Case of the Yorkshire Pudding

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Case of the Yorkshire Pudding Page 10

by Erik Schubach

  I asked as we reached our apartment building, “Am I the only one not betting on my mother's sex life?” They all chimed in that that pretty much summed it up. So I did the only thing I could and said, “I have twenty that it doesn't matter because I think she is dating one of each. Just call it a hunch.”

  I was going to hell, wasn't I?

  This got some intrigued oohs and thoughtful hmms. I reached over and said, “Ok enough of this. We're hanging up now.” I tapped the disconnect and stole my cell back from my wife. As Jess opened the door and let Calvin run upstairs.

  They were trying to pry the reasoning for my hunch from me when Jane suddenly pulled her gun from her shoulder holster, snapping out to us, “Everyone stay out here, Fin call the precinct for backup.”

  As I blinked at our apartment door that was wide open with a splintered doorjamb and a big waffle footprint beside the doorknob, Jess and Ker moved between me and the door, each with a hand back, corralling me behind their bodies.

  We could hear Jane moving from room to room quickly, then her footsteps on the circular staircase. A minute later she called out as we heard her coming back downstairs, “Clear!”

  The girls let me move in front of them to engulf Calvin in a desperate hug when he came out just ahead of my wife. Her gun was holstered again, and I reached up from where I was crouched with Cal, and she bent down so I could give her a tight hug.

  Then she was standing in a flash, drawing her weapon again as we heard sirens in the distance, the other ladies again moving between Jane and me. A heavyset, middle-aged, balding man with a Brooklyn accent blurted out as he froze on the stairs, “Jesus Christ! It's me, woman, don't shoot!”

  The building owner, Mr. DiAngelo, had his hands up. I winced, his left eye was almost swollen closed. He had been hit, hard, and was going to have a hell of a shiner in the morning. I pushed past everyone as Jane holstered her gun. “Are you alright, Mr. DiAngelo?”

  He held up a hand to stop my hand near his face and said with a growl, “I'm fine, woman, my wife has hit harder when she catches me checking out another skirt. He's just lucky he caught me off guard with a sucker punch, or I woulda given him a good what for.”

  I smiled at the man, knowing his bluster was all bravado. I still worried about him, it looks like it was a hell of a hit. He's a good guy, a little greedy at times, but he still takes care of his tenants when nobody is looking.

  Jane gently grabbed his chin, pushing his hand away he tried to deflect with. She looked at the swollen eye then held up a finger and moved it side to side, he tracked it with his eyes. She released him and said, “Doesn't look like you have a concussion, but you need to be checked out. What happened here?”

  He growled as he looked back down the stairs, “I'll tell you what happened. I was upstairs, unclogging Mrs. Giannopoulos' kitchen sink... again. Potato peels do not go down the drain! I swear that woman can't understand she doesn't have a garbage disposal. It would be worth my sanity to just buy one and install it for her.”

  Jane stopped his tirade. “Mr. DiAngelo, focus.”

  Then Jess pointed at the apartment, and Jane nodded to her as the man went on as he crouched a little to rub Calvin's ears belying his brash front, “Sos I hear a thud and cracking of wood down here. Sos I come down to see what's what, you know? And when I get down here, I see your door all broken in like that.”

  He motioned toward the door as Jess and Kerry moved into the apartment to look around. Then he reached up to delicately touch his cheek and winced, “I walks in and this jag-hole tries to cold cock me. You don't do a DiAngelo like that, let me tell you, we're made of sterner stuff than that. Sos I run after the man. He lost me in the subway station at the corner.”

  Then he said as I heard officers coming up the stairs, radios hissing, “I was callin' 911 when I got back on the street, an' saw you going inta the building.”

  Jane nodded just as two familiar uniformed officers reached the hall. “That explains the quick response time.” She asked him as Garcia and Kennedy started looking at the situation and our door, “Did you get a good look at the guy?”

  He nodded and shrugged. “As much as I could. The spineless thug was wearin' a ski mask.”

