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Love Beyond Time

Page 23

by Rebecca Royce


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  because she was so well hidden by the large staircase.

  Marina's arms had gone tight around her and she was

  breathing heavier. She turned quietly to look in her face, it

  looked like a war was raging behind Marina's blue eyes.

  Isabelle couldn't begin to guess what Marina was thinking


  Drew stopped what he was doing and looked Kal

  straight in the eyes. Kal raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  With the amount of charged electricity in the room, Isabelle

  was surprised anyone could withstand Kal's eye-contact.

  Whoever this person was, he was fearless.

  "And the man on the far right there is Detective

  Michael Monroe from the Albany sheriff's department. We

  are looking for a Kal Oberan. We need to question him

  about the murder of a police officer outside of Albany as

  well as the murder of three of his friends who, I am told, he

  was on a camping trip with. Also, there seems to be some

  connection to the murder of three members of a family by

  the name of Listora as well. Detective Monroe would like

  to speak to Mr. Oberan about this."

  * * * *

  If they wanted to speak to him, he'd let them—to a



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Kal could not read any open hostility from Roger

  Drake, or at least not enough to set off his warning alarms.

  If the Darkness held him, it wasn't complete. Maybe there

  was time to stop this from happening to him. The younger

  man, Drew, seemed to be playing his cards close to the

  table but there was no doubt in his mind that he was here

  with an agenda. The other man was harder to read, which

  was making the hairs on the back of Kal's neck stand at

  attention. He knew this son of a bitch had killed Isabelle's

  parents. Was he here to finish the job? Did he remember

  what had happened? Something inside of Kal was coming

  alive. It was too close to the full moon for him to keep his

  temper much longer. He was going to explode, it almost

  felt like something inside of him was moving, growing,

  changing and reshaping.

  "Officer," Leonardo began, putting on his best

  smile. "I'm just not sure how Kal could possibly be

  involved in that. He's been here for weeks. We've been

  having what you might call a little family reunion going on.

  This is the first we are hearing about Kal's friends getting

  killed. What exactly happened?"

  Kal smiled to himself. Leonardo never ceased to

  surprise him—the man could lie like a pro.

  "Camping?" Charma stepped out from where she

  had been standing next to Isabelle. "Kal doesn't camp. He


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  doesn't go anywhere without his blow dryer. You know

  these television personality people and their vanity


  Blow dryer? Isabelle questioned Kal telepathically.

  Do you spend a lot of time quaffing?

  Not one single moment, if I can avoid it. There's

  something going on here that is bigger than just this single

  moment. Something is happening inside of me.

  I can feel it. It's like something is coming to life.

  Michael Monroe turned to look at Charma. His eyes

  started to glitter like he was looking at a bowl of ice cream

  that he couldn't wait to eat. Kal took a deep breath, it was

  time to put an end to this questioning. There was no way

  that man was getting any closer to anyone he loved. Kal

  didn't want Charma infected with any of this man's


  "What seems to be the problem, Sheriff?" Kal put

  his hands behind his back. "My family is trying to

  embarrass me, I think. I'm Kal Oberan. How can I help

  you?" Kal quickly placed his hand on Charma's shoulder.

  He didn't want her lying anymore.

  Are you crazy? Leonardo's voice rang in his head.

  They're going to arrest you for murdering a cop.

  They can try and arrest me, Kal answered simply

  back to Leonardo. One of these guys is the asshole that


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  murdered Isabelle's parents. The only way he's leaving

  here is in a body bag. Somehow I don't think these other

  two are going to be okay with my taking him down. I think

  we need to be prepared for bullets to fly. I'm counting on

  you to keep Isabelle safe, Leonardo.

  Watch your temper, Veli reminded him, finally

  entering the room and broadening his scope so Isabelle was

  included in the conversation. She wasn't sure how he had

  done that but she was grateful that he had thought about it.

  If Kal was about to do something unwise she wanted to

  opportunity to at least attempt to talk him out of it.

  I'm tired of watching my temper, Kal answered Veli.

  It's time everyone else watched out for me. Something is

  happening inside of me, V. Something is coming alive. You

  told us for years that a showdown would be coming. This is

  my time, I can feel it. It's calling to me.

