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Serviced (Getting Dirty Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Tory Baker

  “You’ll never have to know either. You okay for now?” I ask.

  “I am. I’ll let you get dressed and finish closing things down. The phones are turned over. I just need to finish emailing the part order.”

  “That shit can wait. It’ll take me two minutes, and then we can leave. Craig and Marty can handle it if need be. They’re used to it. Though, I can’t say the email.” This causes her to chuckle. She jokes that I may have updated the garage and office area some, but that’s where it stopped.

  She stands up, looking just as beautiful as she has all along, and if we had more time, I’d bend her over the desk and take her, knowing that would really calm her down.

  “Braxton,” she purrs. I glance down at what she’s looking at. My cock is standing up. The towel isn’t even covering it at this point.

  “Ignore it. I am.” I stand up, letting the towel stay where it fell, grab some clothes, and start getting dressed.

  “Ugh, another time?” she questions.

  “Absofuckinglutely, siren.” I step into my boots, take her hand, and head to my truck that Rowen has practically taken over, not that I mind. Her car is sitting outside the garage in the parking lot. She hasn’t even asked about it, but I know she enjoys being in my truck more than her car now. Especially since snow has started falling so early in the season. With any luck, she’ll just take over with my truck and I’ll use the Bronco on the rare occurrences we don’t ride to work together.

  “You know, I never did hear back from the other applications I applied for. Are you sure you’re okay with us working together and practically living together?” Rowen asks once we’re both settled in the truck and we’re driving down the road.

  “I’m more than okay with it. I like knowing you’re with me wherever I go,” I tell her matter-of-factly.

  “Good, because I do too.” She nods her head, and the conversation is closed. She’s back to being quiet, and I’m sure it’s because she’s processing everything that could happen to her mom. I pick up her hand that was sitting in her lap, holding it in my own on the center console as we eat up the miles on the road.



  “You four get on home. I told you all, your dad has overexaggerated. It’s a slight fever. They’re more worried about the fluid around my lung. This is all precautionary, and in fact, the doctor just left and said they have something new for me to try and I should be right as rain. Tell them, Rob.” Bridger, Peyton, Aspen, and I are standing in her room with Dad in the chair beside her, Mom in a hospital bed, looking like she should be anywhere but here.

  “Mom,” I go to interject, but Bridger beats me to it. I’m so damned mad at him for being such a jerk. He didn’t even acknowledge me or Braxton.

  “We’re all going to worry about you, and there’s no way any of us will leave if Dad has to go anywhere.” He’s standing off to the side, legs planted, arms crossed over his chest, and his usually easy-going attitude isn’t anywhere to be seen.

  “I’ll only be here for a few days, Mom. So, you’ll have to deal with it.” Aspen is next to Dad wearing something I know she carries at her Boho Chic Boutique she owns out in Texas. I miss her a lot, our phone calls aren’t enough that’s for sure. And her only being here for a few days causes me to suck in a lungful of air, knowing she won’t be back unless it has something to do with mom. That thought alone makes me worry more than ever.

  “That’s fine, but I don’t want you putting your life on hold. You know I love you, and for you to be here in a matter of a few hours lets me know your father told you right at the onset of these little ol’ symptoms.” She side-eyes our father.

  “What were you saying, Ro?” Mom completely ignores Bridger, causing me to smile on the inside.

  “Just that you know we’ll all take shifts when needed. We just want to help out where we can, not be an added burden.” I walk over to her, Peyton moving over so I can give my mother a kiss on the cheek.

  “I know that, more than anyone.” Mom gives me a kiss on my check before saying. “Bridger, come here.”

  He listens as she mumbles under her breath. “Move out of the way, Ro.”

  Peyton looks at Mom, then me, so do Aspen and Dad. They all know what’s coming. Mom isn’t one for letting shit slide when it comes to her kids.

  “Hey, Ma,” he says lightheartedly, not knowing what Mom is up to.

