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Tess Page 4

by Margaret Tanner

  Chloe appeared so suddenly with a breakfast tray, Tess jumped. She hadn’t heard the key turning in the lock and was unaware of the woman until she spoke.

  “Good morning, Miss Tess.” Her smile showed even white teeth. In her younger days, she would have been a beauty, with smooth chocolate colored skin and huge ebony eyes. Her voluptuous breasts seemed out of place on such a tall, slim woman, although men would love them.

  “Jenkins will meet you at the garden gate. He’ll accompany you to the stables so you can bring the horse back. He thought you might like to exercise him yourself, to fill in time until Nathan returns.”

  “Oh yes.” Tess clapped her hands. “I’d love to.”

  “Only if you eat your breakfast,” Chloe said. “No eat, no horse.”

  They both burst out laughing. The more Tess saw of this woman, the more she liked her.

  “Do you ever regret coming here, Chloe?”

  “No, I was glad to leave New Orleans. It was an evil place with many slave masters who auctioned off men, women and children as if they were cattle. It was a dark, cruel place.”

  “Sounds awful.” Tess gulped down the white mixture Chloe handed her and took a mouthful of coffee to wash away the foul taste. She helped herself to a hot biscuit almost swimming in butter.

  “For years I was raped, beaten and starved, forced to work from daylight to dusk in the fields, then in the evenings I had to service the white overseers, the slave owners or their sons. If it hadn’t been for my potions I would have died. They kept me alive and made me valuable to men who wanted to keep the women in their brothels healthy.”

  “What’s in this white mixture, it tastes dreadful.”

  “It’s a combination of herbs. I never reveal my recipes. The fact that I alone have this knowledge, keeps me alive.”

  “How many other released slaves does Nathan have working here?” Tess asked with a morbid fascination.

  “There are several including Billy from the stables, plus a couple of young whores. He’s prepared to employ us and pay us decent wages, one of only a few men around here who do that.”

  “I like Billy; he was kind to Fleabag and seems devoted to Grenadier.”

  “He’s a good boy.

  After they had eaten, Chloe collected the dishes and placed them on the tray. Before leaving she said. “It’s time for you to meet Jenkins now.”

  Jenkins, wearing a battered brown Stetson, stood inside the gate holding Grenadier’s reins.

  “Good morning, Miss. I thought it wiser to bring the horse over myself. There are a couple of the society members roaming around the stables. Nathan wouldn’t want you running into those perverted polecats.”

  “Thank you.” She threw her arms around the horse’s neck and he swished his tail, obviously as pleased to see her as she was to see him.

  “I’ll come back around two o’clock and return him to the stable. We can do this each day for a while. He’s a fine looking horse. No wonder Nathan was so desperate to own him.”

  “I know. I’m going to buy him back. You’re the best, aren’t you boy?” She patted Grenadier’s neck. “Not only is he handsome, he’s smart as well.”

  “I can see that, enjoy your ride. Keep to the bottom garden, Nathan won’t be happy if his roses get trampled.” He opened the gate, ready to step out.

  “Jenkins.” He swung around. “Thank you for bringing Grenadier over to me, and for looking after Nathan.”

  “You’ve been good for him, Miss.”

  The gate snapped shut. She heard the chain and lock being pulled into place. “Oh, Grenadier.” Tess rubbed her face against the side of his neck. “Nathan has been ill and I’m worried about him. I know he bought you off Vince. You’re still mine, and I promise I’ll get you back one day, no matter what I have to do. Poor Fleabag, I miss him so much.”

  The horse tossed his head up and down as if agreeing with her.

  He was fourteen hands high, and with the gown on she couldn’t mount him. As no one was around, she took the gown off and tossed it aside, only leaving on her undergarments. Grabbing hold of his mane she swung herself on to his back and kneed him into a canter.

  “You haven’t forgotten what I taught you?”

  She laughed when he snorted. Tess was surprised when she took him through their routine, he performed it perfectly. “Ooh, you are such a good boy,” she crooned.

