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Call My Bluff: A Las Vegas Themed Anthology

Page 39

by Elizabeth Knox

  She placed her small hands on both sides of my face and kissed me, her salty tears mixing with the embrace. We took a shower, taking turns washing each other, unable to stop touching. I carried her into bed and pulled her into my arms, her head on my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist.

  I slept with Alex tucked against me all night.

  I wasn’t sure if she loved me, but after hearing what her parents put her through, how much pain she survived, I knew that I was head over heels in love with her. I wanted to ask more about her son, but she had told me enough for the picture to grow more complete.

  I remembered she told me her parents died a few years ago in a household accident. Carbon monoxide was too good for them. She had told me her sister got divorced and was raising her son, Alex’s son, Michael, alone. I wondered if they would ever move here and what kind of relationship they had now. My estimation was Michael was almost ten years old and she had already missed so much.

  I hated to leave her alone in bed asleep, but I had to meet with Wallace to discuss the final touches for tomorrow’s grand opening. I wanted everything to be perfect and I couldn’t wait to get Alex into my bed. She hadn’t seen Double Down or been in my penthouse yet. All our time together was spent at her house, but I wanted her to be comfortable in mine, even if it was on top of a casino.

  I knew she had a full night at Perception, and I was needed at the Double Down early for the ribbon cutting ceremony, so this was the last time I would see her before tomorrow night. I lingered in the doorway, watching her sleep, her full breasts rising and falling against the thin sheet had my dick waking up.

  She was so beautiful and after last night, she was all mine. I was the lucky bastard who was claimed by Mistress Alexandria and, I think, loved by Alex. I kissed her head and she settled deeper into the covers. Locking her inside her house, I made my way into morning traffic.

  Leaving my SUV with the valet, I went directly to my apartment and took a quick shower. I looked good in the custom suit and I hardly recognized myself. Long gone was the thug who bed every woman he could, and in his place was a lovesick casino owner who wanted nothing more than to spend every waking minute showing Alex how much she meant to me. Together, we could rule Las Vegas.

  Deciding tomorrow night would be the perfect time to show her, to explain how much she meant to me, I jotted down a few notes for the concierge to handle. Taking the elevator to my office level, I exited to a flurry of activity. It was Friday but Las Vegas never slept, so my staff worked seven days a week to keep everything flowing smoothly.

  “Good morning.” I said to the receptionist as I made my way into my office. A cup of coffee quickly appeared, and I placed an order for some simple breakfasts to be delivered for my meeting.

  Wallace came in and we started going over the notes from last night. After half an hour, he followed me to the boardroom where all the department heads were waiting. Every detail of the grand opening was covered, and they informed me the local news wanted to do a feature story on me. The publicity would be good for the Double Down and would give us an edge until we cemented our reputation.

  Three hours later, the meeting broke and I went to walk the casino floor with Wallace. Misty had a drink in my hand a few minutes after I hit the floor and was always somehow in the same area as I was. Wallace chuckled next to me as we went into the kitchen and verified the menu for tomorrow. As we reentered the casino, Misty was waiting, her smokey eyes hooded with unfulfilled need. I smirked at her and sat my empty glass on her tray as I walked by.

  “She wants to ride you like a bucking bull.” Wallace retorted as I entered the pit and I laughed loudly, drawing attention from the pit boss to my left.

  A year ago, I would have fucked her against a wall and made her scream my name just for fun. Now, the thought of any woman but Alex anywhere near my dick was unimaginable. What a difference one night, one person, could make in your life.

  I chuckled, “Don’t they all?”

  “What time should I expect your girlfriend to arrive tomorrow?”

  “Her best guess is eleven. And her name is Alex.” I smiled at him and he shook his head with mock disappointment, but I could see the laughter in his eyes.

  “I’ll greet her and bring her straight to you.” He looked at his watch and nodded before leaving me alone.

  Leaving the gaming floor, I went to my penthouse to make sure the first items had arrived for my evening tomorrow with Alex. Placing an order for dinner, I looked at the clock and realized I had missed my window to talk to her before she left for Perception. I quickly ate and freshened up before going back downstairs. The next hours were gone in a blur, lights and music playing, people cheering for their wins, and the alcohol flowing freely.

  I had a few too many and stumbled to my penthouse, falling face first into my lonely bed, wishing I had her curvy body tucked against mine. The next morning, I woke up with the start of a hangover and quickly made myself a cup of espresso, needing the caffeine to get through the day. At twenty-eight, I was having a harder time rebounding from my party nights. Smiling, I knew with Alex, the need to drink myself stupid every night would be a distant memory.

  The ribbon was cut, and photos were taken as the heat from the day grew. I met and glad-handed high rollers who wanted to check out the new gaming floor in town and smiled when a few friends patted me on the back, happy that my dream had come true. I sent a quick text to Alex, letting her know I had a delivery coming for her at Perception and how excited I was for her to be a part of the party tonight.

  I lost track of how many people came up to congratulate me and by the early evening, my pockets were full of business cards, phone numbers offering a good time, and potential business opportunities. Making my way up to my office, I quickly sorted the papers into usable piles and threw the women’s numbers away.

