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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

Page 44

by KL Donn

  “Explain,” Niko demands before I can speak up.

  She speaks over Ben when he opens his mouth to give Niko shit. “I’ve seen her a few times after Emmy leaves for school, and she certainly isn’t the same vulnerable woman she has led her daughter to believe.”

  “What? Why didn’t you tell me this?” her husband scolds gently.

  “Because you have been watching over her. We both have. It’s why we go out every Friday night, so Emmy can get out of there. Make some money. That girl has been worked to the bone for years.”

  I nod my thanks. Relieved to have more to go on with the woman. “Put a rush on that research on the mother,” I tell Niko as we walk up to the house.

  “Viktor!” Dora throws open the door before we’ve reached it. “It’s about time you showed up. This woman is crazy. She struggles to hide it now without Emmy here to lavish her with sympathy.” Her words are rushed out in Russian.

  “The Williams’ have the same thoughts,” I reply back to her. Her gaze slides over to where they’re still standing on the curb and then to Kodiak standing guard on Emmy.

  “Good.” She nods her head before allowing us to enter Emmy’s home. Niko has already seen it, but this is my first time. I’m shocked at what I’m witnessing. From the outside, it appears so homey that you would never know they lived in such austere quarters. A couch that has more loose threads and holes than patched areas. An old tube television sits on the floor in the corner. Stained carpets throughout the house, lead to a kitchen with broken tiles taped in place.

  “Oh, hello,” Kelsey greets me. Before she can put her mask in place, I see the calculation in her eyes. She is nowhere near as desolate as she has allowed her only child to believe. “Is Emmy with you? I do miss her so.” Her inquiry is so fabricated that she’d fail a lie detector test.

  “Da,” I say as my gaze continues to wander. The woman looks around me, a slight scowl on her face as she searches for her child. “She won’t be coming in,” I inform her.

  Dora is standing by the door waiting on me as Niko heads upstairs to gather Emmy’s belongings. “Go out to the vehicle, babushka,” I instruct the older woman before she can call Kelsey out on her lies.

  With a glare, she nods her head, responding to me, “Watch her. She’s crafty. Nearly had me fooled.” With her warning, she leaves. Kelsey has a quizzical look on her face, trying to figure out what we are saying. Speaking a foreign language has its advantages.

  “Is Emmy alright?” Her quiet voice does not fool me.

  “Da.” I keep it simple.

  “Well, why isn’t she coming in? I don’t understand why she ran away.” The woman is good. To the average person, she would sound concerned. To me, she sounds angry. She doesn’t like that she’s likely lost control of the only person she’s ever been able to manipulate.

  “Ready,” Niko says and leaves without another word.

  “I want to see my child!” Ahh, there it is. Her temper is showing through, and her falsified vulnerability is crumbling.

  “Nyet. Emmaline is mine now. You will no longer be able to hoodwink her into believing you are helpless,” I say with a scowl. “You may have had her fooled, but I see you, Kelsey. You are every bit as horrible as Marshall. Perhaps worse. He was honest, at least, about what he wanted with Emmy. You have lied to her, her whole life.”

  She pauses as she fastens her mask back in place. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Da, I’m sure you don’t. But I do. And that is all that matters. You see, when she came home, you slipped and tipped her off, and so she ran. Emmaline knows your secrets, Kelsey, and soon, I will have them all as well. You won’t have access to her again.”

  The façade dissipates completely. “She will return. Just as soon as Marshall is through with you, she’ll have no choice.” So much hatred and venom from a woman who claims to be shattered. My Emmy is going to be heartbroken at being exploited.

  My anger ignites into an inferno. “I already know Marshall’s plans. He will not succeed. And once I’m finished ruining him, I’m coming for you, Kelsey. I will make you wish you were never born if you do a single thing to hurt Emmaline. Ask Ben about me; he knows the truth.” Turning my back on her sputtering, I walk through the door.

  Ben looks at me, questions in his eyes, and I nod. Confirming he needs to keep his guard up with the woman. I don’t know what she and Marshall’s plans were with Emmy, and I don’t care. I have every intention of destroying both of their lives now that I know they’re hell-bent on ruining my woman’s.