  The area was not large enough to gallop, although they got up a reasonable speed and it was exhilarating. How she would love to run him at full speed, have the summer breeze whipping her hair, the perfume of the open range wafting in her nostrils.

  Mounted on a horse, Nathan would look splendid. Maybe she could suggest such an outing. A ride into the Black Hills would be enjoyable. She had given him everything he had asked for and much more, surely he could grant her this one request? Over three years had passed since the incident with Edwin Benditt, so no one would recognize Tess Smith as Teresa Brown.

  The sunny rays caressing her partially bare body were warm, sensuous. She suddenly craved Nathan’s touch. If only he was sharing this ride with her, it would help her come to terms with the loss of Fleabag.

  What if he didn’t get better? Or when he did recover, he banished her because she had attacked him. Was there a violent streak in her? She had attacked and killed Edwin Benditt out of hate and fear. She loved Nathan and it still hadn’t stopped her. Chills raced up and down her spine. I’m not just a fallen woman, I’m a violent one.

  She performed a somersault and rested the back of her head on Grenadier’s neck. She stretched out along the length of his body, her legs dangled over his rump and she remained there for some time. He stopped to nibble at some leaves and she slid down over his lowered head, hitting the ground with a thud. The soft grass cushioned her fall and she sat on her ass laughing at how embarrassing it would be if someone had been watching.

  Maybe she could put on a show out here for Nathan’s patrons. There were many things she could do to entertain them. It would pay him back for thwarting Vince’s vile plans. Make her more than a mere plaything, to be cast aside when he became bored with her. She would be valuable to him, an asset he would not want to lose. She could stay here, at least see him sometimes. The more she thought about the idea, the more she liked it.


  Another four days passed, then one afternoon she returned to the hotel from training Grenadier, to find Nathan standing by the glass door. He was immaculately attired in dark trousers, and his white shirt was covered by his usual brown waistcoat.

  His normally tanned cheeks were a little pale, otherwise he looked the same.

  “Nathan.” She flung herself into his arms and rained excited kisses all over his face.

  “Tess, I missed you.”

  They shared a long passionate kiss that sent desire shafting through her, white hot, burning like the fiery pits of hell. Within seconds they were naked, writhing on the floor in a maddened frenzy of flailing arms and legs. There was no seduction, no foreplay as their need was too great after long days of abstinence.

  “I missed you Nathan.” Her voice trembled with emotion. “I’m so glad you came back to me.”

  With the flat of his thumb he gently wiped away the tears trickling down her cheeks.

  “I missed you too, my sweet.” His declaration was music to her ears. He eased himself away from her, stood up and started dressing. “You’ll have to excuse me, I have important work needing my attention.”

  The tears fell faster, her joy at his return evaporated and she suddenly felt used. He had relieved his sexual hunger now he was going to brush her aside until he felt the urge again.

  “I have to go, it shouldn’t take long. Jenkins tells me we’ll be having several important guests. I have to organize something special for them. They’re prepared to pay well.”

  “Let me entertain them.”

  His expression changed to one of anger, his eyes burned fever bright. “You think I would let those debauched
varmints anywhere near you?”

  “No, not that.” She shuddered at the thought of any man except Nathan touching her. “I’ve been practicing some new acts with Grenadier while you were away.”

  Interest flickered in his eyes. He had expressive eyes, they mirrored his inner most feelings.

  “We could set up an arena in the lower garden.” She pulled her gown on. “You, you could have a special area set up in a prime position.”

  The suggestion was a good one, but he wasn’t happy about other men ogling Tess. Most of his members were depraved sonsofbitches who thought they could get away with anything because of their wealth and position. The business was a successful money-making venture, a veritable goldmine, but he wanted more.

  Enormous wealth meant power, which was what he wanted, enough money to buy his way out of anything. He would never leave himself to the mercy of others. His family had left him to rot in a Confederate prison because they refused to pay a ransom to get him released.

