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Page 35

by Kealohilani

  Lani opened her eyes and cast one last look at Jharate. Again she felt the warm sting of a metaphysical tear falling down her face and an agonized hole where her heart should have been.

  She looked down at the ground, and then lifted her gaze to look directly into Drakne’s eyes and spoke with a heavy heart— feeling as if both worlds had already collapsed around her.

  “You have it.”


  Drakne snapped his fingers and a candlestick appeared in his hand. Lani didn’t even flinch as he took it in both of his hands and swung at the mirror three times— until it shattered.

  One ear-splitting crack later and Lani’s spirit floated from behind the mirror, into the room with Jharate and Drakne, and back into her body.

  Her eyes flew open and she breathed in a huge breath of air, as if she had just been revived from drowning. The electric currents abated and she floated gently to the bottom of the cylinder.

  Drakne walked over to her and opened the tube. Copper hinges— which connected the two pieces of glass that formed the tube— swung open. He held his hand out to her gently. She took it and stepped out of the glass enclosure.

  Now that she was connected to her heart again, she felt a crushing feeling as if some demon squeezed it hard within its fist. Her lungs ached from the tightness around them and her throat constricted as tears that had not yet fallen stung her eyes. She looked at Jharate and then turned to Drakne with one simple request.

  “Please… Let me kiss him goodbye.”

  Drakne frowned. He could not stand the thought of her kissing Jharate, but as she had shown so much compassion for him…

  Can I really deny her this? In a minute she will be mine for eternity. What can one kiss cost me?

  Drakne nodded once and snapped his fingers to take down the force field.

  Lani ran to Jharate’s side and knelt beside him. Jharate raised himself up on one arm and kissed her. He reached his other arm around her waist and pulled her as close as he could. She placed one hand gently on his neck and the other she ran through his hair as she kissed him with every last fiber in her being.

  Tears fell from both of their eyes and they kissed as they had never kissed before. Their souls connected and they were one. As they drew back, their eyes were filled with exquisite love and pain.

  “Do not do this, Lani,” Jharate whispered.

  Lani leaned close to Jharate’s ear and whispered quietly.

  “I cannot watch you die. Goodbye, my love.”

  Lani got up slowly— every inch she walked away from Jharate feeling like an inch closer to the executioner’s block.

  Drakne replaced the force field around Jharate as she returned to his side— and took her hand in his own.

  Jharate fell onto his back on the cold stone floor and clenched his hands into fists.

  “What happens to him now?”

  “He will remain here— safe in the fifth dimension— until after you and I have married. Once we have defeated Vranah and restored peace to all the lands, he will be returned to his kingdom— where he will rule, answering only to us. Your other friends will be released at that time as well.”

  Drakne saw the sadness in the lovers’ eyes. For a moment, he felt sorry for them.

  Perhaps it would be better if I let them go…

  But he felt the soft touch of Lani’s hand in his own and could not bring himself to part with it. He would have her. He loved her too much to sacrifice her and to live alone forever.

  “You will love me in time,” Drakne said, rather sweetly.

  Lani made no reply but she tried— somewhat hopelessly— to fake a small smile. Drakne led her by the hand and out of the door. She turned, one final time, to look into Jharate’s eyes— as the door closed behind them.

  Jharate screamed a heart-wrenching scream of agony. It was a scream of all hope being lost. His heart felt like it had been obliterated, and the bloody shards of it ripped through his soul. He screamed and screamed and screamed again— not caring that no one could hear him.

  But Lani heard his screams. No matter how far she walked away she could hear them as if she were standing right next to him. Tears streamed from her eyes as she followed Drakne up the winding staircase to the marriage room. Her tattered heart sank lower with each stair she ascended.

  As they entered through the large beautiful door with the golden tree, Drakne snapped his fingers to make the foreign coffins disappear. As they stood in the middle of the room, he turned to face her— holding both of her hands in his.

  “I Drake Amaren take thee, Princess Adrienne Arvanatasi to be my wife, my other half, my heart’s desire— to join in marriage from now until forever, beyond the end of time. Now you.”

  “I Princess Adrienne Arvanatasi, take thee, Drake Amaren…”

  Jharate’s back arched suddenly as his gift revived— chaining him to this awful moment as he watched with perfect clarity and heard Lani say the words.

