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HOPE BRINGERS (Strong superhero women) (Mystical Slayers Book 2)

Page 24

by Michael W. Huard

  The next doorway they walked through had a series of black and silver rubbery strings draped across it, illuminated by the constant flashes of strobe lights from the other side. The ladies parted the rubber curtain in two and entered the club.

  They'd been warned not to expect a typical dance or strip club. It was here for one reason and one reason only, to offer patrons sexual play, stimulation, and full-fledged adult entertainment. It provided a wild and wacky playtime for those with money, and for those with a kinky side.

  Male and female workers at the club left little to the imagination where their clothing was concerned. Most of the men were well-built muscular guys, walking around in just a thong or a singlet; some were even fully naked.

  The main stage was used for live acts and performances of a sexual nature.

  Jansa and Raegan found a table at the front of the stage and were finally able to sit down. But, after deciding the bizarre performances were way too close for comfort, they made their way back to the bar and grabbed a standing table instead.

  Jansa shouted to Raegan over the music. "I think we might be a little safer here. At least we aren't in the firing line of any props from the show."

  Raegan glared at her friend. "This is nothing. I would imagine it's the other rooms where all the really wild stuff takes place."

  A robotic woman approached the ladies and asked them what they were drinking. She was a silver and white specimen with bright blond hair, dressed in a fishnet body stocking. The ladies played their roles and ordered drinks.

  Raegan was first to mention, "We have to go easy on the alcohol…sips only!" Jansa nodded her understanding.

  A few minutes later, a man of Asian descent with short black hair and a red and black silk robe around his shoulders, approached the two women and introduced himself as the manager of the establishment.

  "Vadooo Osae at your service," he said politely with a slight bow. "Your pleasure is our priority. In our main room, we offer anything and everything beyond your wildest dreams, right here on our main stage. As for our private areas, my darlings, your wish is our command. Would you like a woman, a man, a robot, a cyborg…or perhaps you'd prefer to just watch?"

  Both the ladies tried their best to understand his foreign accent over the music playing at full volume.

  He continued. "Do you like to dominate, or be dominated, or perhaps you prefer dangerous pain? Whatever you so desire, my beautiful children, I will make it happen." With that, he did another small bow and awaited the ladies' response.

  Raegan replied, "I think we're going to just enjoy the main room and watch the people on the stage for now. Perhaps in a bit, we will decide on a private fantasy to indulge in."

  Jansa was about to speak up, but Raegan nudged her to keep quiet.

  The Asian man in silk looked at each of the ladies and replied, "So be it; I shall return later on. Please, enjoy yourselves and have a wonderfully orgasmic evening!"

  Vadooo Osae then walked off.

  Jansa scowled at her sister. "Why did you not let me say something?" Raegan picked her drink up and pointed to the stage. As Jansa took a sip of her drink and turned around, she saw what her sister had been pointing at. A very attractive purple haired woman wearing a black rubber cat suit appeared to be making a beeline for Jansa.

  "Hi," she said, stroking Jansa's arm. "Would you like to fuck?"

  Jansa almost choked on her drink. "Ahh, nooo…I like men, not women."

  The odd woman turned to look at Raegan for a second, but then she spun her head in a semi-circle back to Jansa. Her facial features were now male. She went from an attractive woman to a handsome guy. She, or he, was in no way human.

  Now in a deeper voice, the male asked, "Would you like to come with me to a place where you will experience passion beyond your wildest dreams?" He then reached his hand out and fondled Jansa's breast.

  Jansa slapped his hand away and smacked him in the face. The robot thing smiled, and its orangey colored eyes flashed a few times. Jansa was not happy. "Don't touch me! If you touch me again, I'll break your arm."

  Raegan raised her palm at the oddity. "Back off or else!"

  The duel sex bot turned to go, but surprisingly spun back around and went at both women.

  He reached for Jansa's wrist, while his other hand went to slap Raegan.

