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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

Page 35

by KL Donn


  “MeMe, are you coming out?” Elsa asks from the other side of the bathroom door.

  I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath. “Ahem… yeah, I’ll be right out.” I splash cold water on my face and then towel it dry.

  This has been two weeks of pure hell. First, after Sawyer told me there was a paternity test that showed he was not Henry’s father and after he left, I called my sister and I begged her to help get me home—luckily she got us on a redeye flight that night.

  I’d never cried so hard in my life. Him believing that I would lie about him being Henry’s father was devastating. To think he thought I would fuck someone, get pregnant, and pawn their kid off on him. I think that’s what hurt the worst.

  When I left the hotel that night, a reporter approached me and asked if I felt guilty for telling Sawyer that Henry was his. They had the camera on me and the light was blinding me as I tried to get in the SUV. “Please step back so we can leave.”

  “How much money were you hoping to get from him?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want his money. I just want to go.” Inside the SUV, Henry cried and cried. When I finally drove out of the parking lot, I was finally able to breathe.

  We hung out at the airport until it was time for us to leave. Poor Henry was so confused and irritable while we walked around.

  Elsa and Carrie met us at the airport and the minute they came into view, I collapsed onto my knees right there in front of everyone, sobbing like a lunatic. Carrie took Henry so my sister could hold me. “I feel like I’m dying inside,” I whispered brokenly to her.

  “You are the strongest woman I know, you’ll get through this, but if you fall, I’ll be there to catch you, okay?” She helped me up and after we got my bag and Henry’s car seat, they drove us home.

  Then the next day, news stories were popping up about me and Sawyer and my phone was ringing off the hook with people wanting comments from me. I finally just had to shut my phone off.

  I was thankful for my sister and Carrie who helped me with Henry because, to be honest, I was struggling. I know that Sawyer had called Elsa, but she wouldn’t let him talk to me. That was after she yelled at him.

  Three days after we came home, Sawyer did an interview explaining what happened. I can’t believe that his agent, or ex-agent, pulled that shit all because he thought it would push Sawyer to take the deal that was going to make Kevin lots of money.

  It still didn’t erase the fact that for a short time, he truly believed I was capable of something like that, and that’s what hurts.

  Since then, Claudia has come to visit, but I stay upstairs, hiding while she plays downstairs with Henry. It’s not that I don’t want to see her, but I’m embarrassed because of everything that’s happened.

  Sawyer’s sent flowers for me and toys for Henry. I’ve kept the toys but pitched the flowers.

  I appreciate his effort, but this hurt in my heart feels like a scab that keeps getting picked at. I take a deep breath and open the door. I give Elsa a very bright and very fake smile.

  “I love you,” she says and pulls me into her arms. “Are you ready?” Today we’re going to look at apartments for Henry and me to move into. It’s time we get our own place—to let Elsa and Carrie start their lives together without us in their way.

  “Yeah, I’m excited.” We head downstairs and Carrie is playing on the floor with Henry. I slip my shoes on and grab my backpack. “Thanks for watching him, Carrie.”

  She smiles at me from her spot on the floor. “No problem, girlie. We’re going to have a good time.”

  I climb in the car with Elsa and we begin our search.

  Three hours later and we’ve seen three different places. The first was nice on the outside and a dump on the inside. I didn’t feel safe being there.

  The second was okay, it was clean and safe, but really small. If it were just me, I’d take it, but I don’t think Henry would like feeling cramped.

  The last place was the winner. It was like a smaller brownstone from New York, with great security, an open floor plan and two nice sized bedrooms for us. The rent is a little higher than what I wanted, but between the money from my trust from my dad and the child support that isn’t stopping from Sawyer, I will be able to swing it.

  Before we head home, Elsa pulls into the parking lot of Starbucks. “What are we doing here?” I ask her.

  “I thought we could talk.” We head inside and order our drinks. When we get them in hand, we head to a little table in the corner.

  “What do you want to talk about?” I ask before taking a drink of my skinny vanilla latte.

  She’s quiet for a minute and then shocks the shit out of me. “I talked to Sawyer yesterday. I think you should forgive him.”


  Twenty-four hours earlier

  I stretch my sore muscles and then shut my locker. It was a crazy day and I’m so exhausted. All I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep for days. I grab my messenger bag and pull out my phone, turning the ringer back on. I shoot Carrie a text.

  Elsa: I’m heading home. See you soon.

  The dots bounce and then a text from my girl pops up.

  Carrie: Okay baby, I love you.

  I stick my phone back in my bag and head outside to my car. When it comes in to view, I freeze. I walk to my car. “What are you doing here, Sawyer?”

  “I need to know they’re okay,” he says quietly. I ignore the fact that he looks like shit. “Please, Els.”

  I get right in his face. He may be a lot bigger than me, but I’ve never been scared of him because I know what a big softie he is. “I can’t believe you would ever think that MeMe would get pregnant by someone else and tell you that it was yours. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “I know. I fucked up, but he handed me the form and all I saw was that it said there was no way we were related and I immediately thought the worst. I’m fucking sorry—I’m only human. I fucking love her and I love Henry. I need them back in my life. I need you to help me get them back. You do remember that I didn’t stay upset with her for that long when I found out about Henry, right?” He scrubs a hand through his hair. “I-I have a plan, but I need help.

