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Dead to the World (Cold Case Psychic Book 10)

Page 7

by Pandora Pine

  “Right. As soon as Tony gave a full confession to what he knew about running guns for the Dragonni family, he was disguised and marched out of the room and into Witness Protection until the start of this trial.” Ten would never forget the feeling of helplessness that had gone through him when Clemente took Tony away.

  “I’m confused. If the FBI, the wife, and this Faulkner guy was there, why did they need you as a witness too?” Cope was looking to Ten for the explanation.

  “They thought my gift had already told me that Tony was still alive, so it was a proactive move on their part, bring me in so that I couldn’t blab the secret to Ronan and the others.”

  “Wait a second!” Jude half-shouted. “You just said your gift hadn’t given you a clue that Tony was alive.”

  “I know.” The tears Ten had been battling slipped down his cheeks. “The worst part of this whole thing, Jude, was the ultimatum.”

  “What ultimatum?” Jude’s voice was deadly calm.

  “The FBI agent, Cruz Clemente is his name, told me that if Ronan found out that Tony was alive, he’d arrest me and make sure I never saw Everly until my sentence was served out. My baby, Jude. That son-of-a-bitch threatened to keep me from seeing my baby. What other choice did I have?” Ten looked around the table. Both Jude and Cope’s mouths were hanging open. Jude’s amber eyes were burning with rage, while Copeland looked appalled.

  “What about Carlie? Was she threatened too?” Jude growled.

  Ten shook his head. “She was onboard with keeping the secret about Tony. I wasn’t. I wanted Ronan to know from the beginning. It’s not like he would have gone to Dragonni’s people and told them.”

  “The FBI threatened you with your baby to keep you from telling Ronan?” Jude repeated as if he couldn’t wrap his head around the words coming out of Tennyson’s mouth.

  Tennyson nodded. He was too worn out to say the words out loud again.

  “What about Carson and Cole?” Cope asked. “Do they know?”

  Ten shivered in the warm kitchen. “This is where the story gets worse.”

  “Worse than this?” Jude shook his head.

  “I made Clemente promise that he couldn’t come after me if Carson or Cole read the truth from me.”

  “Shit, that explains why you freaked out when I figured it out the night Copeland showed up on your doorstep.” Jude took a deep breath.

  “Yeah, you weren’t one of the people on my list of exemptions. Neither is Copeland, although technically I told Clemente that the people I worked with at West Side Magick were exempt, so that would include the two of you and Emilyn too.” Ten shook his head.

  “This is why you look like shit. Why you haven’t been eating or sleeping. Why you’ve been lying to us all saying you’ve been up late reading baby books and getting the nursery ready. You’ve actually been up worrying yourself to death over this whole thing. Jesus Christ.” Jude blew out a frustrated breath.

  “You didn’t answer Copeland’s question about Carson and Cole. Do they know?” Jude asked.

  Ten sighed. “Carson does. I couldn’t take keeping the secret anymore. He cornered me last week and forced it out of me. The fact that I’ve told three people about this now and one of them isn’t my husband is tearing me apart. I’m not sure how much longer I can take the pressure.”

  “How does this end?” Cope asked.

  “When the prosecutor calls Tony’s name to testify.” Ten shrugged. “It shouldn’t be too much longer now. Only a few more days.”

  “What, like some episode of Matlock or something?” Jude sounded incredulous, as if he couldn’t believe what Ten was saying.

  Ten nodded. “Ronan knows there’s a secret I’m keeping from him. Something that I’m holding back to protect him and the baby. When he hears Tony’s name called in that courtroom, he’s going to know this is what I was talking about. Plus, he’ll see it on my face. I made him promise me that he’ll hear me out once the secret is revealed, but even if he keeps his promise to me, he’s going to be devastated that I lied to him and let him mourn his best friend for five months.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Tennyson.” Jude’s mouth was back to hanging open.

  “You don’t trust people as it is, Jude. What would you do?” Ten didn’t want to hear the answer to his question, but morbid curiosity spurred him on.

  “It’s Sophie’s Choice,” Jude muttered. “I mean it’s impossible either way standing in your shoes. Standing in Ronan’s shoes, I don’t know how he’ll ever trust you again. I’m sorry Tennyson, but I don’t know if I ever could either.”

