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Page 82

by Christopher Leonard

  American Petroleum Institute, 48

  American University Investigative Reporting Workshop, 456, 459

  Americans for Prosperity (AFP), 5, 546–51, 557, 562, 570, 588

  cap-and-trade bill opposed by, 444–45, 453, 586

  climate change denial of, 439–40

  electoral strategy of, 451–52, 455

  Koch funding of, 423, 433–35, 458–59, 480, 538, 540–41

  Pence’s alliance with, 562

  protests organized by, 427, 429–30, 542

  Tea Party and, 434, 437, 451, 581

  Trump’s liaison to, 555

  Americans for Tax Fairness, 552

  ammonia, 53, 161, 165–76, 180–87, 190, 225, 297, 582

  in detention ponds, 167–70

  dumping of, 173, 175, 184, 186, 187, 190, 582

  in fertilizers, 169

  flushing hydrants of, 170, 174–76, 180–83

  level of emissions of, 166, 171, 173–74, 180

  managers allow release into environment of, 582, 583, 589

  pipelines for, 193, 195, 308

  sour water stripper for control of, 66–67

  wastewater treatment plan for, 165–66

  Amoco, 65, 231, 237

  Antarctica, carbon level of air bubbles in glaciers in, 399, 417

  antitrust movement, 22, 146, 473

  Antrich, Darrell, 581, 622n

  Apple, 502

  Arab oil embargo, 92

  See also OPEC

  Archer Daniel Midlands, 196

  Aristotle, 491, 573–74

  Arizona, 19, 222, 281–82, 541

  Arizona Clean Fuels, 474

  Arizona Republic, 17–19, 21–22, 133

  Arriaga, Brian, 284

  Arrowhead Pipeline, 462

  Arteva (Arteva Europe Sárl), 503

  Arthur D. Little management consulting firm, 38

  Atkinson, Price, 428

  Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (movie), 266, 270, 286

  Austin American-Statesman, 275

  Australia, 507

  Axios media outlet, 547

  BakerHostetler, 555

  Bakken Formation, 467, 469

  Ballen, Ken, 19–33, 46, 130–31, 137, 581, 590

  bankruptcy, 57, 211–13, 300, 305, 570

  of major utilities, 285, 287, 289, 292

  of Wall Street trading firms, 349, 353

  Bannon, Steve, 562

  Barbour, Haley, 458

  Barclays Capital, 294

  Barnard, Don, 377–80, 386, 581

  Barnes-Soliz, Sally, 188–89

  Barnett, Doyle, 41, 49

  Baucus, Max, 443, 444, 450

  Baxter, William F., 146

  Beacon Hill Institute, 480

  Beauvais, Joel, 397, 456, 553

  Beck, Glenn, 439–41, 458

  Beckett, Melissa, 247, 248, 293, 354, 356–57

  megawatt trading by, 278–80, 305, 581

  work ethic of, 277

  Benton, Thomas Hart, 302

  benzene pollution, 148, 189, 316

  Bergstrom, Stephen W., 287

  Best Buy, 550

  Bezos, Jeff, 3, 536

  Big River Steel, 555

  Bingel, Kelly, 409–11, 581

  Blocker, Dana, 521

  Bloomberg Markets magazine, 189

  blue-sky studies, 125

  Boeing aircraft, 243

  Boiling Springs Today, 435

  Bonhage, John, 186

  Border Adjustment Tax (BAT), 542–51

  Boren, David, 138

  Born, Brooksley, 348–49

  Boucher, Rick, 145, 421–42

  Bowers, Mike, 288

  Boxer, Barbara, 443–45

  BP, 356, 474

  Brady, Kevin, 542, 547, 549

  Brady, Maria, 435–41, 581

  Brady, Michael, 435, 437, 438

  Brattle Group, 544–45

  Brazil, 507

  Breitenbach, Annie, 509

  British Petroleum, 237

  British thermal units (BTUs), 465

  Brooks, Paul W., 90, 125

  Brownback, Sam, 150, 478

  Brulte, Jim, 275–76

  Brunswick pulp mill, 310–12, 316, 321

  Buckeye Technologies, 483

