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Dead to the World (Cold Case Psychic Book 10)

Page 19

by Pandora Pine

  One by one, the others had come out of their interview rooms to join him. First it had been Copeland, then Jude. Fitzgibbon had finished up his paperwork and had been kind enough to go check on Tennyson, only to come back a few minutes later to let Ronan know it was still going on.

  When Ten had finally emerged two hours later, he looked ready to drop. It took all of Ronan’s patience not to storm into that room and take a swing at the officer whose job it had been to go over the day’s events with Tennyson. Deep down he’d known the officer was just doing his job, so he’d stayed in his seat.

  Hearing the water shut off, Ronan walked to the stove and turned the heat on under the kettle. He grabbed Ten’s favorite mug and one of his green tea bags. It wouldn’t be long before Ten would be coming downstairs.

  Dixie’s sharp bark heralded their arrival. She pranced into the kitchen a few steps ahead of Tennyson. Ronan was setting the cup of tea at his place at the table.

  “Well that’s service.” Ten smiled at his husband and pressed a kiss against his cheek.

  “I heard the water shut off in the shower. How are you feeling?” Ronan helped him into his seat.

  “Clean, finally.” Ten wrapped his hands around the mug.

  Ronan took his usual seat across from Ten. “I’m sorry those assholes had their hands on you today.” It killed Ronan to think of Marco and Paulie shoving Tennyson around, not to mention pistol whipping him.

  Ten nodded. “They paid with their lives. I forgive them. You should too.”

  Ronan felt his face pull into a frown. How the hell could he forgive the men who’d kidnapped his husband and beat him? Tennyson was a far better man than he was. He’d read his husband’s interview transcript. Fitzgibbon had sent it over to him. Marco had stuck a gun in his face on three separate occasions with the intent to kill him. It had only been Ten’s quick thinking that had saved his life. Ronan could very well have been sitting at this table a widower tonight instead of a husband.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Ronan.” Ten’s voice was gentle.

  “Of course, you do. You’re psychic.” Ronan reached out for Ten’s hands. They were warm in his own thanks to the heat from the mug.

  “No, it’s not that.” Ten managed a smile. “You’re thinking about my close calls today. It’s written all over your face.”

  “Usually it’s you sitting by my side when I’ve had a close call. It’s a bit different being on the other side of that equation. It’s terrifying knowing how close I came to actually losing you. Just one more thing that makes me love you even more.” Ronan bent forward to press a kiss to Ten’s hands. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Is it chocolate?” Ten laughed. “I could really go for some chocolate tonight.”

  “It’s better than chocolate.” Ronan found it was so easy to smile along with Tennyson now that the danger of the day was behind them.

  “Ice cream then?” Ten’s dark, tired eyes sparkled.

  “Yes, Fitzgibbon dropped some by when you were in the shower, but he also had something for me.” Ronan got up from the table and walked into the living room. He’d left the box on the table unopened when Kevin dropped it off earlier. He knew what was in it. “Here, I want you to be the first person to see this.” Ronan slid the small square box across the table to Tennyson. It reminded Ronan of the size box that would come from the jewelry store when you gave a woman a necklace.

  “If Kevin dropped it off for you, why do you want me to be the first one to see it?” Ten’s dark eyes glowed with curiosity.

  “Open it up and I’ll explain.” Ronan smiled at the curious look on his husband’s face.

  Ten lifted the lid. He gasped when he saw what was inside. “Ronan, this is a sergeant’s badge.”

  “Fitzgibbon told me the other day that I was going to be officially named sergeant in the Cold Case Unit. He was just waiting for the paperwork to be signed by the right people. We all know how that goes. It could take a while before all is said and done, but he thought I could use this tonight.”

  Ten took the shield out of the box and held it in the palm of his hand. It glinted brightly in the kitchen light.

  “I can’t promise that our lives will settle down now that I’ll be behind a desk more. What I can promise you is that I’m not going to be the first one throwing myself into the fray. My priorities are you and our daughter, Ten. Nothing means more to me than the two of you. This new badge is the start of my renewed commitment to our family.” Ronan knew it wasn’t going to be easy to stay behind his desk and let other detectives run with leads as cold cases heated up, but he’d learn to do it if that meant keeping his family safe.