  She pulls on his ear, like she did when he wasn’t listening as a teenager or when he came in after curfew. Dad barely had to say or do anything. We all knew what they expected from all of us, and for the most part we listened. On the rare occurrence we didn’t, Mom would never have to raise her voice. Neither would Dad. We saw the look of disappointment on their faces. Much like Dad and Mom have on their faces now.

  “Ow, Christ, that shit still hurts,” Bridger grumbles.

  “You listen to me, Bridger Jennings, and you listen to me good. Your sister doesn’t deserve the ration of shit you’re doling out. I expected you to be the leader. You’re the oldest, you’ve seen more. Hell, you saw the shit Travis put his own sister through, but the way you’ve been acting the past two weeks, I’m ashamed of my own son.” She let’s go of his ear. Tears are rimming my eyes. My father sits back proudly as he watches Mom take care of something that honestly could have been handled between Bridger and myself.

  “Mom, don’t worry about it, please. I just want you better. If he wants to be this way, it’s his burden to bear. I’ll always love him and be there for him, but it’s not something he’s ready to deal with, and it shows the level of respect he has for not only me but Braxton as well.” I go to hug my dad. He engulfs me in his arms, already standing up and seeing what I’m about to do.

  “I love you, baby girl. I’m so damn proud of you,” he tells me.

  “I love you, and thank you, Daddy.” I turn to Mom, giving her my goodbyes while trying to keep the waterworks at bay.

  “You go be with Braxton. You live your life the way you want to. As long as it isn’t doing any harm to others, because let’s be honest, Ro, you only have one life to live. I love you,” she whispers into my ear, and I’m trying to be strong, but what she said, it leaves me reeling.

  “Mom, please don’t talk like this, okay? You’re going to be fine. You have way too much to live for, and who else will keep Bridger in line besides Kellie?” I reply to her.

  “Don’t you worry. I’m too ornery to leave. Which is why your father should have kept his mouth shut.” She pulls back from our hug.

  “Now, I’m not having any more of this bullshit happening between my kids. Fix it, and fix it now.” She points at Bridger. Aspen and Peyton are holding their laughter back.

  “You heard your mother, Bridger Robert Jennings. Not when she should be resting and not worrying about you being a clown’s ass.” Dad doesn’t usually interject with what Mom says, but when her word is law and Dad doesn’t think we’re listening, that’s when he wades in.

  Bridger nods his head, letting Dad know he heard them, loud and clear.

  “This is gold. Solid freaking gold. I’m so glad I’m in town to watch this. Who thought it would be Rowen to get an apology out of Bridger?” Aspen clearly couldn’t hold it together.

  “For real. I figured I’d be the one to get it first.” Peyton rolls her eyes, like she does when she’s throwing her own form of attitude.

  “Rowen, I fucked up,” Bridger starts out.

  “Language,” Dad pipes up.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry, Rowen. I’m screwing this up. Heck, I wasn’t ready for you to be grown. Let alone with Braxton. I know he’s a good man. It didn’t make it any easier. I saw the way you two looked at each other before you left and how you were constantly looking for him the minute you came back. The icing on the cake was when you didn’t come home on breaks. You’d work yourself to the bone to finish out college. That, I couldn’t stand, so I built up a resentment towards Braxton, and it rubbed off the wrong way when you both stood your ground. I�
�m not easy to deal with. You all know that. Look how I was when Aspen left town. I had to check her place out from top to bottom. I’m not making an excuse. I know I screwed the pooch. I’m sorry, Ro.” I walk around the hospital bed knowing full well I’ll forgive him, but only after I give him hell.

  “I forgive you, but you know there’s someone else you need to apologize to.” I pull back after he returns my hug.

  “I freaking know. Kellie’s been busting my balls too. Come on, let’s get out of here and let Mom rest. You’ll call if you need anything, right?” he asks Mom and Dad.

  They nod their heads. We all walk out together. Braxton has his back leaned against the wall outside the hospital room, his head tipped up, feet crossed at the ankles, and his hands in his pocket. I’ve never been so grateful that we set our sights on one another. He’s everything I could have ever asked for in my version of Prince Charming when I was a little girl.