  As he tells me his plan and how elaborate it is, my heart beats wildly in my chest. This is probably the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.

  “Okay, I’ll do whatever you need me to.”

  His smile is hopeful and I know if she hears him out, she’ll forgive him for making a mistake and I don’t doubt he’ll try very hard to make that up to her.


  Present Day

  “What do you mean, I should forgive him?” I don’t understand what he could’ve possibly said to her that would make her change her mind.

  She grabs my hand. “I can’t tell you, but trust me, honey, he feels terrible about what happened.”

  “I know he does, but that still doesn’t erase the fact that for a short period of time he thought that Henry was not his child.”

  Elsa leans in close. “Honey, just remember that he could’ve been really nasty about finding out about Henry. Instead he embraced fatherhood immediately and moved you in, so you were sleeping in his bed almost just as fast.”

  I know she’s right, but something is bothering me. “Why haven’t I seen him?”

  “Hewas trying to give you space. He knew you were hurt, and he was waiting for the right time. Plus opening day is in three days, so he’s been crazy busy.” Elsa grabs her bag and digs around in it and holds up an envelope. “I’ve got tickets to the game. The seats are fucking amazing. He wants you and Henry there. Mom, Claudia, Carrie, and me are invited too. No matter what, we should go and at least support him, don’t you think?”

  No matter what, he’s still Henry’s father and I still love him. “Yeah, we should go.”



  The stadium is buzzing with excitement as we wait for the Hawks to take the field. Our seats are amazing, we’re seven rows
up from the first row, which will give us a clear view of Sawyer.

  We’re all wearing our #32 Sawyer Bennett jerseys. Henry is fascinated by the field, the noise, and the people. When the music dies down, the announcer’s voice comes through the PA system.

  He begins announcing all the players who run onto the field, lining up. When Sawyer’s name is called, we all stand up, cheering for him. I doubt he heard us, but we were pretty loud.

  Once the teams are lined up, they announce that country singer, Katee Simpson, is singing the Star-Spangled Banner. Tears fill my eyes as I listen to her beautiful voice and as she hits the big ending, three fighter jets fly overhead, roaring across the sky.

  We sit down and the game begins. Everyone is taking turns holding Henry who is more interested in watching the people then the game.

  When Sawyer is up to bat for the first time, I can’t help but notice how fucking hot he looks in his uniform. I watch him get into his batting stance and the first pitch is a ball and then the next is a strike.

  He swings at the next pitch and the crack of the bat can be heard throughout the stadium. Everyone stands up as the ball goes and goes until it flies over the high wall at the back. People cheer wildly for him as he rounds the bases.

  When he steps on home plate, his teammates all give him high fives and fist bumps. Their dugout is near where we’re sitting and I swear when he runs to the dugout, he gives me a small smile, but maybe I was imagining it.

  During the seventh-inning stretch, I get up and go to the bathroom. When I wash my hands I smile, it’s small, but it’s there. I’m so fucking happy for Sawyer for living his dream. He’s such an amazing talent and I’m proud as I’ve watched him grow as an athelete.

  I make my way back down to our seats. Carrie switches spots with Elsa for a minute and sits next to me. “These seats are amazing. Is it just me or does he look hot in his uniform?”

  I smile at her. “Yeah, he does look hot. He always has.”

  “You’re so brave for coming.” She kisses my cheek. I’ve said it a million times, but I can’t wait for her and my sister to make it official—then she’ll be my sister-in-law.

  “I don’t feel very brave, but I’m glad I came.”

  The last inning ends and we won 2-0—one of the points scored by Sawyer himself. I go to stand up but realize everyone is staring at me and then I turn back and see that all the players are out on the field.

  Sawyer’s face appears on the jumbotron and my heart starts to beat wildly. A voice comes through the speakers. “Tell me about MeMe.”

  “She’s the best friend I’ve ever had.” “Hero” by Foo Fighters starts playing and then a montage of photos and videos from the age of fourteen until a more recent one with Henry standing on his daddy’s lap.

  When the video ends, Sawyer’s face appears on the jumbotron. “I love you MeMe and if you can forgive me for being a bonehead, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving to you that forgiving me wasn’t a mistake.”

  I don’t even have to think I just stand up and move down the row of seats as I appear on the screen. Sawyer’s face lights up as I run down the stairs, climb over the little wall until I’m on the field. Sawyer runs to me and when he reaches me he grabs my face, he kisses me as everyone around us screams and cheers.

  He pulls back enough to talk. “I’m so sorry that I ever doubted you. It was so fucking stupid and I’ll regre―”

  I cover his mouth with my hand and shake my head. “It’s done, it’s over. We move forward, right?”

  He nods and smiles. “I love you so much, baby.”

  “I love you too.”