  Getting up from his chair, Ten held a hand out to Ronan. “This badge means so much for our family. You are going to stay behind that desk more, Ronan. I can see that. Coming home to me and Everly is going to be your top priority.”

  “I agree. It is going to be a huge priority for me. Faulkner’s going to be coming on board with us too. He’ll be in the office with me next week. I’ll get him up to speed on my cases before I go out on our paternity leave.”

  Ten smiled. “Can you imagine what life is going to be like for the two of us being home together with our little miss for eight weeks?”

  “It’s going to be heaven,” Ronan felt his eyes light up. “I can’t wait to hold her in my arms and sing songs.”

  “You’re going to sing songs?” Ten wore a dubious look. “I’ve heard you sing in the car. It’s not pretty.”

  Ronan nodded. “Everly will love when I sing to her. Then there’s bath time, and those middle of the night feedings and messy diapers. I’m all in, Ten. I’m ready for every adventure that little girl is going to bring our way.”

  “Speaking of all the adventures.” Ten got up from his seat. He walked over to Ronan, holding a hand out to him. “You know once she gets here, we aren’t going to have a whole lot of time to ourselves.”

  Ronan grinned up at Tennyson. He knew exactly where Ten’s thoughts were leading. “You don’t say?”

  Ten shook his head no. “What do you say we spend some quality naked time together now before we’re too tired and too busy to do it later?”

  Ronan got up from his seat. “I like the way you think, Nostradamus. It’s like you read my mind.”

  “It’s funny how that works. Isn’t it?” Ten leaned up on tiptoes to press a kiss against the hot skin of Ronan’s neck.

  Nodding, Ronan scooped Tennyson into his arms and headed toward the living room. He was going to do everything in his power to show his husband how much he loved and treasured him.



  There was nothing that Tennyson loved more than being carried up the stairs like a princess. He rested his face against the side of Ronan’s neck, while the fingers of his left hand carded through his dirty blond hair.

  “Here we are, Mr. Grimm-O’Mara, your room.” Ronan swept into their bedroom, gently setting him down in the center of their king-sized mattress. “Since this was your idea, what exactly did you have in mind?”

  That was a good question. Ten needed to take it easy. He didn’t want to do anything that would send his head crashing against the headboard or that would be too jarring to his entire body. “Why don’t you get naked and I’ll think about it.”

  Ronan teased the hem of his shirt up his abs and chest before pulling it up and over his head. He threw the shirt toward the bathroom like he was a member of the Boston Celtics shooting a free throw.

  Ten laughed. “That reminds me of the night you stripped your heart out for charity.”

  “I was stripping for you that night.” Ronan winked at him. His hands went for the button of his jeans before slowly teasing down his zipper. He spun around so that his backside was facing Ten as he pushed the material over his ass and down his thighs.

  “Mmm, that’s it, Ronan. Take it all off for me, baby.” Ten could feel his pajama pants getting tighter. Nothing turned him on more than his naked
husband who was now strutting over to him. He was stroking his erection with his right hand and reaching out for Ten’s face with the other.

  “Did you give it some thought or were you too busy drooling over me?” Ronan bent over the bed to kiss his husband.

  Feeling that old spark ignite between them when their lips touched, Ten moaned against Ronan’s lips. His tongue reached out to join with Ronan’s. He felt his husband’s hand tighten on the uninjured side of his face. Damn, Ten loved it when Ronan got possessive like this. Oh, Ten had given it some thought all right. “My pants are getting a little tight. Do you think you could do something about that?”

  Standing back, Ronan appeared to be assessing the situation. “Hmm, I think I see what the problem is.” A grin curved his lips. He bent forward again, pressing another searing kiss to Tennyson’s lips before setting his hands against Ten’s shoulders. “I think I can help you out there. Why don’t you lie down?” Easing Ten back, Ronan went to work taking his pajama bottoms down slowly. “Well, here’s your problem.” He wrapped his hand around Ten’s cock. “This is what was making those pants so tight. I think I know the perfect way to make the swelling go down.”