  Bucknum, Gary, 371–74, 376–80, 382–83, 385–88, 582

  bumping the bottom, 48

  Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 17–19

  Burgess, Ben, 179

  Burkley, Matthew, 169n

  Bush, George H. W., 143, 250–51, 400, 403, 561, 570

  Bush, George W., 226–29, 239, 288, 359, 396, 433, 473

  Bush, Jeb, 532

  business development board, 224, 225

  CAFE Standards, 556, 560

  Caldwell, Mark, 521

  California, 51, 116–17, 141, 188, 293, 322

  clean fuel standards in, 475

  congressional representatives from, 403, 438

  conservative donor conferences in, 458, 547

  energy crisis in, 263, 266, 268–92, 348–49, 581, 582, 587, 588

  hydroelectric plants in, 249

  labor union contracts in, 515

  Libertarian Party in, 113

  oil theft in, 129

  warehouses for shipments to, 324

  California Independent System Operator (ISO), 278, 283–84

  California State University, 308

  Canada, 50, 79n, 147, 447

  oil imported to Pine Bend from, 50, 84, 544–45

  Cancer, 344

  benzene emissions causing, 189

  cap-and-trade policy, 402–3

  See also Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill

  carbon emissions, 390, 394, 397, 400, 480

  markets for, 411–12, 415, 417

  regulation of, 456, 553–54, 557, 561 (See also Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill)

  tax on, 402, 424, 450, 452, 453

  Cargill, 196, 201, 205, 320n

  Carnegie, Dale, 120

  Carrier air conditioning company, 536

  Carter, Jimmy, 250–51, 472

  Castle, Mike, 425–26

  Catapult Press, 506

  Cato Institute, 395, 400, 412, 438, 445, 450n, 459, 479, 501

  caustic soda, 100

  Cayman Islands, tax haven of, 502–3, 549, 576

  Center for American Progress, 397

  Center for Public Integrity, 459, 503

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 28

  Cerberus Capital Management, 294

  CF Industries, 300

  Chadwell, Charlie, 180–81, 184–86, 188

  Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, 274n, 395, 506

  Chase Transportation Company, 222

  Chemical plants, 3, 37, 65, 103, 311–12, 476

  for building blocks of synthetics, 127, 313

  divestment of, 222

  feedstocks for, 469

  job cuts in, 353

  unionization of, 57

  Cheney, Dick, 227

  Cherokee tribe, 11

  Chevron, 14, 99, 138, 188, 231

  Chicago Board of Trade, 234, 238n

  Chick-fil-A, 561

  China, 306, 346, 444, 543

  Border Adjustment Tax on products from, 418, 543

  middle-class consumers in, 310–11

  trade relations with, 147, 561

  chromium contamination, 167

  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), 459, 541

  Civil Rights Act (1964), 420

  Clark, Ed, 113

  Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, 395, 447–48

  Clay, Don, 412

  Clean Air Act (1963), 6, 93–94, 148–49, 397, 405, 414, 420

  enforcement of standards of, 159, 473, 412, 609n

  Clean Power Plan, 456, 553–54, 556, 560, 561

  Clean Water Act (1972), 94

  climate change/global warming, 400–402, 409, 411, 450, 534, 552–54, 559

  denial of, 401–2, 412, 414, 424–26, 431, 439, 452, 553

; House Committees overseeing, 397, 417, 419–21, 557

  Inglis attacked for views on, 416, 429–32, 440–54, 457, 581, 585

  Kansas statehouse hearings on, 480, 482

  legislation addressing, see Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill

  lobbying against regulations to limit, 411, 412, 418, 432–34

  treaties to combat, 560, 561

  Trump’s fixation on fighting regulation of, 552, 556–57, 561

  Climatewire news service, 553

  Clinton, Bill, 138, 147, 238–39, 288, 348–49, 473, 570

  neoliberalism of, 227, 228, 402, 446

  Clinton, Hillary, 528, 532–33

  Club for Growth, 539

  CME Group, 436

  CNBC, 436

  coal, 104, 195, 398, 422, 556, 561

  barges for transporting, 54

  factory furnaces powered by, 406

  mining and processing, 104, 195

  power plants burning, 92, 259, 292, 456, 479, 553

  Coastal Oil & Gas, 51–52

  Coca-Cola, 14, 44

  Cohen, Ana Unruh, 397

  collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 348–50

  Collins, Susan, 557

  Colonial Pipeline, 476

  Colorado, 95, 324

  Americans for Prosperity in, 490, 493, 562

  commodities markets, 1–3, 201, 241–44, 261, 374, 381, 464, 545

  complexity of, 103, 135, 286

  contango storage plays in, 355–56, 581

  diversity of products in, 1, 3, 246, 266

  legal consultations on, 225–26

  McKinsey & Company study of, 237–38

  in Tea Party, 437

  volatility in, 200, 242, 247, 301, 312, 354, 464

  wealth generated in, 2, 7, 99, 240, 261

  See also Derivatives; Futures contracts

  Commodity Futures Modernization Act (2000), 239, 349

  Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CTFC), 621n

  Communism, 62, 363, 439

  Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), 147–48, 459, 553, 582

  Congress, US, 139, 148, 396, 402, 413, 427

  campaign donation rules enacted by, 149

  climate change denial in, 553

  Freedom Caucus in, 546

  lobbyists in, 408–9

  during Nixon administration, 92

  during Obama administration, 2, 359, 362, 390–91, 393–94, 404, 414–16, 460, 482

  protests against, 425, 438, 538–40

  during Roosevelt administration, 93

  during Trump administration, 533, 541, 545, 550–51

  See also House of Representatives, US; Senate, US

  Congressional Budget Committee, 537

  Congressional Quarterly, 547

  Conoco, 21

  ConocoPhillips, 356

  conservatives, 42, 95, 113, 267–68, 274, 350, 434–35

  “compassionate,” 227

  compromise of principles of, 539

  coordination of organizations of, 480

  in Democratic Party, 415, 416, 419–21, 443, 450

  grants for, 395

  in Kansas, 482, 487

  lobbying by, 409

  private gatherings for, 458–60

  religious, 273, 430, 588

  in Republican Party, 92, 150, 204, 409, 416, 421, 435, 444, 451–53, 532

  on Supreme Court, 93, 536

  think tanks of, 95, 447

  in Trump era, 546, 549, 561

  Constitution, US, 431

  Fourteenth Amendment, 93

  Consumer Product Safety Commission, 114

  Contango storage play, 355–56

  continuous improvement, 16, 32–33, 122, 215

  Cooper, Bonnie Sue, 274

  Coors Brewing, 274

  Cordes, Don, 28, 115–16, 133–34, 137, 495, 582

  Corner Table LLC, 540

  corporate culture, 202–3, 317, 321, 520

  at Koch Industries, 482, 573, 590

  Corporate Development Board, 295–97, 307, 310, 312, 320

  corporate veil, 213, 223–24, 240, 312–13, 319, 405, 570

  piercing, 212–13, 459

  Corpus Christi refinery, 25, 126–27, 195, 241, 244–46, 568

  acquisition of, 127

  benzene emissions from, 188–89

  Chase Koch at, 498–99, 587

  light oil processed into feedstock at, 469–70

  Market Based Management problems at, 156

  pipelines constructed to, 462–63

  profitability of, 345, 475–76

  corporate development group, see development group

  Correll, A. D. “Pete,” 321, 328

  Corrigan, Michael, 139

  corruption, 12, 13, 17, 481, 541, 551

  Costco, 333

  Cost of Living Council, 94

  Cote, Alan, 387

  Countrywide Financial, 347

  CQ Roll Call, 547

  Crane, Ed, 501

  crash of 2008, 349–50, 352, 353, 356, 359

  recession caused by, 421, 435, 442, 464, 517

  credit default swaps, 348, 350

  Creech, Bobby, 524

  crony capitalism, 5, 481, 546

  Crossen, Jack, 145

  Crown Zellerbach, 325, 328

  Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act (1980), 468

  Cruz, Ted, 532

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 47

  Cummings, Don, 47

  Customs Service, US, 248

  Daily Analysis report, 258

  Dakota County, Minnesota, Park System, 187

  Danforth family, 202–3

  DART tracking system, 525

  Daschle, Tom, 19

  David, Steven, 164, 177

  Davis, Gray, 287–89, 292

  Davis, James, 541

  Decision Strategies International, 197n