  Sawyer holds my hand in his and before I know what’s happening he gets down on one knee. I can barely hear him over the roar of the crowd. “Mee-Yon Eklund, please be my wife. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You and Henry are the best things that have ever happened to me. I will spend the rest of my life proving that it isn’t a mistake to say yes, so please say yes.” He slips a princess cut diamond ring on my finger as I nod wildly.

  “Yes?” He looks at me hopefully.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.” Sawyer jumps up and wraps his arms around me. I grab his face kissing him hard. “I love you so much.” He sets me down and I don’t miss the tears shimmering in his eyes.

  Sawyer kisses me one more time. “Wait for me afterward?”

  “Of course. I’ve been waiting for you since I was fourteen years old. What’s a little bit longer?”



  Two years later

  I pull into the driveway of the home MeMe and I bought shortly after we got married a little over a year ago. We found a Cape Cod style home that was outside of the city and perfect for what we wanted. Neither of us wanted some big monstrosity. We wanted something homey and kid-friendly.

  Speaking of kid-friendly, Henry appears in the window, waving wildly. I climb out and grab my gym bag from the back.

  The front door opens and my son comes running toward me. “Daddy, youw home.” As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs, he jumps off the top right into my arms. “I missed you so much.”

  Henry’s three now and he’s definitely Daddy’s boy. When I’m home, he’s with me constantly. “I missed you too. Where’s Mommy?”

  “She’s wif sissy.” Our daughter, Ella, is six months old, and my little princess. This time being around for the whole pregnancy was an amazing experience. I was obsessed with MeMe’s pregnant body.

  I swear I was touching her constantly. I wanted to fuck her constantly because she was just that fucking sexy round with my child. At night when MeMe would sleep, I’d rest my hand on her belly and love to feel our daughter move around.

  When she had our daughter, I admit I didn’t handle that the best. I just couldn’t stand seeing my love in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it. When I held Ella in my arms for the first time, I won’t lie, I wept like a fucking girl, but I didn’t care.

  Luck was on our side because when she was born, I was home and we weren’t on the road. I didn’t get to spend as much time with her as I wanted before I had to travel with the team for two weeks for road games.

  MeMe had help between my mom and hers. Carrie and Elsa helped when they could, but right before Ella was born, they adopted their daughter, Macklynn. We love our niece to pieces and can’t wait until she and Ella are old enough to be best buds.

  When I step inside the house, I set Henry down. “Mommy! Daddy’s home!” he shouts and then runs through the house. I head into the family room and find MeMe on the couch with Ella at her breast. Is it wrong that I find MeMe fucking sexy when she nurses? I don’t know what it is, but knowing that she’s feeding our baby girl from her own body just does something to me.

  I lean over the back of the couch and kiss her lips when she tilts her head back. When I lift my head, I move around to sit down next to her and kiss the top of Ella’s fuzzy head.

  “That was a great game, baby.”

  I smile at her. “Yeah, I thought we played great. This season is going to be ours, I just know it.”

  Every year we make it to the playoffs but haven’t made it to the final show. This year we’re better than ever and I think we can truly make it.

  “I can’t believe Tito got a grand slam. He was on fire tonight.”

  MeMe and Tito have become good buddies, and we actually made him Henry’s godfather. He’s still a playboy and I don’t see him changing his ways any time soon.

  When Ella’s done nursing, I take her from MeMe and burp her before taking her back to her room to change her diaper.

  “Daddy, I want to hewp.” Henry climbs up the little steps and stands next to me.

  I open the baby powder and hand it to him. “Sprinkle just a little bit on her tooshy.”

  Very carefully, he holds it upside down and shakes it until the white powder sprinkles out on to Ella who babbles gleefully at her brother. Once she’s all snapped back into place, I carry
her back into the family room where I rock her until she falls asleep.

  Once the kids are asleep, I need some alone time with my wife.

  I grip MeMe’s thigh, holding her leg up higher on my hip as I pound into her at a punishing pace. When I hit her sweet spot, she moans and then arches her back. I bend down, sucking one nipple into my mouth and I groan when I can taste the sweetness of her breast milk on my tongue.

  “Oh Sawyer, I’m gonna come.” She groans and it’s music to my ears.

  My strokes become more punishing as she gets closer to orgasm. Mine isn’t too far off either. “Baby, please come—I’m so close.”

  I reach in between us and begin rubbing her clit and the moment she cries out and clamps down on my cock, I thrust once, twice, and then hold myself planted to the root, coming deep inside of her.

  After we get cleaned up, she crawls into bed with me, resting her head on my chest.

  For a long time, we just lay there in the dark and hold each other. No words need to be spoken, we just enjoy each other. I rub my hand up and down her back and can feel the goose bumps pop up all over her skin.

  In no time at all, she’s sleeping soundly next to me. I kiss her forehead because she works so hard for our family, picking up a lot of the slack when I’m not at home. She never complains, and she does it smiling—always.

  Who knew that when I met the scrawny little brace face, that I would someday make her my wife and the mother of my children. She was my destiny, and I was hers.

  I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, but with her by my side, I know that it’s going to be an amazing adventure.

  The End



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