  “I Princess Adrienne Arvanatasi, take thee, Drake Amaren…”

  Jharate roared in despair, pounding his fists against the ground until they bled. He could not bear to hear the rest of the words, and yet his gift persisted.

  Another long, low wail of anguish and of all hope dying burst forth from his lungs and throat as if they would both explode.

  Jharate’s scream rang through the empty halls— echoing through the fifth dimension where no one could hear them. No one except Lani. Tears streamed down both their faces.

  Two hearts broke in unison.

  The Story of the Half-Hearts Will Continue!

  November 1st, 2019



  TWH— for continuing to inspire me, by your example, to be a better artist, a better person, a better friend— a better version of myself. I hope that one day I can inspire others the way you inspire me. You are a class act.

  Roger Jellinek— for everything you have done for me. I’ll always be grateful to you. I couldn’t have done any of this without your guidance over the years.

  All those whom I have loved and lost over the years— Whether it ended badly or beautifully, you taught me things about myself and about what I want. You’ve shaped my idea of who the perfect partner for me will be— and what he will be like. And you’ve taught me how much I have within me to give in return. All of this has not only made me a better person— but has given my writing more depth and understanding than I could have gotten on any road but the road of experience.

  My ancestors— I realize that my road here was paved by those who sacrificed and came before me. The daring souls who pushed forward and made choices to better their own lives and the lives of their families— despite the many adversities they faced through the millennia of human existence on Earth— the planet we have adopted as our home.

  Liz Requilman of North Shore Weddings and Flowers, for being the official florist of Alamea and for using your magical skills to help maintain the image of The Half-Hearts Chronicles at all of its events.

  Alexander Farrell, once again— first and foremost for being my friend. But also, thank you for having a combination of 1). (for lack of a better word) the arrogance to suggest ways in which I could be a better writer (without having read even one of my stories) regardless of the fact that writing had been my life and/or career for the past twelve years (since whenever the heck November 2007 was) whereas your career/life expertise lay elsewhere 2). the wisdom to know what resources might actually be a helpful for me to study and 3). the heart to share all of this with me even though for all you knew it could have been received badly (and which, quite frankly, would have been received badly by most people in my position). I did actually research the things you suggested and they did help me bring more life and/or depth into my story and into the world of Alamea. In summary, thank you for your friendship, your arrogance, your wisdom, and your heart. (P.S. Notice the oxford comma?! Haha! #InsideJoke) All joking aside— I really do appreciate you. Oh and— Do
n’t blink!

  Zack Monson— also again. This time because of the unfiltered honest opinion about my writing when he read the original seven books I had published— before I decided to rewrite them. Whilst I may not have listened to every critique you gave, I respect your opinion— and you did help me see where some of my strengths and weaknesses as a writer lie. And— always— for being one of my best friends ever.

  To Kahuku High School and BYU-Hawai‘i for so many things— Red Raider for life!

  Finally, thank you to my wonderful mother and father, for their tireless support and love, without whom none of this would have been possible.

  The Half-Hearts Chronicles Pronunciation Guide


  aa = past, fast, cast

  ay = came, frame, fame

  ah = father, car, star

  aw = draw, ha, thaw

  er = mercy, hers

  eh = pet, met, set

  ee = feed, need, speed

  ih = swish, hip, dip

  ai = eye, sight, kite, buy, side

  oh = so, know, bone, snow

  oi = destroy, joy, boy, soy

  oo = pool, cool, tool, rule,

  or = pork, port, door

  ow = sound, pound, noun,

  uh = under, fun, sun,

  uu = cook, could, wood


  The consonants used in this book are almost all pronounced with standard American English pronunciation. The main exception you need to be aware of is:

  J can be two ways in this book. Usually it’s the normal J as in “journey” or “join”. The other usage is closer to the French pronunciation as in “je t'aime”. (Google translate can pronounce “je t'aime” for you if you don’t know how it sounds). This guide will signify the other usage by italicizing and bolding the J in those cases (example: Jharate = Juh-rah-tay).