  She reached out and gave his arm a squeeze then nodded and said, “Ok, officers Garcia and Kennedy will take your statement.” Then she looked at Jorge. “Get some paramedics here to check out Mr. DiAngelo please?”

  The young Hispanic uniform nodded and turned from us as he murmured into his radio mic on his shoulder. He turned back after a second and said, “On their way, McLeary.”

  She nodded and held a finger up to stall the men from beginning when the girls rejoined us, Jess declaring, “Nothing seems missing, or out of place, you might want to check your rooms to verify.”

  Jane turned to Mr. D. “How long was he in there?”

  The man shrugged and said, “Maybe a minute or four. I had to put my tools in my box first, I didn't know what the sound was at the time.”

  She nodded, her eyes narrowing to slits. “More than enough time to start ransacking or grabbing valuables, but nothing is out of place.” She looked both suspicious and mad, then glanced at me for a moment before telling our police friends, “You two take point on this since it's my place, I shouldn't be involved in the case.”

  I read everything in her eyes and asked her, “Do you think this has anything to do with the break-ins at the bed and breakfast and at Central Park Tails?”

  She shrugged, but I knew her motto. There's no such thing as coincidence.

  Then Jane told the older of the uniformed men, “Ok, Kennedy, call it.”

  The man nodded and then led us all into the apartment where we could sit down, and he started asking each of us questions as he wrote on his electronic pad while Jorge led Cal and me upstairs to see if I saw anything missing or out of place.

  Things were just getting curiouser and curiouser.

  Chapter 12 – Liar Liar Pants On Fire

  Mr. DiAngelo, Jane, and Kerry went about repairing the door with some construction supplies from the basement after the boys left and the paramedics gave the surly man a clean bill of health. The man winked at me and assured my worried self, “Us DiAngelo men... our heads? Like stone. Just ask the missus.”

  I promised Mr. D that I'd call the handyman he used first thing in the morning after he reminded me that repairs to my unit were my own responsibility since I owned it. The silly cheapskate. My insurance would pay for the repair if it was over the deductible.

  By the time everything was settled, it was well past midnight. I wished it was a weekend so we wouldn't be so beat in the morning. The girls all just let me frantically clean the apartment and the construction debris until I calmed.

  None of us could sleep so we sat in the living room, me and Cal sprawled across the girls' laps on the couch. Jane said one word as she ran her fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp and turning me into a puddle of sighs, “Killer.”

  I nodded, coming to the same conclusion as her. She had voiced the same thought that had been rolling around on my head. All of these break-ins had to be related. I know everyone thinks I'm a trouble magnet, but for so many things like this happening in rapid succession? There had to be some commonality.

  The only thing that all the locations had in common besides Jane, Calvin, and me was Killer. All of this had started after we found him. And nothing was ever taken. They were looking for something specific, and it was logical to think he was in the places that have been hit.

  Our room at the inn, the SUV when we were leaving, nobody would have seen Killer with me when we left the car to talk to Terrence, he was stuffed in my shoulder bag.

  It wouldn't be hard to get my name from the register up front and find out who I am and that I have a dog rescue in the city. And now, they had somehow found my home. Whether it was from a public record search and found my property holdings, or some other way. I gave Mrs. Larkin my card

  I asked, “Do you think the Larkin's have anything to do with this? They were at the Harvest Festival, and Mrs. Larkin seems to know something about Killer.”

  She nodded and then I grinned, hearing a little snore, and I looked over to see Jessie sound asleep on Ker-Bear's shoulder. Jane provided, “I have the same question. I'll get Kennedy the information and have him coordinate with Tarrytown PD.” Then she muttered, “Gah, it's so frustrating not being able to investigate on my own. Stupid conflict of interest rules.”

  I kept my mouth shut, feeling a little guilty I was putting out feelers of my own. Could it get Jane in trouble?

  She shrugged and smiled at me and then went to massaging my scalp again. I must have been more exhausted than I thought. It wasn't until the early morning sun, streaming in through the french doors, hit me that I woke up. I glanced around to see Ker and Jess still sleeping soundly, and Jane watching me. She seemed to always be awake before me. She smiled fondly and whispered, “Hi, sleepyhead.”

