Laying it Bare After a Loss

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Laying it Bare After a Loss Page 6

by L. E. Martin

  At some point I fell asleep because I awoke to hair tickling my nose. When I popped my eyes open to brush away the strands, I discovered Trinity had practically crawled on top of me during the night and was cuddling me like a stuffed bear. I savored the feel of her body pressed to mine for a moment before carefully rolling to my side and snuggling her back into my chest. Her soft body had been pressed against my hardening dick and I had needed to move away from the temptation. I pressed a gentle kiss to her temple.

  And she sighed and burrowed farther into me. She had been completely spent last night and I was glad I had provided for her the comfort she had needed to get some sleep. She hadn’t woken me and with her lying on top of me as she had been I would have noticed if she had been in any distress during the night. Comfortable and content, I dozed back to sleep.

  The next time I awoke, I was on my back again. Either I had rolled or Trinity had pushed me over. And I was voting for the latter since she was once again sprawled across my chest like I was her favorite Teddy Bear. I chuckled and the slight bouncing woke her. “I’m sorry I woke you.” I kissed her forehead.

  She glanced up at me and her eyes widened.

  “Do you always sleep like this or just when you have an irresistible man in your bed?”

  She slapped her hand to her mouth. “I’m so sorry. I don’t think I sleep like this normally but I don’t ever have anyone in bed with me to tell me. Except for last Saturday when T slept with me. But I didn’t wake up like this. But I was also horribly hung over so I made sure I moved as little as possible.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “You slept with Charity?” Then I smirked.

  “Not like that.” She punched me in the arm. “She was worried about me since I was so drunk; she slept in my bed with me to make sure I was okay.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t call her T especially when you mention her sleeping in your bed with you. T sounds like a guy’s name.”

  “I think it’s too early in our relationship for you to be jealous.” She grinned at me.

  “I’m glad to see you got a good night’s sleep. And I’m glad you let me stay last night. I enjoyed holding you all night. Being with you helped me realize some things.”

  She studied my face for a moment. “When I kept catching your gazes last weekend, I recognized a sadness in your eyes, a loss. Have you ever lost someone, Mitch?”

  I took a breath and then smiled when it dawned on me it wasn’t really necessary. The words came out easily. “Not like you have experienced. It may have hurt to lose her at the time but I’ve never gone through what you are dealing with. You know Apryl.” It wasn’t really a question because of course she did but it was a good way to start out what I wanted to say.

  Trinity nodded at me, her expression pensive.

  “I lost her to Flynn although I never really had her. I had been in love with her for years but never said anything and he beat me to the punch.” I closed my eyes at the memory of the literal punch and shook my head. “But she never loved me that way. It wasn’t meant to be. So I’m doing okay with it now. Actually really good with it now. That was one of the things I realized last night while I was holding you. Being with you helped me see I can care about someone else and that someone is you. I think I’ve finally let go of the ache from her loss.”

  She shot me a beautiful smile. “Then I guess we helped each other. Because I don’t know that I could’ve gotten through last night without you. At least not without some alcohol and I don’t want to do that anymore.” She ran her hand through my most likely case of bed head. “Flynn seems like a nice guy.”

  “If I had to lose her to someone, I’m glad it was to him. He treats her great and she’s really happy. I’m happy for them and I’ve found a chunk of happiness myself.” I rubbed the backs of my fingers across her cheek. “So just because you now know that I had feelings for her, I don’t want you to worry about it since we do still hang out. She’s one of my best friends.”

  “I don’t think I’m bothered by it but I’ll let you know if that changes and we’ll talk about it. But when we were out last night you paid attention to me, you weren’t focused on her. If you hadn’t said anything, I would have never guessed. And she’s married and has a baby and you don’t strike me as the homewrecker type.”

  “No. And definitely not to two of my best friends. Besides, she wasn’t meant to be mine. Subconsciously, I’ve known that for a while but now I think I finally really get it.” I wasn’t going to declare my love to Trinity today or anything but with all of the other girls I had never felt something deep in my soul. So I always brushed it off as missing out on my one true mate and that casual flings were going to be all that was in store for me. However being here with Trinity blew that wide apart, giving me a glimpse of what was still available if I wanted to seize it. And I did, with her. “But I’d like to work on making you mine.” I waggled my eyebrows at her. “So what am I making you for breakfast, Sniffles?”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “Can’t I get some cute nickname or something?” Her lips twitched, giving away she wasn’t as annoyed with the name as she let on.

  I gave her a quick kiss and then ran my hand down her back to grab her ass. “I’ll only call you it when we are alone. Because I’m not poking fun at you. I hope you know that. It was just something that made you smile when you really needed to, and then it kinda stuck. I mean at least for me. I rather like it.”

  She rolled her eyes at my justification. “If I thought you were poking fun at me, I would have booted your ass out last night. But I like you so I think I can learn to deal with your pathetic sense of humor.”

  Knocking at her door drew our attention away from our banter.

  She went to slip out of bed but I grabbed her hand. “I’ll go see who’s at your door. If it’s a guy you’re not home and I’m the boyfriend. And . . . do you have any cute female neighbors?”

