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Her Royal Blood

Page 14

by Felicity Jordan

  Refeu stiffened. “They won’t give you problems? I know many humans don’t like vampires…”

  “No, no, they’ll be fine. Don’t overreact, I can see you’re thinking about ripping their heads off if they upset me.”

  Refeu smiled guiltily.

  “It’ll be a shock, of course, but they love me, and ultimately, they just want me to be happy. I don’t know if I want to tell them everything yet, though. I’ll need to think how to do it, and right now, I just want to focus on our wedding.”

  “I can sort the rest out for you, Assa,” Bethany offered. “Your contract with your landlord, whatever agreements you have with the college, whatever you need.”

  “Thanks, Bethany. That would be great. Though I’m not sure if I can spare you from the wedding planning.” Rachel grinned at the thought. “Maybe I’ll ask Jexin to assign someone to it.”

  “Speaking of which, where is Jexin?” Tim pulled himself up from his position with his head on Rachel’s legs. “He’s been gone a while, and he didn’t even take his shirt.”

  The thought of Jexin running around the palace shirtless was enough to make Rachel giggle. “He’ll be back soon, I’m sure. I’m surprised he’s willingly left my side for this long. I suppose he stationed guards at the door.” She made a sour face, convinced she didn’t need protection in her own palace, but it wasn’t an argument she was going to win with Jexin, Assa or not.

  As though drawn by her words, Jexin suddenly burst into the room. He still didn’t have a shirt, but Rachel’s eyes were quickly pulled away from his delectable chest to his distressed expression. “Jexin?”

  “Assa, you must come with me. Now.”

  For Jexin to be giving her a command rather than taking one, it must be serious. Rachel nodded and started getting dressed. She tossed Jexin’s shirt to him, which he caught out of reflex but made no move to put on. Tim took pity on him and helped pull the shirt over his head. “You ok, brother? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Maybe I have.”

  Jexin wouldn’t say anything more on the matter. Bethany hurried off to see to the wedding preparations and various organizational issues from Rachel’s and Tim’s old lives, but Tim and Refeu followed along with her and Jexin silently.

  Jexin took her to a room Rachel had never been to before, one with multiple boards, papers and screens. Tirin was leaning over one of the screens, and a couple of vampires Rachel knew by sight but not by name were working frantically riffling through papers and writing notes.

  “We have a lead.” Jexin started pacing, gesturing to the screens. “I told you, Assa, that we were still searching for your sisters. The information you’ve given us has helped a lot, and just a few hours ago, we spotted some chatter that we think has to do with your youngest sister, Elise.”

  Rachel had almost forgotten that the search was going on night and day without her input. Her insides jolted with excitement. “Really? You’ve found her?”

  Jexin didn’t look excited. He looked scared, and not many things scared Jexin. “Maybe, Assa. If we have, it may not be good news. The chatter I told you about? It’s from a team of Bokir warriors who are doing the same thing we are – looking for the lost Essas. They mean to attack her.”

  Delight turned into fear in an instant. “We have to go get her, then!”

  “The team is assembling as we speak, Assa. The problem is, if there are as many Bokir on this as we thought, we’ll need a sizable force of warriors of our own to rescue her, which would leave the palace’s forces diminished. This may be their plan – it’s possible they leaked the chatter to lure away most of our guard so that they can attack the palace.”

  Why could nothing ever be easy?

  “You need me to make a decision, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Assa, and it has to be right away.”

  She didn’t need to think for long. “Take whoever you need. Put the palace on high alert, or lockdown, or whatever you can do to ensure the safety of those left behind, but if there’s any chance Elise is out there and in trouble, take whoever you need to make sure you can get her out safely.”

  Jexin frowned at her, and Rachel was sure he could see what she was thinking. He subtly moved between her and the door, proving her suspicion right.

  “Assa, you can’t seriously be thinking of coming with?”