  “Come on, Ro. Let’s let the men talk while we go see where Kellie is.” The guys were in here with their wives when we came in, all of them camping out to see how Mom was doing and if we needed anything.

  “One second.” I walk to Braxton, his body instantly enveloping mine. The warm solace his comfort brings me in a time like this is all I want.

  “You okay, siren?” he murmurs into my ear.

  “I am. So is Mom. And I think Bridger is done being a bag of dicks.” We chuckle together. Braxton kisses my head and then replies, “He’s always that way. Go be with your sisters. We’ll deal with this, okay?”

  “Okay.” I lift my head and stand up on my toes, giving him a small peck on his lips before I do what he said. We have lots of gossip to catch up on, and I know Aspen won’t be here too much longer.



  “Today has been a long one,” Rowen mumbles between yawns as we get ready to slide into bed. I just had her in the shower. My dick should be tired, but here it is again as I watch Rowen get in bed without a stitch of clothing on. We both seem to always find one another in the middle of the night, and with us both naked, it gives us the access we both need.

  “Yeah, it has. You sure you’re okay with everything?” I get in beside her and turn off the lamp that’s on the nightstand. She’s already settling in beside me when she answers, “Yes, but even if Bridger didn’t make things right, I still would be.”

  That wasn’t awkward or anything. In fact, after Bridger and I had our talk, I swept it under the bridge. I’m sure if I had a younger sister, I would be protective as hell. Shit, I tried my hardest to watch over Leo. Fat lot of good that did. Slade, Travis, Easton, Leo, and Drake came over to check on our conversation. As if we’d have another issue like Slade and Travis did. I wouldn’t allow it. I would have walked away before that happened. There’s no way Rowen and her family need any more added drama after today. We shook hands, shot the shit with the guys for a few minutes, then we all decided to grab a bite to eat at the diner across the street. Aspen was already figuring out a way to bring the contraband back to her mom. Something about Robert making sure she only eats healthy food even though this has nothing to do with anything heart or blood pressure related. Peyton rolled her eyes and said to put it in her huge bag she always carries around and to feed their mom when their dad snuck off himself to find something full of sugar. We all laughed at that. That man is a walking contradiction when it comes to what’s best for Talia and himself. It was a great end to the evening, something I’m thankful for. I know Rowen needed it after the last few days.

  “It would still suck, so I’m glad he did the right thing. Even more glad your mom will be going home in the next couple of days.” Her hand moves over my heart, and I place mine on top of hers.

  “Me too, though that means Aspen will be going back to Texas. Damn, she’s like a tumbleweed blowing in the wind. I’m really going to miss her. Even though this has been her dream all along. Maybe she did the right thing. Where she’s at in Texas, it doesn’t get blistering cold, which reminds me. I know my car is finished, but I do love driving your truck and sitting up higher. Would you go with me to the dealership to trade my car in for something bigger?”

  “First of all,”—I flip her over, wedging my hips between hers, the lights may be off, but the moonlight is shining through, giving us light to see each other—“you can have my truck. Or we’ll get you something similar, but maybe a four-door in case we need it later on in life.” I thrust my hips, getting my point across to her.

  “Oh, well, when you put it that way, we can go and look at them tomorrow, but Braxton, you’re not paying for my vehicle. I have money saved up, and I have a more than reasonable boss.” She arches into my hard cock. She told me she went on birth control the minute she came back home because she knew I’d only take her bare, but that we wanted to wait a few years before any children came along. I guess my woman had this all planned out well before I did.

  “That you fucking do. On one condition though.” Her wet pussy is leaking on the underside of my cock, and I want to bury myself to the hilt, deep inside her.

  “What’s that?” She throws her head back, slides her hips up. My cock meets her entrance, and then I slam home.

  “You move in here, you love me for the rest of your life, you marry me, take my last name, and we fill this place up with babies.” I groan when her cunt tightens around me.