  Ten locked eyes with Jude from across the table. He didn’t blame Jude one bit. If he were standing in Ronan’s shoes, he would never trust himself again either.



  It was nearly midnight by the time Ronan got home. He knew Fitzgibbon had let Ten know he was going to be late, but not even he had any idea trial prep was going to go on this long.

  There was no one to greet him at the front door. Ten had left the living room light on for him, but not even Dixie was downstairs waiting for him. She must be upstairs tucked in with Tennyson, who didn’t seem to mind that the tiny dog snored like a lumberjack.

  He locked the door and set the alarm before heading up to bed. The door was open a crack and he could see the light was on. When he pushed it open all the way, he could see Tennyson asleep on his pillow and Dixie curled up at his side. She popped her head up when he stepped into the room.

  “Hi, pixie girl.” Ronan scooped her off the bed and let the dog love on him for a minute before setting her in her pink princess dog bed.

  When Ronan turned back to the bed, he could see Tennyson was still asleep. He loved that his husband had fallen asleep on his pillow.

  Sitting on the side of the bed, Ronan ran his hand down the side of Ten’s face. His husband smiled in his sleep. Ronan wondered if Ten was dreaming about him or if he could feel the feather-light touch in his sleep.

  He left his hand against the side of Tennyson’s face as he leaned in to kiss Ten’s lips.

  “Ronan?” Ten whispered. His dark eyes fluttered open.

  “Hi, babe.” Ronan smiled. “Sorry I’m so late.”

  Sitting up, Ten yawned and pulled his husband into his arms. “I missed you. Jude and Cope were here with me. I didn’t want to be alone.”

  “Fitzgibbon texted me to let me know they were here. I didn’t get a chance to see my phone until the feds let me go around 10:30pm, but I was happy to see the message from him.”

  “They left around that time. Cope had fallen asleep on the couch and Jude wanted to get him home.”

  “Who knew those two would be such good friends?” Ronan was back to smiling.

  “I don’t want to talk about them.” Ten started undoing the buttons on Ronan’s white shirt.

  “Aren’t you tired?” Ronan raised an eyebrow before he shrugged out of his shirt.

  “I had a nap while I was waiting for my gorgeous husband to get home.” Ten went for Ronan’s tee-shirt next.

  Sliding off the bed, Ronan’s hands went for the button of his pants. His eyes were on Tennyson as he pushed his dress pants and briefs past his erection, letting gravity take over. While he was taking off his socks, Tennyson was kneeling behind him, rubbing his shoulders.

  “You’re so tight.” Ten worked his fingers into the taut muscles.

  “It was a long-ass day.” Ronan turned, pushing Ten back onto the bed.

  “I missed you so much.” Ten reached up, pulling Ronan down to kiss him.

  Ronan pressed their lips together. His right hand slid between their bodies to wrap around Ten’s erection. He heard Ten hiss at the contact and gave his lower lip a nibble. He wasn’t in the mood for a lot of foreplay tonight, he wanted to get to it. He could only hope Ten was in a similar mood. “I need you, Ten.”

  “Me too,” Ten panted when Ronan nipped at his earlobe.

  “Hands and knees,” Ronan ordered, pulling a
way to grab the lube out of the drawer. All he’d been able to think about all day was getting out of that conference room and home to Tennyson. When he turned back to the bed, Ten was in position, his ass high in the air. “Jesus, I missed you today.” Popping the cap on the bottle, Ronan slicked his fingers and wasted no time going to work opening Ten up for his invasion.

  “I missed you too. I just wanted you home with me.” Ten howled when two fingers breached his snug passage. “Please, Ronan. Now! Don’t make me wait.”

  “You reading my mind, Nostradamus.” Ronan grinned. He didn’t want to wait either. Slicking his cock, he lined it up with Tennyson’s hole. “God, you’re beautiful. I don’t tell you enough, but you are.” Pressing forward. Ronan felt himself ease past the tight ring of muscle.

  “More, Ronan!” Ten demanded. His face was pressed against the mattress, his hands fisted into the sheets.