  I snuggled into my triple amazon mattress a bit with a silly and content grin on my face. The motion waking our friends. Jess blurting, “I'm up... I'm up!” Just as Ker slurred out, “I'm awake!” They looked around and got their bearings, then the three women proceeded to tickle me almost to death to get me to roll off them onto the floor, where Calvin took the opportunity to give me a wet, sloppy slurp.

  I said into the throw rug with a smile, “I hate you all.”

  Kerry chuckled out, “Ooo the famous 'Tempe Temper.'”

  The others snickered.

  I smiled wider into the rug as I flipped them off and pointed to my finger with my other hand. Then I squeaked when Jane picked me up, flipping me in her arms, causing Calvin to bark once in excitement at the new Toss the Fin game. She carried me toward the stairs. “Come on pipsqueak, let's get ready for the day. I let you sleep in a bit.”

  She set me on my feet and then I looked back and squeaked again. Jess and Ker were trudging toward the downstairs bathroom to get themselves ready peeling out of their clothes as they went. I dashed upstairs looking at anything but them.

  I asked Jane as we got upstairs, “Do those two have no shame?”

  She exhaled patiently and cocked her head at me as she shared, “They do it because they know it shocks you, Finny. They really aren't as bad as they pretend. Well, they are teases, but not that bad.”

  I sighed and nodded. “I know. I love them too.”

  She chuckled and said, “I'll hit the shower first, we're a half hour later than normal. You were too adorable to wake.”

  I sighed and told Cal when she disappeared into the master bath, “Well boy, we'll have to do your morning walk on the way to pick up the boys. I gotta hurry and get the girl's breakfast ready.” I looked at the floor and smirked, I can be funny too. I changed into a pair of sweats that Rebecca had bought for me, which I've never worn, and tied my hair in a knot in a high ponytail, then shuffled back downstairs.

  I sighed then picked up the ladies' clothes and dropped them in their laundry hamper just inside their bedroom door. Then I turned, and feeling silly in the loose clothing, flounced to the kitchen to whip up some egg, ham and cheese bagels for everyone. Portable food is great for the busy amazon on the go.

  Ham tidbits accidentally dropped to the floor to be hoovered up by the ever efficient Sir Calvin Cornelius Fluffytoes. I spoil my fuzzy boy so much. If he didn't get so much exercise every day, I wouldn't be so bad.

  Kerry was first out in her uniform, following her nose to the food and veered off as she made a beeline for the coffee. She almost tripped when she saw me. I scrunched my nose at her as she cocked her head in question, a big smile splitting her face. Then she shrugged and grinned over her coffee cup.

  Jess came out next, pulling her lush red hair behind her head and tying it into a loose ponytail with a rubber band. She slowed when she saw me, then glanced at Ker in question. My childhood friend just shrugged, so Mable didn't ask as she poured some coffee for herself, then zipped up her calf-high leather boots.

  She said to Kerry, “This is new.” She got a nod from her wife in return, and the two just watched me like an exhibit in a museum as I put the last of the cookies in three little ziplock bags. I had to grin over the fact that neither of them wanted to ask. This was so much fun making them wonder what was up.

  They stopped looking at me and looked just over my shoulder, causing me to turn around to find myself face to chest with my detective. I looked up with what I hoped was an impish expression. Jane was squinting an eye down at me, looking a little confused with amusement twinkling in her gorgeous dark eyes.

  She hooked the shoulder of the sweats and tugged playfully as she noted, “This is... relaxed. I don't think I've ever seen you so... comfortable.”

  I gave them all a toothy grin, and Ker snorted, shaking a finger at me in realization as she told them, “She's fucking with us.”

  I giggled then glurked as I was pulled into a hug by my girl, as she said, “Well, I like it, runt.”

  Jess countered as she tossed a dish rag at Jane, “You'd like her in a burlap sack, Five-O.”

  Jane winked and nodded. “Probably.”

  Then I exhaled and said, “I thought it would be funny to see your reactions. It was so worth it.” I gathered handfuls of the sweats in my fists and said, “I feel like I'm wearing a costume. I need a sundress.”

