Book Read Free

They Have Oak Trees in North Carolina

Page 5

by Sarah Wooley

  CLAY No.


  He was with me



  RAY Mydel?

  CLAY Robert Mydel

  My new father the

  Of course I didn’t know that at the time

  If I’d have known that / I never would have

  EILEEN Robert Mydel that was his name?

  RAY For God’s sake!

  EILEEN Shut up Ray!

  CLAY Yes



  He was outside was he when you were playing?

  When you went out he was

  CLAY There


  He was standing there right there when I came out of the cabin

  RAY No!

  There was no one outside

  I should know I was at the window

  CLAY You didn’t see him

  He called me over said, ‘Come over here bubba I’ll play with you’

  I must have been crying, mumbling under my breath cause Dad

  I mean Ray he wouldn’t play with me he didn’t want me inside

  He sent me outside to play on my own

  EILEEN He sent you outside?

  Is that what you did?

  You sent him out outside

  RAY No.

  Look he was crying I tried to calm him down but

  He went out on his own

  I didn’t know he was gone until

  You know that

  the police know that I’ve always

  EILEEN (To Clay.) What happened next?

  CLAY He got me playing a couple of rounds of tag

  RAY You would have been shouting

  CLAY Shouting?

  RAY Yes

  Patrick could never play a game without shouting

  Shouting and screaming

  He’d get over-excited

  CLAY Well maybe I was shouting a little maybe

  RAY I would have heard you

  EILEEN From inside the cabin?

  RAY Yes

  The window was open and anyway the walls were thin

  Don’t you remember?

  We could hear the people next door

  EILEEN Were there people next door?

  RAY Yes

  That woman with the red hair

  We used to see her going out in the morning

  We gave her a nickname

  What was it?

  EILEEN Oh never mind that now

  (To Clay.) So, you were playing and

  CLAY Yes it was my turn to count his turn to hide.

  He asked me to cover my eyes

  He said cover your eyes and count to ten then come look for me

  But I never got to ten


  CLAY He grabbed me

  from behind

  Put one hand round my waist and the other over my mouth

  Next thing I was pushed into the passenger side of his van or car

  I don’t know which.

  Next morning I saw it was a blue pick-up

  EILEEN So there was a blue van

  RAY This is ridiculous

  EILEEN Shut up!

  CLAY He swapped it next day for a saloon.

  Did some deal with some Mexican in Georgia

  We drove for hours

  Drove through the mountains through thick forest on both sides

  I don’t remember him stopping

  I guess he must have but I don’t remember

  RAY And you didn’t scream or shout or

  CLAY No, maybe a little at first but

  I don’t know

  Apart from him grabbing me he was kind of ok after that.

  To me it was just some sort of game, an adventure

  RAY So you sat impassively in the passenger side of this van, pick-up, car whatever

  While this man this

  tag-playing kidnapper

  he crossed the state line did he?

  CLAY Yes

  Yes that’s right.

  RAY That would have taken hours

  Patrick would never have sat quietly not even for five minutes

  CLAY But I was scared I

  RAY Scared?

  I thought you said you thought it was all a game an adventure

  EILEEN Shush!

  Go on please

  CLAY The next morning, I don’t know what time it was but we stopped for breakfast

  We drove a few more hours and checked into a motel

  He left me alone in the room while he went and got food, exchanged the car

  EILEEN He left you alone?

  CLAY Yes

  RAY And you didn’t try to escape or


  By this stage I thought

  I thought this was all kind of cool kind of

  no big deal you know.

  I thought he’d take me back eventually

  I thought I’d see you again

  RAY You thought he’d bring you back?

  CLAY Yes

  RAY That’s a rather a complex thing to have worked out

  CLAY Complex?

  RAY Yes

  What you’re saying is that you rationalised

  You weighed things up

  CLAY Yes I guess I did yes

  RAY But our son he wouldn’t have been able to do that

  He wouldn’t have rationalised

  He wasn’t capable of that

  CLAY But from the stuff Mydel told me

  EILEEN What did he tell you?

  CLAY That

  Well, at first he said it was a secret adventure and when I asked him if I was

  going home he said

  ‘Yes’ but then I kept asking, ‘when’

  I was pestering him for information and

  That’s when he said he’d need to talk to you.

  So he used the phone in the motel and he called someone.

  He had a real conversation

  I saw him use the phone

  EILEEN But no one called here

  We were on holiday there wasn’t a phone in the cabin

  CLAY I know that now.

  But he was

  He was pretending

  He was pretty convincing too

  nodding and waiting while the other person on the line spoke.

  He was like, ‘Uh huh’ and, ‘That’s right ok’

  It wasn’t til later in the evening

  when he sat me on his knee, then he told me that I’d never see you again.

