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Hitting the Target

Page 25

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Gods, little one—love to hear you want me as much as I want you,” he growled. And then the thick, massive shaft was moving inside her. First Trey pulled almost all the way out of her and then he thrust back in again to the hilt, giving the mouth of her womb a rough, luscious kiss with the head of his thick cock.

  “Oh!” Mia cried, her entire body rocked with the force of his thrust. But still it didn’t hurt. Instead, she felt a burst of pleasure when he reached the end of her channel. The pleasure was repeated again and again as Trey continued to thrust into her, taking her hard and fast and deep in exactly the way his beast needed him to.

  Mia didn’t know how long it went on, but it didn’t take long for her to feel her pleasure building to the point of no return. Part of it was the feeling she got every time he thrust home inside her but part of it was because Trey’s long fingers were still circling her clit relentlessly, building the sensations between her legs until she felt like a cup that was so full it was going to over flow.

  Finally she was trembling all over, her body so ready to come she could barely breathe or think or move—all she could do was raise her ass high in the air and open herself for Trey’s deep, delicious breeding and pray it would never end.

  The big Kindred seemed to understand that she was on the edge because he began to talk to her.

  “Do you feel close, little one?” he asked, growling softly in her ear as he continued to thrust deep in her pussy and finger her at the same time. “Do you feel like you’re going to come with my beast’s thick shaft deep inside you?”

  “Yes,” Mia moaned, lost to everything but pleasure. “Oh God, yes, Trey. I’m close…so close!”

  “Good—I’m close too,” he murmured. “The minute I feel your soft little pussy tighten around me I’m going to let go, Mia. Going to flood your channel with my seed and tie us together forever—do you understand?”

  “Y-yes.” She could barely get the word out. She was so close…so close! Trey was rubbing her just the right way as he pounded into her and if he would just keep it up…

  She felt his fingers rub over her clit a little harder than he had been and then the thick shaft inside her bucked hard and deep, filling her to the limit and sending another wild starburst of pleasure through her body as Trey and his beast took her as deeply as they could.

  At that moment, her orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave, rolling her under and making her gasp for air as the sharp, almost painful pleasure overwhelmed her with its intensity.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she moaned, unable to help herself.

  As her own pleasure overtook her, she felt Trey touch bottom inside her one last time and the massive shaft grew somehow even thicker. It pulsed strongly in her pussy and something hot and wet jetted into her, making her moan helplessly as she opened herself as wide as she could for his shaft and his seed…opened herself for his beast.

  Trey, she thought almost incoherently. Love you so much…you and your beast! Love you both—need you both! God, feels so good…so right…

  “We love you too, little one,” she heard Trey murmur.

  “And it feels right to us as well—being one with you,” added another, unfamiliar voice that was deep and growling and wild and yet still gentle somehow. “Thank you for sharing yourself with us—for bonding with us, Mia.”

  Mia gasped aloud because she realized she had heard both voices not with her ears but inside her head.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “What…who…?” she gasped aloud, looking over her shoulder to see Trey still inside her.

  “It’s all right, little one—it’s just the bond,” he told her, this time speaking out loud. “It allows us to speak to each other mind-to-mind.”

  “It does?” Mia hadn’t realized that telepathy would be a side-effect of the bonding. “And so, that second voice I heard…?”

  Trey smiled as he drew out of her gently and gathered her into his arms. “I told you that you would be able to hear my beast’s voice,” he murmured, stroking her hair. “I hope it didn’t frighten you.”

  “No. No, I’m not frightened. Just…surprised,” she admitted, still panting a little from the extreme sex.

  “I hope you don’t mind if I speak to you,” the beast sent through their new link. “I love you too, Mia—just as Treygar does.”

  “Oh, beast…” Mia wasn’t sure what to call him, but the beast assured her that she could just call him “beast”—it was for all intents and purposes his name.