  Rachel had every intention of saying yes, but the looks of pure fear that passed over Jexin’s and Refeu’s faces gave her pause. She remembered their reactions when they thought Tim had died because of them. Jexin still woke up with nightmares about the experience. She suspected Refeu did too, he was just better at hiding it.

  “I – don’t you think it’s a good idea?”

  “No!” All three of her mates chorused.

  “Fine, fine, I guess I’m outvoted.” Rachel didn’t like to be cosseted, but she also didn’t want to worry her guys for no reason, and really, she didn’t have the skillset for this job. She was a ruler, not a fighter. Dasek was giving her a good background in what it took to rule a bloodline, but she had no training in combat and wouldn’t stand a chance against seasoned warriors. She’d just get her own people hurt protecting her.

  Refeu looked positively weak with relief, but Jexin still hovered by the door, as though worried she’d change her mind and make a dash for it.

  “It’s alright,” Tim reassured her guard, watching Rachel’s face carefully. “We’ll stay here. You go, Jexin. Get Elise back.”

  Rachel wasn’t keen on Jexin putting himself in danger, but she knew that not even a royal order would keep him from the chance of finding Elise. “Just hurry back to me.”

  “I will, Assa, and hopefully your sister will be with me.”

  Jexin pulled her close and gave her a bruising kiss, which she returned with fervor.

  “We have to leave now. I’ll update you when I can.”

  With that, he gave Tirin a hand signal she didn’t recognize, and the two of them left the room at a run. Rachel was left staring at streams of data she didn’t understand. She was already worried for Jexin, and the worry quickly eclipsed her excitement at potentially finding Elise.

  Refeu put an arm around her waist. “Don’t worry, it gets easier. The waiting. It’s the curse of a vampire royal – giving out orders and waiting behind to see who survives them. You’ll get used to it.”

  “What if Jexin is hurt?” Her words came out as a whisper; she could barely tolerate the thought, let alone speaking it aloud. Tim came to her other side and squeezed her hand.

  “If you want, I can go with him.”

  Rachel was already shaking her head. “Another vampire royal will just complicate the situation, and you’d likely be a target, too. The Bokir will know all about the alliance of our bloodlines by now.”

  “Good. You are learning fast. Dasek should be able to hand things over to you soon.”

  The words didn’t send a wave of dread through her like they once would have. Rachel was nervous about her future rule, but also excited. She knew she could make changes for the better, such as bringing vampire medicine into human society.

  The three of them went for a walk in the garden to pass the time, but by the time evening came, there was still no word from Jexin and his team. Refeu assured her that it was normal, that missions like this could take days before anyone had a chance to report.

  Rachel did her best to keep busy and not worry about Jexin. Refeu took up her lessons in the meantime, most of which Tim joined in on.

  Still, there was no word. It was a full five days – five days of hell, in Rachel’s opinion – before Jexin and the others got back. Rachel was up and running from the moment Dasek came by her rooms to tell her. She noticed that Refeu wasn’t by her side, but further back, helping Tim keep up. The sight would be heartwarming, if her heart was not currently filled with icy fear.

  Dasek hadn’t said if Jexin had returned with the rest of the team. He hadn’t said if anyone was hurt, or even if they’d found Elise. Rach
el had never been so glad for her vampire speed.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Refeu and Tim arrived at the gate only a minute after Rachel to find her in Jexin’s arms. He looked unhurt, though tired. All the other guards were there too. One was being carried away by two of Gali’s healers, but he looked like he’d live. Refeu didn’t see anyone new in the group. They must have failed to get Elise.

  He and Tim hurried closer to hear what Jexin had to say. Jexin spared them both a smile before continuing his story to Rachel, slowly leading her to a nearby bench.

  “After that, we had to choose: pursue Elise and let her attackers go, or kill the attackers and give her a chance to escape. We didn’t have enough people to send in both directions and be effective. I judged there were too many attackers to let leave alive – some could have easily broken off without us noticing and snuck around to kill Elise.”

  Rachel was nodding, but Refeu could see that she was bitterly disappointed. “I’m just glad no one was hurt. Except the Bokir, that is. They’re all dead, then?”