  As Raegan ducked under the he-she-thing's slap, Jansa weaved her hand over its wrist, trapping the bot's arm to the table. Next, both the women drove simultaneous horizontal elbows into the face of the freaky mechanical attacker.

  The bot staggered but didn't drop. Whatever it was, it then raised its hands up and sprouted razor-like knives from its long fingers. It growled at the women.

  "I am going to rip your flesh from your bodies," the thing announced.

  As he sprang forward to claw at them, green laser shots fired from the bar and zoomed into the bot's chest, throwing him backwards into a pillar.

  The weird thing slumped to the floor. Club servants immediately ran to the fallen bot and dragged it away as fast as possible.

  The bartender, a woman with short dark hair, shook her head and announced, "I hate it when those things go crazy!"

  Totally freaked out, Jansa and Raegan shook their heads at the woman. They then turned their attention back to the stage just as the next act appeared from behind the long velvet curtains. The women wiped sweat from their brows and took a deep breath to regain their composure.

  Four well-defined, muscular black women with cleanly shaven heads stepped out onto the stage, fully naked and carrying wooden sticks.

  The sounds of African drumming and chants of excitements grew louder around the main room, and the women twirled their staves about their bodies as a robot walked onto the stage. It was a male robot, very tall and shiny, with a jet-black metallic body.

  Stepping up to the front of the stage, his eyes lit up with a yellow glow and his artificial erection was clear for all to see. The performing women danced and swirled about the black robot, touching his body and worshiping his form. The music's beat grew even louder as each of the women took turns to make love to this metal god.

  Both Raegan and Jansa remained speechless. Despite their plans to sip their drinks, they had both downed them within less than a minute of the women appearing on the stage.

  For a follow-up show, a red-headed sex bot came out; a vixen dressed in metallic purple with high-heeled black stiletto boots. She danced about the stage and blew kisses to excited members of the audience. Suddenly, a tall bulky man wearing a tribal bear mask ran on the stage. He grabbed her from behind and began dancing with her.

  The ladies' attention was broken when they heard a voice call out, "Hello there," from over their shoulders. They turned to see a man in orange robes, who raised his glass and introduced himself as Jaguar.

  He then pointed to a petite Asian woman who had joined him at the table. She wasted no time in asking the two women to join her; Jaguar nodded for them to proceed. Apparently having no other options, the sisters followed the Asian woman to a private room.

  Two solid looking men stood by the doorway, blocking the entrance, their eyes giving off a green tint. Both of the women, taking note of the guards' laser rifles, knew these guys were clones.

  The Asian woman made an attempt to squeeze her narrow frame between the two guards, but they held firm. One of the clones, a real brick house with a square jaw, called forth, "Turn and display your brands." He pulled a scanning tool from his belt.

  This was a major problem. As they contemplated what their next move was going to be, someone bumped into both women from behind, reached under their skirts, and slapped them on the bottom before he disappeared down the hall.

  The clone inspectors lifted the women's skirts and searched for the mandatory Corporation brand. Raegan and Jansa could only hold their breath and brace themselves for being found without a brand as the brick house passed his scanner over their backsides. Hearing one beep,
followed by another, the guard motioned for the girls to go ahead.

  Raegan couldn't hide her surprise as she whispered to Jansa, "Do you think that guy back there slapped something on our butts before he ran away?"

  Jansa shrugged and mumbled, "Looks like it."

  The sisters stepped inside the room and closed the door behind them, quickly realizing that the Asian woman was nowhere to be seen.

  Instead, they saw a portly fellow, whose belly was bigger than most of the rest of his short frame put together, sprawled out across a king-size bed. Two of the black dancers they'd seen on the main stage moments earlier, stood on either side of the man like the servants of a pharaoh.

  As he looked to the new arrivals, Raegan noticed a star tattoo on his forehead. He said, almost drooling, "Oh yeah, baby, now I got a little salt to add to my pepper." He then licked his lips in excitement. "Tonight keeps getting better by the moment. Come right here and join us on this massive bed…you two are going to fit in just fine."