  A small envelope caught my eye and I turned it over, finding nothing but my name scrawled on the front. Opening it, I pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded the yellowing document. The bile rose quickly in my throat as I looked down, finding a newspaper clipping of Alex, a much younger Alex, trying to hide behind a pair of sunglasses, her hand held out toward the camera defensively. There were a few other women with her, but she was the one they singled out in the picture. She wasn’t named, but I knew it was her, minus all her signature tattoos. I scanned the article and wanted to throw up. The women were busted during a prostitution sting, resulting in the fall of a United States senator and an up and coming presidential candidate.

  The article described how they had set the men up on camera, hoping to blackmail them with the videos, but an anonymous tip resulted in the bust before they could execute their plan. Speculation was they had been doing it for years, but there was no proof. Is that what she planned to do with me? Set me up to fall, taking everything I had worked to build, just for her own selfish greed? The feelings of betrayal were quick, and I let the anger build, fueling the disgust I was experiencing.

  She could have told me that she was a whore. At least then, I knew what to expect. I could have left some money on the dresser and my heart would have never gotten involved. Thinking of the plans I had put in place for us tonight, wanting to share my feelings with her, made my vision grow red. How could she use me like that? What else was she hiding from me?

  Going to the bar, I ordered a double whiskey and threw the shot back, allowing the liquid fire to roll down my throat, driving the animosity that kept building. The article was burning a hole in my pocket and I looked down, realizing she would be here within the hour. Raising my hand, I ordered another drink, needing to numb myself before I did something stupid, like tell her I love her.

  Chapter Seven


  I watched the demonstration happening on stage, but my thoughts were elsewhere. I felt such immense relief after I told Gideon about Michael that I was thinking I could tell him the rest. The scandal that nearly derailed me. It happened over five years ago and every day, I worry
someone would find out. I had done nothing wrong, but I was connected with those who did and guilt by association stings, none the less.

  Shaking off the memories, knowing they compensated me for their mistake, allowing me to buy Perception, I smiled, realizing sometimes you had to go through hell to come out reborn. I took the bullshit and turned it into gold. Looking around at how much my club had grown, I was proud of how far I had come.

  The voices from my parents were finally growing muted and their words held less sting than before. Knowing the change was Gideon, I felt my heart soar. Excited to get to his grand opening, I contemplated leaving early, but that would be rude to my guest, my friend, that was gracious enough to give a demonstration tonight.

  He finished up and joined me for a drink in my booth. I had spent quite a bit of time with Maximus before I opened Perception, learning different aspects of his lifestyle, hoping to find myself. He helped me realize the inner caretaker, The Mistress, that was a deep-rooted part of me. His advice had helped guide me into making Perception what it was today and I’m forever grateful.

  “You seem happy, Alexandria.” He remarked, taking a sip of his whiskey.

  Max was scary handsome in a Viking kind of way. Standing just over six foot six with broad shoulders, a full beard, and muscles on top of muscles, he intimidated most people who met him. Yet, he was one of the most revered and respected Doms on the West Coast. Hypnotic blue eyes, sandy brown hair that brushed his shoulders and a disarming smile that made you feel loved.

  “I am Max. For the first time in I can’t tell you how long, I’m actually happy.” I smiled, tucking a fallen lock of hair behind my ear.

  “You look fucking amazing.” He purred, knowing I wouldn’t fuck him, no matter the circumstances. Max was my friend and my confidant and would never be anything more. He had never tried to be more, and for that, I always felt safe with him.

  Licking my lips, I took a sip of wine and raised my eyebrows with a smirk on my face. I was wearing the present Gideon had sent me and I never felt sexier. My breasts were pushed up in the purple dress, giving me more cleavage than ever before. The straps held the tight dress to me, feeling like a second skin as it hugged every curve with perfection. It fell a few inches from my bare pussy, allowing most of my tattoos to be on display, and I paired it with a pair of four-inch heels that strapped up my calves to my knees. My hair was falling down my back and I had two braids on the top, allowing for a few soft curls to frame my face.

  “It was a gift.”

  “Lucky bastard, whoever he is.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” My eyes fell to the table and I felt Max slide closer to me.

  He waited, his eyes boring a hole in the side of my head until I turned to look at him. He smiled sadly at me and brushed my hair back. His touch was comforting, and I sighed heavily. He knew the whole truth of my past and he was never one to push or to judge.

  “His name is Gideon and I met him last year, right after Annalise and Sebastian went back home.” I told him the whole story, up to my confession last night and our plans for the evening.

  “I’ve been telling you for years that a good man would come along.” He smiled, running his finger down my cheek. “Why haven’t you told him about what happened?”

  “I . . . I don’t want him to look at me differently.” I reasoned, knowing it was a thin excuse.

  “If he cares about you like you say he does, the way anyone who’s lucky enough to get a piece of your heart should care, he won’t treat you any different. Alex, you did nothing wrong. I just wish you would believe it.”

  I felt the tears building in my eyes and I blew out a deep breath. Turning to him, I explained for the millionth time. “I should have known what was going on. How could I have been so stupid to trust someone that much?”