  His brother had him branded a traitor and a criminal for stealing Confederate gold when he was innocent. He had been tortured because Confederate officers wanted to know where gold, he knew nothing about, was hidden. After he escaped with Jenkins, he discovered his brother had in fact stolen the gold and put the blame onto him.

  “Nathan, they could only look, not touch.”

  “What!” He came out of his bitter reverie.

  “I said they could only look, not touch.”

  “I’ll think about it. Amuse yourself while I catch up on my work.”

  His dismissive attitude infuriated her.


  The next morning over breakfast Nathan suddenly said. “I’ll take you into my Devil’s playroom, so you can see the kind of men who stay here, and if you think you can handle their lecherous stares and offensive language, I’ll take you up on your offer to put on a performance in honor of our special guests. I only hope I don’t regret this.”

  “I won’t let you down.”

  “It’s not you I’m worried about, some of these men are evil, think they can do whatever they like because they’re rich and powerful.”

  “You sound as if you don’t like them.”

  “I despise them and everything they stand for.” His voice was laced with bitterness. “It won’t stop me taking their money, though.”

  His lips thinned. “Many would say I’m as low and despicable as them, and it’s true. I’m not a nice man, Tess. Things have happened to me, which have twisted the way I feel about people. I live in a dark, perverted world, and I’ll drag you down into its black murky depths if I’m not careful. You’ll be shocked at what you see, any decent person would be. You need to be covered all over before you enter the playroom. I’ve arranged with Chloe to bring you a veil to conceal your face.”

  “If you think it necessary, although I’m used to men gawking at me when I perform.”

  “Not men like these. They are probably the most debauched men in the whole of the West.”

  She felt sad Nathan would inhabit this world peopled with men he so obviously despised, all because of the money they brought in. He owned a saloon, surely that was enough.

  They left Nathan’s quarters and passed down the hallway she remembered from the night of her arrival. They climbed a wide staircase leading to a landing with two doors leading off it. The one to the side probably led to a covered walkway giving direct access to The Black Garter, the other one, opened into the playroom. Entry to this place was obviously via the saloon, a clever plan to shelter men who didn’t want to be seen coming here. She almost baulked when Nathan opened the door. She still had time to race back to the safety of his quarters. You can do this. You have to.

  Dressed in a black gown with a high collar, she wore a veil over her face and nervously clutched his arm as they entered.

  The playroom was a huge space, with doors leading off both sides. She drew in a shocked breath. Most of the men wore black devil masks, covering their head and most of their face. Holes were cut out so they could see, and only their nostrils and mouths were visible. Most of them were in various stages of undress.

  The pretty young serving women were a mixture of Asian, Negro and white.

  “We cater for everyone,” Nathan said. “A lot of men like the taste of black flesh.”

  “It’s dreadful.”

  “They pay to get what they want. Their every fantasy is catered for here.” There was a cold hardness in his eyes now, his mouth set into grim, ruthless lines.

  The women were bare breasted, and wore diaphanous, almost transparent skirts, leaving little to the imagination.

  An elderly man, naked from the waist down, shuffled up and leered at her.

  “Debauched sonofabitch,” Nathan hissed, moving her away.

  Another patron was fondling a beautiful Asian girl’s breast. Would they have sex here in public? Tess swallowed down on her revulsion.

  “Every man has his own private room, where he can take the woman of his choice, if he wants to.” Nathan waved a hand toward the various doors.

  “There’s a dining room if they choose to avail themselves of it, as much fine Champagne, whisky or brandy as they want. They pay for the best and receive it.” He sounded so cold and clinical she shivered.

  Three tall, powerfully built men discretely watched proceedings, they looked like pugilists. One of them was a Negro, all of seven feet tall, obviously here to deal with any violence which may occur. No sane person would want to defy these giants.

  “Have you seen enough?” Nathan asked.

  “Yes.” She couldn’t wait to get away from these horrible creatures.

  He slipped his arm through hers and she clutched his sleeve. Bile rose in her throat when she spied a middle-age man, unmasked, sitting in a large pram dressed like a baby, and sucking on a black woman’s breast. Obviously, he didn’t care whether anyone recognized him or not.