  Ronan was torn. Did he give Tennyson what he was begging for or did he go slower and give him time to adjust? “Bossy tonight, huh?” He gave Ten’s ass a slap. He dug his hand into Ten’s right hip and slid all the way home.

  “God, Ronan, please. I need you,” Ten was peering over his shoulder, the look in his dark eyes was desire warring with all out need.

  Wrapping an arm under Ten’s chest, Ronan rested his forehead against the back of his husband’s neck. “Never forget how much I love you.”

  Tennyson whimpered in response.

  Pulling back, Ronan slammed his hips, jarring Ten hard into the mattress. Fuck, that felt good. After the bullshit and pain of today, losing himself in Tennyson felt good. He could feel Ten loosening up with every thrust of his hips. He was crying out for Ronan with a steady stream of “I love you’s” mixed with his name. Ronan was lost in the rhythm of it.

  “Ronan, wait!” Ten called out. “Slow down.”

  His hips stilled the minute those words spilled from Tennyson’s lips. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” Ten shook his head. “Just slow down. I don’t want this to end. Not yet.”

  Ronan grabbed the base of his cock and pulled out. “Roll over, babe.” When Ten obeyed, he gave his husband the once over and saw that his eyes were wet. He’d been crying. “Why are you so upset?”

  Ten swiped angrily at his eyes. “It’s just this trial. Bringing up these memories and old feelings. That’s all.” Ten reached for Ronan. “Please…”

  There was no way Ronan could refuse his husband’s plea. Lining himself back up with Ten’s loosened hole, he slid back home. He felt Ten’s legs wrap around him, locking him in place. “I love you so much. Nothing could ever change that.”

  “I know,” Ten managed a watery smile. His arms twined around Ronan’s neck pulling him closer.

  Ronan allowed Ten to drag him down for a kiss. He couldn’t help thinking there was something in Ten’s manner indicating he didn’t know that Ronan’s love was forever. He was about to ask about that very thing when Ten arched up to meet his thrusts and he was lost. His instincts took over and the need to come surpassed everything else.

  “Close…” Ten gasped. “Need you.”

  Reaching between their bodies, Ronan wrapped his hand around Ten’s cock. He started jerking it to the rhythm of his hips. “That’s it, Ten,” Ronan urged. He wanted to see his husband lose control.

  “Ronan!” Ten cried out when his cock jerked.

  His eyes were glued on Tennyson who had increased his hold when his release hit him. Ten’s dark eyes bore into his own as if Ten were trying to become a permanent part of him. Ronan didn’t break eye contact, he kept his gaze steady, giving Tennyson everything he needed. When his dick gave its last weak trickle, Ten loosened his hold and closed his eyes.

  Ronan could feel the demands of his body roar back to life. His climax overtook him. He cried out for Tennyson, who was still holding on for dear life. Resting his face in the crook of Ten’s neck, he rode out the wave, his heart pounding so loudly in his ears that it drowned out Ten’s whispered words of love.

  “Are you okay?” Ronan asked after he’d gotten his breath back.

  Ten nodded. “Of course. This has just been a long day. I’ll feel better when the trial is behind us and Dragonni is behind bars forever.” Pressing a kiss to Ronan’s sweaty head, Ten hopped out of bed and headed toward the bathroom.

  Ronan couldn’t help thinking Tennyson had hit the nail on the head. Their life would go back to normal once this thing with Dragonni was over, once and for all. There was a thought niggling at the back of his mind though. A thought that whatever this secret was that Ten was keeping from him had something to do with Dragonni, but he was damned if he could figure out what the hell it was.

  Yawning, Ronan got out of bed and pulled back the covers and settled himself in on his side of the bed. Whatever the situation was with Tennyson, he was sure it was nothing earth-shattering. His husband would never keep anything important from him. He knew that as well as he knew his own name. With that thought, Ronan shut his eyes and fell asleep.



  When Ten walked out of the bathroom five minutes later, Ronan was fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb him, he headed downstairs. Ten knew there was no way he was going to get another minute of sleep tonight. Not on the eve of the Dragonni trial.

  He padded barefoot into the kitchen and flipped the light on, jumping when he saw someone sitting at his kitchen table. It was Bertha Craig. “Jesus, Bertha. You scared me.”