  He said you didn’t love me no more

  I said, ‘No they do love me they’

  But he said, ‘No, you’ve been a bad son Patrick.

  You’ve upset your Mommy and Daddy and now you have to live with me.’

  I cried when he said that.

  Then he took me to the sink and cut my hair and then he dyed it.

  He must have known that the cops would release a picture

  I remember looking in the mirror and I didn’t recognise myself.

  I knew then that my life had changed forever

  But worse was still to come.

  EILEEN Why, what happened?

  CLAY Well…that night


  that night he he….undressed me and


  CLAY He asked me to sleep in his bed and

  RAY No I’m sorry but just spare us! /


  RAY No no sorry but he abused you did he?

  That’s what you’re going to say isn’t it?

  CLAY I think the word abuse is a very general term

  RAY Really

  CLAY Yes it doesn’t begin to / describe

  RAY Christ!

  You really have thought about this haven’t you?

  EILEEN For God’s sake!

  RAY This is for the newspapers is it?

  You think this is what they want?

  If there’s…what?

  you get more column space is that it?

; They’ll pay more I suppose


  RAY It’s all lies Eileen!

  CLAY (To Eileen.) I’m not lying I promise

  RAY You know, I remember reading an article once

  ’bout some murderer some guy who’d killed

  I don’t know how many hundreds of old ladies.

  But the thing was he hadn’t abused them.

  Not raped them

  Not had sex with them after they were dead nothing like that

  EILEEN Ray for

  RAY No listen.

  But he’d killed a lot of people, this man

  In fact he was quite prolific.

  And this journalist she said her fellow reporters they weren’t that interested in this

  particular case because the story didn’t have any sex in it.

  But ‘Boy gets kidnapped and abused comes back to tell his sensational tale’ that’s

  got it all hasn’t it?

  And he knows that

  that man that whoever you are.

  He knows that’s what they really want

  And you know what?

  It fascinates you too Eileen

  Cause they’ve got you all programmed

  all set up

  You don’t want the truth, the real story no

  You want the souped up movie version lie!

  CLAY It’s not a lie why would I lie about

  RAY (To Clay.) What is it you actually want?

  It must be the money

  It could only be the money or is this just something you do?

  It’s your thing is it?

  You arrive at people’s houses make up stories ruin people’s lives

  Well you won’t ruin mine.


  Patrick was taken by a woman

  A woman who wanted a child was desperate for a child or or

  could offer our son more attention more love more

  CLAY You fucking asshole!

  RAY What did you call me?

  CLAY I called you a fucking asshole

  Are you that heartless that

  RAY Heartless?

  You’re heartless coming here and spinning your

  This happened to us

  This is our life!

  CLAY I’ll prove it

  I’ll get a test

  A DNA test

  RAY You can’t lie on a test

  Do you actually think a test would come up positive?

  EILEEN What do you mean ‘more love’?


  RAY What?

  EILEEN you said someone who could offer Patrick ‘more love’

  RAY (To Clay.) I want you out of my house

  You’re crazy

  Go on get out

  Get out!

  EILEEN You think someone else could have been a better mother to Patrick?

  RAY No no not a better mother no

  EILEEN Then what?

  RAY Look I don’t know I don’t

  EILEEN You think that what happened was for the best?

  Is that what you think?

  RAY No no but

  CLAY You don’t know how I’ve lived


  CLAY No one to mind that I don’t have shoes to walk in

  RAY I don’t care


  CLAY A trailer

  cooking fat all over the the door the ceiling dog hairs clinging to

  RAY Shut up!

  CLAY Every night, I was sodomised

  RAY (Laughing.) Jesus! Sodomised?

  (To Eileen.) He says this with a straight face!

  CLAY He forced me to suck his cock


  CLAY And he did the same to other kids

  He used me as the bait

  I was his live in sexual partner / from the age of five!

  RAY You weren’t!

  CLAY But these things happened to me!

  RAY Ok well maybe they did happen to you maybe

  But they didn’t happen to our son!

  EILEEN How do you know?

  RAY Because that’s not Patrick Eileen

  You know it’s not

  Whatever you might want to believe whatever

  it’s not him!

  EILEEN What makes you so sure?


  What makes you so sure Ray?

  What do you know?

  What do you know that I don’t?


  What happened between you and Patrick after I left for that shop?




  Oh God

  Did you hurt him?


  Did you

  Did you kill him?

  RAY Kill him?


  No Christ how can you

  I gave our son a chance that’s what!

  I gave us a chance

  Clay suddenly violently grabs Ray. He pushes him up against the table with the food on it. Eileen screams.