  “I love you, too,” she told him, feeling a rush of warm emotion as she spoke to him. “You’re part of Trey and now we’re all part of each other. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes…yes it is,” the beast growled happily. And then Mia felt the hard muscular chest under her cheek change and suddenly she was being wrapped in warm, furry paws instead.

  The beast cuddled her close and licked her forehead as Mia—tentatively at first and then more bravely—pressed herself against his shaggy hide and ran her fingers through his mane. She never could have imagined something like this—not in her wildest dreams. And yet the beast’s embrace felt as welcome and right as Trey’s, his velvety fur rubbing against her naked body in a sweet, sensuous caress that felt as amazing as having the big Kindred’s muscular arms wrapped around her.

  “Though considerably warmer and softer,” the beast put in, adding to her thought. “I have often told Trey that I am cuddlier than him because of my soft coat.”

  “Hey, I’m cuddly too!” Trey’s voice protested in her head. “Come on, switch back with me—I want to hold Mia again.”

  The beast grumbled but after Mia promised he could come out again and cuddle some more after she and Trey spoke, he at last consented to switch.

  “Wow…” She looked up at the big Kindred in wonder as he settled her more comfortably in the curve of his muscular arm. “That was amazing. It’s going to take some time to get used to all this.”

  “You mean being bonded to two males instead of one?” He grinned at her. “Yes, well—I know it’s a little strange. It takes a special female to be bonded to a Lei’on Kindred.” He leaned down and kissed Mia gently on the forehead. “I’m just glad we found you—that the Goddess sent you to us, I guess I should say,” he amended.

  “So…do you really think I’m cured of the poison now?” Mia asked hopefully. “I mean, I don’t feel sick anymore but…well, I’m just not sure.”

  “You smell well again,” the beast informed her. “I do not think you are ill anymore.”

  “I’m pretty sure he’s right,” Trey said. “But we’ll go get you checked out right now to be sure.”

  “No, wait, please.” Mia put a hand on his arm to stop him when he would have gotten off the bed. “Trey, there’s something I need to talk to you about,” she said. Taking a deep breath, she looked him in the eyes. “About…about why I killed that patient.”

  “Mia, I understand. I’m sure the Commandant made you do it—”

  “He did,” she interrupted. “In fact, he got me transferred from the OR to the recovery area just so I would have private access to the patient. And he threatened my Neemah to make me…make me do what I did.”

  “I thought as much,” Trey said grimly. “Look, I don’t blame you, little one. He had you in an untenable position—making you choose between doing something awful and seeing the one you loved most in the world get tortured and killed.”

  “That’s true.” Mia lifted her chin. “But I still wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t…hadn’t learned what I did about the patient.”

  “Oh?” Trey raised an eyebrow. “And what was it you learned?”

  “Well, he was the son of one of the Ruling Council,” Mia began. “And a lot of times they seem to think they’re above the law—which they mostly are, for all intents and purposes.” She sighed. “But sometimes when someone high up does something really bad, well…The EYE steps in and takes care of it. But quietly, you know? Because it wouldn’t do for anyone to find ou
t anything bad about the Republic.”

  “Understandable.” Trey nodded. “So what had this particular patient done?”

  “He…” Mia bit her lip, hating even to say it. “He liked to hurt children. Liked to hurt them the same way the Commandant liked to hurt women. Do you understand me?”

  Trey sucked in a breath, his face going hard.

  “Yes,” he said shortly, “I see.”

  “Young ones must be protected,” his beast added, also sounding angry and upset. “They must never be harmed.”

  “I feel the same way,” Mia said. “And that’s why…” She swallowed. “That’s why I did it—that’s why I obeyed the Commandant and killed that patient.”

  Trey nodded. “You know, the priestess I talked to said that you were an instrument of the Goddess, even though you thought you were doing the will of The EYE.”