  “Hello to you too, Tenny.” Her voice was soft even though Ronan couldn’t hear her even if she’d been shouting. “This chat is long overdue.”

  Ten nodded as he walked past her to the cabinet to grab a mug. Filling it with water, he popped it in the microwave and hit the button for two minutes. “I know, Bertha. There’s been so much going on lately…” Ten sighed. It wasn’t like him to lie to his mentor. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He grabbed a tea bag out of the glass jar and turned around to face her. “I didn’t know how to share this with you at first. Then Copeland Forbes showed up on our doorstep and you weren’t around and then you had this idea to use the grave dirt spell and…” Ten sighed. So much had happened in the last five months. “The truth of the matter is that after a while, I felt like I deserved to carry this secret alone. Like it was my cross to bear.” The beeping microwave stopped his explanation in its tracks. He silently made his tea and carried it to the table where Bertha was sitting in silence.

  “It hasn’t been easy watching you struggle with this.” Bertha shook her head. “There have been so many times I’ve wanted to drop in and ask you about it or try to comfort you, but I just didn’t know how. I figured if you wanted my help you’d ask. Then like you said, shit happened. After the grave dirt thing I was out of commission for a few weeks and now here we are on the eve of the trial. I did a little digging, Tennyson. Tony is up after Ronan on the witness list.”

  Ten hung his head. Tonight had been his last night with Ronan. His last night of peace and love before the shit hit the fan.

  “You can’t think like that, Tenny.” Bertha reached a hand across the table to him. “I don’t think this is going to end your marriage.”

  Ten looked up at her. Tears were making his view of Bertha glassy. “Is that you trying to prop me up or is that what you’re seeing?”

  “Both.” Bertha patted his hand. “I’m not saying it’s going to be easy though. We both know what a stubborn man your husband is. On most days I’d say it’s one of his best traits, but not in this instance. What you need to keep in mind here, Ten, is that this is going to affect him on so many levels.”

  “What do you mean?” Ten knew Ronan’s faith and trust in him was going to be shaken. What else was there?

  “He’s been mourning Tony. How do you react to seeing someone you thought was dead walk into a room, living and breathing? Ronan is going to have emotions to deal with in regard to Tony. Then there’s Carlie. She knew all along that Tony was alive too and kept that information fr
om him and her children. He’s going to have bad feelings toward Carlie too. Then there’s Cruz Clemente. Yes, Ronan’s going to have words for you, Ten, but when he finds out that man threatened your daughter? God help him.” Bertha shook her head. “Mount St. O’Mara is going to erupt.”

  “I hadn’t thought of any of those things.” It was true. Ten had only considered how this secret was going to affect his marriage, not Ronan’s relationships with Tony or with Carlie. “Clemente is supposed to be my ace in the hole.”

  “Why, because he forced this on you? Him and Faulkner?” Bertha sighed. “It was a shit situation to begin with Tennyson. I’ll give you that.”

  “Would you have told him from the beginning, Bertha?” Ten swiped at the tears that were now free-flowing down his face. Jesus Christ, he was sick of crying. He was sick of his emotions being so out of control. Of not being able to eat a full meal or get a good night’s sleep. He just wanted this whole thing to be over. Now that he was standing at the finish line, it felt like he could barely hold himself together.

  “I don’t know. What I do know is that Ronan never would have been a danger to Tony’s safety if he had known that he was alive. I’m saying that from the perspective of someone who knows Ronan. The other thing I know is that this was a case of your psychic gifts being used against you by people who had no idea how they worked.” Bertha slapped a hand down on the table. “Tony never tried to understand how your powers worked, but he used them against you every chance he got. He was the one who told Clemente about you that last day. He was the reason you were brought into that room.”

  “Motherfucker,” Ten whispered. “I had a feeling that was the case.” He’d been so pissed off that day that he hadn’t had the opportunity to find out who it was that had thrown his name into the ring. Bertha confirming it for him made him that much more upset at the entire situation. “All I ever tried to do was help them, Bertha. With Mark suffering from the possession and then with everything that followed.”

  “You’ve only ever tried to help people with your gifts. Everyone who knows you knows that about you,” Bertha confirmed.


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