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Tess Page 5

by Margaret Tanner

  “Only if you come with me.”

  “You won’t get any rest if I do.”

  “I want you to make love to me.”

  He inhaled a shocked breath. “Make love to you?”

  “You can make me forget about Ewin Benditt and what he did to me. In one way I’m glad he’s alive, in another, I wish he was dead.”

  “There’s no need to be afraid, that brutal sonofabitch will never hurt you again. You have my word on it.”

  Chapter Five

  The day of Tess’ performance dawned bright and sunny. Her insides were twisted up with nerves; there was no backing out now.

  The lower garden had been turned into a mini circus ring. Seats had been set around in a circle. The members would enter through the garden gate as Nathan did not want them traipsing through his private domain.

  Chloe was excited, Jenkins his usual taciturn self, although it had been him who organized everything. Nathan was regretting his decision, she didn’t have to be a mind reader to know this. He had been moody and uncommunicative, although their passion still burned fiercely. When it was gone, they would have nothing.

  The show would be starting at four o’clock then a special supper would be served in the member’s dining room.

  Something from deep within told her that after today, life would never be the same again. Nathan was becoming bored with her, sadness overwhelmed her at the thought he didn’t, and never would love her. A man like him was not capable of loving one woman. This performance was her showcase, make or break. She had to be so good the members would clamor for more, and Nathan would keep her here to entertain them. Even for him she couldn’t prostitute herself to these men. The thought revolted her. I’d rather be dead.

  You can do this, she told herself. You have to. Goose bumps pebbled her arms, her legs felt weak. I’m doing this for Nathan. She wouldn’t be able to perform otherwise.

  Four o’clock came. Nerves almost overwhelmed her as she waited with Grenadier behind a canvas curtain.

  “This is it boy.” She patted Grenadier’s sleek neck. “We have to put on the show of our lives, it’s the only way he’ll let me stay.”

  There was loud applause. At the last minute, Nathan had acquired two exotic belly dancers, supposedly from a Sheik’s harem.

  A trumpet blared, a murmur of expectation rippled through the crowd. As the makeshift curtain slowly opened, she stood on Grenadier’s back. She felt icy cold now, even the sun on her bare skin could not take the chill away. She clicked her tongue and he trotted out. There must be thirty or more spectators.


  Nathan stood staring at the Devils. Most of them had their masks off. If they thought they would be allowed to put even a finger on Tess they were sadly mistaken.

  This was not a good idea, he felt it in his gut. Why had she been so determined? In his case it was clear, making money was all he had. His name had been so blackened, no decent person would associate with him now. His spirit along with his body, had been broken.

  Grenadier trotted out with Tess standing on his back, feet together, arms raised above her head. With the sun shining directly on her, the costume she wore became almost transparent.

  He didn’t want these perverts staring at her soft white body. She belonged to him, her body was his. His alone to view and worship. He wanted to dash out, drag her off the horse and hide her away somewhere.

  He let out a strangled gasp as she did a somersault and stretched out on the horse’s back, with one leg raised, the other dangling over his rump.

  The spectators erupted, cheering, clapping and stamping their feet. A couple of them reached out trying to touch her.

  “How much for a taste?” one vile animal screamed, and Nathan almost exploded with rage.

  Jenkins came up and put a calming hand on his shoulder. “The guards are here in case they’re needed.”

  Jenkins sucked in a noisy breath and Nathan glared at him. Tess stood on her hands causing the crowd to roar with delight.

  He turned to Jenkins and frantically asked. “What can we do?” You can practically see right through that costume she’s wearing.”

  “Nothing, just make sure those dirty varmints don’t get out of hand.”

  “I shouldn’t have let her do it.”

  “She probably thought she was helping you.”

  “Helping me! Flaunting herself like that,” he raged. “She’ll cause a riot before long.”

  Several men started climbing over the temporary railing until they were hauled back by the guards. Nathan felt sick to his stomach.

  Tess jumped off the horse, did a triple somersault, stood in front of the members and pirouetted like a ballerina.

  “Enough.” Nathan shook off Jenkins’ restraining hand and strode toward her. He wasn’t quick enough, she vaulted back onto the horse. He heard the clicking noise. The horse stood motionless. She knelt on his back on all fours, twisted her head up under her stomach until her nose almost touched her ass. He dared not think of what she might come up with next.

  A fight broke out in the back row of spectators. Nathan and Jenkins rushed over to join the guards trying to break it up.

  “You filthy little bed faggot. Harlot,” Edwin Benditt yelled, jumping out of his seat.

  Why was he here? Nathan said he would be expelled. Fear overwhelmed Tess. She glanced around. Nathan and Jenkins were with the guards trying to restore order. The crowd cheered as her tormentor charged toward her, his fat legs pumping like pistons. He carried a short-handled whip.

  “Filthy whore. I’ll kill you like I should have done when I had the chance.”

  He tried to drag her off the horse, his pudgy hands with bitten off nails, clawed and pulled at her leg. She kicked out at him, screaming for help. No-one came to her aid.

  Grenadier reared. The enraged man loosened his grip, but flailed at her and the horse with the whip. Snorting in terror, Grenadier reared again, pivoted, unseated Tess and knocked his tormentor over. His hooves then pounded Edwin Benditt into the ground.

  Nathan rushed over. He pulled Tess up while Jenkins tried to pacify the stallion. It was too late for their attacker. He lay dead in a bloodied heap.

  Tess fought down her own fear and nausea by clinging to Nathan. “Grenadier, darling, it’s all right.” She made the clicking sound and he stopped his frenzied prancing. He stood trembling, blowing, covered in sweat.

  “Clear the area,” Nathan ordered. “Then deal with this sonofabitch.”

  Nathan removed his shirt and wrapped it around her.

  “What possessed you to ride like that?”

  Tears blurred her eyes, and she leaned her cheek against Grenadier’s still heaving side, patting and caressing him, calming him down.

  Jenkins limped over and dropped a coat over the crushed body. “I sent someone over to collect Billy from the stables, he can see to the horse.”

  Nathan put his arms around Tess and held her close. “How did that man get in here? I expelled him.”

  “He must have sneaked in with some of the others, it’s the only way he could get past the guards.”

  She felt so weak and exhausted she didn’t think her legs would hold her up much longer. She was glad he was dead, hoped he was on his way to hell right now, unless he could somehow buy his way into heaven.

  “Nathan I…I.” Blackness overwhelmed her.

  Nathan caught her before she fell and swung her up in his arms. Her loosened hair flowed over his shoulder. “I’ll take her inside and get Chloe.”

  “It isn’t Chloe she wants, Nathan. It’s you,” Jenkins said to his retreating back.


  Tess woke up and glanced around. She was lying on Nathan’s bed with him caressing her hair. “Wake up, my love.”

  She was dreaming, of course, he would never say that. A sudden picture of her tormentor lying in a bloodied heap, had her shooting up from the pillow.

  “Is Grenadier all right?”

  “Yes, Jenkins has arranged f
or Billy the stable boy to attend him.”

  “It wasn’t his fault. Benditt attacked me, he whipped Grenadier. It was all my fault.” Tears cascaded down her cheeks. “What will happen to me now?”

  “Nothing, Edwin Benditt had an unfortunate riding accident. “Why did you put on such a provocative performance?” He rested his chin on her hair and held her close.

  “I wanted to please you.”

  “Please me, my love?”

  He used the endearment again.

  “It doesn’t please me to have other men, especially a depraved pack of animals like them, ogling your soft white skin. It’s mine, you belong to me. Tomorrow I’ll make arrangements for us to get married.”

  “Married?” The fall from Grenadier must have damaged her brain and she was hearing only what she so desperately wanted to hear.

  “You want to marry me?” she squeaked.

  “Yes, I love you Tess Smith, Brown or whatever you want to call yourself, I want you for my wife.”

  “Oh, Nathan.”

  “What’s wrong? You, you don’t wish to marry me?” There was a tremor to his voice, uncertainty darkening his eyes.

  “I love you, and of course I want to be your wife, but I’m tainted. A fallen woman. You need someone better than me.”

  “Don’t say that. I’m far from perfect. We were victims of actions beyond our control.”

  He kissed her then, a tender restrained kiss that promised everything she had ever dreamed of. “I’ve got something for you. I was going to give it to you before your performance, but it slipped my mind.”

  He handed her a sheet of paper. “It’s for Grenadier. He’s legally yours now.”

  “Oh, Nathan. I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you so much.” She kissed the paper and him.

  “I’ll sell this place and we can go somewhere else to start afresh. We’ll get married first, then decide.” He cupped her breast and rubbed the flat of his thumb across her nipple. “I need to tell you about my past, so you can understand the way I am.”

  “You were captured by the Confederate army and you were a prisoner. I know that. They tortured you.”

  “Yes, although that wasn’t the worst of it. I was branded a traitor, my family disowned me, refused to pay a ransom for my freedom.”

  He took a deep shuddering breath. “My brother stole a shipment of Confederate gold and told them it was me. They tortured me to try and find out where I’d hidden it. How could I tell them something I didn’t know? If it hadn’t been for Jenkins I never would have survived. He organized our escape. I owe him. I would like him to be part of our future.”

  “Yes, I’d like that, he’s a nice man. What happened to your brother?”

  “He was apparently shot by a group of army deserters. Whether they found the gold I neither know nor care.”

  “I feel so tired and weary now. Kiss me Nathan so I can sleep with the taste of your lips on mine.”

  He did so, thoroughly, deeply. Her last thought was that she would not need to drink Chloe’s foul mixture again. She wanted to have Nathan’s children, wanted to share the rest of her life with him.

  Chapter Six

  Tess couldn’t believe she was now Mrs. Nathan Montgomery. Well, she had been for nearly two hours, and the plain gold band on her finger proved it. Everything had happened so fast. Once he decided on something he certainly acted on it. He had taken her shopping a few days ago, then they were married by the preacher with his wife and Jenkins as witnesses.

  After their honeymoon, they were going to sit down with Jenkins and discuss their future. She inwardly hugged herself. She had a handsome, caring husband and a closet of beautiful clothes, her favourite being an ice blue, frilly, off the shoulder gown. Gossamer fine she felt like a fairy princess whenever she wore it.

  Deadwood was busy, noisy and lawless, and she wouldn’t be sorry to leave it. A ragged little boy grabbed her reticule and pulled it off her arm. She chased after him.

  “Give it back,” she yelled as she ran. “Thief, thief.” No-one took any notice as she chased him down a side street. Thank goodness, she was gaining on him.

  Suddenly, Vince stepped out in front of her and she skidded to a halt. They almost collided.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t that bed faggot, Tess.”

  He looked even dirtier, more revolting than before. The stench coming from him was sickening.

  She tried backing away, but he grabbed her arm and twisted it up her back until she yelped with pain.

  “You’ll be sorry you defied me,” he snarled. “I warned you.”

  “Let me go.”

  He kept dragging her toward ramshackle buildings. Several Chinamen rushed around, their pigtails swinging. This must be Chinatown with its opium dens Jenkins had warned her about. Fear surged through her.

  No-one took any notice of her screams and struggles. Vince dragged her across a dried up paddock. She kicked out at him, connecting with his shins. Even though he flinched, he held her in an iron grip. “You’ll pay for this,” he growled. “You’ll be begging me for mercy soon.”

  He punched her in the face. Her ears rang, her vision misted over, but she dared not stop fighting him. His next blow almost decapitated her. She fought the blackness swirling around in front of her eyes, her legs collapsed and she crumpled to the ground.

  A kick in the chest knocked her backward and she almost fell on to a jagged piece of rock. He loomed over her, his face contorted with rage. Evil personified.

  Vince was like a crazed beast now, almost frothing at the mouth.

  “I’ll kill you. Kill you,” he ranted. He fumbled with the buttons on his pants.

  Bile surged into her throat at the prospect of him raping her. She grabbed up the piece of rock and rammed the jagged end into his crotch. He staggered back, letting out a bellow of rage and pain.

  Tess tried to crawl away. He grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head against the hard earth.


  “Ooh.” Tess groaned in pain as she tried to hold her throbbing head, for some reason her arms wouldn’t work. It was then she realized she was kneeling on a hard wooden floor, her wrists bound, and the rope had been hooked to a large screw in the wall of Vince’s wagon.

  Fearfully she glanced around. He was lying on a filthy mattress groaning and cursing, an empty whisky bottle beside him.

  “I’m going to kill that bed faggot. Make her beg for mercy,” he muttered over and over.

  She had to get away. How? Nathan would have missed her by now and would be searching for her. Even in his wildest dreams he wouldn’t think she’d go to Chinatown, or allow Vince to kidnap her?

  Had it just been a coincidence she had chased the young thief almost into Vince’s waiting arms? Of course not. He must have seen her in the street and decided to grab her by using the boy as bait. It was the only reasonable explanation.

  The muttering and oaths stopped, replaced by loud snoring. Her head was clearer now, she was definitely in Vince’s wagon. How could she forget the pictures of naked women in provocative poses, the dirty, ragged curtains and bare floorboards? His short-handled whip dangled from a hook near the door.

  She trembled with fear, her terror escalating. Would Nathan find her? If not she was doomed to a life so bad, death would be a sweet release.

  By straining away from the hook, stretching her arms to their fullest extent, she could see through a grimy window. Where were the other circus people? Some of them might be prepared to help, even though they feared Vince. No other wagon could be seen, nothing except tall pine trees and mounds of dead pine needles.

  She was alone, at his mercy. What had happened to the circus? It must have disbanded. Vince was such a vicious, lazy pig of a man, no-one would want to work for him.

  Poor Rolf, his lifelong work lay as shattered as her dreams of a happy life with Nathan.

  Why, God? Why do you let all these terrible things happen to me? I’m not a bad person.

  A horrible thou
ght came to her. Rolf and his wife had died accidentally when their wagon caught fire. A lamp tipping over Vince had said. Maybe he had murdered them to get the circus and whatever money they had. The more she thought about it, the more reasonable it sounded.

  She and Louie had been the star acts, with them gone it would have been hard to bring in crowds and keep the circus going. Was that why Vince was alone, thirsting for revenge?

  I’ve got to get away, but how?

  He could kill her, bury her body out here and she would never be found.

  Night fell, and terror almost overwhelmed her. Once Vince woke up from his drunken sleep he would rape her. She didn’t doubt it for a moment. She closed her eyes in case it made her think more clearly. A sudden slap across the back of her head, nearly slammed her face into the wall.

  “Filthy bed faggot,” he snarled in her ear. Her eyes flew open. “You think stabbing me in the balls will stop me having you?” He gave an evil chuckle. “It might be a couple of days, then I’ll have you spread-eagled on the floor and I’ll mount you again and again until you can barely walk.” He grabbed her breast and squeezed it so hard she cried out.

  “You ruined everything for me. I’m left with nothing now except this wagon and the flea bitten nag who pulls it.”

  “Let me go, my husband will pay you a lot of money if you do.”

  “Ah, husband is it? So, Montgomery married you.” He laughed. “He won’t want you after I’ve finished with you. No man will, except maybe those Orientals who run the opium dens.”

  Vince’s evil laugh bounced off the walls in such a confined space. “First of all.” He limped over to the front of the wagon, lit the lantern and grabbed his whip. “You need to be taught a lesson.”

  He swung the rawhide, and she screamed as it cut into the flesh of her shoulders. Several times he lashed her on the back and shoulders, each blow more excruciatingly painful than the last. When she thought she couldn’t stand the agony a moment longer, he stopped.

  “Just a little taste of what’s to come,” he said, shuffling to the front again. He grabbed up a hunk of bread and noisily chewed it.


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