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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2)

Page 22

by Nichole M. Bridges

  Viktor perked up at the thought of seeing Natalie. I didn’t want to use my sister as a bargaining chip, but he was very motivated by it.

  "I agree with that promise. If you continue to visit me and approve, I would like to see, dear Natalie." Viktor said.

  “I can agree to visit you if I hear you are behaving like a model prisoner and are not up to any mischief. I cannot make promises about Natalie, but I will speak on your behalf.” I agreed.

  "Thank you, my darling, I…" Viktor started, but I interrupted.

  "No, Viktor. You will address me as Madame or not at all." I corrected him.

  "Indeed, I apologize, Madame. I will do as you instruct." Viktor said, bowing his head.

  “Good.” I said to Viktor then turned to the Guardians, “Please inform me if he does anything besides behave to your exact standards of conduct.”

  They all nodded agreement, and I stepped toward the door. Marek stepped out before me and held the door open.

  “Thank you, Master," Viktor said through the bond as I walked through the door.

  “You’re welcome,” I said back, shocked at him calling me master. I was sure it was his way of trying to manipulate me.

  I felt a swell of affection come through the bond from him. I shut off the flow and walked purposefully behind Marek.

  Marek turned when the door closed and raised an eyebrow at me. It was his “I would not have done it that way” look. James followed behind us, clearly wanting to talk to Marek before we left.

  “Thank you. I believe Viktor will be more compliant now.” James said to me.

  "It will benefit Natalie if he can see her. As much as I don't want him anywhere near my sister, she needs her maker right now." I said, and James agreed.

  James gave Marek a quick update then left to return to the command center. Marek took my hand and led me down the hall, back toward the residential area. When we were out of sight of everyone and close to the elevators, Marek pushed me into the wall.

  “Marek!” I yelped.

  He captured my lips with his and kissed me hard, wrapping his arms around me. I softened into his embrace and kissed him back. He was fiercely attracted to me at that moment, but I couldn’t place why.

  He came up for air a moment later and said, “Watching you give orders was highly arousing.”

  I laughed and gently pushed him back. “What would your Guardians think if they saw you kissing me in the hall?”

  “They would think I had just reformed a bond with the woman I love and could not keep my hands off of her." He said, leaning back in to kiss me again.

  "And who was distracting you from your work," I added before kissing back.

  “Mmm, indeed.” He said and pulled himself together.

  “Do you need me anymore today? I’d like to head home and get a few things sorted out.” I said.

  Marek went a bit stiff and said, “Can you wait until this evening? I have business here today but can take you later.”

  “I rather go now and get everything sorted. Can you come over after you’re done with work?” I asked.

  I had thoughts of having him to myself for once and hoped he could make it happen.

  “I can and will. I will ask James to escort you to your home as soon as he is sure Viktor has been settled." Marek said, looking more relaxed.

  “I’m curious. What will happen with Asher? I saw he is still a guest of the Council.” I said as we stopped at the elevator doors.

  "He will speak at Viktor's hearing, and the Council will determine if he broke any laws. He will likely be released if Viktor is held responsible." Marek said.

  "That is a scary thought," I said, thinking of Asher being released into the world.

  “He did a job. He is actually a reasonable man and can be useful. He has his place in society like the rest of us.” Marek said.

  “Will you ask James to come upstairs when he is ready? I’m going to gather my things and rest for a bit before I go.” I said.

  Marek agreed and leaned in for a kiss.

  “I will see you later. Be safe.” He said.

  I assured him I would be careful and stepped into the elevator. He watched me until the doors closed. He was still overprotective of me. I imagined that it would never end. As the head of the supernatural protection service, he was pre-wired to prepare for the worst.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Igathered my things from the bedroom then parked myself on the couch to make some calls. I had been out of touch with friends and family, and I was sure they were ready to call out for a search party. Especially my parents since my only updates so far had been texts regarding how I knew where Natalie was but hadn't seen her yet.

  I started with the hardest call first.

  "Hi, Mom, how are you?" I said when my mother answered the phone.

  “Ember, it’s about time you checked in. Where is Natalie?” She said.

  "I found Nat, and she is still with Viktor. She is going to be out of touch for a while but wanted me to assure you she is okay." I said, feeling my stomach churn with lies.

  “Why didn’t she call me herself?” She demanded.

  "If she were able to call, she would, but she is in the middle of something that is taking up most of her time. I saw her today. She looks good." I said.

  “That is very vague. What could possibly keep Natalie so busy she can't make a phone call?” My mother said.

  I could imagine her face scrunching up, and her eyes narrowing with anger.

  "Viktor has kept her so busy she is having a hard time finding time is all. I was lucky to get in to see her. Give her some time. She will reach out when she can. I'm sure of it." I said, trying to reassure her.

  “Tell her she needs to make time for her mother.” Mom said.

  “I will. I have a few more calls to make but wanted to call you first, so you knew Nat was okay." I said, trying to get off the line.

  "Will you be over on Sunday for dinner? You've missed the past couple weeks, and your father wants to see you." She said.