  Faster than I registered, she whipped her pillow from the bed and smacked it against the side of my head. “And if it’s a female, I am home and I am the girlfriend who happens to be a jealous bitch who learned how to scrap on the streets.” She raised her eyebrow at me.

  “Still fucking adorable.” I kissed her nose before sliding off of the bed and heading toward her door.

  “Aren’t you going to at least put your pants on?”

  “Nope, in case it is a cute female.” I smirked at her over my shoulder.

  The person on the other side knocked again.

  When I reached the door, I disengaged the lock and swung it open.

  A confused Charity stood on the other side and blinked up at me. After a split second, she reanimated. “Um, what are you still doing here?” She brushed past me and into the apartment.

  After closing the door and locking it, I twisted to face her and then crossed my arms over my chest. Hmm, she was all about me taking care of Trinity last night when she took off running. But I’d just stand here and see how things played out.

  “And why are you not even half dressed?” She gestured wildly to my bare chest and missing pants. At least I wasn’t sporting a hard-on at the moment. “Mitch, I trusted you with her. She was incredibly vulnerable. I knew exactly what went through her head when she found out you were a lawyer but I thought you would – ”

  “Slow your roll there, T.” Trinity padded down the hallway – her hair in disarray and a scowl on her face – and stopped in front of her friend. “Nothing happened last night. I tried to maul him but he was the perfect gentleman, much to my annoyance.” She frowned over at me before turning a glare to her friend. “So stop attacking him. Sheesh.” She rolled her eyes. “Did you come for breakfast or just to reprimand Mitch for not doing anything?”

  Not sure why I had received a frown, I shrugged. “I’m not sure what I’m cooking but it’s not going to be Toaster Strudels. But I can make enough for three.”

  “Yeah, she needs to eat a little bit of a variety for breakfast. I’m not saying every day but splurge once
in a while.”

  “Um, standing right here. I’m a grown up and can eat whatever the hell I want. So first you thrash Mitch for being here for me and now you’re dissing my favorite breakfast food.” Trinity tilted her head and pursed her lips. “Are you PMS’ing, T?”

  “On that note, I’m going to go put my jeans back on and then search your kitchen for breakfast ingredients.” As I walked past Trinity, I stopped to kiss her forehead. “She’s just being a good friend. I didn’t consider that she would have been at the door otherwise I would’ve put on my jeans before answering. But I was too busy teasing you.” I swatted her ass as I strolled back to her room. Once I tugged on my jeans, I headed to the bathroom to take care of business and run wet hands through my hair to give it the tousled look I now sported since letting my hair grow out before getting busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

  Finding eggs, milk, bread, a few spices I needed, and syrup, I set the ingredients on her counter and then got to work.

  Trinity joined me a few minutes later and came around the island. “I’m making coffee. Do you want a cup?” She snatched two mugs from an overhead cabinet and placed one under her Keurig and the other one onto the counter. Then she popped a K-cup into the coffee maker and pressed the button.

  “That would be great. Is Charity not joining us?” I flipped the French Toast slices I had browning in the pan.

  “No. She just came over to make sure I was okay. She didn’t know you had stayed with me, obviously. And she apologized to me for being bitchy. But she should have apologized to you too.” Once one mug was filled, she repeated the process with the second one.

  “It’s okay. She was just looking out for you. I’m not offended. Well once I realized what she was thinking.”

  “Well, I’m offended enough for the both of us. She shouldn’t have assumed we did anything. And it’s not her business. I know she cares about me but I’m a big girl.”

  After I whipped the eggs so they wouldn’t burn to the pan, I walked over to Trinity, wrapped my hand around her nape, and kissed her forehead. “Yes, but you were a mess last night and Charity doesn’t know me that well and I’m a guy. Of course her first thoughts when she finds me here in the morning, without pants or a shirt,” I grinned at her. “She’s going to think I took advantage. But I don’t believe she thought I would bang you and then leave the next day and never call. I think she gives me more credit than that.”

  She placed her hand on my chest. “She does. Before she left she said she was glad you stayed and thinks you really care about me.” She beamed up at me.

  “She’s pretty observant. So she meant no harm.”

  While Trinity brought the mugs over to the counter, I set the pans onto hot pads I had found. Then she grabbed plates and silverware and placed them onto the island.

  We sat on two of the stools and started loading up our plates.

  “Do you cook breakfast every morning?” She slid a bite of egg into her mouth.

  “Just on weekends or days I’m off. During the week I pop waffles into the toaster or eat a bowl of cereal. Sometimes I grab breakfast from a small diner which is on my way to work. But I try not to do that real often.” After pouring a small amount of milk into my mug, I took a sip of coffee. “Thank you for this. I was a little worried it would be some overly sweet flavored coffee that a lot of girls like.”

  “I like regular coffee probably because I usually eat really sweet stuff for breakfast.” She gave me a goofy grin. “So do a lot of girls make you overly sweet coffee in the morning?” She raised an eyebrow at me and her lips quirked.

  “No. I don’t ever spend the night.” I eyed her with sincerity and kept my expression solemn so she would be more apt to believe my honesty. Apryl would have been the only girl I would have ever spent the night with until Trinity. “But I figured girls liked the sweet stuff. I like my girls sweet with a ton of cream but my coffee unsweetened with just a hint of cream.” I winked at her.

  “You spent the night with me. And you didn’t even get anything out of it. And I don’t know if I’m sweet.” Her cheeks blushed again.

  “So fucking adorable. I’ll bet you are and I can’t wait to find out but I need to think of something else right now.” I was positive once I had a taste of her I wouldn’t be able to get enough. “And I got plenty out of last night. I got to hold a beautiful girl in my arms while I slept and be there for her to show her I care and want something more with her.” I forked a bite of French Toast into my mouth.

  We ate in companionable silence for a few minutes. I really liked being around her. And as much as I would’ve loved to have dived into her last night, I definitely made the right decision. I just had this feeling this was going to turn into something great.

  “I was disappointed we didn’t do anything last night but maybe it was good we didn’t since I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have said anything last night because I just thought of it today.” She released a huge sigh. “I just wanted you to know, Donovan used a condom. It must’ve had a hole or something. I don’t know what happened. But I didn’t want you to think . . . and I got tested right after I found out I was pregnant. I’m clean. I wanted you to know that.”

  “Hey.” Snaking my hand up to wrap around her nape, I twisted her to face me. “Sweetheart, I never thought you were irresponsible.”

  Cocking her head, she lifted her eyebrow at me.

  Well, fuck. “You heard a little bit of what I had said when you were kinda out of it that first night at the bar, huh?”

  Biting her lip, she nodded slightly.

  I released my own deep sigh. “It’s not an excuse but I had had a bad week at work and was in a piss poor mood to start with but I had no right to judge you. People get drunk. It happens and sometimes it gets out of control. I should not have let my mouth run. I’m sorry, Sweetheart. It was very wrong of me.”

  A few tears slipped down her cheeks. “It’s okay. I understand completely. I can just imagine what I looked like that night. I’m kinda ashamed but I had never gotten that bad before. It’s just . . . it was a bad night for me too. It would have been Ben’s fourth birthday.” Her last words barely came out above a whisper.

  Sliding off of my stool, I wrapped her into my arms. “Oh God, Sweetheart. I am so sorry I was such a douchebag.” I could be such an asshole sometimes. Guess she was partially right about lawyers. Nuzzling my nose into her hair, I kissed the crown of her head. “I wish I could take away your pain.”

  Her own arms wound around my waist and she held on tight. “I don’t know that anything really can. Just thank you for being here with me. I can’t seem to get a grip on myself. I’m so sorry for that. You didn’t sign up for this. First last night and now today.” Her body shook with her sobs. “And as much as I need a distraction, I’m thinking a little more rational today than I was last night and I don’t want to use sex with you as that distraction. I want it to mean more and see where this thing between us goes too.”

  “You do not need to apologize to me. I don’t want you feeling bad about crying on my shoulder.” I ran my hand through her mass of hair. “I signed up to get to know you and this is a part of you. So how about for a distraction, we do something else?”

  Leaning back slightly, she tilted her head up at me. “What did you have in mind?”

  I pressed my lips to her forehead. “How about I order some sandwiches from the café down the block and we can pick them up on our way out for a picnic?”

  “I don’t know if I feel like being around a big group of other people. But I’ll try it if that’s where you want to go.” She gave me a sad smile.

  Cupping her cheeks, I wiped the dampness with my thumbs. “I was thinking more like this nice pond right outside my neighborhood that normally has ducks and other animals hanging around. Most likely it will only be us and the critters. Sitting outside usually calms me and makes me feel better so I’m hoping it will do the same for you.”

  Her smile brightened. “I’m sorry I lumped yo
u in with dirty lawyers. You’re really sweet.”

  “And I’m sorry I lumped you in with lushes.” I shot her a smirk. “But please don’t call me sweet, especially around the guys. When you’re more comfortable with me, I’ll let my beast out to play.” Feeling my eyes darken, I focused on her as a predator would his prey.

  Her mouth dropped open in an endearing gape.

  “So fucking adorable. So while I can be sweet, I’m normally quite commanding and domineering. But I believe you will enjoy the hell out of it.” And I needed to direct my attention elsewhere because right now was not the time to demonstrate how much the two of us would take great pleasure in that. “So while I order us some food, why don’t you go take care of that mass of bed head you are sporting. We may not run into anyone at the pond but I’m not sure I want to be seen with you with your hair wild like you live with a pack of wolves.”

  “Rude. I guess that’s a little taste of your beast side.” She rolled her eyes before stomping back to her bedroom.

  Chuckling, I tapped open the internet browser on my phone to search for the number for the café and ordered sandwiches, some vegetables, chips, and drinks to pick up in a half an hour. Then I washed the dishes from breakfast and put them in her drying rack.

  When she walked back into the kitchen her eyes widened as did mine. She had on cute cut off shorts that showed off her shapely legs and a peach halter top that complimented her small bust. Her hair wasn’t completely straight but had a slight wave to it. No makeup colored her face and she was adorably beautiful.


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