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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

Page 31

by KL Donn

  I feel him start to pull my shirt up, but a familiar cry has us freezing. Both of our breaths leave us in pants and he looks up at me. “Our son is cockblocking me.”

  A nervous laugh escapes me, and I quickly jump up off of his lap. “I-I’ll go c-check on him.” I latch my bra as I walk down the hall to Henry’s bedroom.

  When I step inside, he’s sitting in his crib and I know immediately what’s wrong because I can smell it. “Oh baby, did you have a tummy ache.”

  “Is he… Oh my god, what is that smell?” Sawyer comes into the room.

  “He must have an upset stomach. Can you start the bath and make sure it’s not too hot? Don’t put the stopper in yet, I need to rinse him off first.”

  I get Henry out of his crib and luckily none of it got on his bedding. In the bathroom, I strip him down and as I peel his pajamas down, I can see that the shit is clear up his back.

  Sawyer gags behind me and I can’t stop the giggle that escapes. “Just try not to breathe and you’ll be fine.” I tilt my head back so I can see him. “Trust me, I’ve seen worse. He’s also puked in my mouth before.” His face turns green and he gives me a horrified look.

  “He puked in your mouth?”

  I smile. “Umm… yeah. He’s also peed on me and pooped on me.”

  “Jesus Christ,” he mutters.

  I can only laugh as I hold Henry over the bathtub as I peel his jammies off. “Can you grab me two grocery bags or any sort of bag?”

  He disappears while I stand Henry up in the tub and take his diaper off. It hits the bottom of the tub with a thwack. I grab toilet paper to start cleaning him up and toss it into the toilet.

  Sawyer returns with two grocery bags and I throw his jammies in one and his diaper in the other. I rinse him off and get all the dirty water down the drain before I grab some soap and quickly scrub his toosh.

  We get him dried off and changed before I put him back in bed. He was so sleepy while I was cleaning him off he could barely keep his eyes open. When I step back into the hall, Sawyer is standing there.

  He holds up both bags. “What am I supposed to do with these?”

  “If you have a garbage shoot, just toss the diaper down it and I need—hell just throw them both out.”

  Sawyer nods and then practically runs out of the apartment. In the living room, I pick up my hot chocolate and drink the rest down. It was lukewarm but still delicious.

  I’m yawning when Sawyer comes back.

  “The shit is gone,” he announces. “How could my sweet boy make such a nasty mess?”

  “Oh, trust me, he can make messes a lot worse than that.” I take my empty mug into the kitchen and fill it with water.

  Sawyer comes into the kitchen and leans against the counter, watching me as I wash it and then set it on a towel. When I finish, I move toward him, not sure what I’m going to do. He watches me closely and I don’t stop moving toward him until I can wrap my arm around him.

  I look up at him. “I had fun today.”

  “I did too. Thank you for coming and spending time with me,” he says with his lips against my temple. “Why don’t you get ready for bed and I’ll be right in. We can watch TV from my bed.”

  We always used to camp out in one of our beds and watch TV. “Okay.” As I walk past him, he slaps my ass. I can only shake my head as I make my way to his room.



  The minute MeMe disappears into my room, I take a deep breath. Fuck, I want her so bad I can still taste her on my tongue. I was minutes from being buried deep inside her and then our son had the smelliest poop I’ve ever seen.

  Besides the mess, I love watched MeMe with Henry. She does everything with a practiced ease that I can only hope to have someday and that I’m as badass as she is taking care of our son.

  I double check the front door to make sure it’s locked. After unplugging the tree, I head into my room, shutting the door behind me. MeMe is lying against a stack of pillows with her legs crossed. “What are we watching?” I ask as I peel my shirt off. She doesn’t answer and when I drop my shirt, I see that her eyes are on my chest. “See something you like?”

  Even from just the glow of the TV, I can see her cheeks are pink. “I-I uh…n-nothing.”

  I chuckle as I step into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I’m finished, I shut the light off. In my bedroom, I sit on the side of the bed and pull off my jeans, leaving me in just my boxer briefs.