  “All of them, and it was a sizeable force. If they even have any idea where Elise went, they won’t have the resources to send such a big group after her again. I’ve already sent our best trackers to the location, but what we found on scene wasn’t promising. She seems to know how to hide her tracks along with her scent, but I’ll let the trackers be the judge of that.”

  “I’m just glad you’re alright. How did she look? Was she healthy, happy?”

  “Healthy, yes. Happy, it was hard to judge; I don’t imagine anyone would be happy while escaping a Bokir war party.”

  Rachel leaned into Jexin’s side; her hand still clutched in his. “Then that’s all we can do for now. Why didn’t you update me?”

  “We never knew where they were. We feared to send any communications in case they alerted the Bokir to our location.”

  Rachel nodded again. “Well, tell the trackers to send me regular updates if at all possible.”

  “Yes, Assa.”

  Jexin made no move to go and give the order. Refeu quietly got up, seeing that his brother needed some time with their mate. Tirin knew him well enough that he’d take Jexin’s order from Refeu without questions or mistrust.

  By the time he got back, Rachel, Jexin and Tim were just leaving. Refeu followed behind, to the ballroom of all places. He’d clearly missed part of the conversation.

  “Did you want dancing lessons, Rachel?” he teased.

  She grinned at him. “Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea actually. I just want to get a sense of the layout. For the wedding.”

  Refeu hadn’t thought of the wedding since Jexin had left, having spent his time alternately worrying about Jexin and Rachel. That she was diving right back into it excited him more than the potential lead on Elise. He couldn’t wait to be mated to her.

  “We’ll need a date. I have a huge family and they’ll all expect to come, of course. I’ll have to give you a list of who to invite; you don’t want to leave anyone out.”

  “Give it to Bethany. She’s helping me coordinate things. Speaking of which, she had some dresses for me to try on, and none of you get to see that. Not until the wedding day.”

  It was a human tradition Refeu didn’t mind following… at first. That was until he realized just how many hours this wedding dress required, in planning, measuring, fabric browsing, fitting… the list went on and on.

  Rachel set the date for three months away, which seemed a long time to Refeu, but the time flew by. His closest family came to stay in the Cherki palace, while some of the more distant relatives booked rooms in surrounding human accommodations.


  Before he knew it, the day of the wedding was upon them. He wasn’t allowed to see Rachel for the entire day, but at least he had Tim and Jexin to share his pain with. All of them were dressed in suits, with their matching rings shining on their fingers.

  “Will Rachel be OK, waiting by herself?” Refeu glanced between Tim and Jexin. “At least we have each other.”

  “She has Bethany, and Dasek, and a bunch of other people,” Tim reassured him. “She’ll be fine.”

  Jexin was bouncing his leg up and down, his nerves getting the better of him. “I should check with Tirin about the honeymoon –”

  “Oh no you don’t, you’re not running off again and leaving us to stew.” Refeu caught his arm and pulled him back down to the bench they were waiting on. “Tirin has sworn on his life that the location is absolutely secret to anyone other than him and Rachel. We’ll be safe there. Tirin wouldn’t let us go if we wouldn’t be.”

  Jexin nodded his agreement, frowning, and went back to jiggling his leg.

  Bethany suddenly popped her head through the door. “Come on, guys, it’s time.”

  Refeu linked arms with Tim, who linked his other arm with Jexin. They’d rehearsed this and they knew what to do. When the music started, the three of them walked into the temporarily converted throne room from one side, while Rachel walked in on the other, a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

  She looked breathtaking in a long dress that flared out at her waist. It was deep purple with gold embroidery. In that instant, Refeu took back every annoyed thought he’d ever had about the time she spent away from him on that dress. It was all worth it.

  The four of them reached Dasek and formed a loose circle. Rachel took Jexin’s and Refeu’s hands, and faced Tim, who was between them, but her eyes were for all of them.

