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Love Beyond Time

Page 13

by Rebecca Royce

  whoever is in there with them that we suspect something. I

  killed that cop back on Interstate 95; he's not the one in

  here. But we have to assume that if there is a person in

  there with your family, and after that phone call you had

  with your mom I'm going to assume that there is someone


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  in there, they know that I'm with you because he or she has

  been possessed by the same creature that possessed the cop

  earlier. It doesn't necessarily know that we know it's in

  there. I want you to act like you're just coming home

  because your mother told you to."

  Her eyes got wide but she nodded.

  He cleared his throat and continued, "So, you're

  going to go in first and I'm going to follow right behind

  you. Go in like everything is normal and try not to worry,

  I'm good at this. Veli once called me a walking path of

  destruction; I can take care of whatever is in there." He

  tried to smile, to reassure her. He wanted to take all of the

  worry out of her eyes. He wanted to kiss her until neither

  one of them could think or breathe nor remember this

  terrible day.

  He hoped there would be time for that later.

  * * * *

  He was trying to make her feel better and even

  though she knew that, she decided to let him. Weakly, she

  smiled. "Okay."

  She stuck her key in the door and turned the handle.

  The wood panel opened into the front hall. The hairs on the

  back of Isabelle's neck stood up straight. Every light in the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  house was on. Her father hated wasting electricity. She

  could remember countless lectures growing up about

  electric bills being too high and how they all had to try to

  remember to turn off the lights in any room that they

  weren't in. Isabelle felt Kal step into the hallway behind

  her, almost silently, waiting for her to go in further.

  "Call your mom, Isabelle, and act like it's any

  normal day when you might be surprising them with a

  visit," he whispered in her ear.

  "Mom?" Isabelle called out into the house. "Are you

  here? We got disconnected on the highway so I came home

  right away. What's going on?" Isabelle started walking

  towards the kitchen but turned suddenly towards the living

  room. Her stomach lurched. Something was wrong in the

  living room.

  There was a strange dripping sound, almost like

  water hitting the floor. She turned into the room and what

  she saw was enough to stop the breath in her lungs.

  All of the furniture was exactly where it was

  supposed to be, her mother kept an immaculately clean

  house. Everything had a place. The blue sofas were up

  against the far wall, covered in plastic and undisturbed. The

  china cabinet that held her mother's precious crystal

  figurines was still as beautiful as always. The small, crystal

  chandelier that they had inherited from her father's mother


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  hung in its place.

  But next to the chandelier was the true horror.

  Her parents and her brother hung from their necks

  from the ceiling, their blood splattered all over the room. A

  slow leak of it dripped from her father's broken neck.

  Realization hit her slowly. They were dead; she and

  Kal wouldn't be rescuing any of them. A scream started in

  her throat and she felt her pulse begin to pound. Kal

  stepped into the room behind her and she heard a hissing

  sound come out of his throat as he put his arms around her

  to drag her out of the room. But it was too late; a power

  that she had never known she possessed had taken over her


  "How could this happen?" she screamed, not

  recognizing the sound of her own voice. Later she would

  realize the same strange timbre that had earlier taken over

  Kal's voice had taken over her own. "How could this

  happen?" The walls around her began to shake, but she

  wasn't aware that she was shaking them. Energy pulsed in

  and out of her body and everything around them seemed to


  "Isabelle!" Kal shouted her name, gripping her body

  to his. They moved backwards in time, watching the room

  as if they were watching life in rewind. And then suddenly

  it stopped.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Isabelle and Kal stood in a bubble, unable to move,

  her breath coming in and out in puffs. Her parents sat in the

  living room. Her father read in one of the large reclining

  chairs. Her older brother was trying to get his attention to

  discuss a possible fishing trip.

  "But Dad." Her brother blew out an exasperated


  "Brian!" Isabelle shouted as she tried to move to the

  men but found that she couldn't and it appeared they

  couldn't hear her either.

  "I can't go away right now. I have a deposition next

  week, and besides you should be studying for your bar

  exam. I'm not going to be responsible for you failing a

  second time." Her dad laughed. Footsteps came down the

  hall, and her family laughed as they entered the room.