  Veli's eyes widened suddenly. This is terrible

  timing, Kal. Isabelle has to get back to Abraxas. We can't

  be all hauled down to jail.

  I don't care. I'll tell you what I told Leonardo. No

  one is taking me to jail today.

  The sheriff opened his mouth to answer Kal when

  he seemed to suddenly be overtaken by something. His

  body grew stiff and Isabelle suddenly wondered if he was

  about to have an epileptic fit. Marina let out a small shriek


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  and stared at the ceiling above the sheriff's head. She came

  out from behind the stairs and pointed silently above her

  head. Roger Drake's eyes had begun to roll to the back of

  his head. Standing next to him the young officer called

  Drew grabbed onto his arm.

  "Sheriff?" Drew asked suddenly. He stared above

  him too, his eyes suddenly capturing Marina's. An obvious

  moment of recognition passed between them and Drew's

  mouth opened into the shape of a circle before he quickly

  closed it. "Can you people see that? Can you hear that?" He

  pointed above the sheriff's head.

  * * * *

  Everything looked normal to Kal, he certainly didn't

  see anything that seemed out of the ordinary up there but

  then he wasn't a spell caster. He had learned long ago that

  there were things happening around him that he would

  simply never be able to see. Marina and Leonardo could

  obviously see what Drew was pointing to. They were both

  fixated with something going on above his head. There was

  no time to question the fact that Drew could see it too as

  both the sheriff and Michael, the officer who had killed

  Isabelle's parents, drew their weapons at Kal.

  "Hey!" Drew shouted, pointing his weapon at the


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

heriff. "There's no cause for that. Put that weapon down,

  Sheriff. We're just here to talk and no one is threatening

  you." The sheriff opened his mouth to speak but nothing

  came out as Michael began to fire his revolver.

  Using every instinct available to him, Kal put up his

  shields. No one in this room was getting shot, if he could

  help it. He could feel Veli stepping beside him to add his

  own power to the blockade but for the first time ever Kal's

  defense was stronger than Veli's and after a few moments

  Veli withdrew his help, letting Kal handle it himself.

  Somehow without Veli's attempted assistance, Kal's

  opposition was even stronger. Isabelle was shouting

  something at him but he couldn't make out what she was

  saying. He found he could maintain his strategy quite

  easily, as if he wasn't even trying. The chanting was

  pounding in his ears, differently than with Isabelle. This

  chant was filled with power, loud and demanding. It pushed

  him, telling him to take control and win this battle, to

  protect his family, to protect his love.

  Kal could see that Drew was struggling with the

  sheriff, trying to get him to put down his gun and stop

  firing. Poor guy, Kal thought, he has no idea what's going

  on here. It was time to put an end to this. He turned to Veli

  and could see the same power surging through his eyes that

  he could feel pulsating through his own. He raised his right


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  hand. Drew must have sensed that the battle was coming to

  a head and as if it was the most natural thing in the world,

  changed forms in front of everyone's eyes. He suddenly

  became a wolf.

  * * * *

  The change was so fast that Isabelle was practically

  blinded by it for a moment. Drew's bones stretched and his

  face altered shape and where he had been standing on two

  feet, he was now standing on four. He was all black and too

  tall to be a natural wolf but not nearly the height that late

  night television would have had you believe werewolves


  That's because I'm not a werewolf.

  What are you? How are you talking to me?

  I'm just like you. This is something I can do. Can't

  some of you people do this?

  Not that I'm aware of but I'm kind of new at this.

  I would be very surprised if your boy here doesn't

  shift as soon as he's done dishing out justice.

  He's never shifted before.

  It's a full moon and there's always a first time.

  Letting out a slight growl towards the two men who

  were creating such chaos in all of their lives, the wolf that


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  was also Drew ran backwards towards the woods in front of

  the house.

  Tell Marina that I'm sorry I never found her. I can't

  be counted on, I can't be trusted to take care of anyone.

  With those final thoughts in Isabelle's head, Drew

  vanished. Marina let out a slight whimper as he disappeared

  and Isabelle silently reminded herself to relay his message

  to Marina later. Kal had moved aggressively to get even

  closer to the two men. He was less than an arm's length

  away now.