  CLAY You fuckin’ bastard

  RAY Get off me get

  EILEEN Clay!

  CLAY You think I’m going to listen to this

  Listen to this crap from a shitty little man like you

  EILEEN Clay!

  CLAY I’ve come all this way and all you can do is mock me?!

  RAY Let go you’re hurting / me

  CLAY Hurting?

  You don’t know what hurt is you fucking

  I’m big now

  I’m a man

  I can do whatever I want!

  EILEEN Stop!

  RAY Let me go!

  CLAY Look at these arms

  Can you feel me?


  He tightens his grip again. Ray calls out. So does Eileen.

  RAY Ahhh!

  CLAY I could be a boxer


  She said that

  EILEEN Stop!

  CLAY I’m gonna to get what I want here do you hear?

  Do you hear me?

  RAY Help me! Help!

  EILEEN Please

  CLAY Now you are gonna sit with me and her you’re gonna tell these TV people you tell them I’m your missing son!

  RAY (Struggling.) No no

  Clay shakes Ray.

  CLAY Say: ‘You Are My SON’

  RAY (Choking.) No

  CLAY Say it say it!

  RAY No!

  Ray manages to break free. He cries out and pushes Clay with real force.

  EILEEN Patrick!

  Clay falls against the table, he lands hard. Cuts his head. After a moment he puts his hand to feel his forehead.

  CLAY Oh…

  With all his strength and rage Ray now makes to attack Clay.

  RAY You fucking

  Clay is in a corner and puts his hands up. He immediately looks defenceless.

  CLAY No! No! No! NO!

  Eileen drags Ray off Clay.

  EILEEN Leave him leave him / you’ll hurt him you’ll

  RAY It was him

  You saw

  He tried to kill me!

  As she pulls Ray off they both notice the blood which is now coming from Clay’s head. The next section of dialogue should run fast and can at times overlap.

  EILEEN Look what you’ve done

  RAY That’s it blame me blame me

  Take his side

  Do what you always do

  Clay looks at the blood on his hands. He reacts to it like a child.

  CLAY Blood

  EILEEN (She goes to Clay.) Oh God

  RAY Don’t help him

  EILEEN Leave us!

  CLAY I wanted

  I need this

  I need

  Fuck fuck!

  EILEEN Let me see

  Clay touches his head again.

  CLAY Blood

  EILEEN (She takes his hand.) It’s okay, you’ll be alright


  EILEEN You’re ok

LAY (To Eileen.) But what about my son what about

  EILEEN I know

  It’s ok

  I know

  CLAY (Holds out his hand to her.) Blood

  EILEEN You’ll be ok

  She takes his hand.

  CLAY Hurts…

  Clay starts to cry.

  EILEEN (To Ray.) What have you done?

  What have you done to me

  What did you do to my Patrick?

  RAY Oh yes that’s right

  Your Patrick your son your boy never mine

  EILEEN You didn’t want him

  RAY I didn’t get a chance to want him

  EILEEN You were pathetic

  You never knew what to do

  RAY You never let me near him

  In the beginning I tried to help but you wouldn’t let me

  EILEEN What did you do with him Ray?

  What happened after I left for that shop?


  RAY I want you to know that what I did I

  I didn’t plan it or


  RAY It was to save to

  EILEEN Tell me

  RAY go back

  EILEEN Tell me.


  RAY Remember what he was like just before you left?


  Well do you?


  RAY Well he got worse

  Much worse

  This was a whole new level of kicking, screaming

  I tried to calm him down but he bit me

  There was blood

  I got cross I told him, ‘Go outside’

  EILEEN So you did tell him to go outside?

  RAY Yes, but I was watching at the sink I promise he


  He was out there no more than ten minutes


  I don’t know where she came from

  One minute he was alone and the next

  It was like a magic trick.

  She just appeared

  Popped up

  Like she’d arrived through a trap door in the earth

  She had dark hair, was about our age maybe older

  When I thought about it later I realised I’d seen her before.

  She’d talk to Patrick, hang around smile and

  Well, she had a way about her

  I could tell

  she was good with him.

  Not like me not like

  She was wearing a blue dress

  White shoes

  She was bent down talking to Patrick right at his level

  She was whispering in his ear

  I think…he was holding her hand

  Now he’d never do that with us, would he?

  Do you remember?

  He’d always shrug us off or pull away.

  And as I watched them I saw that she was starting to move

  Just a little, slowly

  Looked like nothing

  Looked like she was his mother and this was her son and they were just innocently moving on, going home or

  But they were getting further and further away

  Slipping off the surface of

  When I realised what was happening

  When I saw what she was doing I went out there, rushed out

  I was about to say –


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