  “Really? You talked to a priestess about me?” Mia frowned uncertainly. She didn’t know much about the Kindred Goddess, though she knew that Trey was very devout. And after hearing that his Goddess had used her in the matter of the patient she had felt so guilty about killing, she thought it would probably be a good idea to convert to his religion and find out more about her.

  Trey nodded. “I know the Goddess feels very protective of children. And predators like the one you killed, well…they don’t stop unless someone stops them.” He shook his head. “But I don’t understand—why didn’t you tell me that to start with?”

  “I was so ashamed of what you saw—I didn’t want to seem to be making excuses!” Mia exclaimed. “And we were in such a hurry—you were shooting everyone and we were rushing around and then rescuing the poor people in the basement…” She shook her head. “There just wasn’t time.”

  He frowned. “I should have made time to hear you. You tried to talk to me in the lift and I put you off. I have to ask your forgiveness for that, little one.”

  “I forgive you,” Mia said seriously. “As long as you’ll believe me when I say that I would never, ever hurt another patient like that. I love my job and I care deeply for my patients. I’m not…not some kind of a cold-hearted spy who went around killing people for The EYE all the time. That was the only killing I ever did.” She shivered. “And I never want to do another. I had nightmares for months!”

  “I believe you.” Trey took her hands in his and kissed them both, looking into her eyes. “Of course I believe you, Mia. How could I not? You poisoned yourself to avoid killing me. What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “Thank you for believing me.” Mia took a shaky breath and pulled one hand away to dash tears from her eyes.

  “Are you all right, little one?” Trey looked at her with concern.

  “I’m okay. It’s just…hard to talk about.” She shook her head. “Ever since the Commandant made me start working for him, I’ve been so frightened all the time—worried he would hurt my Neemah…worried he would try to make me kill someone again…I…I just…”

  But then she broke down completely as the stress and anxiety she’d been carrying for months finally crashed like a thunderstorm around her.

  “Hey, it’s okay…it’s all right,” Trey murmured. “It’s all over now. The Commandant is dead, the Barrier is down, and The EYE has no more power over you. Everything is all right.”

  “I…I know,” Mia sobbed and swiped at her eyes again. “I think that’s why…why I’m crying. Because I couldn’t let myself cry before. Because I’m finally free.”

  Trey hugged her tight and then his beast wanted a turn at comforting her, so for a while they switched places and Mia buried her face in the warm, shaggy golden pelt and felt the heavy velvet paws surrounding her.

  Finally, her grief passed and she was able to breathe again.

  “Better now?” Trey asked, appearing again as his beast disappeared with that too-fast-to-see shimmer.

  “I think so.” Mia took a deep breath. “It’s just hard to wrap my head around the idea that I’m free…really and truly finally free of the Commandant and The EYE.”

  “But you are,” Trey assured her. “We can go get your grandmother and move her into an apartment near the park so you can see her every day if you like. Or, we can move out of the ship and find a bigger place for all three of us,” he added.

  “All four of us,” Mia corrected him with a smile. “But I think your first plan is probably better. I don’t know what Neemah would say if a huge targen suddenly appeared in the flat. She might have a heart attack.”

  “I would be very gentle and would not frighten her a bit!” the beast declared indignantly, through the mental link they shared. “Why does everyone seem to think I am so frightening?”

  “Well, you don’t scare me anymore,” Mia told him. “But you did when I first met you. I think it’s better if we just keep you a secret from Neemah. Besides,” she added affectionately. “I want to keep you all to myself.”

  “Well, I can understand that.” The beast sounded like he was preening a little. “I am extremely warm and cuddly—I can understand if you do not wish to share me with another.”

  Mia bit her lip to keep from smiling and she and Trey exchanged an amused look.

  “Thank you for understanding,” she told the beast.

  Then she yawned deeply. Suddenly it seemed like the incredibly stressful day she’d just had all came down on her at once and a weariness as heavy as a lead weight hit her.

  “Oh, what’s…what’s wrong with me?” she exclaimed, yawning again. “I’m so tired all of a sudden, I can hardly keep my eyes open!”