  “Oh God, that’s way more than one condition,” she moans out loud, her hips already thrusting up when I pull out to slide back inside her.

  “Those are my conditions, siren, and you’re agreeing to them.” My hand fists her hair. I make sure her eyes meet mine when I state those three words that have been on the tip of my tongue for three damn years. “I’ve fucking loved you a damn long time, Rowen, had dreams of you being in this bed just like you are now. I want my ring on your finger, your belly round with our children, and you by my side every day of the week.” Rowen’s body clamps down on my cock, and I almost come. I slow down, letting this play out as long as possible.

  “Braxton, I love you,” she sighs. Her hands cup my cheeks, those beautiful baby blues that seem to capture me every time I look into them on me. Right now, they’re filling up with tears, something I’ve seen one too many times today.

  “Thank fuck.” Our lips find each other’s, my tongue dominating hers, and my hips pistoning in and out of her tight heat until she’s clamping down on my cock and pushing me over the edge.

  “I can’t wait to be your wife and have children with you, Brax.” I fall to my back, bringing her with me. Her leg is thrown over my hip, and I can feel the remnants of us between her legs. It’s taking everything in me not to flip her onto her back again and watch as it slides out of her, pushing my fingers inside and watching her greedy cunt keep it inside, always.

  “Me either, siren.” Her hand moves to that beating organ beneath my chest. I reach to the nightstand with my other hand and find the box, somehow maneuvering it and then the ring out of the box. The other day, I met with Rob and Talia at the diner on the pretense I was picking up lunch and then some parts, but really, I was asking for their permission to marry their daughter.

  I pick up her hand, looking at her. She has no idea I’m about to slide a ring on her finger. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure when I’d ask her to marry me, but tonight feels right.

  “Dear God, Braxton. Is that what I think it is?” She moves off my shoulder, her head lifting up, and she watches as I slowly slide on the just over one carat petite round diamond ring. After searching at the local jeweler, he helped me find one that could be made on a rush delivery. I had no idea the number of rings you’d have to choose from, the cut, the clarity. It was something I was very much unaware of. So, I settled on this one. It’s modest, but honestly, even though I wanted a huge rock to dominate her finger, it would have looked out of place on her small hand. This one is more her. The small diamonds that are set inside the band only add to the bigger diamond.

  “Fuck yes, it is. I’m
not saying we get married right away because I know a lot is contingent on your mom’s health right now, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean we need to rush this process, even if it takes you a whole year to plan it out. This is so you know I mean every word I say to you, and to keep those fucking wandering eyes off you while we’re at the grocery store,” I grunt out. Last week when we went, I practically had to stake my claim to get the guy in the deli department to keep the drool from running down his chin.

  “I know you mean every word, with or without a ring. I promise you this, it will not take me a year to plan our wedding. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Rowen Martinez.” She’s bare in our bed with nothing but a sheet covering us, and now my ring on her finger.

  “You will have to promise me one thing until we say ‘I do’,” I state.

  “What’s that?” Her hair is a tangled mess from our love making, but the soft smile on her lips, the way her breasts move with every breath, causing the sheet to slide down, slowly displaying them, it’s what my fucking dreams are made of.

  “You move in here, fully. We make this place a home, not a house with four walls. I’m not waiting a year from now, or even six months. I’m thinking next weekend,” I state.

  Rowen’s eyebrow cocks up, and her smile deepens before she launches herself in my arms, her mouth meeting mine. I’m taking that as a yes and am running with it. Tonight must be my lucky night because I have Rowen in my arms, my ring on her finger, and if I know without any uncertainty I’ll be sinking into her tight heat again in a matter of moments. I was a goddamn fool to make her wait those three weeks while she was home and I was avoiding her. Those weeks we could have been together. One thing I know for sure, though, is I’ll never leave her side. Not after waiting for so long to have her right here beside me.

  “You have yourself a deal. A proposal though?” she asks, breaking away from our kiss.


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