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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

Page 65

by KL Donn

  “Uh-huh.” She murmurs, her body relaxing into mine as she scoots further into me. “Just need a minute.”

  I tighten my hold around her, my body softening against hers, my nose buried in the coconut scent of her sun-colored hair, the last thing I remember before waking up three hours later.


  I jerk awake, my lids flying open as I spring into a sitting position, a blanket sliding down to my waist. I do a quick scan of the room, and determine its empty except for me. At first, relief sweeps through me, but then, only a second later, disappointment. I glance at the clock next to the bed, surprised that it’s almost seven. I slept through the entire night, Jasper having snuck out sometime during that time. I’m still on top of the quilt covering the bed. It dawns on me that he found a blanket somewhere in the room to cover me with before he left, and that at least makes me feel a little better. I pull it over my body as I lay back down on the bed.

  I close my eyes, slapping a hand over my face as I blow out a heavy breath. What in the world possessed me last night? I truly must have lost my ever-loving-mind to bring an almost complete stranger back to my room, and then have sex with him. Not once, but TWICE. Granted, he was absolutely delicious in every sense of the word, and God help me, so was the sex. But seriously, this is not something I do. But damn, I’d do it again right now if he was still here. And I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t admit that much. I shake my head, pulling my hand away to sit up again when I hear my cell alert me of a text.

  I look in the direction of the pinging noise, and realize my phone is in the back pocket of the jeans I was wearing last night. