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Laying it Bare After a Loss

Page 12

by L. E. Martin

  My pussy trembled and then clenched down on him in hot spasms. I closed my eyes against the onslaught and fireworks burst behind my eyelids. The tingles rushed over me like the waves in a stormy ocean, sweeping me away. And I screamed his name.

  “Open your eyes, Cheeky. I want you to see what you do to me.”

  I forced my eyes open and stared at Mitch. He was incredibly handsome on any given day no matter what, but right now as he was completely lost in my body, he was magnificently gorgeous. His eyes dark with lust, his muscles flexing with his inhuman thrusts, and beads of sweat trickling down his hard chest. And I did this to him.

  He came on a loud growl, his cock pulsating inside of me, warm and thick.

  And enough to send me back into a whirlwind. “I’m going to come again, Mitch. How did you do that? Oh yes!” Another orgasm crashed over me, leaving me breathless and boneless and all of my nerve endings on delicious high alert.

  “Yeah, Cheeky. Coat my dick again. That feels fucking amazing.” He burrowed his face into my neck and peppered the column with kisses. “You are so incredible.”

  “I don’t think I can stand.” My body was propped between his phenomenal physique and the wall. “But that was so worth it, even if I do crumble into a heap. I don’t have it in me to be embarrassed about it.”

  He leaned back to gaze at me, his eyes sparkling with amusement and satisfaction. “No need for embarrassment. You’re stroking my ego, Cheeky. You have no idea how good it makes me feel to know I have completely sated you. And I thought you’d like my beast. You met him briefly before but he couldn’t wait to completely consume you.”

  “And consume me, he did. And I loved every moment of it. But I think I need to lie down.” I dropped my head onto his chest in fatigue.

  He chuckled before gathering me into his arms and carrying me over to his couch. He sat down, curled me into his lap, and grabbed a plain navy blue blanket to wrap around me. “I’m glad you came over tonight. I’d like to have sleepovers as often as you are comfortable.”

  “I could ease into having them. But somehow I don’t think sleep is what you have in mind.” Shifting, I smirked up at him. “But I also don’t really find that much of a problem, other than you totally wiped me out with just the one round.” I ran my fingers over his jawline. “Just the startings of some scruff.”

  “I’ll make sure to leave it scruffy on the weekends for you.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Maybe you should really consider coming to the gym with me then. It will toughen you and help build your stamina.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  I giggled. “I don’t know. Until my body gets used to the workouts, I’d probably be too tired for sex in the evenings then. And we can’t have that, can we?”

  “So fucking adorable. I’d just have to find creative ways to make love to you then.”

  Even though I was completely spent, his words made me melt. Could I go another round tonight and still be productive at work tomorrow? I kinda wanted to find out. “So you really like the new hair?”

  “This ravaging you had nothing to do with me liking your hair other than because you feel sexier your self-confidence portrayed you as sexier. And that drove me wild and excited my beast. I had wanted to fuck you up against the wall last night – and that was when you didn’t like your hair – but not for our first time because I didn’t want to hurt you or scare you. I found you beautiful before but your new found confidence is even sultrier. And I just couldn’t hold back. But I’m relieved to see I didn’t freak you out. Just wore you out.”

  I snuggled back into his chest. I would be content to stay like this forever. I wasn’t ready to admit that to him yet, but I knew it to be true deep in my heart.

  “Are you going to fall asleep on me?” His quiet chuckle vibrated his chest. The sensation surprisingly soothing.

  “Maybe.” A small yawn escaped my lips.

  “As much as I love having you naked, it’s going to give my dick ideas and he needs to give you a little breather. But we may request entry later before we go to bed.”

  “Oh my God.” I erupted into gut splitting laughter, the motion sending me tumbling from his lap and into a jumbled blanket cocooned heap onto the couch. “I don’t know that anyone has ever propositioned a girl that way, ever.” Peals of laughter continued flowing from my lips.

  “So maybe the originality will get me lucky again?” He crawled on top of me, leaning on his forearms to smile down at me. “You’re beautiful.” He gave me a quick kiss. “Why don’t you get dressed? I’ll go get your clothes. Then we can watch a movie and I’ll make popcorn.”

  “You planned all this out?” Sexy and sweet was a deadly combination with him.

  “Sort of. The movie and popcorn, yes. Banging you against the wall, that was spontaneous. Although sex was definitely on the agenda for tonight.” He lifted his weight off of me and slid from the couch. Then he walked over to where our clothes were strewn haphazardly across the floor and picked them up. When he came back over to the couch, I sat up and he handed me my clothes.

  He pulled on his jeans and I tugged on my shorts and slid my shirt over my head. Then I instinctively put my hand up to my hair.

  He clasped my hand in his and kissed my knuckles. “Your hair looks perfect. You don’t need to worry about it. Besides, I like a sexy tousled look.” He pulled me up to him. “Come with me. You can pick what you want to drink.”

  He led me over to the bar that split his spacious kitchen from his living room. I sat down while he grabbed a bag of popcorn and popped it into the microwave. Then he pulled a plastic bowl out from under the bar. “What do you want to drink? I do have beer. But I also bought a case of Coke.”

  “Water actually sounds good. I know, boring.”

  “You need to rehydrate from earlier.” Shooting me a cocky smile, he grabbed a can of soda and a bottle of water from his refrigerator and set them onto the bar. When the microwave beeped, he snatched the bag, ripped it open, and dumped the contents into the bowl. “Ready?”

  Sliding off of the stool, I grabbed the drinks and followed him back to the living room. He set the bowl onto the coffee table beside where I had placed the drinks while he fussed with the remote for his television. Once he had the movie selected up on the screen, he tugged me up against his side and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, the bowl of popcorn resting on his lap. “So, just to make sure, you’re okay with my introducing you as my girlfriend, right?”

  The beginning movie credits started as I twisted to gaze up at him. “I like that a lot.” Maybe a little too much but things were going really well so I was going to embrace them.

  “And this is my official invite to you, so it’s not just assumed, but I’d like you to come out with me when I meet up with the gang at the bar. We’re hanging out tomorrow night and then we always get together on Saturdays.”

  “I think it would be fun. They seem like a really nice bunch. I mean I only chatted with them for a short while but I like them. And Charity really likes Jace.”

  “Yeah, I know. And he’s pretty crazy about her too. But good, I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to hang out with my friends. I’d never force you.”

  I stretched up to kiss his cheek. “I know. Thank you for planning our date night.”

  He squeezed me tighter to his side and we settled in to watch the romantic comedy. After the ending credits rolled, we cleaned up our snack mess and then retreated to his room to get ready for bed. Before we fell asleep for the night, Mitch made love to me again. Wrapped up in his arms was becoming my favorite way to fall asleep.

  The next morning, we didn’t need to rush as much as we had the previous morning since Mitch didn’t have to make extra time to drive me to my car before work. We had a comfortable breakfast. And then after giving me one hell of a good bye kiss, which sent bolts of pleasure rocketing to my core, he informed me he would be picking me up around seven to head to the bar to meet up with his friends. Since we were going to be in his truck, I
invited him to spend the night at my place then that evening. Which he was all too happy to agree to.

  On my way to work, I thought about how my life had changed dramatically over the last two weeks. Not the life stopping kind I had dealt with in the past but markedly different from what I had been used to. But definitely in a good way. Were we moving too quickly with staying at each other’s houses overnight? Possibly. But we wouldn’t know for sure until we tried it out. And if needed, we could always take a step back. We’d continue to date and get to know each other that way. But for now, things felt really right. And it had been way too long since I’d had so much positive in my life. When I pulled into the back parking lot at the doctor’s office, an uneasy feeling crept over me. If this relationship continued – and I didn’t really see any indication that it would not – would I be able to offer him kids in the future? I took in a steadying breath. Rather than tackle that this early in our relationship, I chose to push it aside. Once we’ve been dating for a while, it would be something we could talk about and address then. Therapy would most likely be something I would need to help deal with considering and venturing on that path, but he would be the person to get me to be willing to work through my issues. And now that I was way ahead of myself it was time to dial it back.