  Kodiak stood in my way for too long before he finally entered the vehicle again. I saw Ben come outside, and he and Amanda spoke to Viktor for a few minutes before Vik and Niko entered my house. I wasn’t able to discern how the conversation went, so I’ve been pestering Kodiak since.

  He hasn’t answered many of my questions.

  “Does Viktor want children?” I finally ask. Every inquiry has been leading up to this one. I don’t want to keep this secret from Viktor, but I’m not sure how he’ll handle the revelation when we’ve been so up and down since meeting.

  Kodiak turns in his seat and stares at me for a full minute before answering me. “Da.”

  Relief takes the wind out my sails.

  He narrows his gaze on me.

  “You’re pregnant.” It’s the first he’s spoken to me in English, and in my shock, I nod my head. He returns the gesture and spins back around.

  “You won’t tell him, will you?”

  “Nyet.” I can feel his brows furrow with that single word.

  “I want to tell him. But he’s so hot and cold. I never know what he’s thinking.”


  “Will he be angry?”

  Kodiak looks back at me and glares his frustration.

  “Right. So, I should tell him soon,” I say, not expecting a reply.

  “Da.” But I get one anyway.

  “You’ve been a great help, Kodiak, thanks.” My droll response is missed by him as he waves his hand in dismissal at me.

  He mumbles something that sounds like you’re welcome, but it’s so quiet that I don’t hear him clearly as I stare back out the window towards my house. I want to go in there, to confront my mother, find out what’s going on, but the little girl inside of me longing for love is terrified. I’m afraid she’s going to confirm my worst fears.

  I’ve never been wanted or loved.

  Marshall isn’t surprising, but the cold shoulder from her hurt more than anything else I’ve experienced. I’m not sure I’ll be able to endure that type of rejection. Not when I’ve spent my entire life believing she loved me dearly until now.

  “I want him to love me, Kodiak. Can you understand that?” I continue staring out the window, startled when he speaks.

  “He does.” I turn my head slowly towards him. “He would not be here if he didn’t.” Kodiak nods his head and exits the vehicle just as I see Dora leave my house, an angry look contorting her face.

  When she begins talking animatedly to Kodiak, hands waving, head shaking, lips moving so fast that I wouldn’t be able to read them if I tried, I know something has gone terribly wrong.

  As she gets closer, I can hear her thick accent as she speaks to the man guarding me. I almost wish it weren’t in Russian, but I know it’s better I don’t hear everything she says. Even though she and my mother appeared to get along before I initially left, the drastic change in my mother’s attitude when I came home nearly a month ago must have affected this older woman, as well.

  They’re still carrying on their conversation as Kodiak opens the front passenger door for her, and she climbs in mumbling under her breath.

  Before I can speak, Kodiak opens the hatch, and I can hear him still grumbling to himself as Niko joins him. Before long, I see Viktor leaving my house, an unreadable mask on his face, as Kodiak and Niko climb into the vehicle. As I slide over to the middle, Viktor opens the door and sits beside me as Niko
takes a spot on the opposite side of me while Kodiak drives this time.

  A conversation ensues in Russian, and at first, I’m hurt. I have no clue what they’re saying and if it’s about me or maybe even my mother. But it doesn’t take me long to realize they don’t even realize they’re doing it. From the moment I met Niko, Dora, and then Viktor and Kodiak, they’ve all done it.

  Leaning into my love’s side, I whisper in his ear, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

  His face, once a hard mask of agitation, now settles into a soft look of regret as he cups my cheek, murmuring, “Apologies, moy. Babushka merely did not want to be insulting of your mother in front of you. She rarely holds her tongue. It’s a great sign of respect that she did not offer you her opinion of such drastic changes in your parent.”

  “I see.” I’m rather conflicted myself about how to handle those same transformations. “Thank you,” I whisper. My doubts about whether he would ever be able to adjust his indifferent behavior are beginning to dissolve.