  I scoot back until I’m lying against the other stack of pillows. “I love this show.” She’s got The League on and we used to watch it together all of the time. Of course I’m not even paying attention to it because my eyes are MeMe’s long bare legs.

  “Come here.” I hold up my arm and she slides next to me. She fits snugly against my side like she was always meant to be there. As much as that scares me, it exhilarates me too.

  MeMe rests her head against my chest and begins drawing patterns on my chest. I kiss her forehead and then her temple and without asking, she tips her head back and my lips connect with hers.

  This kiss turns heated almost instantly and I grab her, pulling her on top of me. My dick hardens immediately and tests the stretch of the cotton. MeMe grinds against me as her mouth opens to welcome my tongue to dance with hers.

  I push so I’m sitting more upright and grab the hem of MeMe’s shirt. I break the kiss so I can pull it up and off of her. Her breasts come into view and I immediately begin to salivate.

  “Fuck, even better than I remember.” I cup them both, pinching the nipples.

  MeMe shakes her head. “They’re not very perky after breastfeeding.”

  “They’re perfect. They fed our boy, that’s fucking beautiful.” I suck one tip into my mouth, enjoying the sound of her moaning. I nip the hardened tip before switching to the other nipple.

  I grab her by her hips and flip her to her back. I kiss down her chest, past her stomach, and straight to her pussy. She smells amazing as I pull her panties off and grab her thighs, spreading them for my eager tongue.

  I don’t bother easing into it—I just begin to feast on her pussy. Her moans and cries are music to my ears. As I suck her clit into my mouth, I push one finger inside of her. I suck harder on her clit and rub my finger against her G-spot.

  Her cries become more urgent and I have to pin her hips down as she rocks them. I pull my finger out and then push two back inside her.

  “I-I’m gonna come.” She moans. I begin to fuck her with my fingers until she cries out.

  Once her orgasm begins to ebb, I pull my fingers from her and lick them clean. I moan as I lick my digits clean. “Damn… so sweet.”

  I crawl back up her body and reach out blindly and stick my hand in my nightstand, grabbing a condom. “Pull my boxer briefs down,” I tell her.

  She grabs the waistband and pulls them down, freeing my cock. I make quick work of opening the foil packet and then sheathing myself.

  This is it, the moment where things can change. The question is, am I ready for that? I grab my dick and rub it through her wet. As I begin to push inside of her, the magic that was there that night returns and I pull almost all the way out before I push back in until I’m buried to the hilt.

  I groan because she’s so hot and so fucking tight. MeMe hugs my hips with her thighs. She grabs my face and pulls me down until our lips meet in a fiery collision. I thrust my tongue into her mouth as I begin to fuck her.

  “Damn baby, you feel as good as I remember.” I roll my hips, hitting her sweet spot over and over. “Do you know how many times I’ve jerked off thinking of you and that night?”

  She whimpers as I kiss her again and again. “I want you to come for me,” I whisper against her lips. Still deep inside her, I get up on my knees and pull her legs up higher as I reach between us and rub her clit, I begin to increase my speed as I feel her orgasm begin.

  MeMe’s whole body quakes as she comes and comes. I grab the headboard and use it for leverage to increase my thrusts
. The tingling at the base of my spine signals my approaching orgasm. “Fuck! Fuck…” I moan as I begin to come and come.

  When I begin to come, I swear I’m close to blacking out. We kiss as my orgasm begins to fade. I rest my forehead against hers as we both try to get control of our breathing.

  She kisses my lips and rubs her hands up and down my back. I pull back and then kiss her neck and then between her breasts before kissing her lips again. “I’m going to get rid of this condom, but do not move, do not get dressed because we’re going to nap and then we’re going to do it again.”

  The smile she gives me makes my heart race but in a good way. I pull out of her and climb out of bed. In the bathroom, I quickly dispose of the condom, use the toilet, and then wash my hands.

  Back in the bedroom, I find MeMe asleep. I crawl into bed next to her and take in the beauty that is her. Why did I not ever try anything with her? I know because I was not the dating type, and I cared about her too much to hurt her.