  It took time for Max to break through the walls I had built after the scandal and since then, I tell him the truth whenever asked. He understood the misplaced guilt and shame that I carry for my part in what happened, resulting in my inability to form relationships.

  Until Gideon.

  “For the last time. You were young. You were inexperienced in the Vegas way of life. You did nothing wrong.” His hands found mine and he linked his strong fingers with mine. “Look at you now, Mistress Alexandria. You’ve persevered, and you’re strong and wiser for the mistakes of the past. Remember what I told you, that what doesn’t kill you . . .”

  “Makes you stronger.” I finished the mantra he drilled into my head until I finally believed it.

  “Too right.” He smiled with a wink and slid out the booth, leaving me alone as he made his way through his adoring fans, effectively dismissing me.

  I would see him tomorrow for lunch before he drove back to Los Angeles, so there was no need for goodbyes tonight. I hoped to bring Gideon to meet the most influential man in my life, the man who helped me learn what kind of woman I wanted to be. The man who was now hitting on Maggie, making my second-in-command blush like a schoolgirl.

  I chuckled as I left my booth and exited the rear of the building, leaving Perception to its own devices for the evening. A car was waiting to whisk me to the party and on the drive through town, I relaxed with a glass of champagne from the minibar. The lights of the Strip were shining through the window as we inched our way through traffic and I watched the tourists walking up and down the sidewalk, enjoying the chaos that is Las Vegas.

  The car dropped me at the valet area of the Double Down and I let my eyes take in all that Gideon had built as I entered the lower lobby. Mirrored columns reflected the grey walls, dark wooden floors, and lit sconces, giving the open lobby a seductive feel. Gideon had instructed me to check in with the concierge and someone would be down to escort me to the party.

  I waited for a few minutes before a familiar face walked up to greet me. I hadn’t seen him in years and from what I remembered; he was a nice guy. Standing from the bench, I smoothed the purple dress down my body and extended my hand to him.

  “Wallace, it’s good to see you. What are you doing here?”

  “I’m general manager for your boyfriend. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you. How are you, Alex?” he asked, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek.

  “I’m doing great. We don’t talk about the casino all that much.” I shrugged as he offered me his arm. I slipped my hand into the crook as we walked toward a private elevator away from the others.

  The doors slid closed and he released his arm before taking a step back against the wall. I smiled at him and was caught off guard by his next remark.

  “I’m glad to see you survived all that crap. You didn’t deserve any of the shit those vultures did. It was a damn shame you got caught up in it.”

  “Thanks.” I replied and looked down at the floor.

  If he remembered, what’s saying he hadn’t told Gideon before I had the chance to explain. The local media had run the story before checking their facts and my name was dragged through the mud. I got a retraction and a hefty settlement, but the damage was already done. That’s when I reinvented myself and withdrew from any kind of real relationship.

  “I haven’t told him, if that’s what you’re wondering. It was all bullshit anyway.” He smirked and I relaxed somewhat.

  The car slowed and the doors slid open to a dance club in full swing. The bass was deep, and the bodies were undulating against each other on the darkened dance floor as Wallace took my arm and guided me through the throngs of people celebrating Gideon’s accomplishments. I was so happy to see him successful and I couldn’t wait to properly congratulate him.

  We wove through the people and I could see Wallace’s head swiveling through the crowd, trying to find Gideon. The lights were bouncing off every surface, making it hard to see as the strobe lights pulsed in time with the music. I let my eyes scan the crowd hoping to catch sight of Gideon when suddenly, I felt Wallace freeze next to me. He tried to tug me behind him, but I stepped away, following his line of sight through the crowded

  Sitting in a booth on the back wall was Gideon and next to him were two blondes, each with their hands running up and down his body. His shirt was unbuttoned halfway down his chest, and he had an arm thrown around both of them, his hands fondling them openly. From the look of it, he was drunk as fuck and I could see his cock pressing against his pants as the women molested him for everyone to see. His eyes were glazed over and just as he made eye contact with me, he turned and grabbed one of the women, kissing her with the same passion he had shown me last night.

  I felt sick to my stomach and I deserved an explanation on why he would embarrass me this way. We had never spoken of exclusivity, but I assumed we were monogamous. I took a step toward him and someone grabbed my wrist gently, stopping me from approaching him. Turning, I saw Wallace with a grim look on his face as he shook his head.

  He leaned in, speaking loudly into my ear over the deafening music, “There’s press here tonight. You don’t want that kind of attention, Mistress.”

  I snapped my head to him, and he nodded grimly. Perception was no secret and we broke no laws in Nevada, but the last thing I wanted was to have my name splashed across the media again. I barely survived their salacious gossip last time. With the advancements in social media, it would bury me.

  I felt my nose begin to tingle and my eyes were burning as I tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall. Looking back, Gideon pulled back from the first woman and grasped them both by the back of their heads, encouraging them to kiss in front of him. His eyes locked with mine and the hateful glare cutting across the club sliced me to the bone.

  The women stopped kissing and they both turned to Gideon as he brought their faces to his. One final look with a sickening smirk and he began to vigorously make out with them, moving between the two. He palmed one’s tits and the other's ass and that was the final straw for me.


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