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A Heart's Gift

Page 23

by Lena Nelson Dooley

  “I’ve had plenty of help. I’m just glad you’re better.” Lorinda picked up one of the medicine bottles. “Let’s get this all taken care of, then I’ll go get you something to eat.”

  Miriam sniffed at the air. “Something smells really good.”

  While she measured and administered the medicines, Lorinda continued to question her patient. “We have biscuits and scrambled eggs. Do you think you can eat them now?”

  “I know I’m hungry enough, and I’ve been taking broth and lots of water. Surely the biscuits and eggs are mild enough for my stomach.” A loud rumbling sound from her direction confirmed just how hungry she was.

  Before Lorinda left the room, she helped Miriam sit up in bed and added a couple of pillows behind her patient. Even though she was still very thin, Miriam didn’t look as weak as when she arrived.

  When Lorinda carried in the food tray, Miriam smiled at her. “I hope I haven’t been too much of a bother for you.”

  “Not at all.” Lorinda set the tray on the table and went to get another pillow to help balance it. “I’m sure you’re tired of people feeding you.” She moved the tray to the pillow she had laid across the patient’s lap.

  “That’s right.” After Miriam took a bite of the egg, she put the fork down and took her time chewing. Her eyes closed as if she wanted to remember every sensation. “This is so delicious. It seems like forever since I’ve had enough to eat.”

  Questions bounced around in Lorinda’s head, but she didn’t ask them out loud. Why was it so long since she’d had enough food? Surely, there was someone near her who could’ve helped. But probably not, since she rode to the ranch to get help from the man she had treated so badly. She must have been desperate.

  Lorinda knew what it was like to be in an impossible situation. Much of her growing up years were like that. There hadn’t been anyone to help her either. She’d been bothered by the arrival of Miriam, but now she felt sympathy for her.

  After a few bites of both the egg and the biscuit with butter and honey, Miriam leaned her head back on the pillows. “I really need to talk to Franklin. Do you think that would be possible today?”

  “I’m sure it would.” Maybe now they could find out just what happened to this woman. “I’ll tell him when he comes in for dinner.”

  “Thank you.” Miriam raised her head again and went back to taking small bites of the food and slowly chewing them. She seemed to relish every single morsel.

  Lorinda met Franklin at the front door when he came to the house for the noon meal. His smile melted her heart even more than before. She was as addicted to him as her father and uncle were to liquor, but this addiction didn’t hurt anyone...except herself.

  “I have something to ask you.” She smiled up at him.

  He took off his Stetson and coat and hung them up in the front hallway. “What do you need?”

  His gentle tone felt almost like a caress. He would probably think she was silly if he knew what she was thinking.

  “It’s not so much what I need, but Miriam wants. She asked if she could talk to you as soon as possible.”

  “I think that can be arranged. Tell her I’ll talk with her as soon as we finish our meal. I want you to be with me if that’s all right with you.” His dark eyes bored into hers, filling her with a deep longing.

  While he washed his hands, Lorinda went into the room where Miriam was. “Franklin said he would come and talk to you as soon as he’s finished eating.”

  Miriam heaved a sigh. “I’m so relieved. I really need to get everything out in the open. I won’t be able to rest easy until I do.” Her fingers fidgeted with the colorful patchwork quilt covering her.

  When Franklin put his napkin on the table beside his plate, he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Michael’s head. Then he took Lorinda’s hand and led her to where Miriam was.

  “I brought my wife with me.”


  Lorinda moved to stand out of the way, hoping she could be unobtrusive. She just wanted to know what was going on, not get into the middle of the conversation.

  Miriam scooted up in the bed and rearranged the pillows behind her shoulders. She kept her head down, almost as if she were praying. Lorinda wondered if that was what she was doing. She assumed Miriam had gone to the same church as Franklin.

  “So much has’s hard to say it out loud.”

  Franklin sat in the bedside chair and leaned back, crossing one booted foot over the other knee. He didn’t push her...he just waited. Lorinda held her breath until Miriam finally spoke.