  I crawled out of my car and headed inside, putting the brakes on my spiraling thoughts.

  The work day passed by quickly as we had a full patient load today and a few minor emergencies. I smiled at Sammantha on my way out the door. Once I got to know Mitch’s friends a little better maybe I could suggest she and some of our other co-workers meeting us at the bar and we could all hang out some Saturday night. Mitch’s friends had befriended Charity and me with ease so I thought it sounded like a really good idea.

  After getting home, I hopped in the shower before scrounging for something to eat. Then after I warmed myself a plate of breaded chicken, rice, and broccoli, I ate while watching an old episode of Friends. When I was finished cleaning up my dishes, I stood at my front window and watched as the cars drove up and down my street. Mitch wouldn’t be here for about an hour and I wasn’t sure if I had wanted to sit inside and watch television anymore. So I decided to sit outside on my small step and bask in the warmth and fresh air of the early evening. Glancing around, my eyes landed at the end of my sidewalk where I spied a new rose bush the neighbors must have just planted. The petals were the most beautiful peach I had ever seen. Intrigued, I walked down to take a closer look.

  However while I was crouched down admiring their exquisiteness, a prickling sensation crawled up my spine. What the hell was that about? Was someone watching me and could you really sense something like that? I slowly twisted my head to discover a stranger glowering at me from just about ten feet away. The way his dark eyes stared me down gave me the shivers. Deciding to rather be safe than sorry, I gradually stood and when I had my center of gravity where I needed it, I shot off toward my front door.

  But I didn’t get more than five steps when his bulky mass tackled me from behind. And the two of us ended up in a heap in my front yard, him on top of my back.



  Between the force of his body colliding with mine and the impact of the unforgiving ground underneath us, my breath whooshed out of me. But I did manage to suck in a decent breath and yelled, “Get the hell off of me!”

  He flipped me over, his dark eyes filled with hatred, his black greasy hair sticking up in places and matted onto his forehead in others. He smelled like a brewery and he screamed slurred sentences at me I didn’t understand but I was pretty sure he called me Anna.

  I tried to shove him off of me but that only angered him more. “I’m not Anna!”

  His responding slap made me see stars. He got in two more well placed hits – one to my right eye and one to my mouth before I was able to wrench one of my arms free. I cocked my arm back as far as I could and slammed my forearm into his chin. When my blow distracted him for a moment, I jerked my knee up as fast as I could to strike him right in the crotch. Then I wiggled out from underneath him and scrambled for my front door. Once inside, I slammed it and locked and bolted it almost simultaneously. Then I slid to the floor and curled in on myself, my entire body shaking with left over adrenaline and fear. What the fuck was that all about?

  My neighbor’s shouts joined his screaming out on my lawn. The hollering making me cringe. What if that stranger was armed? Although he didn’t try to use a weapon on me. Should I call the cops? Would someone else? I didn’t think I wanted that because I wasn’t sure I really preferred to deal with it. He had no right to attack me like that but he had mistaken me for someone else. And me and court rooms didn’t mix well. Finally the back and forth commotion ceased. I waited for about five minutes after the yelling match had ended before I stood and amazingly managed to walk over to my couch – my legs quivering the entire time – and plopped down. I grabbed my phone from my coffee table and sent a quick text to Mitch.

  Me: Will you be on your way soon?

  Mitch: I’ll be leaving here in about ten minutes. Anxious to see me? ;)

  He had no idea how anxious and unfortunately it wasn’t for a quickie before heading out to the bar. But I didn’t want him freaking out while driving so I chose not to correct him. There would be time to freak out later. Well maybe now. Ugh. We were planning to meet his friends out tonight. My insides were a mess and I was sure my outside appearance resembled that of an MMA fighter after his first big fight. But he was close to his friends and enjoyed going out with them. I wondered if makeup could conceal the damage. Hell, I was afraid to assess the damage.

  Me: Very ;) See you soon.

  I dropped my head back onto the couch cushion and closed my eyes.

  A knock sounded at my door a moment later. Had he been on the road when I texted him? There was no way he could be here that quickly even if he had left right after he had texted me back. “Tifton Police.” A deep voice announced.

  I sighed. I guess that insane incident was really too much for someone to ignore. Slipping off of the couch, I walked over to my door. “Do you have identification or something?” I yelled through the wood separating us. Then I tilted to the side so I could peek out the small window at him.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He held up his badge with an ID picture, the name Taggart Gannon. “It’s Officer Gannon. We can talk outside if you are more comfortable.”

  “No, it’s okay.” I unlocked my door, pulled it open, and stepped aside. “Come on in.” Wow. He was incredibly handsome and looked to be only a few years older than me. Sandy blond hair disheveled enough to be attractive and not unprofessional, a sharp jawline and nose, and bright blue green eyes. And man, his facial features reminded me of someone.

  His eyes widened when he took in my face. “Do you need an ambulance, Miss?”

  “No. I’m sure I look a fright but I’m just a little banged up. Let’s go sit in my living room.” I led him over to my worn mismatched black recliner. I took my seat on the couch but couldn’t stop starting at him.

  After he was seated, he glanced my way. “Can I get your name?” He took a small pad and pen out of his shirt pocket.

  “Sure. It’s Trinity Connors. God, you look so familiar.” Shit, that was supposed to stay in my thought bubble. “But you . . . never mind.”

  “Do I remind you of Mitch Gannon?” He gave me a knowing grin.

  “How do you know I know Mitch?” I was pretty sure I already knew the answer. So I couldn’t stop my own small smile from pulling at my lips – even as the action made me wince. The bastard had split my lip.

  “As soon as you said your name, I made the connection. Brothers talk. But don’t worry, it’s all been good stuff. He’s pretty crazy about you. Does he know about this?”

  “No. But he should be here shortly. I didn’t want him distracted with worry during – ”

  “Trinity!” Mitch’s voice boomed outside my apartment mere seconds before he came barreling throug
h my front door. “Trinity!” He yelled again as his wild eyes frantically searched my living room before landing on me as I sat on the couch just fifteen feet from him. He rushed over and dropped onto his knees in front of me, taking my hands in his. “Oh, Sweetheart, are you okay? Of course, you’re not okay. Look at your beautiful face. Fuck, Cheeky.” He tenderly took my face in his hands.

  “I’m okay, Mitch.” But even as I said the words, my eyes filled with tears and a few slipped down my cheeks.

  “No you’re not. You’re crying.” He gently pressed a kiss to the cheek the stranger hadn’t slapped.

  I lay my hands over top of his. “Actually I’m okay other than being sore and shook up. It’s just other than Charity, I haven’t had anyone really care about me in a long time. And it feels really good to have that right now.”

  “I about had a heart attack when I saw the cop car outside your place. Why didn’t you tell me when you had texted me? Fuck, that’s why you had asked when I was coming. You knew when I was planning on picking you up. You just wanted to see if I was coming any earlier. I’m glad I left right after you texted. But I wish you would have said something.”

  “It wouldn’t have changed anything. And I didn’t want you distracted while you were driving over here.” I couldn’t bear for something to happen to him.

  He softly kissed my cheek again. “What happened, Sweetheart?” Like he had just realized his brother was sitting on the chair opposite us, he twisted his head over his shoulder at him. “Sorry for interrupting and thanks for taking care of her Bro.”

  “I really haven’t done much at all other than to see if she needed an ambulance. We had just realized we knew of each other when you came barreling in.” He smirked. “I’m glad to see you happy, Bro. But a disturbance/assault call came in from one of her neighbors. And since I was nearby I had said I would check it out. I only got here a few minutes before you. I had just asked her name. But I think I like the nick name.” He shot me a playful grin. “Sorry, I’ll be professional. I don’t normally tease the people I’m questioning.”


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