  Scanning the room, both sisters saw the same two things. A table to the left of the bed, and a leather billfold with a golden ticket sticking up out of the top of it. Unfortunately, there were also two robotic guards in the back of the room. The girls could only just make out their gunmetal-gray frames sitting in the shadows facing the bed.

  Westley Warns was already disgusting to look at, but seeing him naked made Raegan and her sister feel sick. They watched as his black partners beckoned the blonds forward and asked them to remove their clothes. Raegan threw up in her mouth at the mere thought of joining them, and Jansa wanted to turn back and escape through the door.

  This was serious, but both of them had to remain calm.

  What in God's name are we supposed to do now? thought Raegan.

  The mayor looked at Raegan. Thankfully, her over-the-top makeup, hair, and outfit gave her a look that was a far cry from her days as a reporter, so she was pretty sure he wouldn't recognize her.

  Snapping Raegan out of her thoughts, the blob of a man on the bed suddenly yelled, "What are you two waiting for? Get your goddamn clothes off and get those pretty asses over here. I want to be sandwiched by sexy women. Come, devour my body and play with my hairy chest."

  This time, both women had to hold back from vomiting all over the floor.

  They had to move fast. They knew the biggest threat in the room was the pair of hulky robots, both of whom had pistols in holsters at their sides. Those bots had been watching the girls' every move from the moment they walked in.

  Communicating in silence, both women walked closer to the bots and turned as if to start to undress. This placed the bots in attack range.

  Neither bot seemed threatened by their movements as the ladies faked bending down to unzip their boots. Then they did what kick-ass Mystical Slayers do; they dove at the robots, yanked their pistols from their holders, and opened fire with a volley of shots into the heads of both robots.

  Sparks, fire, and electronic bolts erupted from these guards as they tumbled off their chairs and onto the bedroom floor.

  The nude black women appeared more shocked than fully prepared to fight, but they still leaped forward from the bedside and went at the mystery killers.

  In a state of confusion, the mayor began yelling out, "What the fuck is going on here? You stupid bitches are going to pay for this!"

  As the black women charged at Jansa and Raegan, Jansa drove her heeled boot into the stomach of the lead attacker. The second black woman went at Raegan, who gave her the welcoming gift of a left roundhouse kick, sending her spinning back to the bed and landing on the irate mayor.

  He shoved her off of him, but as she tried to jump from the bed, she slipped and landed head first on the night stand, knocking her own self out.

  Wesley screamed to the door guards outside, "Help me! Get in here…HELP!"

  As soon as the first black woman had recovered from her blow to the stomach, she launched at Jansa for round two. Lifting her stolen laser pistol, Jansa fired a single shot straight through the naked woman's heart, instantly dropping her to the ground.

  Raegan then bolted over to the golden ticket and grabbed it by the leather billfold. The mayor looked up at her from the giant red, heart-shaped bed on which he sat. Frowning, he leaned forward to get a closer look at his crazy intruder.

  "Give me that ticket, you fucking whore," he demanded of her.

  Raegan gave him a ticket all right; she smashed the sole of her left boot directly into his face.

  Mayor Warns rolled like a ball to the other side of the bed, where he proceeded to tip over the edge and hit the floor with an almighty thud. The mayor's collision with the floor had attracted the attention of the robot doormen, who instantly barged into the room with their laser rifles raised and ready for action.

  Dodging the initial round of shots, Raegan and Jansa made a run for the doorway. A quick glance at one another was all it took for these women to know exactly what their next move was going to be. The Slayers leaped up in the air with flying sidekicks that smashed into the robots blocking the exit. While the women landed deftly on their feet like a pair of cats, the bots crashed straight through the wall behind them, thus losing grip of their weapons and creating an easy exit for the two women.