  “I’m so sorry for the way Marvin and I treated you, Franklin.” She stopped and took a deep breath, keeping her eyes averted.

  “That’s water under the bridge.” He didn’t move from his relaxed position.

  “I don’t think Marvin ever loved me as he said he did. He was just so jealous of you. He wanted everything you had, even me.” She paused and blinked her eyes, a lone tear making its way down each cheek. “I was in love with the idea of marriage and starting my own family. His lies led me astray, because I wasn’t really committed to you.”

  Franklin nodded. Lorinda couldn’t see the expression on his face, but she didn’t want to move and call attention to herself.

  “If I had been, his words wouldn’t have enticed me.”

  Maybe her words were meant to ease Franklin, but Lorinda didn’t think they did. She saw the way the muscles in his lean jaw compressed and released, over and over. That was no surprise. She had often wondered if he was still in love with his first fiancée.

  “Go on.” He gave Miriam a nod.

  “He promised we would be married as soon as we reached a place he had picked out for the wedding. He never told me where it was. We must not have ever reached it, because he never said we had arrived.” She turned her face away and stared off into the distance. “He convinced me we were as good as married, and I held him off for a long time. But eventually, I succumbed to his expressed desires. After that, he never mentioned marriage again.”

  Lorinda realized that must have really hurt the woman. But she did make the wrong choices herself. Lorinda was pulled between feeling sorry for her and thinking she got what she deserved.

  Miriam turned her eyes back toward them, the pain in her glance making them glacial. “We stayed together until after I told him I was...with child. Soon after, he left me with the horse and a small bag of gold coins. I haven’t seen him since.”

  Lorinda couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “How did he get Mike’s horse?”

  Miriam turned toward her. “He knew Mike had quite a bit of gold on him when he left for Denver.”

  “How could he know that?” Lorinda realized her question sounded harsh, but she didn’t care.

  “I don’t know how he found out things. He just did.” Miriam twisted her fingers together and held them close to her chest. “I’m so sorry.” Tears poured down her cheeks now. “He came home very angry. I had to stay out of his way for a few days. He ranted about Mike not having the gold he planned to steal. In his anger, he killed the man. He took the horse, so he would at least get something for all his trouble.”

  Her shoulders shook with sobs, and she seemed to wilt with what little strength she’d gained melting right out of her.

  Lorinda stepped forward. “I think we’ve done enough talking for today.”

  She helped Miriam scoot back down in the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. Miriam’s eyes slid shut. Lorinda took a hanky and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  Franklin stood and waited for her to finish. Then he ushered her from the room with his hand on her lower back. She leaned into that touch. She needed it right now. In the foyer, he pulled her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest, and he pressed a kiss atop her curls. Had she imagined that? Surely not. The gentle touch reminded her of what she was missing in their marriage.

  “I’m so sorry, Lorinda. I know that was hard to hear.”

it was. Very hard, but she couldn’t stop herself from feeling sorry for Miriam. The woman made her own decisions, but she had been influenced by a very bad the two Lorinda had grown up with. Raising her head from his chest, Lorinda gazed at his handsome face.

  “It was hard for you, too, Franklin, wasn’t it?”

  Miriam’s words had to add to the pain and betrayal he already felt.

  “But we’re far better off than she is. We can thank the Lord for that.” His comforting words reached her heart.

  Was the Lord still listening to them since they were living the lie? She hoped He was.

  Chapter 30

  Lorinda followed Dr. Winston to the front door. “Thank you for coming to check on Miriam.”

  He settled his hat on his head and picked up his medical bag. “You’re doing a good job, Mrs. Vine, helping her to regain some of her strength. But she’s not out of the woods yet.”

  “She’s been sitting up for over half an hour now.” Lorinda hoped it was an indication Miriam was getting stronger.

  “I’ll be back out here in a couple of days...unless the baby comes sooner.” He headed outside.

