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Chasing the CEO (The CEO duet Book 1)

Page 10

by Cecilia Campos

  “Good day to you too!” I say sarcastically. “What kind of entrance is that? By the way, where’s John?”

  “John and I had a fight. I’ll be glad if I never see him again!” She crashes down on the couch. Gnocchi puts his cute little head on her lap, as if trying to comfort her.

  “What? I thought you had an amazing night with him!”

  “I thought so too. It was great. But during breakfast, he started complaining again about how tired he was, saying it’s not good, us having so much sex. Something snapped inside of me when he said that. I told him to drop me off here and that I never want to see him again.”

  What a drama queen! See, that just confirms that you should never engage in a relationship, ever. It will only bring you misery.

  The doorbell rings again. Did I miss the memo saying today is “Come dump your shit at Nina’s” day? Hell no.

  It’s Billy. And why is he wearing a cowboy hat? He also seems angry and walks right past me to Anita. “Where the hell did you go? I thought I could drive back with you guys! You don’t wanna know the things I had to do to get back here.”

  “What’s with the cowboy hat?” Anita asks, without answering his question.

  “Oh, that’s for later,” he says matter-of-factly. We give him a questioning look.

  And again, the doorbell. Puh-lease. What a day! I just want to go to sleep.

  There’s a delivery guy at the door with a big bouquet of flowers, white ones that look like little stars. There’s a small card attached to it, with a text written in elegant letters:

  A bouquet of star-shaped flowers for my Stellina.

  To make up for the fact that my first gift to you was a roll of toilet paper.

  These flowers reminded me of you.

  I will chase you like no one has ever done before or ever will.

  I want you. All of you.

  I don’t want just a wild night, I want all of your nights.

  Let the hunt begin.



  WOW. APPARENTLY, HE doesn’t beat around the star-shaped bush. When did he arrange this?

  The living room has gone quiet. I’m quiet too. Curious as they are, my friends tear the card from my hand. While they read it, I smell the flowers. No one speaks. They are all just as impressed as I am.

  After what seems like an eternity, Billy is the first to speak. “Who is GS?”

  “That’s Sebastian,” I reply. That’s all I can say, isn’t it? He told me not to mention it to anyone that his real name is Gers Sterk.

  “Sebastian Strong? That American dude? But what’s the G for then?”

  “I don’t know ...” I lie.

  “Then how do you know he sent them?”

  Oh, dear... how can I explain without telling them his real name? Think fast, think fast.

  “Because he called me Stellina yesterday.” And that’s a home run, ladies and gentlemen!

  “Stellina? What does that mean?”

  “It’s Italian for little star. These are star-shaped flowers,” I explain.

  “How romantic! So, that must mean that it’s mission accomplished! Your strong night? Tell us all the details!” As usual, Tiger wants to know everything.

  “Nothing happened.”


  “I don’t understand it myself,” I admit.

  Everyone looks at me with raised eyebrows. I really don’t feel like explaining, so I don’t.

  It doesn’t take long for my friends to realize they won’t get anything else out of me, so they choose a different tactic.

  “Do you have wine?” Anita sounds determined. The others seem to think wine is a great idea as well, because they all nod in approval.

  “Why don’t you go to the bar or something? It’s Saturday night, after all,” Grandma suggests.

  “Yeah, let’s do that. I think we could all use a drink and I know the perfect place!” Booty Boy couldn’t possibly look any smugger.

  “Trucker girl?” Tiger has a serious look in her eyes. The question pulls me out of the dream world in which I ended up after having accepted the flowers. I look at her questioningly.

  “Seems like you have got a lot to explain,” she says.

  The only thing I can do is nod.

  MY EXHAUSTION WENT away all by itself just as soon as we started preparing for our night out. We put on some music and hung out in my bedroom. We did our makeup and Tiger borrowed a cute skirt of mine. Billy the Booty Boy lay on my bed, chatting along with us and giving us outfit advice. Obviously, there was wine.