  “Anything for you, moya lyubov’. Anything at all.” He leans forward to kiss my forehead gently as he settles me into his chest. “When we’re home, we’ll discuss everything in private. No prying ears.” I gently nod because I can feel three sets of eyes on us now.

  When I woke up this morning, the unfolding of today’s events hadn’t been a thought on my mind. Being back in Viktor’s strong embrace and feeling secure is something I’ve come to rely upon, desperately.

  He may be arrogant, stubborn, and appear selfish.

  But he’s not.

  Viktor is kind and caring. Loving and selfless.

  If I take a serious look back on all the things he’s done to hurt or anger me, I can see the amount of protectiveness in every action.

  I’d be a fool to let him go.

  An even bigger one not to tell him about the child I carry.



  Emmaline’s fatigue worries me as we roll to a stop in front of our home. She was asleep before we boarded the plane in Atlanta and had barely woken during the flight. It’s only three in the afternoon, and while I know she must be on emotional overload, my concern is amplified when she scarcely opens her eyes as I grasp her in my arms to carry her up to the house.

  “Oh my.” Mads is at the open front door, waiting with her clipboard in hand. “Is she alright?”

  “Nyet. Call the doctor,” I tell her as I walk past and head straight up to our room. I see Sacha exiting one of the spare rooms, and I instruct her, “Bring tea and soup,” wondering if Emmy caught the flu while she was home.

  With so much stress from the past month’s events, I wouldn’t be surprised if her immune system has been compromised, allowing some bug to invade her body.

  “Viktor.” I hear Mads in the doorway and turn to look at her as I remove Emmy’s shoes. “Danika is here. Dimitri appears extremely agitated about something, too.”

  I nod with a scowl. That man gets on my last nerve with his desire to continually be in my business. He may be loyal to the Adairs, but that does not mean he gets to stick his nose where it does not belong.

  “I will return, moy,” I whisper into Emmy’s ear as I place the blanket over her resting form.

  Storming from the room and down the stairs, Madelyn is waiting on the bottom step. “Stay with Emmy. I do not trust Sacha alone with her.” She nods and rushes upstairs as the woman in question walks out of the kitchen, tray in hand.

  As I enter my office, I see Niko and Kodiak stand guard behind my desk, glaring at Daniel and Dimitri as they stand fixed behind Danika, who is seated in front of my desk.

  “What?” I snap out.

  “You’re not going to like it,” Nika says without looking at me as I round my desk. I roll my hand for her to continue. “You pissed off the Haggens,” she says. “Again.”

  “Your point?” I’m always pissing someone off.

  “They’re going to come for you, Viktor.” My sister leans forward, concern in her eyes. Eyes nearly identical to our mother’s. “They’re going to come for Emmy.”

  I sit up straighter. Until now, I’ve never had anyone for my enemies to hurt, so I remained uncaring how often I angered them. “I will deal with the Haggens,” I reassure her.

  She rolls her eyes, and Dimitri squeezes her shoulder, obviously knowing my sister. “Now may be the perfect time to make peace. Stop fighting over territory in a country where you haven’t visited in almost twenty years, Viktor.”

  Scrubbing a hand down my face, I give her suggestion some serious thought. I do not wish Emmy to be involved in such unnecessary hate. Nor do I wish for our children to grow up in a generation where they will be targeted simply because they carry my name.

  “What do you suggest?” I ask her while staring at Dimitri. He’s got something on his mind. Likely something he doesn’t intend to discuss with Danika in the room because she’s against it.

  “I’m so glad you asked, big brother. You’re marrying Emmy, so what better occasion for peace than two souls being forged together.” Christ. She may kill me yet.

  “You want me to bring in hate-filled people on a day that should bring joy?”


  “I’ll think about it,” I tell her, and she snorts, her doubt made clear.

  “Cool it, Danika,” Daniel snaps at her. Shocked, I eye the young man up and down. He’s not normally the one to bring my headstrong sister to heel. Dimitri handles that roll.

  “Finally found your balls,” Niko mutters in Russian, causing Daniel’s glare to darken and Dimitri to step forward threateningly.