  “I’m so glad you know how to help,” Ten said breathlessly. He watched while Ronan’s hand caressed his flesh, his clever thumb slipping up and over the head of his cock to slick itself in the pre-come that was gathering there.

  “Taking care of you like this is my specialty.” Ronan winked. He lowered his mouth to lick over the head of Tennyson’s cock. He dropped light, kitten licks meant to tease Tennyson. Ronan winked at his husband before taking Tennyson deep.

  Ten moaned when Ronan’s lips wrapped around his dick. His hands made their way to tangle in Ronan’s soft as silk hair. He could feel his husband’s tongue working over his heated flesh. His hands urged Ronan to take more of his length.

  Ronan complied. He took Ten as far back as he could, gagging when Ten’s cock hit the back of his throat.

  “Ronan,” Ten cried out. He knew after the day he’d had this wasn’t going to last long. He needed Ronan more tonight than he had in any other night they’d been together. He could feel Ronan’s mistrust and feelings of betrayal melt away as they reconnected with each other, as their bond repaired itself and grew stronger.

  Looking up, Ronan’s blue eyes locked with Tennyson’s He smiled around his mouthful, urging Tennyson to let go. His tongue sped up on Tennyson’s length. Ronan’s free hand moved to Ten’s balls.

  Ten arched his hips, crying out Ronan’s name. He felt his dick pulse and couldn’t hold back any longer. He held on tighter to his husband as his dick continued to jerk as his release overtook him.

  When the storm passed, Ronan was lifting his legs up onto the bed and climbing up beside him. He pulled Ten to lay across his chest.

  “Damn, I needed that. I needed you.” Ten wrapped his arms around his husband and held him tight.

  “We both did,” Ronan agreed. “All I could think about today was the fact that my own stupidity could have cost me the best thing in my life. While I was down on my knees it was like I could feel us coming back together. Is that crazy? It sounds crazy.”

  “No, it doesn’t sound crazy. I felt it too. I’ll let you in on a little secret, Ronan.” Ten pressed a kiss to his heart. “You’re never going to lose me. I know we’re going to go through some hard times in the future. I’m sure there are things we’ll disagree about, maybe even tomorrow, but we’ll always come back to each other. There’s no force on earth that will ever pull us apart.”

  Ronan pulled him closer. “We will always come back to each other. I never doubted that. Now with Everly only a few weeks away, we have so much more joining us together. That little girl binds us together in a way that not even our vows do.”

  “She’s so lucky to have you as her protector, Ronan. There are so many things I know you’re going to teach her.” Ten pressed another kiss to Ronan’s heart. Aside from the fundamental things like her ABC’s, Ten knew Ronan was going to be there to teach their daughter about respect and empathy and how to look out for other people who can’t stand up for themselves.

  “Then there will be the day when she figures out that she has gifts like you do.” Ronan snorted. “Like she’s having breakfast and she bends her cereal spoon with a thought or she reads my mind.”

  “Or she’s sitting at the table having a conversation with Bertha.” Ten laughed.

  “She’s really pissed at me, you know.” Ronan held Ten tighter. “When she came back to report that you were being held in the trunk of that car, Jesus Christ, she was some kind of pissed off at me. If she’d been in the room, she would have shot me herself. I don’t like being the target of Bertha’s wrath.”

  “I had no idea she was angry with you. When she was with me, she told me how upset you were that I was missing and how you’d had a change of heart about the way you felt about me keeping Tony a secret.” It truly surprised Ten that Bertha was upset with Ronan. She was his husband’s biggest cheerleader. Ten didn’t think there was anything Ronan could do that would upset her. He guessed Ronan leaving him vulnerable to mobsters was something that made Bertha’s tiger mom instincts kick in.

  “It was true, but I also think she was trying to keep you calm.” Ronan sighed. “How do I get her to forgive me, Ten?” Ronan sounded worried that Bertha was going to stay mad at him for a while.

  “Work that O’Mara charm. It’s what you do best with Bertha.” Now that he was safe, Ten couldn’t imagine Bertha staying upset with Ronan for long.

  “No.” Ronan shook his head. “I don’t want to charm her. I want her to see that I’m truly sorry for the way that I hurt you. I would never let anyone intentionally hurt you, Ten, but I did that myself.”