  DeConcini, Dennis, 18–20, 24, 33

  Defense, US Department of, 147

  Delaware, 353

  DuPont pollution control violations in, 316

  poultry industry in, 425

  undervalued assets in, 307

  Deltic Timber Corporation, 527

  Deming, W. Edwards, 32–33, 122–24, 152

  Democrats, 269, 287, 404, 435, 453, 457

  and cap-and-trade legislation, 397, 414–16, 419–21, 443–45, 450, 453, 586

  deregulation advocacy in, 269–71, 273

  Koch’s antipathy to, 359–60, 362, 390, 393–94, 457

  limitations on new refineries supported by, 474

  lobbying of, 409–11, 430, 447, 581

  loose majority in 2010 midterm election, 455–56

  neoliberal policies of, 446

  New Deal programs of, 93, 94

  in oil theft investigation, 18, 19

  renewable energy supported by, 481

  Republicans denounced for compromises with, 451

  during Trump administration, 542, 548, 535, 561, 562

  in 2000 presidential election, 227

  and union voters, 157, 528, 531–33

  deregulation, 5, 113, 146, 227–28

  of electricity market, 267–69, 273–80, 286–90, 588

  of natural gas industry, 250–52, 257, 263

  derivatives, 3, 4, 147, 238–39, 241–43, 255–57, 291, 409, 482, 568

  financial instrument, 246, 293, 348–49

  natural gas, 243, 246, 255, 257

  Obama administration regulation of, 390, 436

  origins of markets for, 229, 234

  shadow stock, 571

  wealth from trading in, 4, 238, 261, 263, 265, 498, 587, 590

  detention ponds, 167–72, 174–76, 178, 180, 182

  development group, 198–99, 214, 224, 239, 295–96, 501

  acquisitions approved by, 125–26, 583

  timeline of, 2–3, 125, 198

  Devon Energy, 558

  Devonian Shale, 468

  Dingell, John, Jr., 397, 403, 419 directional drilling, see fracking

  Discovery (newsletter), 6

>   Dobbs, Lou, 447

  Dodge, Brian, 514–16, 527–31, 582

  Dole, Bob, 138

  Donors Trust, 555

  Doyle, Nancy, 621n

  Drake, Edwin, 399

  Dresner, Dick, 150–51

  drilling rigs, 41, 84, 463

  Drutman, Lee, 408, 577

  Dubose, Philip, 7, 46–47, 122–24, 145, 189, 290

  Koch method of oil collection mastered by, 7, 47–49, 122, 582

  marine division and barges run by, 122–24, 128

  as transportation manager for southeast division, 128–29

  duck hunting, 34–35

  Dunkin’ Donuts, 321–22

  DuPont, 307, 311–12, 316

  Dynergy, 287

  Eagle Ford Shale formation, 463, 469, 470, 476–77, 482, 588, 590

  Ebell, Myron, 553–56, 582

  echo chamber tactic, 445–47

  Economic Education Trust, 150

  Egypt, surprise military attack on Israel by, 80

  Ellender, Philip, 401, 406–9, 412, 432, 433, 583

  Ellig, Jerry, 152

  Elroy, James, 8, 11–13, 19–21, 33, 130–33, 140

  oil theft evidence gathering by, 15–17, 26–28, 32, 135, 583

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 4

  Emporia State University, 221

  Energy, US Department of, 108, 113, 114, 132, 468

  Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, 555

  Enron, 228, 254, 255, 260, 276–78, 280, 283, 286, 588

  bankruptcy declared by, 292

  bonuses to traders at, 264

  derivatives business of, 239, 349

  electricity crisis role of, 289–91

  lobbyists for, 273–76

  natural gas infrastructure managed by, 251

  parking trading strategy of, 281, 283, 290

  entrepreneurship, 50, 87, 97, 104, 125, 329, 331, 378, 396

  American way of life centered on, 382

  of Fred Koch, 34

  Hayek’s influence on Koch’s encouragement of, 43

  under Market Based Management, 521

  in mergers and acquisitions, 45

  Environmental Council of the States (ECOS), 559

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 93, 132, 146, 149, 316, 412, 414, 431, 456, 480

  Koch Industries fined by, 187, 189, 526

  Libertarian Party call for abolishment of, 14, 113–14

  Pine Bend water pollution investigated by, 160, 173, 186

  during Trump administration, 536, 552–61, 582, 588, 589

  Ernst & Young, 268, 503

  Estes, Ruth, 167, 169–76, 583

  ethylene, 246

  externalities, market, 417

  Exxon, 21, 44, 90, 125, 228, 231, 244, 245

  cooperates with Ballen’s investigation, 24, 26, 137–38

  Koch purchases and shipments of oil from, 14, 22, 99

  price cap on, 94

  Exxon-Mobil, 450

  Facebook, 3, 433, 437

  Faircloth, Lydia, 524, 526

  Faragher, Heather Lawrence, 7, 154–89, 315, 582

  Farmland Industries, 298–305, 308, 466, 587

  FBI, 2, 11–15, 20, 33, 134–35, 145, 186, 290


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