  My hand trails down her body. I notice tiny silvery stretch marks on her lower stomach. I rub my fingers over them. They’re a sign that she grew our baby inside her.

  I hadn’t expected her pussy to be bare. Did she do that for me? My stomach turns. Did she do it for someone else? That thought causes a rage to build inside me. I brush her hair back from her face, lean in, and kiss her softly on the lips.

  After I position her how I want her, I turn the TV off, wrap myself around her, and fall asleep feeling better than I ever have.

  The infield coach shouts my name. “We’re going to do some recovery drills.” Stan, wanted to start getting my arm warmed up and t ready for spring training.

  He hits grounder after grounder and as soon as I pick it up, I throw it to Wally, who stands on the other side of the gym. After ten balls, he moves to another spot and then we do it again.

  A half hour later, one of the trainers stretches me, keeping loose.

  “How’s your arm feel?” Stan comes over to the table I’m sitting on.

  “It feels great, Coach.”

  He nods. “Good, good. You’re looking good out there. I want to see you every day this week and then we’ll break for the holidays, but I still want you working out. Keep in contact with your trainer and let him know how you’re feeling.”

  Stan leaves the locker room and I grab my shower stuff and head to an empty stall. As I scrub my body, I think about the past two weeks and smile.

  The night MeMe and I had sex after the first time, it unleashed some horny beast inside of me. I woke up twice, hard as a rock. Of course the first time was because she was grinding that sweet ass against it.

  I wanted nothing more than to lift her leg up and ease into her from behind, but until we had the birth control talk, I was going to wrap it. Obviously one or both of us is fertile if we got pregnant using protection.

  I’d reached for a condom and donned it quickly. I knew she was awake because her hand moved between her legs and she moaned softly. Without saying anything, I’d put her on her hands and knees and fucked her from my behind. There was nothing sweet and romantic about that coupling.

  It had been fast and intense. The only sounds being made were sharp cries from her grunts from me and the slapping of flesh.

  The third time had been slow and sweet. When MeMe came, it was so fucking sweet. When I came, I did a full body shudder. We promptly passed out after that. In the morning, when I had gotten up I was alone and thought she may have left me and I flew out of bed, ready to not let her get away this time.

  I was throwing on my jeans when she came walking in, wearing my shirt from last night with Henry in her arms. “Hey, are you okay?” she’d asked.

  I was a little embarrassed about my reaction, but with our past sexual history, I freaked. “I-I thought you might have left.”

  “Oh.” MeMe cheeks turned red and her eyes were turning glassy. “I-I’m s-sorry.” Henry fidgeted in her arms, sensing his momma’s distress.

  “No… No, I forgave you a while ago. Don’t cry, okay?” My son reached for me and I took him, hugging him to my chest. “I should’ve known better. I didn’t think I just reacted.”

  I wrapped my free arm around her, pulling her to me. “Now give me some sugar.” She smiled and tipped her head back, kissing me slowly on the lips.

  MeMe pulled back and smiled at me before whispering. “Go brush your teeth. Your breath stinks.” She laughed and took off running. “I’ll start breakfast,” she shouted from the hall.

  “Mommy is crazy.”

  Henry stared up at me and smiled. “Da. Da doo.”

  I kissed him on the top of the head. “Yeah, buddy, I’m your Da.”

  When it was time for them to leave, I wanted nothing more than to throw myself in front of the door and keep them there forever. MeMe reminded me that she worked from home and could easily bring her stuff to me.

  She also reminded me that Christmas was only a couple of weeks away and MeMe invited me to come stay with them so I could be with them both that morning. I wasn’t going to say no, that’s for sure.

  Luckily with practice the past two weeks, I haven’t had time to miss them too much because I’ve been so exhausted at night and I’ve had to settle for FaceTiming them before passing right out.

  I finish my shower and wrap my towel around my waist. In my locker, I grab clean boxer briefs and slip them on.

  “Good moves out there today.” Wally comes walking in wrapped in a towel himself. “How’s your shoulder?”