  Alamea /Ah-luh-may-uh/

  Alavnoran Sier /Uh-lahv-noh-rahn See-ehr/

  Backradaven /Bahk-rah-dah-vehn/ Sea

  California /Kaal-ih-for-nyuh/

  Castle at Ansena /Aan-seh-nuh/

  The Cave of Witsan /Wiht-sahn/

  Cody, Wyoming /Koh-dee Wai-oh-meeng/

  Destavnia /Deh-stahv-nee-uh/

  Echredaun /Ehk-ruh-dahn/

  Faerie / Forest (Alamean pronunciation— it’s almost three syllables. The first syllable is a blended sound)

  Forest of Kar /Kahr/

  Hawai‘i /Huh-vai-ee/ (note, there is a glottal stop between the “vai” and “ee” sounds— much like the stop between the two syllables in “uh-oh”)

  Kelamosa /Keh-luh-moh-suh/

  Kellinsi /Keh-leen-see/

  Kresar /Kray-zahr/

  La Jolla /Luh Hoi-yuh

  Lake Helasi /Heh-lah-see/

  Lanas /Luh-nahs/

  Manaleina /Mah-nuh-lay-nuh/ Ocean

  Niccretaskian /Nai-krih-tahs-kee-ehn/ Sea

  Ocean of Drakeal /Druh-kay-ehl/

  Ohio /Oh-hai-oh

  Paris /Pah-ree/ (although the characters in this book say /Pehr-ihs/ like most Americans)

  Solana Beach /Soh-lah-nuh/

  Tofan /Toh-fahn/

  Trazanian /Truh-zay-nee-uhn/ Mountain Pass

  Trisakne /Trih-sahk-nay/

  Waterfall at Delicah /Dehl-ih-kuh/

  Zenastra /Zeh-nah-strah/


  Adrienne Brielle Arvanatasi /Ay-dree-ehn Bree-ehl Ahr-vaan-uh-tah-see/

  Alanea /Ah-luh-nay-uh/

  Alena Brichette Arvanatasi /Uh-leh-nuh Brih-shay Ahr-vaan-uh-tah-see/

  Alex /Aa-lehx/

  General Andran /Aan-draan/

  Anna /Ah-nah/

  Arakahn’s /Ahr-uh-kahn/

  Arante /Uh-rahn-tay/

  Lord Asharen /Uh-shahr-ehn/

  Danu /Dah-noo/

  Darrahn Kolie /Duh-rahn Koh-lee-ay/

  Dianne /Dai-aan/

  Drake Amaren /Drayk Uh-mahr-ehn/

  Drakne /Drahk-nay/

  Erik /Ehr-ihk/

  Uncle Gavin /Gaa-vihn/

  Hethora /Heh-thor-uh/

  Ja‘el /Juh-ehl/ (there is a glottal stop between the “Jay” and “ehl” sounds— much like the stop between the two syllables in “uh-oh”)

  Janea /Juh-nay-uh/

  Jaresh /Juh-rehsh/

  Jenna Mason /Jeh-nuh May-suhn/

  Jeshelle (Jezzy) /Juh-shehl (Jeh-zee)/

  Jerissa Amaren /Jeh-rih-suh Uh-mahr-ehn/

  Jharate Inihma / Juh-rah-tay Ih-nee-mah/

  José /Hoh-zay/

  Josiah Harding /Joh-sai-uh Hahr-deeng/

  Justin Michael Iremia /Juh-stihn Mai-kuhl Ih-reh-mee-uh/

  Ka‘el Amaren /Kuh-ehl Uh-mahr-ehn/ (glottal stop between the “Kuh” and “ehl” sounds— much like the stop between the two syllables in “uh-oh”)

  Ka‘ern /Kuh-ehrn/ (glottal stop between “Kuh” and “ehrn” sounds— much like the stop between the two syllables in “uh-oh”)

  Kara Marie Shiro /Kehr-uh Muh-ree Shee-roh/

  Karahn /Kuh-rahn/

  Princess Karani‘oka‘are /Kuh-rah-nee-oh-kuh-ahr-ay/ (glottal stop between the “nee and “oh” sounds and another glottal stop between the “kuh” and “ahr” sounds— much like the stop between the two syllables in “uh-oh”))

