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Bad Company

Page 20

by Jen Schoenbein

“I saw her earlier tonight,” Rhodes replied, frowning at a frazzled Suzy. “Is something wrong?”

  “She’s missing,” Sam supplied, waving his arms around.

  “What time was that?” asked Wyatt.

  “We can’t find her,” Suzy said, looking worried.

  “Wait, what?” Rhodes said, standing up.

  He had been sitting out front of the station with a cup of coffee, relaxing after a call when a van pulled up. No sooner had it shut off and five people poured out. The nice looking brunette and nerdy slim guy hadn’t worried him, but the sandy brown hair guy looked like had training. The two muscle bound twins looked less concerning, but he hadn’t made his mind up yet.

  All at once they had descended on him, asking for Rhodes. On the confirmation of his identity, they had peppered him with questions about Mal.

  “What do you mean she’s missing?” Rhodes asked, concerned. He walked toward them, trying to find out what was happening.

  Wyatt answered, hands raised to calm the firefighter. “We don’t exactly know she’s missing.”

  “We went by her place,” Sam said.

  Rhodes turned to face him.

  “She wasn’t there or at the office,” Suzy continued.

  “We did find her Jeep at Mariano’s,” Wyatt explained. “But she wasn’t there.”

  “She could be with a friend,” Rhodes offered. “I can’t see her leaving her Jeep at Mariano’s, but you never know.”

  “Agreed,” Wyatt nodded. “Also, there was a bag of groceries left next to the Jeep.”

  Rhodes frowned, “Groceries? Just left sitting there?” He crossed his arms and searched their faces for answers.

  “Crushed, like someone stepped on them,” said one of the gym rats in the back.

  Rhodes froze, that didn’t sound good. “What was in the bag?”

  “Looked like some olives and a deli salad,” offered the other gym rat.

  “Shit,” Rhodes said, rubbing his head. “She likes Mariano’s salad bar.”

  “We wanted to check with you first. To see if you had seen her,” explained Wyatt, focusing on the facts. “Did she say where she was going, or if she was working on another case?”

  “No,” Rhodes replied, dialing her number with his phone. He had to see for himself. “We had a short conversation. I know she just wrapped a case, but I don’t know any particulars.”

  Her phone went straight to voicemail and he paced for a bit, deciding. “We should call the police. She has friends there.”

  “Yes, we were going to call Detective Rodriguez next,” Suzy filled in. “It’s just that they have history and we wanted to try with you, first.”

  “Some kind of old boyfriend,” Sam explained.

  “Old boyfriend?” Rhodes turned to face Sam, frowning.

  “Don’t worry,” Sam continued. “I don’t think she’s back with him or anything. She hates him.”

  “What?” Rhodes asked, trying to follow.

  “We just thought he may know other friends of hers to try,” Wyatt offered, eyebrows indicated Sam to be quiet.

  Rhodes looked around, trying to find an answer. He felt helpless.

  “We’re going to the station to let them know what’s going on,” Suzy said, putting a hand on Rhodes’ arm. “You’re working. Why don’t you give me your number and I’ll call you and let you know what we find out.”

  Rhodes fought with himself. He rubbed his head again, trying to decide what to do. He wanted to go with them, hell he wanted to go by Mal’s place and see for himself. See the Jeep. He knew they were telling the truth, but he’d feel better at least trying.

  “Okay,” he said finally. “But please call me the moment you hear anything. I can call in a replacement if needed. I can be anywhere in a matter of minutes.”

  “Definitely,” Suzy promised, taking his number.

  Wyatt nodded and they all piled back in the van.

  I went back to the door to try the knob again, more forcefully this time. I checked the hinges. Maybe if I could take the hinges out, I could escape.

  It was then that I heard the first scrape of noise from outside the door. I heard what footsteps coming close and ran to grab the chunk of wood with nails protruding.

  The steps stopped in front of my door and stopped.

  I waited on the other side, frozen, listening.

  Finally, a hand banged on the door. Then a key scraped in a lock. I readied myself.

  When the door swung open, I was ready. I swung, leaning forward to add all my weight. The man on the other side, caught my hand, but not quite fast enough. The nails scraped at the side of his face.

  He let out a bellow of pain and backhanded me against the wall. I slid down the wall and struggled to get up before he could hit me again. I swept out a foot to trip him and was able to slide out of his reach as he went down. I gave him a shove and leapt over him, heading out the door.

  Swinging around the door frame, I gave a moment’s glance to find the quickest way out. I saw a door at the end of the hall in front of me and took off for it. Out of the doorway to my right, another goon came out rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stood there in jeans, no shirt, and a chest holster fitted with a gun.

  “What the hell,” he said.

  As soon as he saw me, he reached for the gun. I didn’t think I’d make it to the door, so I grabbed a chair sitting in the hallway and swung it at his face. He dropped the gun but made a grab for me. I continued my path to the doorway, grabbing the knob, but it was locked.

  I fumbled with the lock while I felt a hand rip me back from the door. I hit the ground hard and rolled to get back up. My attacker had a hand in my hair and shoved me back into the ground.

  He ground my face into the ground. “Forget about it, you stupid bitch,” he spit out. “You’re not getting away.”

  My strength was starting to fail me as I tried to struggle against his hold. My vision swam, and I tried to gather my nerve. Just before I passed out, the front door burst open.

  A large man in a suit leveled a gun at the shirtless man at my back, who dropped me instantly. The man jerked his head toward the door and I scrambled up and behind him. I was instantly on his side.

  He nodded at me and backed up with me behind him. I took the cue and moved. We exited the building and down the front stairs of an apartment lobby. At the front door, a car awaited at the curb. He opened the door and ushered me in. I went willingly.

  “Thanks, but who are you?” I asked.

  The man got in after me and nodded to the driver, who handed a phone back to me.

  I stared at it for a moment, then put it to my ear.

  “Bugsy,” came a voice on the other line.

  “Dom?” I asked, adrenaline still rocking through my system.

  A chuckle came through the receiver. “That’s right. I told you I owed you one. You can’t go dying on me, you know. It would make me a welcher. Now we’re square.”

  “But how’d you find me?” I asked, grasping the phone like a lifeline.

  “My guys have been keeping an eye on Dessi’s guys” he explained. “Good thing, too. The tail notified me, and I sent my men to get you out.”

  “Could have been a little faster,” I drawled, lightly touching my brow.

  I heard another chuckle resound. “At least you’re alive, kid.”

  I nodded at that, then realizing he couldn’t hear me said out loud,” Thanks.”

  “As I said, now we’re square. I owed you one.” Dom paused. “However, if you’re ever looking to make a buck, I could use someone like you on the team. You’re very resourceful. And you don’t back down when you’ve got a scent.”

  I appreciated what Dom had done, but I really didn’t want to get mixed up in the mob. No more than I had already, anyway.

  “As much as I do appreciate the offer, Dom,” I replied. “I have my own business to run.”

  “I figured as much,” Dom replied. “But keep it in mind. Keep my card, too. If you ever need
another favor, I’d be happy to trade again.”

  “Will do,” I replied, smiling slightly.

  “The driver will take you anywhere you need to go, but I’m assuming the station is where’d you’re headed,” Dom suggested.

  “That’s right.”

  “I figured you for the type to press charges. I tend towards a more personal approach.”

  I thanked him again.

  “Heal up quickly, Bugsy,” I heard over the phone as I passed it over to the driver and told him to head on to the police station in Roscoe Village.

  Chapter 25

  I didn’t recognize the officer behind the desk. Must be a new guy, I thought. I saw a look of surprise flash across his face when he looked up at me. I figured I looked like I had been run over, but he probably had seen worse. Course I hadn’t seen myself yet.

  “Is Officer Mathews still on duty?” I asked. I doubted she was, unless she was on call and in on a case she’d be long since at home in bed.

  “No, ma’am,” replied the officer. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m Detective Malone, P.I,” I answered. “I’d like to report a kidnapping.”

  The funny thing was that it wasn’t the word kidnapping that caused the young officer to grab his phone. It was my name. I looked at him curiously as he leaned back toward the offices behind him and spoke urgently into the receiver. What was going on?

  I was still looking at him confused when the door opened and out poured a group of people. Suzy and Sam led the group, with Jen not far behind. Wyatt and Detective Rodriguez, plus Wyatt’s guys and a few other officers I had worked with previously. My eyes widened at their sudden arrival.

  They all gathered around me, chattering furiously and gasping at my appearance. I smoothed my hair, trying to regain some semblance of order. I was peppered with questions all around. I assured everyone that I was alright. I told Rodriguez where I had been held and he sent a squad car to apprehend my attackers.

  When it all slowed down, I sat in a room with everyone and recounted my story. However, I left out the part where Dom’s men got me to the station. I just told them I had called a taxi. Apparently, they had found my Jeep at Mariano’s and been looking for me. I was amazed so many people cared. I had always been a bit of a loner and this was the first time I had more than one or two people to care about me. I was stunned.

  The officers returned without an arrest. Apparently, the kidnappers hightailed it out of there after I got away. All they found was my leather jacket in the abandoned old apartment building. The few furnishings implied someone had used it as a safe place, but there was nothing to tie it to anyone. I felt a little better, just pulling my jacket on, certainly glad to have it back. I checked my pocket and was glad to find my ASP baton and phone still in the pockets.

  I had told them my suspicions with Dessi and Dr. Millwood. I figured Dr. Millwood called Dessi to tell him I was asking questions and he sent someone to take care of me. I was probably causing them too much trouble at this point. But I was sure I had enough on Dessi for an arrest.

  I handed over my phone, gave them the password and showed them where the audio was on Millwood. It should be enough for his arrest, once they confirm everything. Hopefully, once they got a warrant on Millwood, they’d find more on Dessi. Maybe Millwood would spill.

  Before I handed it over, though, I noticed 7 missed calls and a slew of messages. I looked up to see Suzy looking at my sheepishly.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I got a little worried.”

  I grinned and leaned in to hug her. It was nice to have friends.

  When I finished my official statement, Suzy stopped Rodriguez short.

  “Don’t you have enough? We need to get her to the hospital. She needs some rest.”

  I couldn’t argue with that point and let them take me there.

  It was early morning by the time they had me cleaned up and resting in a hospital room. Suzy, Sam and Wyatt still residing, although the other two security guys stayed in the van this time. Jen and Rodriguez had stayed at the station, working on the case. I had a policeman posted at the door.

  I had gotten stitches along my eyebrow. My shoulder wasn’t dislocated, I was glad to have confirmed, but it did get a massive bruise. I would have a sling for a few days while the swelling went down. My kidneys still hurt from the blow to them and it ached when I breathed in deeply. The crack in my lip still stung, but the ointment helped. As bad as I felt, the safety of the bed and comfort of friends gave me a little relief.

  “You should really head on home,” I told Suzy, noticing her tired eyes.

  “Home? I can’t leave you here,” she replied. “You’re here because of me!”

  “What? No way,” I argued. “You are not taking credit for anything Dessi does. He’s responsible for his own actions.”

  “It’s just that you wouldn’t have been looking in on him at all if it wasn’t for me.” She looked down at me with incredibly sad eyes.

  “Hey, I wouldn’t have been looking in on him at all if he hadn’t had you kidnapped in the first place,” I assured her, taking her hand. “It’s his actions, not yours.”

  “Still,” she said, patting my hand. “I just want to know you’re alright.”

  I laughed and winced at the pain it caused in my side, “I’m as safe here as I’ll ever be.”

  She nodded, then glanced at door. I turned to look and saw Rhodes standing in the doorway, his jaw working as he took in the sight of me. His eyes filled with a quiet fury as he glanced from one injury to another. I shifted uncomfortably.

  He slowly came to the bed, still wearing his uniform. Suzy moved back to where Sam was sitting by the window. Wyatt stood next to him, leaning against the wall and quietly watching the interaction.

  I looked at Suzy, not sure why Rhodes was here. She looked down at the floor in a telling glance. I struggled to sit up more.

  “You okay?” he said, eyebrows furrowed sharply, moving to help me.

  “Right as rain,” I answered, trying to give him a grin. My split lip pulled a bit and I put a hand up to make sure it wasn’t bleeding again.

  Rhodes’ face got even more stony. “Who did this to you?”

  “Dessi’s guys, I’m pretty sure,” I replied. “They were gone by the time the police got there, but they’ve got an APB out.”

  His eyes travelled over my face and body, jaw clenched. “Why’d they come for you? Because of your investigation?”

  “Yes,” I admitted. “It seems that I stumbled onto something. The police are looking into it now.”

  He nodded, tightly. “How bad are you hurt?” he asked, his eyes searching me with an intensity I’d never seen on him.

  I shook my head, “Not what you’re thinking. They roughed me up a bit, is all. Most of this came when they were getting me into the van.”

  “At Mariano’s?” he asked.

  “Yes. I went there to grab some dinner after I left you.”

  “Fuck,” Rhodes said, turned away and paced a foot or two. He moved back to the bed. “Suzy and Sam came to the station last night looking for you.”

  “They did?” I looked at Suzy incredulously. She glanced up and gave me a half smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “They wanted to know if I knew where you were. Mal,” he said, taking my hand and searching my face. “I felt so helpless. Is there anything you need?”

  I patted his hand. “I’m okay, Rhodes. Honest. Just give me a few days and I’ll be back at it.” I gave him a light smile and a wink.

  Another voice came from the doorway, “Mal, how are you holding up?”

  I looked up to see Rodriguez standing in the doorway. He and Jen came in, carrying a takeout container of coffee. Rodriguez caught sight of Rhodes, standing intimately by my bedside and still holding my hand. He bristled and stepped forward, invading the space.

  Rhodes looked back and forth between us and dropped my hand. I struggled again to sit up further and both men moved to help me. They look
ed back and forth at each other, Rhodes stopped. Rodriguez kept moving and I waved him off with a frown.

  “Knock it off, Rodriguez,” I looked back and forth between them and gave Rodriguez a nasty look. He had no right to be jealous. I smoothed the blanket from the hospital over my lap and checked to make sure my hospital gown was still in place. “Any update?”

  “Yeah, actually” Rodriguez answered, straightening. He sent a short look to Rhodes and continued.

  “You’ll never believe what happened,” Jen said, coming to my side, elbowing Rodriguez out of the way.

  I looked back over to Rhodes, who was regarding the whole exchange with interest, and a little irritation.

  “Jeremy Jones turned up,” Rodriguez said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Where?” Wyatt asked, suddenly coming to life.

  Suzy stood up as they all moved closer to me.

  Rodriguez shook his head. “He’s at the precinct. He was found wandering around with a black eye. Looks like he had been beaten up pretty badly. He’s saying that he orchestrated your kidnapping. Yours and Suzy’s.”

  Jen and I exchanged looks.

  “That’s not right,” Suzy argued. “He’s no angel. He definitely needs to be put behind bars but wasn’t behind it. Dessi ordered it.”

  “On that we have no proof,” leveled Rodriguez.

  “But Jeremy told me he did,” Suzy continued.

  “I know it and you know it, but if his story checks out, and we don’t find any hard evidence on Dessi, he will walk.”

  “Again,” Sam ground out, finally joining the conversation. He had moved to put his arm around Suzy’s waist.

  “We’re bringing him in right now for questioning,” Jen offered. “Like Alex said, he’ll probably walk, but you never know. We may be able to trip him up somewhere.”

  “We’ll try again with Jeremy after we get him cleaned up,” Rodriguez said. “Maybe he’ll soften once he hears how many years we may be able to get on him. And once he’s away from Dessi’s influence.”

  We all knew Dessi had forced his confession. He likely had one of his goons beat him up, too. I bet Dessi had never even lifted a finger. Asshole.


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