  “Well, it might have to do with all the stress you were under, the fact that you’d been poisoned, then met my beast and bonded with him and with me, finally told me about what the Commandant made you do, and got all the grief and terror you’d been carrying out of your system,” Trey said dryly. “If that doesn’t tire a female out, I don’t know what will.”

  “It has been a long day,” Mia said drowsily. It occurred to her that she didn’t even know where she was—the bedroom was completely unfamiliar. But she didn’t really care either. She knew as long as she was with Trey and his beast, she was safe.

  “Rest, little one,” Trey murmured, pulling back the covers and getting her settled under them. “We’ll get you checked out in the Med Center in the morning.”

  “Med Center?” she asked and yawned again. “Never mind—you can tell me later. I’m so tired.”

  “Would you like me to cuddle you and keep you warm as you sleep?” the beast offered.

  Mia felt a drowsy smile touch the corners of her mouth.

  “That sounds perfect. Thank you, beast.”

  “We’ll all get some sleep then,” Trey said. He turned off the lights and lay down beside Mia. There was a shimmer in the darkness and the bed suddenly dipped lower with the added weight of the beast.

  With a happy sigh, Mia snugged up against his furry side and got a wet, affectionate kiss on the forehead.

  “Sleep well, Mia,” the beast rumbled and this time she could hear the words in his deep, rusty purr. “Sleep well and know that Trey and I will guard you. Nothing will touch you as long as we are near.”

  “I know that, beast,” Mia sent through their link. “I love you. And you too, Trey.”

  She got murmurs of love from both of them in return and finally let herself relax completely against the beast’s warm bulk.

  But as she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help thinking what strange twists and turns her life had taken. Back before the Commandant had forced her to take this mission, she never would have believed that she could feel so comfortable not only with a strange man, but with the creature that lived inside him as well.

  In some strange way, though, it almost felt as though she had been waiting all her life to meet Trey and his beast and now she was bonded to them both. Maybe Trey was right and his Goddess had brought the two of them together. It was amazing…confusing…and wonderful all at once.

  “That’s right my c
hild,” whispered a strong, feminine voice that Mia seemed to hear with her mind more than her ears. “I intended you for Trey and his beast right from the start. That is why you do not fear his beast—why you are so attuned to both of them. You were made for each other and even though the enemy meant for Trey to be your target, I used the situation for good. For that is my way—to see my children find each other and to heal those around them too.”

  Mia supposed she ought to be shocked to hear the Kindred Goddess speak right to her this way, but she was too tired and too many strange things had already happened to her that day for her to have any shock left. Instead, she felt flooded with a warm feeling of gratitude.

  “Thank you, Goddess,” she whispered. “Thank you so much for bringing us all together.”

  “You are welcome, child.”

  And then the warm, feminine presence faded and the voice died away. But as Mia drifted into sleep, warm and contented, she knew that she would live a long and happy life with the two males in her life and she would never have to worry about Hitting the Target ever again.

  The End?

  Of course not! There is always another Kindred novel coming. Be sure to join my newsletter to be the first to know when a new book is released every month.

  Also, if you have enjoyed Hitting the Target, please consider leaving a short review HERE. Reviews are worth their weight in gold in today's overcrowded e-book market. They let other readers know it's okay to take a chance on a new series. Plus they give me the warm-fuzzies. ; )

  Hugs and thanks for being such an awesome reader!


  And now take a minute to read an excerpt from Twisted, Brides of the Kindred 23. This is Malik the Volt Kindred's story and I have been promising it for a long time—the muse finally consented to write it and I hope to have it out in April.

  What happens when an ordinary mom from Tampa gets transported into the life of a rich and evil Mistress from Yonnie Six? And how will she deal with having a huge Kindred warrior as a bodyslave who shoots lightning from his eyes and fingers and seems to know she's an imposter?


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