  They all laughed at me then Jane kissed my head, moving me backward with her until my back was pressed against the refrigerator. She reached up to grab her weapon from the upper cabinet then she set me free.

  I sighed and looked at the women then started handing out bagels, thermal coffee mugs, and cookies. They took turns kissing my cheek and thanking me and then went to the door to get their jackets on. Ker told them, “She spoils us.” They nodded in agreement.

  Calvin flowed around their legs in his liquid canine impression, getting goodbyes from his pack. The newly married couple said their goodbyes to me, then Jane pulled me to her, holding me at arm's distance and studying me with a smirk. “I like the new look.”

  I chuckled at that. “Don't get used to it, I only did it to get a rise out of the girls.”

  She winked. “Mission accomplished.” Then she sighed. “If I can wrap up this attempted murder case I've been working on, I'll probably be home early tonight... four-ish? I'll call.”

  I nodded as she opened the door, looking down and saying, “Take care of her boy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Love you.”

  “Love you too, pipsqueak.”

  I closed the door behind her, then waited almost ten seconds, grinning as I listened to her not leaving. Then locked the door a few times. The deadbolt operating roughly in the temporarily repaired frame. Then we listened to her walking away. I still don't know why I loved it so much that she did that. It made me feel safe.

  Then I looked at Calvin. “Let me get a shower and changed and we can get to work.” He cocked his head, then trotted off to hop up on the couch to wait for me. He was such a professional.

  As I got ready, I got ahold of the handyman. I thought about how easily the door had been kicked in and asked, “How expensive would it be to replace it with a metal door and jamb?”

  I blinked at the price... “How about a solid core hardwood door?” About the same? Ok, you can't tell me that a steel door costs as much as a hardwood door. I think the door industry collaborates to keep pricing of premium doors around the same price regardless of material.

  I sighed. I really was more shaken than I wanted the girls to believe about the break-in. I told the guy in hushed tones, “I'd like to get the upper and lower doors and frames of the apartment both replaced with steel. Can you text an estimate to this number so I can send it to my insurance company? Great, when can the work be done? Next week? Ok, thank you. Have a wonderful day.” What a nice man.

  I paused before calling the insurance company, and then sent a quick
text to Mr. D about how replacing the doors to all the other apartments in the building with steel security doors would be a good idea and bring added value to the apartments in general.

  He didn't dismiss it out of hand so I pushed my luck by sending a message about how garbage disposals in the other apartments would be a nice feature too. He smart assed back 'Your $?' Yeah, I knew I was stretching there. But we had one because I paid for it, and it would save the man from coming out on calls about clogged kitchen sinks.

  After I wrapped up my 'must do' list, Calvin and I stepped out to pick up our first batch of clients for the day. I had a little more spring in my step, being in a bright tangerine dress with matching hairband and Sketchers.

  This was what I was born to do.

  When we stopped for lunch in the park, I checked my email as I shared my turkey sandwich with Cal. I hesitated on an email from our vet. They had made the inquiries for me, and what they found made me catch my breath. Darius... was dead?

  I reread the email and looked at the attached documents that technically I wasn't supposed to have. I'm sure it violated some super secret veterinary code or privacy act. But since I was inquiring to find the owner of the dog and the DNA led me there, and I was a licensed dog shelter... I crossed my fingers. Then gulped, realizing Jane would be grinning when she arrested me if it violated some law somewhere. She idolized my mugshot that she framed and kept on the nightstand on her side of the bed.

  Hmm... “Listen to this, boy. It seems the Larkins brought Darius in after his Grand Champion win, saying he wasn't acting right and was lethargic. He was diagnosed with cancer. It had metastasized so the vet could only treat the symptoms. Within eight months he had died.” I felt sad for the little guy.

  I squinted at the handwritten notes in the margins of the scan. My phone screen was so small. I pinched and zoomed as far in as I could and could make out some sloppy cursive writing. Ah, instructions for the veterinary staff not to release the records under any circumstances, because the Larkins said they value their privacy and would sue if it got out.


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