  “Thanks, and it feels really good. What are your plans for Christmas?” He’s from California.

  “I fly home tomorrow and I’ll stay in Cali until after the New Year. Are you excited to spend Christmas with Henry?”

  Tito is still the only one who has met him and MeMe so far, but only because the guys have been scattered during the offseason. Luckily the night Tito met MeMe and Henry, he behaved himself for the most part and when I walked him out, he apologized for being kind of cold to her, and that he really liked her—he was certainly smitten with my son.

  “I can’t wait. I sent my mom some money and a list of stuff to buy for him, but she reminded me that he’s too little to really care about anything, so I gave her a list of stuff for MeMe.”

  Once we’re both dressed, we give each other one of those backslapping hugs. “Have a good holiday, brother,” I tell him.

  “You too, man.”

  I can’t wait to get home and spend some time with my son and MeMe.



  I sit astride Sawyer rocking up and down on his cock, moaning as he rubs my clit with his thumb. I place my hands on his chest for balance and then lift and swivel my hips.

  “Fuck, you feel so good,” he whispers. “Are you going to come for me, baby?”

  The tightness in my belly begins and I feel my orgasm is just around the corner. Sawyer pushes up enough that he can suck my nipple into his mouth and I swear that’s all it takes before I cry out over and over.

  He flips us and begins to pound into me at a punishing pace until he buries himself to the root and coming hard enough that even with the condom, I can feel him come over and over.

  When he pulls out of me, I miss the feel of him already, but he wraps me in his arms and kisses my forehead, making my heart swell. “Today was a great day,” I whisper.

  Last year Henry was a newborn, so he didn’t care about Christmas and he barely cared this year, but he loved all the attention he got. We all went to my mom’s, including Sawyer’s mom and his grandparents, who were beyond thrilled to meet their great-grandson.

  Tonight my sister and Carrie are staying at my mom’s to give Sawyer and me the place to ourselves. I usually share a room with Henry, but we set up the portable crib in Carrie and Elsa’s room, so that’s where he’s sleeping.

  “It was a great day,” he whispers against my lips.

  One thing I’ve learned over the past couple of days is Sawyer’s very touchy-feely and
I love it, but I’m scared. I love him and I’m not sure how he feels about me. A part of me is scared because what if this is all so he can be with his son. What if he thinks he has to be involved with me to be with our boy?

  “Hey? MeMe, where did you just go?”

  ‘Think dummy, think,’ I tell myself. “I-I’m just glad you’re here.” I’m definitely not lying about that.

  “I’m glad I’m here too.” He tilts my face back and leans in kissing me. All too soon, the kiss ends, and I lay my head back down and wrap my arm around his waist. I can’t wait to make some incredible memories.

  Sawyer and I stand in my doorway waving goodbye to my mom, his mom, and my aunt and uncle, and grandparents. They all came over to do Santa with us. Everyone brought some sort of breakfast dish and Elsa, Carrie, and I supplied the drinks.

  We all did our gift exchange the night before and this was all for Henry who was overstimulated and ended up latching onto his daddy and refused to go to anyone else, including me, which was hard to deal with because he’s always only wanted me.

  I shut the door and sit down on the couch and Sawyer sits down next to me with Henry asleep in his arms. I rest my head on his shoulder and he kisses my forehead. One thing I’m a little disappointed about was that Sawyer didn’t get me anything.

  I’m not fancy and I don’t need something that costs a lot of money, but just something to show he was thinking about me. I had a picture of Sawyer and Henry at his birthday party, blown up and put into a frame for him to hang up on his wall. I also got him wireless earbuds because he’d complained that his weren’t working that well.

  I cover my mouth as I yawn. “Go take a nap. I’ll put Henry to bed and then clean up the wrapping paper.”

  “Are you sure?” I look up at him.

  “I’m sure, now go. Once I get this stuff cleaned up, if he’s still asleep, I’ll join you.” Sawyer kisses me one more time and I get up off the couch and grab Henry from him.


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