  Nathan followed her gaze. “He owns half of Deadwood.”

  Her fingers probably gouged a hole in Nathan’s arm she clutched him so tightly. Never had she imagined, let alone seen such perversion in her whole life. She felt sick, her legs trembled and if he hadn’t been supporting her, she would have crumpled to the floor.

  “Do you still want to entertain them?” There was a grim note to his voice, and she realized he had brought her down here on purpose to witness shocking scenes no decent person should ever have to see. No. No, a hundred times no, she wanted to scream at him.

  She couldn’t work in this den of iniquity if Nathan banished her from his bed, let alone let Grenadier anywhere near these men. She had to perform her circus routine if she wanted to stay. She had nothing else to barter.

  She licked her lips and swallowed down on the bitter taste of disgust. “I…I can do it, as long as they don’t touch me or Grenadier.” She didn’t want them defiling her with their touch, the stallion, either.

  “So be it.”

  They were about to leave the playroom when a sudden commotion came from one of the rooms, a woman screaming, a man bellowing with rage. Two of the guards rushed up. The door was flung open and a short overweight man wearing a black Stetson, charged out. “Frigid whore,” he raged. “I want that red-haired harlot flogged.”

  A roaring sound almost ruptured Tess’s eardrums. Cold chills raced up and down her spine. Edwin Benditt. She swayed, would have fallen if Nathan hadn’t caught her. He picked her up and strode off, throwing over his shoulder. “Get Jenkins to sort out this mess.”

  Tess sobbed, a mixture of terror, disgust and relief. He was alive. She had not committed murder.

  Nathan carried her downstairs and she clung to him. She felt safe with him because his warm strength infused her with courage.

  “I thought I’d killed him.” Her voice though tremulous, was loud enough for him to hear.

  “What!” He lowered her to the floor, supporting her with an arm around the waist as he fumbled for the key to his quarters. He carried her to a couch
and gently put her down.

  “You’re ice cold.” He rubbed her hands. “I’ll ring for Chloe.”

  “No, I only want you.”

  “Here, take a swig of this.” He pulled a small silver flask from his coat pocket. “Brandy, it will calm you down.”

  She took a couple of sips before pushing it away.

  “I’m all right,” she said through chattering teeth. His eyes were dark with worry, a pulse jerked at the side of his jaw as he knelt in front of her.

  “What did you mean, when you said you thought you’d killed him?”

  “When I was fourteen Edwin Benditt bought me from the foundling home.” She closed her eyes to blot out the remembered horror. “I was employed as a cook at his ranch in the Black Hills. Almost from the first day, he…he raped me, nearly every night.”


  “He got me with child. I was so frightened I told him, I didn’t know what else to do. He gave me a vicious beating with a cane, punched and kicked me in the stomach.”

  “I’ll kill him,” Nathan snarled. “Rip him apart.”

  “He wouldn’t stop, so I hit him on the head with a lamp. I thought I’d killed him.”

  “A pity you didn’t.”

  “I ran away. It was raining, bitterly cold, in the dead of winter. I started bleeding. I managed to stumble into a tumbledown cabin, where I found Fleabag. He had been badly beaten, half his face was smashed in. We huddled together for warmth.”

  “My God, the man is a fiend. I’ll expel him from the Devils. He’ll never set foot inside this place again.”

  “For two days Fleabag and I kept each other warm. I was able to stagger outside, so I tore material from my skirt and let the rain soak into it. I squeezed water into Fleabag’s mouth, and sucked the moisture out of the cloth myself. Rolf, Vince’s Uncle, found us and took us in. We would have died otherwise.”

  She moistened her lips. “My name is not Tess Smith, it’s Teresa Brown.”

  “I’ll still call you Tess, it suits you.” Anger flared in his eyes, his countenance turned grim. “You’ve had a dreadful shock, you should rest in bed.” He ran his finger across her quivering lips.


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