  * * * *

  "You!" He shouted to the evil vessel that was now

  frozen in place by the force of Kal's shields. "You killed

  Isabelle's parents and then you had the bad taste to bring

  your disgusting presence to my doorstep. Consider me your

  personal nightmare. Oh, I know that you aren't necessarily

  doing this of your own volition. I know that someone else

  is currently in the driver seat of your brain but your soul

  must be pretty goddamn black for him to have been

  allowed inside of you to begin with and in any case I have

  to believe that anyone worth anything would fight him.

  That anyone who wasn't a complete piece of shit wouldn't

  have killed three innocent people in their home who never


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  did anything more than have the misfortune of having a

  daughter who happened to have met me. I know that he is

  listening to me right now and I'm just thrilled about that

  because there are some things I'd like to say to him. Many,

  many things actually but perhaps this is the most important.

  I'm coming for you from now on. No more running, no

  more hiding, no more being scared. We're all grown up

  now and we're not hiding on this rock while we bite our

  nails and try to figure out what to do about you. Our

  numbers are small, we may never have our full group back

  but I think you're scared of us anyway."

  "Don't lose control, Kal. Don't give too much

  away." Veli's words barely penetrated due to the sheer

  adrenaline that was inside of Kal's veins. He felt powerful

  and completely in control. Veli's warnings were a thing of

  the past. He had found Isabelle and he could feel now that

  his days of listening to Veli's doubts and reservations were

  behind him. It might have been Veli's job to protect them

  when they were children but he had been selected to fight

  this battle. It was his job to handle these situations. Veli

  could get out of the way or get burned in the flames that

  were about to start pouring out of his hands.

  The rush of power that was pulsating through Kal's

  body was intense and he felt giddy from it. This was his

  battle to win, his woman to honor, and at that moment all


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  thoughts of human morality and forgiveness had no place

  in his consciousness. It was time for death. He was vaguely

  aware that his skin was darkening around him. He suddenly

  felt like the grim reaper.

  The clouds above the manor moved as Kal would

  have directed them, if he had that power. Marina, he

  thought suddenly, she was moving the elements at her

  command to assist him. He wasn't alone in this fight. They

  had all been selected, brought down to earth to complete a

  task only they could complete. If he had been simply lost

  with Isabelle, he wasn't whole without the rest of them.

  Veli was right, they needed to find the other Outsiders. But

  first he had some serious ass to kick.

  The moon, hidden by the daylight hours, none the

  less called to him.

  Call to me and I will answer you.

  What was that? Isabelle spoke quickly in his head.

  Who was that speaking to you?

  I think it was the moon, my love. The cadence of

  Kal's voice had changed abruptly. It was low, similar to

  how he had sounded their first day together on the street

  when he had been calling down the elements to protect

  them from death but different too. He sounded focused and

  alert, not lost in strange or foreign sounds from his own



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Has the moon ever spoken to you

  No. But I have been speaking to it since puberty

  when I first discovered how cranky and power hungry I felt

  during the full moon every month.

  What is going on here? The Drew person can turn

  into a wolf and you can speak to the moon and actually

  have it answer?

  I kind of think I could turn into a wolf right now if I

  wanted to.


  Don't worry. Right now all I'm interested in is a

  little help from that glorious celestial being that we see

  during the nighttime hours.

  Kal had been speaking to the moon his whole life

  and it seemed natural to do so right now. Help me, he

  breathed to it. Help me to finish this. Help me to bring

  justice to my love. Help me to keep us all safe.

  As if answering his very thoughts, Kal could feel

  the universe shift all around him. Moon beams came down

  from the sky and covered him in a warm white light.

  Isabelle gasped and took a step towards him, not sure of

  what was happening and instinctually needing to protect

  Kal. Leonardo restrained her, holding tightly onto her arm.

  "I'm not sure what's happening, Isabelle. But this

  isn't your power or mine. I've never even read about


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  anything like this before. It's only his, best not to interfere.

  It feels like good energy to me. I don't think it's going to

  harm him."

  "The moon was talking to him, actually talking to

  him in his head. I could hear it."


  "That's all you're going to say about this


  "For now."

  Kal could feel his eyes dilating and the current that

  was his right to command entered his body and pushed


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