  Karsenia /Kahr-seh-nee-uh/

  Kealohilani /Kay-uh-loh-hee-lah-nee/

  Keanu Jhoran Kelamosakai Marubain Inihma /Kay-ah-noo Joh-rahn Keh-luh-moh-suh-kai Mah-roo-bayn Ih-nee-muh/

  Kelamosakai /Keh-luh-moh-suh-kai/

  Kendra Charelle Sanchez /Kehn-druh Shuh-rehl Saan-chehz/

  Laern /Lay-ehrn/

  Lani Thomas /Lah-nee Tah-muhs/

  Queen Lassaria Arvanatasi /Luh-sah-ree-uh Ahr-vaan-uh-tah-see/

  King Lazeka Arvanatasi /Luh-zeh-kuh Ahr-vaan-uh-tah-see/

  Michelle /Mih-shehl/

  Narah Deskarin /Nah-ruh Deh-skahr-ehn/

  Narani /Nuh-rah-nee/

  Raoul Kimura Evans /Rah-ool Kee-muu-ruh Ehv-uhns/

  Contessa Regianna /Kohn-teh-suh Reh-jee-ah-nuh/

  Rezarahn /Reh-zahr-uhn/

  Rizena Amaren /Rih-zeh-nuh Uh-mahr-ehn/

  Rutghar /Root-gahr/

  Sarana Annea Kinartma /Sah-rah-nah Ah-nay-uh Kee-nahrt-muh

  Queen Sateria /Suh-teh-ree-uh/

  Princesse Selana /Prihn-sehss Seh-lah-nuh/

  Tara /Tehr-uh/

  Tarehn /Tuh-rehn/

  Te‘era /Tay-eh-ruh/ (glottal stop between “Tay” and “eh” sounds— much like the stop between the two syllables in “uh-oh”)

  Vikontessa Tesha /Vee-kohn-teh-suh Tehsh-uh/

  Tierlahn /Tee-ehr-lahn/

  Tierza /Tee.ehr-zuh (the “Tee” and “ehr” are blended and almost one syllable)

  Tyler Morgan Thomas /Tai-ler Mor-guhn Tah-muhs/

  Vaughn Amaren /Vahn Uh-mahr-ehn/

  Veran Amaren /Veh-rahn Uh-mahr-ehn/

  Vranah /Vrah-nuh/

  Zack /Zaak/

  Zarkania /Zahr-kay-nee-uh/


  Alamean (Alameans) /Ah-luh-may-uhn (Ah-luh-may-uhns)/

  Arante’s Full Title: Arante Karamatia Enaren, Princess of Trisakne and Duchess of Kelanarae /Uh-rahn-tay Kah-rah-mah-tee-uh Eh-nahr-ehn/ Princess of /Trih-sahk-nay/ and Duchess of /Kehl-uh-nahr-ah.ay/ (the “ah” and “ay” sounds are blended and almost one syllable)

  Farehna /Fah-reh-nuh/

  Jharate’s Full Title: Jharate Inihma, Crown Prince of Trisakne and the rightful heir to the throne, Prince of Kar, Duke of Lahren, Duke of Zarkhan, Lord of Malukia, and Prince of Kalamora/ Juh-rah-tay Ihn-ee-muh/ Crown Prince of /Trih-sahk-nay/ Prince of /Kahr/ Duke of /Lah-rehn/ Lord of /Mah-loo-kee-uh/ and Prince of /Kah-luh-mohr-uh/

  Kelamosan /Keh-luh-moh-suhn/

  Tatzelwurm /Taat-zehl-verm/

  Tofanian /Toh-fah-nee-uhn/

  Trisaknen /Trih-sahk-nehn/

  Varsin /Vahr-sihn/

  Zenastran /Zeh-nah-strehn/

  About The Authoress

bsp; Kahuku High Valedictorian, Kealohilani, graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Kappa Phi from Brigham Young University-Hawai‘i, in International Business Management, with an emphasis in Digital Media and a minor in Polynesian Studies. She chose this combination to develop her abilities for storytelling through film. She pursued a career in the film industry and has worked on several Hollywood productions, including LOST, Soul Surfer, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, MythBusters, Journey 2: Mysterious Island, and Battleship.


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