  Now, we’re seated on the crescent-shaped couches of the Amsterdam Skylounge above the Hilton hotel, dressed in our best and ready for a good time. It’s a marvelous location to enjoy a drink and a chat with friends.

  Booty Boy suggested this location. No one knows the Amsterdam nightlife better than he does and we always agree with his choices, this one being no exception, because it is simply breathtaking. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer a fantastic view of our beautiful capitol. The decorations and background music are both balmy, and it smells good too—a combination of leather and tropical flowers.

  While we sit there, I share with my friends all about last night’s adventures. They are just as amazed and awed as I am but they can’t agree on what I should do. It’s a shame I haven’t been able to talk to Grandma yet; she always knows how to put matters into perspective.

  What shall I do? What shall I do? What shall I do?

  In real life, making a decision is a hard thing to do. Knowing what you want is hard. But it’s exciting too. Because how do you know you’ve made the right decision? There is no drumroll in real life, no applause either. You have to wait until afterward, to see whether you’ve made the right choice. That scares me. I want to protect my heart, but if I protect my heart, I might miss the chance to have a new adventure.

  “You have nothing to lose, Nina,” Tiger says. “Now, grow some balls and stop being such a sissy.”

  “When will he return to the U.S.?” Booty Boy asks Tiger.

  “In two weeks,” is her short reply. Of course she knows, she knows all the gossip.

  Booty Boy sounds determined all of a sudden. “Do you want to know what I think?”

  “No, no one ever wants to know what you think. Your sense judgment is a bit ... iffy.” Tiger dismisses him with a wave of both her hands.

  “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. Listen. It doesn’t have to be so black and white, does it? I suggest the following ...” He leans forward and we do the same. I’m really curious about what he’s about to say; I’ve never seen him look this serious.

  “Give the guy two weeks. Get to know him better. Look beyond first impressions—or beyond his dick, in this case—for a change and see whether you like the guy. And I’m not talking about his looks, but whether he’s beautiful on the inside, you get me? And after that, you can decide what you want to do about it. After all, it’s not like he asked you to marry him, is it? He just wants to get to know you better. Without all that sex you normally crave so much. By making the decision that it will only be about a couple of weeks, it will be a lot easier for you to handle. It’s too big a step for you to go from ‘no strings at all’ to ‘friendship without sex,’ or ‘maybe sex, but not right away.’ That’s all just way too vague.”

  He has a point. I didn’t expect so much wisdom from my crazy friend.

  Tiger reacts quickly. “Yes! Why not? But why just two weeks? My dear”—she looks at me intensely—“your family business is also located in the U.S., isn’t it? Why not go and run the place over there? How much longer are you planning to keep on trucking? Nina, you can do better than that, it’s just that you don’t want to. Maybe you need a reason to want it. Maybe Sebastian could be the reason.”

  I hadn’t looked at it that way. Casa de la Pasta opened up a new store in the U.S. last year. I’ve never interfered much with the business, but I never wanted an office job either. I want adventure, new experiences, unexpected e
vents. Sebastian is definitely an unexpected event, that’s for sure.

  Should I listen to my head or my heart? My heart betrays me because part of me likes the way this gorgeous man is chasing me. I like him. Well ... maybe like isn’t the correct word. He is interesting, with a capital I. I have a feeling there is still so much more about him to find out and I don’t think getting to know him will get old soon. But he’s here only temporarily. Do I really want to turn my whole life upside down for a guy?

  The thing is, I’m a proud woman. I refuse to commit to any man’s wishes. Does he really expect me to play along with his little game, like some weak woman? Oh, yes, Sebastian, I want you for the rest of my life, I will be yours. Claim me with your dick. Take me to your castle in the sky. I will always love you. And they lived happily ever after? That just ain’t gonna happen.

  What should I do? What should I do?

  After a few minutes of toying with the idea, I think I’ve figured it out. I think I know what I want. Drumroll, please.

  He thinks he can hunt me? I kind of like that, so let him. I’ll enjoy it, but that doesn’t mean I’ll let myself be caught for what he wants. I’m gonna turn the tables on him. For two full weeks, we can get to know each other, just like Booty Boy said. But in return, I want lots and lots of sex. A businessman like him would be able to appreciate such a compromise, wouldn’t he?

  Yes. That actually sounds like a great idea. I’m starting to see a challenge here and the lioness in me is roused. I am Nina Palermo, I drive men nuts. Not the other way around. He thinks he’s in control? Don’t make me laugh. I will teach that control freak that no one else but Nina Palermo controls Nina Palermo. I will drive him and his dick so fucking insane he won’t know front to back. This’ll be a game I will thoroughly enjoy.

  I give myself a mental pat on the back and shake my own hand.

  Do I hear applause? Let’s drink to that!

  If my life were a highway, it would be a T-junction and I would be convinced I’m driving in the right direction.

  Chapter 14 – Bare


  Just as I’m about to get up to get another round of drinks, I feel my cell vibrate in my cleavage. I open the app and see the message is from a phone number I don’t recognize.

  Did you get my flowers?

  Oh, it’s Sebastian!

  Me: Yes, thank you, they’re beautiful. How did you get my number?

  S: HR. What are you doing?

  Me: You could have asked for my number, you know. I’m out with friends.

  S: Would you have given me your number if I had asked? What are you wearing?

  Me: No. A short leather skirt, high heels, and a tight red top with spaghetti straps.

  S: Hmmm, I like your honesty. Or is it stubbornness? The outfit sounds nice. You’re beautiful. I wish I was with you.

  A crazy idea pops into my head. He sends me flowers? Why don’t I send him something nice in return.

  Me: I’ve got a present for you too.

  S: Do you now?

  Me: Give me a sec.

  “Guys, I’m off to the ladies’ room.” I quickly get up. Wow, I feel a bit dizzy. I didn’t drink that much, did I? A couple of glasses of wine at home and some more here. Then I remember I didn’t eat anything. Yeah, that’s probably it. Whatever. The wine did taste good though.

  When I arrive at the restrooms, there’s a long line. As usual, the men’s room is empty. Without hesitation, I enter one of the stalls and close the door. I will never understand why women refuse to go in the men’s room. They would rather wait an hour at the ladies’. My grandma always taught me never to judge people for their actions. Something that works for one person doesn’t have to be the answer for another. That doesn’t work for me. She told me when you don’t want to do something, that’s what you should say. It’s polite and it gets your point across. So, standing in line in front of the ladies’ room while the men’s room is empty? That doesn’t work for me.

  I take a selfie of my ass in my pretty black lace panties and send it to Sebastian. Let’s see what he thinks of that. It’s better than toilet paper, in any case ...

  In my head, I’m having so much fun with this. I’ve never done such a thing before, but today, I feel wild. This is all part of my plan to provoke him. To seduce him, so he just can’t resist me any longer. Walking back to my friends, I check a few times to see whether he’s answered already, but there’s nothing. Weird.

  Then I see my friends are not where I left them. I scan the room and locate them on the dance floor. Booty Boy has put his cowboy hat on, and he’s making lasso-throwing gestures while he’s dancing, as if he’s trying to catch a cow. Tiger has put her purse on the floor and is dancing around it in a very seductive way. They are both completely crazy and I love them.

  I walk up to them and suddenly, I feel watched. I look to the right and there’s the tyrannical trinity: the three American women who work for Sebastian. They give me foul looks while they talk to each other. Why on earth do they hate me so much? I pretend nothing’s wrong and wave at them, but they don’t wave back. Really childish.

  Why didn’t I ask Sebastian what the deal is with those three? I make a mental note to ask him the next time I see him. When I reach my friends, I pull Tiger’s sleeve and point towards the three little devils. “Look who’s here. How is that possible?”

  “Oh, right! Booty Boy told me that the Americans would be here tonight. Not only the women are here, but all our other colleagues as well. That’s why he chose this place and the American cowboy hat. He wanted to impress that guy who is one of those broads’ assistant.”

