Book Read Free


Page 15

by Taylor Hart

1. Why do you think the author would write this book in the format of having an undercover team go in to help Sammy?

  2. What do you like about the undercover team?

  3. What lesson, that Zoey already knew, is the same lesson that Sammy had to learn?

  4. Why did Nicholas choose to believe in God, even though he went through hard things?

  5. Why did Zoey come to realize that God was always there for her?

  6. What do you think of the ‘Puppy Chow’ group?

  7. What do you think the real reason is that Tiffany stole Sammy’s boyfriend? Did she like Karl?

  8. How do you deal with kids at school when they are being mean to you?

  9. How could you make sure you are being kind to others at school?

  10. What are some ways that you and your group of friends could invite others into your group and make them feel welcome?

  Ways You Can Help Stop Sex Trafficking

  #EndSlavery #EndTrafficking #HumanTrafficking, #ModernSlavery, #Trafficking, #ForcedLabor #SupplyChains #EndSlavery #NorthStarToFreedom

  January is officially National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, but you don’t have to wait until then. There are lots of things you can do all year long.

  1. Pray. Pray for the victims to be rescued. Pray for them to find hope. Pray that they will heal through Jesus.

  2. Pray for inspiration on what you can do that is unique to you, your talents, your situation, and your finances.

  3. Log into your Amazon account and set the SMILE account to donate to Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) or other anti-trafficking organizations.

  4. Donate money to or volunteer with Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) Operation Underground Railroad - - Tim Ballard. Their slogan: We exist to rescue children from sex trafficking.

  5. Donate money to or volunteer with Global Education Philanthropists. Go to their website to see how you can join in the rescue and aftercare efforts.

  6. Donate to and volunteer with another anti-trafficking organization of your choice.

  7. For more ideas, go to

  8. In the U.S., if you think someone may be a victim of trafficking, call 911 or the National Human Trafficking Resource Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 (24 hours). Add the number into your phone so you don’t have to look it up when you suspect someone is a victim and you only have minutes to alert officials.

  9. Look at where your food and clothing and other goods come from. Check the Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor.

  10. Ask your government representatives (local, state, and federal) what they’re doing to fix this problem.

  11. Make a call to the NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN (NCMEC) to report child pornography or a missing child. 1-800-THE-LOST (843-5678)

  12. Join the United Way movement to end human trafficking by texting ENDSLAVERY to 51555.

  13. Ask your school staff if they’re aware of how traffickers target school-aged kids. Ask them to add modern slavery to their curricula.

  14. Ask Congress to help stop online child sex traffickers. In fact, contact all your elected officials. Go online right now to find out who they are and how to contact them. Let them know you want trafficking stopped.

  15. Donate to and get information from anti-trafficking organizations.

  16. Read books on the subject to become more informed. In addition to the #NorthStar books, some good ones are Girls Like Us (Rachel Lloyd), Half the Sky (Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn), The Just Church (Jim Martin).

  17. Contact the NATIONAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING HOTLINE if you suspect someone is a trafficking victim. Call 1-888-373-7888 (toll-free, 24/7 lines), text 233733, chat at

  18. Team up with Unicef’s efforts to stamp out trafficking. Use the hashtag #EndTrafficking and tag @UNICEFUSA.

  19. Give a portion of your income or business profits and/or time to anti-slavery efforts.

  20. Use your specific, unique skills and passions to shed light on this dark subject. What is yours uniquely to contribute?

  21. Tim Ballard has interviewed dozens of predators, and all of them started with porn that grew increasingly darker and younger. If you’re hooked on pornography, get help before it’s too late for you. Fight the New Drug is a great resource.

  22. Watch the movie The Abolitionists, the documentary Operation Toussaint, and/or the movie The Sound of Freedom. As you do, pay attention to any thoughts you have of ways you can help.

  23. Be aware of and speak out against all forms of grooming—including drag queen story hours at libraries. This article quotes Jon Uhler, a licensed counselor who has worked clinically with approximately 4,000 serial predators for over a decade, as saying he believes Drag Queen Story Hour events constitute "the greatest grooming program ever devised" and predators "are laughing all the way to the bank."


  U.S. Dept. Of State’s 15 Ways You Can Help Fight Human Trafficking

  Protect Young Minds — 4 Misunderstood Signs of Child Abuse: A Sexual Assault Nurse Speaks Up

  5 Ways You Can Help Stop Human Trafficking

  Donation of Profits

  I am honored to help rescue children from sex trafficking by donating my profits from this book to:

  Global E.P.

  Global Education Philanthropists

  “Global Education Philanthropists strategically fights human trafficking by empowering communities through education.”




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