  “Enough,” I bark out. “I have enough shit to deal with without you three at each other’s throats.” Before another word can be spoken, the doorbell rings, signaling the doctor’s arrival. “Excuse me. Danny-boy, take Nika to the kitchen for something to eat, will you?” My question is more of a suggestion as I head to the door, wanting to greet my new guest before speaking with Dimitri.

  “Viktor,” he says, holding his hand out.

  “Thank you for coming, Adam. Emmy is upstairs. I’ll be right with you.”

  “Whatever you want, man. Your dollar.” He smirks.

  “Niko!” I shout, but Kodiak comes out of my office.

  “I’ll go,” he mutters, shocking me. Kodiak doesn’t mingle with people when it’s not necessary, and I get the feeling he’s not all that enthusiastic about being by Emmy’s side, but I leave it for now. I have more important things to discuss with Dimitri.

  Turning my back, I see Daniel and Danika in the kitchen whispering to each other as I enter my office again. Niko is staring at the door with a confused look on his face, likely because Kodiak went up with Adam and Dimitri is leaning against my desk with his arms folded.

  “We have a mole in the Haggen clan.” I dip my chin at Dimitri to continue. “He says they intend to attack when you least expect it.”

  “Ahhh, this is why you disagree with Nika’s suggestion of peace at a wedding.” He acquiesces. “Will King spare you and Daniel for a few days?” I ask, a plan forming in my mind already.

  “It’s why we’re here.” He shrugs.

  No matter my feelings on the two men or their organization, I know that because of my sister, I have allies in the Adair Empire.

  “Carver is getting pretty itchy. I could likely motivate him to come up here for a few days, too.” I nod at Dimitri’s suggestion. Carver Rivers is a man everybody wants on their side, and his psychotic nature has not diminished with his newfound love with Nika’s friend Meadow.

  “Do it.” I turn to Nikolai. “Book the church for two days’ time. I would like the priest here tonight, though. If this is a setup, I want Emmy bearing my name long before.”


  Stress, emotional overload, and amped up hormones have me so exhausted I can barely lift my head. I felt the plane ride, the car ride, Viktor carrying me to bed, but I simply couldn’t open my eyes. I didn’t want to. I’d rather sleep for
a month than move from this comfortable bed.

  “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” I hear Madelyn’s voice from the other side of the room and hardly get my eyes open before there’s a knock on the door.

  “Miss Taylor, we meet again,” Adam says cheerfully as he and Kodiak walk in. Great. Now Viktor is really going to know before I’m ready to tell him.

  “Hi,” I croak, my throat dry.

  Madelyn rushes over to hand me a glass of water while Kodiak frowns, but I see a flicker in his eyes as the other woman helps me sit up.

  “Your man is anxious about you, Emmy. What’s going on?” Adam asks as he pulls things out of his bag and sets them on the end of the bed.

  Sighing, I push myself the rest of the way up, trying to ignore the dizziness swirling in my head. I take a deep breath before asking him, “This stays between us, right?” He looks up at me before turning his gaze to stare pointedly at the other occupants of the room.

  “Well, theoretically, yes, it does.”

  No point in keeping a secret that isn’t remotely secret any longer. “I’m pregnant.” I blurt the words out so I can’t chicken out.

  Adam’s eyes widen with shock.

  Kodiak shakes his head.

  Madelyn squeals.

  I’m nauseous.

  Clearing his throat, Adam takes a seat beside me. “Wasn’t expecting that. But okay. Approximately how far along? Did you see a doctor or just do a home test?”

  “About a month, and only a home test.”

  “I’m going to do a blood draw then. I’d like to get you into the clinic for an ultrasound and complete workup soon. When do you plan to tell Viktor?” I’m relieved he’s not asking if the baby is even Viktor’s. I wouldn’t be able to hold in my emotions.

  “Soon.” I look down at my hands. “Things haven’t been easy for us, and I’m worried he won’t want it. Us.” I barely get the words out before Madelyn is at my other side and gripping my hands in her own.


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