  "Oh you two," Isabelle's mother began. "You're

  always at each other's throats. Tony, you can take a few

  days off to take Brian fishing, as you've been promising to

  do since he graduated law school. Pretty soon he's not

  going to want to go fishing with you, that is, if he gets any

  more serious with that pretty blonde he's been taking out


  Brian groaned out loud and sat in the chair next to

  his father.

  "Don't start on the blonde, Mom. I'm not going to be


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  settling down any time soon. Besides, how could I ever find

  a woman I loved as much as my mother?"

  Anything her mother was going to say was stopped

  by the doorbell ringing.

  "Don't get the door, Mom!" Isabelle shouted. Her

  entire body had begun to shake and in Kal's arms she felt

  steaming hot.

  "Isabelle, take us back," Kal said quietly in her ear.

  "You don't want to be here to see this happen." Kal's words

  got lost in her consciousness as she screamed and struggled


  "Daddy," she yelled. "Don't let him in. Please,


  "Tony." Her mother came in the room. "There's a

  man here from the police station asking questions about

  Isabelle. He wants to know if we've seen her." Isabelle's

  mother was flanked by a large man in a police uniform. It

  wasn't the same police officer as earlier.

  "What's the problem, Officer?" Her father rose from

  his chair, concern showing on his brow.

  "Have you seen your daughter? Do you know where

  she is?" the police officer asked.

  "No, but she usually checks in a couple times a day.
  What's the problem? Has something happened to Isabelle?"

  The police officer opened his mouth as if to answer but


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  suddenly stopped. His eyeballs rolled to the back of his

  head and he began to twitch.

  "Tony! Is he having a seizure?" Isabelle's mother

  screamed as Tony and Brian rushed to him. Without any

  warning and with almost inhuman strength, the still

  unnamed police officer reached out and gripped her father's

  neck, breaking it with one squeeze.

  Isabelle screamed and collapsed in Kal's arms.

  Everything in her world went blissfully black as she

  wondered who was still screaming. Later she would realize

  it was her mother, the last noise she would ever hear her

  mother make.

  * * * *

  Kal grabbed her limp body and pulled it to him as

  time began to catch up with itself. He had never heard

  screeching sounds quite like the ones he was hearing. It

  was as if the universe was pulling itself apart to return them

  to their normal time. He had no idea if this was normal

  when someone traveled back in time or if this was

  happening because Isabelle, seemingly the reason behind

  their time shift, had lost consciousness and was no longer

  even unknowingly controlling their movements through



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  With a thump they were thrown out of the bubble

  that had surrounded them and Kal fell to the floor on his

  back. He had two seconds to sit up before barely catching

  Isabelle in his arms. He sat up and looked around, holding

  her against him as if she was a baby. Her parents had been

  brutally murdered and she had just witnessed it. He wasn't

  sure she would ever recover.

  Suddenly Kal became aware of a presence in the

  room with them. He looked up into the eyes of Isabelle's

  mother. She was separated from her body, a kind of

  shimmering entity above them.

  "You can only see me because you are so connected

  to her. But I am grateful to see you."

  Her voice was barely audible to Kal. He had to

  strain to hear her. It sounded more like noises the wind

  made over the ocean at their home in Maine but he was

  sure he had made her out correctly.

  "It's been my great honor to love her, to raise her,

  and to care for her. She was as much my baby as Brian was

  but I give her to you where I suspect she was always

  supposed to be. Take care of her, Kal."

  "We won't let this stand," Kal promised her. "I'll

  make sure there's retribution, someone will pay."

  "Where I am now, Kal, we don't worry about such

  things. But I imagine you'll do just as you are supposed to


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  do. Tell her it wasn't the backyard. Tell her that she

  suddenly just appeared on my kitchen table and when she

  looked up at us we felt like we had known her all our


  As quickly as she had appeared before them she

  vanished leaving Kal, still clutching an unconscious

  Isabelle in his arms, stunned on the floor. He knew they

  had to run and this time there would be no stopping until he

  got her safely hidden at home. Then he would figure out

  what he was supposed to do about this nightmare, and he'd

  have to make sure it included lots of pain to the responsible

  party. He wasn't a child anymore and he wasn't going to be

  hiding in the corner. It was time to take the fight to the



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Ten

  Isabelle became aware of a woman's voice speaking

  gently to her. Was it her mom? She was going to have to

  tell her all about the weird dream she had. No, she realized,

  she didn't know whoever this woman was. Nothing that had

  happened had been unreal. It had all actually taken place.