  Dasek started speaking, and Refeu could barely tear his eyes away from Rachel to notice his family near the front. The words were from a traditional Cherki mating ceremony, but Refeu was too blinded by Rachel’s beauty to pay much attention.

  Only at the end did he truly tune in. “And now I ask you, Rachel Cherki, if you take these men, to be named Jexin, Refeu and Tim Cherki, to be your husbands, to honor and love for all time?”

  Rachel’s voice was choked with tears. “I do.”

  One by one, Dasek turned to each of them, asking the same question. “Do you, Refeu Alabsa, take Rachel to be your queen and wife, to honor and love for all time?”

  “I do.”

  Tim’s and Jexin’s ‘I do’s were just as fervent as his. Jexin had the ring that the three of them had painstakingly worked on, and he slipped it easily onto Rachel’s finger. Their kiss was short and sweet, but Refeu could see the love burning in their eyes, just as it was burning in his heart.

  When it was his turn to kiss her, he tilted Rachel’s head back, smiling into her bright eyes.

  She looked between the three of them. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Rachel,” Tim and Refeu replied at once.

  “I love you, Assa.” Jexin smiled and took her hand.

  “Shall we? I believe I won the draw for who gets the first dance with you?”

  One week later

  It had taken them some time to make it to their honeymoon location. Jexin kept making them backtrack in the interests of safety. It was infuriating, but Refeu wouldn’t have Rachel in danger just because he was impatient to be alone with her and his brothers.

  When he finally got a full view of the spot, he knew it was worth it. They were on a small island just off the coast. Nestled between the beach and a small forest was a wooden house with sweeping decks and wide windows. It looked like paradise.

  “Shall we take a look inside?” Refeu had won this draw, and he swept Rachel off her feet, carrying her over the threshold.

  Perhaps he’d look at the rest of the house later, but for now, Refeu was only interested in the bedroom. He carried Rachel to the expansive bed and laid her down gently. Her lips were slightly parted as she stared at him, and he couldn’t help but kiss her.

  Tim and Jexin lay down on either side while Refeu hovered above Rachel, kissing her senseless. His cock was already rising, and he pressed down on her, rubbing himself against her thigh.

  “Get this dress off me,” Rachel whispered. She now wore a s
imple travelling dress. Three sets of hands reached for the fabric at once, and no one winced as it tore.

  “I see you’re good at following orders today. Let’s try another one. Get your clothes off. All of you.”

  Refeu didn’t think he’d ever gotten undressed so fast. Unbeknownst to Rachel, he had been discussing this night in detail with Tim and Jexin. He’d asked his father’s advice on how best to share Rachel between them and had gotten a trove of information as a reward for the somewhat embarrassing conversation.

  Tim tilted Rachel’s head back and kissed her deeply, while Jexin started thumbing her nipples. Refeu focused on her clit, teasing it with his tongue until Rachel was bucking up against him and crying out. With the triple assault on her body, she was ready and wanting in mere minutes.

  “Refeu. Take me. Now.”

  “As you command, my queen.”

  Refeu didn’t think he could have lasted much longer anyway, watching her moan and writhe as she did. She was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen, and he could look at her for a lifetime and still never get tired of it.

  He pushed slowly into her, but slow was a dream that died fast as hot need overtook him. Jexin tapped his shoulder and Refeu changed the angle slightly so that Jexin could get a hand between them to continue the attentions to Rachel’s clit.

  Refeu thrust hard and fast, encouraged by Rachel’s increasingly desperate moans. She came first, and the tightening of her pussy around his cock did it for him too. He spilled his seed into her, shouting her name, stars dancing before his eyes.

  When he came back to awareness, he crawled up to kiss her. Tim easily moved aside, giving up his place. Now, Jexin was at Rachel’s pussy and Tim was at her breasts while Refeu kissed her. When she was ready – and she was going to be ready soon, judging by the way her kiss heated up – they would do it all again, this time with Jexin penetrating her.

  Rachel broke away from the kiss, trying to catch her breath. “You guys have this all planned out, don’t you?”


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