  “I should be able to make it work next Sunday. We have some catching up to do.” I said.

  "That sounds ominous." Mom said.

  "Don't worry, I'll fill you in when I see you," I said and hung up with her.

  That was not going to be a fun conversation to have in person. She was going to drill me for details I couldn't give. I wondered if Marek would come with me for that dinner.

  The thought made me laugh. Although a vampire had come for dinner before, I didn’t think it was a good idea to repeat the incident. I needed to come up with a way to tell them about Marek without actually telling them anything about him.

  After a few more calls, I had a headache. It seems my life was now a secret that the majority of my friends and family couldn't know about. I didn't realize the impact until speaking with Sam. I wanted to tell her everything but had to keep it light enough not to reveal anything about the Council or the supernatural.

  I was wallowing in self-pity when James knocked on the door.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked when he saw me.

  "What isn't wrong, James? My life has become a big secret. All my friends and family can't know what has transpired, which makes talking to them difficult at best." I said.

  "Come here," He said, pulling me into a hug.

  "How are you still so nice to me after what has happened? I feel like you and I were closer than friends, then I took a drastic detour." I said.

  "I admit I didn't see Marek's intentions until it was too late, but I should have. The two of you have been drawn to each other like moths to a flame since you met. There was no other path for you." He said, smiling.

  "You are a good friend James," I said.

  "Speaking of Marek, he said you want to go home," James said, and his tone told me something wasn't sitting right with him.

  “Why is that bad?” I asked.

  “You are bonded to a master vampire, and you told him you didn't want to stay here wi
th him. I doubt he's happy about it." He said.

  "He didn't say a word about it," I said in defense.

  “Not yet,” He said.

  "Regardless, I need to get home. I have mail, bills, plants to water, you name it, and it's on a list of things I have been ignoring while searching for Nat. I have a life outside of all this." I said, gesturing around the room as if it represented all the paranormal and supernatural happenings.

  "I understand, Em. I really do." James said compassionately.

  I grabbed my bag and told him I was ready to go. I wasn’t going to solve all my problems by talking about them, but it helped to have him to confide in.

  He drove me home, and as soon as I stepped into my house, I felt better. It wasn't that the Council apartment wasn't beautiful, because it was, but there is no substitute for home. I threw my bag down by the door and walked out front to check the mail. I returned with a pile of bills and correspondence. As I sorted through it, James sat down at the kitchen table with me.

  “Do you mind if I sit with you?” James asked.

  “Sure. Are you here until Marek shows up tonight?” I asked.

  "More or less. You really don't need a close guard at this time, but since I brought you home, I'd like to stay with you. Otherwise, I'm hanging around outside." He said.

  “You can hang out in here with me. In fact, can I pick your brain on vampire culture?” I asked.

  “Sure, I’ll tell you what I know.” He said.

  I proceeded to pepper him with questions about vampire society, mating, and everything else I could think of that I hadn't already read about. By the time I was out of questions, it was evening. I learned many things that I probably should have known before entering a relationship with a vampire, but I couldn’t reverse what happened. I really didn’t want to either.

  I felt Marek before he came to the door and told James he had arrived. James went out to him before he came into the house. I assumed he was giving a report since he was acting in his official capacity by hanging out with me today.

  As soon as I saw Marek, I had an overwhelming urge to run into his arms. It was partly the bond and partly the fact that I wasn't used to being away from him. We had been near each other every day for weeks, and I had grown accustomed to it.

  Marek had a suit jacket draped over an arm. He was wearing a fancy dress shirt and slacks instead of his usual t-shirt and jeans. He looked very handsome.

  "You look like you came from a business meeting," I said, walking over and kissing him.

  "This is what I wear when I'm not in the field." He said, smiling down at me.

  "It's a good look," I said, leaning into him and wagging my eyebrows.

  "James mentioned you grilled him about vampires today," Marek said, smirking.

  "James is a tattletale, and I didn't grill him. I just asked him some questions. Our power merge and bond have repercussions I need to understand." I said, leading him to the couch and sitting down next to him.

  "James is an excellent Guardian, even if his charge challenges his patience." He said, grinning.

  “I do not challenge his patience! Wait, are you teasing me?” I asked.

  "Maybe." He said and laughed.

  I narrowed my eyes at him but smiled because I liked it.

  “I’ve never seen this side of you.” I marveled.

  “I have been on duty every moment you have known me up until last night.” He said.

  "So, the first free moment you had, you threw the rulebook out the window?" I said.

  "There is no rulebook with you." He said, stroking my cheek tenderly.

  I stared into his eyes, enjoying being close to him.

  "What are we doing, Marek?" I asked.

  "What do you mean?" He asked, confusion pouring through the bond.

  “Are we dating? Or vampire married? I’m tied to Viktor, but you and I had a power merge thing happen. Not to mention what Viktor said about someone else that is interested in me. I've learned that it isn't a good thing at all, but we are sitting here like we can have a lovely evening as if we were a normal couple." I said, feeling panicked.