  Raegan looked back once more at the mayor on the floor. Clinging onto the side of the bed in an effort to pull himself up, he stared at the woman standing in the gaping hole in his wall. He now knew who she was. "YOOOOOOOOOU! I KNOW YOU! You're that reporter girl…an imposter…I will see you die a painful death, you stinking bitch!"

  This was no time to fight. Seeing the doormen getting back up and hearing more guards thundering down the hall, the ladies sprinted in the opposite direction—Raegan with the golden ticket in her hand.

  As the girls approached the exit of the club at speed, the doorman tipped his hat and opened the door for them. He was a handsome fellow, dressed casually in a set of black trousers and a black shirt. He looked strangely like the guy who'd rushed by them earlier and slapped fake brands on their backsides. "You guys owe me one," he said, motioning the women out through the door.

  "Who are you?" asked Raegan, pausing to look at him.

  He smiled. "My names Mikey Smooth, and as I said, you owe me one."

  Raegan grabbed him and gave him a big kiss on the lips before grabbing Jansa and running outside. Mikey Smooth would never wash his mouth again.

  A black car pulled up in the back alley and the window slid down. "Let's go! Hurry!" shouted Jackson J as both ladies jumped into the back seat.

  Jansa looked down at her leg. "Oh, crap! Look…" Jansa said, pointing to a rip in her skirt and her bare ass underneath.

  Raegan laughed and said, "Very sexy!"

  The car sped off into the night.


  Somewhere in space, a massive rock swirled about. She found herself reaching up to it; her goal was to try and manipulate its flight. However, the energy she wanted to use was weak and she was tired. So it zoomed about and continued to approach Earth.

  Astral flying, she now chased after the mammoth rock, calling out, "God, I need your help."

  But then, she heard a voice; she heard it clearly. "I will guide it…I will guide it…" it whispered into her mind.

  Raegan sat up in her guest room bed, confused and rattled. It was a wild and crazy night, and her sleep wasn't much better. Drenched in sweat, her mind raced with a million thoughts as she took some slow deep breaths to calm herself. The visions and dreams just never stopped.


  Captain Raymond Hully, Washington's best pilot, took the sweetest flyer Jerry Bends' resistance team had ever built; it was the fastest there was. He had to get the golden ticket to New York, and he had but a New York minute to spare.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Sinaye was used to Resin's bionic parts below the belt. He had replaced his hips, replaced his knees, and most unique of all, he had a bionic penis that she h
ad taken great advantage of during their time on Saturn's moon.

  His alterations didn't bother her; after all, she'd been into robotics all her life so the sight of his manufactured body parts had no effect on how she felt about him. Still with no way of communicating with the sisterhood, and with no way to transport them back home, life as it was, must go on.

  As the months went by, her urge to be reunited with her friends and to be part of her sisterhood again, grew and grew until she could think of nothing else.

  Resin urged her to stop moping about as she had been doing lately and perhaps distract herself by trying to work more. Following his advice, she'd taken to her work not only studying the culture of the moon's fish-like creatures but also the aspects of living on a strange water globe. A mineral finding mission was by far the best way to keep her busy.

  This greenish blue mineral, with her testing and lab work, was able to rebuild DNA. As far as she'd determined up to now, it could also prevent aging.

  She would spend the rest of her time concentrating on making this effective, working even harder with great hope that she would be able to return to Earth with her findings—one day.


  Earlier in the week, the red, white, and blue star studded flags had been popping up in various locations across America. It was time to take a stand, and the Y-Corporation's President Berlin Purcell, along with a battalion of soldiers, stood together on an open air field ready to board a large company aircraft. The president paced back and forth in front of his men. This needed to be done fast, as his attention was needed back in New York.

  He grabbed a bull horn and addressed the gathering of troops before him.

  To his left, was Galax—his super deadly, combative marvel robot—and to his right, was Omagus, his super intelligent robot. Both seven feet tall and intimidating beyond measure, the bots looked out at the sea of soldiers.

  Alongside the many cyborg-like clones, were the black-armored, green-eyed Ruthys, better known as the robotic death wielders of the Corporation.


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