  “I forgive you, Ronan. We talked about that in the hospital. I’ll have a little chat with Bertha the next time I see her.”

  “It would mean a lot to me if she saw how much I’ve grown up and taken responsibility for my actions. You know?”

  “If I’ve seen it, then she has too.” Ten knew for a fact that Bertha was always watching over them. He was positive that whatever anger she’d been feeling toward Ronan had probably cooled down by now. He’d be sure to check with her tomorrow just to make sure.

  “What do you want to do tomorrow? We’re sure as hell not going to work.” Ronan started to laugh.

  “I want to stay in bed all day and watch trashy television and eat junk food. Cookies, popcorn, chips. You name it, I want to eat it.” Ten started to laugh. He was starting to feel like his old self again. He knew it was going to take a bit of time to come all the way back but with Ronan’s help, he knew it wasn’t going to take long.

  “Is that all you want to do in bed all day?” Ronan waggled his eyebrows suggestively at his husband.

  Ten shook his head. “I think we need to practice how to do what we just did, but quietly. We don’t want to wake our little miss up with the way that you bellow, now do we?”

  Ronan snorted. “I’m not the one who bellows. You’re the one who shouts the walls down, Ten.”

  “So, then I guess we both have a lot to work, don’t we?” Ten climbed up to straddle Ronan’s hips. He reached into his nightstand drawer for the lube. “You in the mood for a trip to the rodeo?”

  Ronan’s bright eyes darkened. He nodded up at his husband. “I love you so much, Tennyson Grimm-O’Mara.”

  “I love you more.” Tennyson meant those words with every beat of his heart. Now he was going to spend the rest of the night and all day tomorrow showing Ronan he meant what he said.



  Tennyson had been true to his word. It was noon and they were still in bed. Ronan didn’t mind one bit. They’d fallen asleep early last night after round two ended with a bang. This morning had started with lazy morning sex and had continued with bagels in bed. They’d taken turns feeding each other bites from each other’s breakfast, reminding Ronan of the early days of their relationshi
p when they did that kind of thing all the time.

  He’d absolutely meant what he’d said last night about feeling their bond strengthening again. Spending time together like this was exactly what they needed to reconnect as partners and fathers-to-be in the weeks before Everly Erin made her debut.

  Try as he might, Ronan couldn’t seem to keep his mind off what was going on with the Abruzzis. While he’d been back in the precinct yesterday, he hadn’t seen Tony at all. He had a feeling the higher powers at the BPD had scooped him up and had him in an interrogation room somewhere. Now that Vito Dragonni was dead there was no longer a need to have him in Witness Protection, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t have a lot of explaining to do about what had gone on during his time undercover with the Dragonni family.

  “Okay, Columbo, spill it. I can hear you thinking from here.” Tennyson grinned at Ronan from his pillow. He hit the mute button on the episode of Maury they’d been watching. His entire focus was now on his husband.

  “I’m wondering about what’s going on with Tony. He confessed to a lot of crimes yesterday. I had to put those things in my report. I know Fitzgibbon and Faulkner would have done the same thing. I assume those are the same things Clemente was aware of for the testimony Tony was prepared to give in the Dragonni trial.” Ronan sighed. He’d had no idea Tony had gone so far as to cover up evidence of a murder.

  Ten reached out to Ronan. “I know our relationship is back on track, but everything between you and Tony is still up in the air.”

  Ronan nodded. “I don’t know what’s going to happen to him. I can’t imagine the BPD is going to let him go back to work. I mean these things all happened years ago and he’s had a spotless record since. They’ll probably let him retire with his pension and hope this whole thing with Dragonni goes away quietly.”

  “Can he be charged criminally for taking the money for the guns and sitting on the evidence of Dragonni’s crimes?” Worry shone in Ten’s dark eyes.

  “Yeah. The gun running is a federal crime like you saw Dragonni get arrested for. I assume he cut some kind of deal with a federal prosecutor to give evidence against Dragonni, which is why you were brought in that day to witness his confession. He can still be charged with obstruction of justice for the evidence he hid in the Ricci murder.” Ronan shook his head. All of those years he’d worked with Tony and he’d been strictly by the book. He never would have thought something like this was possible.


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