  "Isabelle, can you hear me?" the voice asked again.

  She didn't want to answer it; she just wanted to stay

  in the blackness. She was safe in the blackness.

  "Char, why isn't she waking up?" Kal hissed above

  her. "It's been twelve hours, Char, shouldn't she be waking


  "She's been through an ordeal, Kal, and as I keep

  telling you, it's going to take time to bring her back to us."

  The voice that Isabelle could now identify as

  belonging to someone named Char spoke pleadingly to Kal.

  Thinking about Kal brought a measure of comfort to

  Isabelle. He had been real. She didn't like that sound in his

  voice. He sounded despondent. Anyone else might think he

  was being pushy and demanding but she could hear the

  terror and the fear.

  "She has to make it back, Char. You have to bring

  her back to me," Kal demanded, sounding authoritative and

  regal. "Bring her back to me now."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Inside Isabelle smiled, she still couldn't open her

  eyes—truthfully, she didn't want to—but hearing him and

  knowing he was there, she let herself drift for a few


  * * * *

  "That didn't work when we were children, Kalmari,

  and it certainly isn't going to work now. Stop bothering me,

  go speak to Veli. He has more questions for you."

  "I'm not overly concerned with what Veli wants

  right now. I want to know what Isabelle did to herself and

  if she's going to be okay. I've never seen power like that

  before, Char. I didn't know we could do that."

  His first inclination was always to boss everybody

  around. He had been told, on more than one occasion, that

  his father had been the same way. It was hard to think

  about his father and mother. They seemed more like

  phantoms than real people. Stories and fantasies did

  nothing to help him during the lonely teenage nights when

  so much untapped, misunderstood instinct had boiled inside

  of him, creating a rage that even to this day he had to

  suppress during full moons.

  If he hadn't known better he would have thought he

  was a werewolf. Veli couldn't explain this phenomena to


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  him, saying simply that every family had its own unique

  eccentricities and perhaps something happened to his

  family during the moon cycle. But had it been his mother or

  his father's family that had this problem? He would never

  know and that drove him crazy.

  It had been particularly difficult for Kal to relate to

  Veli on the subject of his father. There was some unspoken

  hostility between the two older men and when he had

  turned sixteen he had finally mustered up enough nerve to

  ask him about it. Veli had confessed that he and Kal's

  father Holis had been constant rivals. Veli had won out

  Abraxas' respect and trust as first warrior of the clan and

s had been resentful of it. To this day, Kal wasn't sure

  that some of the hostility that Veli felt towards his late

  father wasn't being redirected at him. He had assumed that

  he would go through his life feeling that way—unsure,

  unloved, and always just a little bit alone.

  But then fate had thrown him Isabelle and he would

  be damned before he let her go. He had seen too much and

  experienced too much to play games with fate. If he was

  supposed to feel this strongly about this woman after only

  twenty-four hours then he was going to feel that way and

  damn anyone or anything that got in his way.

  "Why can't you heal her, Char?" Kal started pacing

  the room like a caged animal. His pulse was pounding in


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  his ears and unbeknownst to anyone else static had started

  to build around the room. He knew it was dangerous to let

  his controls down like this but he was too far gone to do

  anything about it.

  "You know I can't heal anyone while they are

  unconscious. They have to wake up so I can ease their

  suffering. I'm not a doctor. I'm a mental soother." Charma

  gritted her teeth, finally sounding truly exasperated with


  "Well, do something!" he commanded using the

  authoritative voice that made everyone crazy.

  "Quiet, Kal, she's waking up." Charma commanded

  right back as Kal quickly strode across the room to be right

  up against Isabelle's side.

  * * * *

  Isabelle became aware of a slight buzzing in her

  head. It felt strangely like she wasn't alone. There was so

  much pain still to be digested. How could her family be

  dead? How could she be part of some strange group that


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