  He pulled me closer into his arms and said, “We are not dating or married. You are as close to being my mate as can happen without a mating bond which is infinitely more complicated. I will protect you with my life from anyone that tries to do you harm, and we are sitting here because you wanted to go home.”

  I looked at him sideways. His last point sounded a little snide.

  “Why are you upset?” I asked.

  “I am not upset,” He said.

  “Uh huh,” I said skeptically.

  “I am disappointed that you chose to leave.” He admitted running his hands through his hair.

  “Why wouldn’t I come home?” I said.

  Marek considered what I said for a moment before responding.

  “I am a master vampire who has fallen in love for the first time in my life. I have a need, however irrational, to be near you. The hours I spent apart from you today…" He said, standing up and pacing.

  "Marek, I feel it too, but I'm sure we will figure out a way to deal with it. Other vampires must be able to handle it.” I said.

  “They do,” He said.

  “How?” I asked, waiting for his response.

  "They live together. It helps to spend extended periods together if you are going to be apart for any amount of time." He said, turning back to me.

  I thought about it, and the idea was actually appealing. I was having the same issues he mentioned. Being far away from him today was difficult, but I imagined having to deal with that every day and it felt unbearable.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “What do you mean, okay?” He asked.

  "We should move in together," I said.

  His face was blank, and his emotions were unclear. I didn't know if I offended him or made him happy. He started pacing again, which led me to believe he was not pleased.

  “Say something,” I said.

  He looked at me, and a slow smile stretched his lips. He walked over to me and pulled me up to stand in front of him.

  “We should live in the penthouse. The security is superior, and it has a larger bathtub than the one you have here.” He said.

  "The bathtub is point two on your list of reasons for living in the penthouse?" I said, laughing.

  "Do you prefer we have a bathtub that cannot fit us both?" He asked, smirking.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

  "A two-person bathtub is a vital need indeed," I said, agreeing.

  “Good. I can have a team here in the morning to get everything packed up and moved.” He said.

  "Snap your fingers, and it's done?" I asked.

  "Yes," He said entirely serious.

  "I keep forgetting that you are a big deal in the Council," I said.

  "I am the Head of the Guardians. That means I am in charge of everything." He said.

  “Oh, right," I said, dumbfounded.

  Marek leaned in and kissed me. He held me close, and it felt good to be in his arms, knowing that we could be together like this any time we wanted. My only concern was the privacy at the penthouse, but I figured we could figure out a way to be alone.

  "Now, what shall we do this evening?" He said, looking particularly luscious.

  I pulled him close and kissed him, making it clear that all I wanted was him. He responded by lifting me into his arms and walking back toward the bedroom.

  I had denied my feelings for him for a while now. I didn't think I was ready to move on from Nikko, but now I knew that Marek was the only one I wanted. He fills my heart with love and being connected to him is indescribable.

  His desire burned through the bond as he laid me down on the bed and tucked himself in next to me. He kissed me softly, and I was lost in him when a sudden pain ran through me.

  “What is it?” Marek asked.

  "It's Viktor, I don't understand," I said, shaking my h

  “What has happened?” He asked.

  "Something's wrong, Marek. We have to go." I said, pushing him up.

  Viktor's screams filled my head, and I could think of nothing else. It didn't make any sense. He was in a secured facility and should be fine unless he was having another fit. Viktor isn't a weak man. For him to be screaming meant something was very wrong.

  Marek followed me as I ran out of the house. I heard him talking behind me, and I assumed he was on the phone. When I got to Marek's car, James was there waiting. He looked spooked, but he pulled open the car door to let me in any way.

  "We need to hurry," James said as I slid into the passenger seat.

  James slammed the door as soon as I was in and jumped into the backseat as Marek got into the driver’s seat. Searing pain filled me as I felt Viktor struggle. I couldn’t reach him like I could Marek, but I knew he was fighting for his life.

  “James, what do you know?” I asked.

  “Something is wrong, I can’t get Caden on the phone or anyone else.” He said.

  “Viktor is freaking out, but I can’t tell what’s happening. He is hurt. All I can hear is his screaming.” I said.

  My hands were shaking and my heart pounding. Viktor’s fear was flooding through the bond and pulling me into the feeling. I was having a hard time distinguishing his fear from my own.

  “Can you feel your sister?” Marek asked as he sped through the streets to get us there as quickly as possible.

  "I haven't tried," I said, surprised at myself.

  My anger helped me get past Viktor’s pain but when I tried to connect to Natalie, I couldn’t see her. Since she became a vampire it had been harder to reach her. I looked at Marek and he felt my frustration.

  “As her maker, Viktor has a strong bond with her.” He said and it was all I needed.

  Instead of using my Seer skills alone, I tapped into Viktor trying hard to ignore his pain. As I dug deeper, I found the link between them and used it to see Nat. Her fear hit me harder than Viktor's, but it was also a relief because I knew she was okay.

  “She’s okay but she’s really scared. I can’t tell what’s happening yet, but we need to hurry.” I said out loud so both of them could hear me.


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