  Lorinda closed the door behind him, then leaned against it. Memories of when Lorinda’s own son was born were still fresh in her mind. It was hard. It hurt so much, and she’d been much stronger than Miriam was. Dear Lord, please help Miriam regain her strength before the baby decides to make an appearance. If she didn’t, Lorinda wondered how Miriam would be able to push the baby out.

  When she went back into the bedroom where Miriam sat in the rocking chair, the woman raised her head and glanced at her. “Mrs. Vine, I really need to talk to you and Fr—Mr. Vine this evening.”

  “Okay.” Lorinda wondered what she might want to talk about. Her voice sounded so serious. Hopefully, she just wanted to ask for their help. Surely, she didn’t want to rekindle her romance with Franklin now that he was married to someone else.

  Lorinda went to where clean sheets were stacked on the bureau. “I’m going to change your bed and help you get cleaned up and in a fresh gown if you’re not too tired.”

  “That would be nice.” Miriam’s hands clutched the arms of the rocker so hard, her knuckles paled in the sunlight streaming through the window.

  While Lorinda changed the linens on the bed, she kept up a cheerful conversation despite the doubts whirling in her mind. The other woman only nodded or uttered a word or two. Lorinda often glanced at her. Even though she seemed to be wilting in the sunlight like flowers that hadn’t had enough water, she was still beautiful. Lorinda could understand why Franklin had been drawn to a woman with dark hair that still had waves in it even though she was not very healthy right now. Those ice blue eyes were unusual for someone with midnight black hair. Quite a contrast to Lorinda’s blonde hair and pale skin. Maybe Franklin preferred brunettes.

  Lorinda hurried as fast as she could. After she fluffed the last pillow and folded the covers back, she set the pitcher of warm water and the empty bowl on the floor beside the rocker. She grabbed a washcloth and a towel from the bureau, then knelt beside their guest and gently washed her face and hands.

  “Let’s slip that gown off, so I can finish cleaning you up.”

  Miriam leaned forward and allowed Lorinda to do what she said, but she didn’t help in any way. Her patient’s strength and awareness faded. Alarm filled Lorinda. She had to get the woman back in bed as soon as possible.

  After Lorinda finished, she held her crooked elbow out to their guest, and Miriam had a hard time rising from the cushions of the rocker. She grasped Lorinda’s arm with her fingernails and desperation and the grip was so hard it made her wince, but Lorinda didn’t let on it was hurting. Slowly, they made their way across the room. After Miriam sat on the side of the bed, Lorinda helped hoist her legs under the covers.

  Their patient settled into the softness with a sigh and closed her eyes. She immediately fell into a deep sleep. Lorinda’s heart ached for the woman who had been through so much. Yes, she made wrong decisions, but she’d suffered almost as much heartache as Lorinda had while she still lived with her father and uncle.

  She pulled the rocking chair beside the bed and dropped into it. While watching their patient, she lifted prayers for the woman and the baby she carried. As she opened her eyes, she noticed the movement of the baby under the covers. At least, the wee one was still all right...for now.

  Franklin carefully opened and closed the door when he came in for the noon meal. He hung up his hat and coat and tiptoed down the hallway to the room where Miriam was staying. Through the open doorway, he saw his wife sitting beside the bed with her head bowed and her eyes closed. She had to be praying for his former fiancée. Lorinda was such a special woman. Who else would take in the former woman in her husband’s life and care for her so deeply? He wished there was some way he could let her know just how much he admired her. Maybe soon.

  He went on down the hallway to the kitchen where Mrs. Oleson was talking to Michael.

  “Here you are, you sweet thing.” She gave him a pinch from the rolls she was putting in a basket for their meal.

  His son grabbed it with his fist and was hard at work, trying to get it all in his mouth.

  “Are you spoiling my son?”

  She looked up with a smile. “It’s hard to spoil a child before he’s a year old. Or at least, that’s what I’ve heard.”

