than to me.

  As if on cue one of the most gorgeous creatures that even I’d ever set eyes on walked into my establishment. Jealousy kissed me internally as I watched a strange smile blossom from Nutz lips.

  “So, you got jungle fever now, handsome?” I joked.
  He took his eyes off her for a fraction of a moment, only to say something that left me speechless. “Ma, I’ve never fucked a white girl before in my life, but this bitch even has your pussy wet. Would you fuck her?”

  My silence encouraged him.

  “I thought so,” he smiled. “It’s not jungle fever the bitch just got that effect on people—niggas and bitches alike.



  I strutted into the gallery as if I was poetry in motion. I stood in the middle of the room allowing my eyes to scan the floor, but the disappointment that eased into my expression revealed to all who had eyes to see, I’d been stood up. Turning my sights on a portrait of a nude woman crying by a river. I strutted over to it and studied its beauty like an avid fan. The title of it is was ‘Cry me a River’ the allure of it had actually taken my breath away.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” A masculine voice made love to my ears from behind me.

  I knew who it was without turning around. Only a powerful man treasured the notion of ‘why waste time’.

  “I think it’s powerful—the standard of true beauty,” I replied.

  Turning to face him I found myself swimming in the depths of his piercing eyes. I had never really been attracted to white boys but that turned me on. He could get this pussy with no fight.

  I slowly licked my lips and accepted the flute of wine he handed me.

  “Yes,” he smiled. “Yes, it’s a beauty, but it pales in contrast to the masterpiece standing before me. Your name is?” His accent was heavy Middle Eastern, maybe.

  I took his outstretched hand and as he pulled mine to his lips I smiled.

  “Tiffany, but you can call me Tiff, and you are?” He never took his eyes away from mine, as he began to scare the hell out of me.


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