  Bubble gum chowder. What if Sebastian is around here somewhere too ... “Why did no one tell me the Americans would be here tonight? What if Sebastian is here as well? I don’t want to see him!”

  Shit. My heart speeds up a notch. I look around me, but I don’t see him. That’s kind of weird ... aren’t the three devils always where he is?

  “There he is, there he is!” Booty Boy takes off his hat and quickly comes our way.

  “Who?” I look around.

  “That piece of candy from America, you know, Blondie’s assistant? I have never seen such a handsome man in my life!” He daintily waves his finger in the direction of the three women and then quickly looks away, so to not draw attention to himself. Now I see who he’s talking about.

  It’s the guy who danced with me yesterday. Peter. Sebastian had gotten really pissed when he saw him dancing with me, and warned me to stay away from him.

  “Sorry to break it to you, sweetie, but I think your gaydar needs adjusting. That’s Peter.” I try to make my face look like a sad emoji and blink with both my eyes. “Peter is very, very straight.”

  I quickly tell Booty Boy I danced with Peter, and it actually happened by mistake, because I thought he was Sebastian, but the way he was touching my body indicated the guy was straight.

  Booty Boy shoots me a surprised look. “Capital F.U.C.K. with hot buns, that’s just my luck! All that effort wasted!” He looks utterly disappointed and puts his cowboy hat back on his head. But then he continues, “Wow, girl, what a night yesterday ... are there any more beautiful men you danced, slept, and did not have sex with last night that I should know about?”

  “No, that’s about it,” I reply casually. But even for me, it had been a very eventful night. I still feel a bit upside-down, but part of me also feels very excited. Despite the fact I didn’t have sex.

  We start dancing as a cool song starts playing. In the meantime, I glance around nervously for Sebastian. Peter catches my eye and greets me with a nod and a wink. I say hi and turn away; I don’t want him to get any ideas.

  But why not? Normally, I would have targeted a man like Peter without even thinking. It’s that other American ... he’s gotten inside my head and damn, now I can hardly think of anything but him.

  My friends and I go completely nuts on the dance floor. Although what we do, it’s not really dancing. It’s shaking
our asses and booty-taggin’ is what it is. We bump into each other’s hips and fist-bump regularly.

  Tiger pulls my sleeve and fans herself with her other hand. “Come on, let’s get a drink. All that dancing has gotten me hot!” We grab each other’s hands and make our way through the crowd towards the bar.

  Waiting for my ordered drink, I feel my cell vibrate and take it out. Finally, it’s a text from Sebastian. Why the delay? Could it be he didn’t like my butt selfie? What man doesn’t like getting sexy pictures of a beautiful girl?

  S: Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I was in the car.

  Is that his reaction to the sexy photo of my luscious ass? What the hell is wrong with this dude? One moment, he’s the most romantic man in the world; the next, he’s as cold as ice.

  Me: You know what? Never mind.

  Angry, I put my phone away, although I can still feel it vibrate. He’s probably texting me again, but he’ll have to wait. Over and over again, he makes me feel bad about myself. Every time I think we are getting closer, he succeeds in pushing me away again. He really has a knack for that.

  This is unbelievable. How on earth does he manage to get me this angry every single time? Well, let him feel what it’s like to be rejected. I can be cold and distant too, you know. My cell vibrates a couple more times, but he can piss off. I’m not going to answer!

  In an effort to keep ignoring my phone’s vibrations, I turn towards Booty Boy and start asking him about his hat. I’m a bit distracted to really concentrate on his answers with all those vibrations in my blouse, but I do my best to keep the conversation going. After a while, the vibrating finally stops. He’s given up. I finish my drink and stare ahead of me without seeing anything. Part of me is disappointed. Booty Boy keeps talking to me about some stuff and I answer when required, but my head is with him. I can’t stop thinking about him.

  About the way his hands felt on my body. About the reverent way in which he calls me Stellina. His lips that are so thick and his eyes that are so dreamy. About how he doesn’t want to have sex with me. I had hoped that picture of my ass would make him have second thoughts, would change his mind.


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