  “I thought I saw Dr. Winston drive away. What did he say about Miriam?” He leaned against the doorpost and crossed his ankles, trying to look nonchalant.

  “I’m not sure.” Mrs. Oleson wiped her hands on the towel stuck into the waistband of her apron. “I worked on lunch and took care of our little prince while he was here. Lorinda will be able to tell you what you want to know.”

  He stood up and stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his trousers. “I saw her as I came by. She was praying for Miriam. I didn’t want to disturb her.”

  “Your Lorinda is a good woman, Franklin. You made the right choice.” Mrs. Oleson lifted the lid from one of the pans on the stove and stirred something that smelled very good. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I know. It’s just that I can’t tell her...”

  “Tell me what?” Lorinda came through the door and smiled at him.

  For a moment, all he could do was study her. Her beauty overwhelmed him, even more so since he saw her praying for Miriam.

  Finally, he realized she’d asked him a question. “What did the doctor say about our guest?”

  He dropped into the chair on one side of Michael while Mrs. Oleson bustled about setting the food on the table.

  Lorinda sat on the other side of their son. Worry creased her forehead. He’d seen that expression on her face before, and it didn’t bode well.

  “He actually got her up to sit in the rocker while he examined her.”

  “That’s good, isn’t it?” The heavy burden for Miriam lifted from Franklin’s mind.

  “Yes...and no.”

  Lorinda picked up the saucer with mashed potatoes Mrs. Oleson had fixed for Michael and held a small spoonful in front of the baby. He laughed and slapped his little hands on the table tray, then opened his mouth wide.

  Franklin would never get tired of watching the two of them. His family. The family he never expected to have. God had truly blessed him.

  “Why no?” The report up to this point had sounded good.

  “She’s gaining some strength, but she’s not out of the woods by any means.” Lorinda gave the baby another bite. “When I went back into the room after the doctor left, Miriam didn’t look all that strong. I hurried to change the sheets, clean her up, and put her in a fresh gown. But by the time I finished, she could hardly get up even with my help. Now she’s sleeping again.”

  “I saw you praying for her.” His soft words were for her ears alone.

  She turned troubled eyes toward him. “I’m worried about her and about the baby. I did see it moving around under the covers,
but having a baby is very hard work. I’m not sure she’s up to it right now. I hope she builds more strength before her time to deliver arrives.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that.” Franklin felt helpless. How did other men face the thought of possibly losing their wives during childbirth all the time?

  Lorinda laid her hand over one of his on the table. “She wants to talk to us again this evening. I’m not sure why.”

  He thought Miriam had told them everything they needed to know. Maybe there was more to what had happened to her. For a moment, he wished Marvin Pratt was close-by. He’d like to give the man a strong dose of what for. Selfish scum. He’d ruined a very special woman when he lured her away. Franklin had been able to get over what he’d done to him, but Miriam might never get over it. And, even though she made her own decisions, she really didn’t know what she was getting into. A man should protect a woman, not use her and discard her.

  But isn’t that what I’m doing with Lorinda? Using her?

  He was trying to remedy that, and he’d never, ever discard her.

  Lorinda checked on Miriam several times during the afternoon, and their patient slept the rest of the day. At least, this allowed Lorinda to catch up on cleaning and spend fun time with Michael.

  Not long before suppertime, Mrs. Oleson found Miriam awake and took her food and gave her the medicine. So she was ready when Lorinda and Franklin finished eating supper.

  With his hand resting on the small of her back, Franklin escorted her into the room where Miriam was sitting up in bed with pillows behind her.

  Lorinda had a hard time keeping her mind on their patient. Franklin didn’t often touch her in that possessive way. She wondered if he realized what he was doing, or was it just instinct? She was very aware of the presence of his warm palm touching her gently. So much heat spread through her she had a hard time catching her breath. Oh, how she wanted to tell him what he was doing to her. That marriage promise felt like a ball and chain hampering her every step. She wished she had the magic key to open the lock. She finally took a deep breath and slowly let it out.


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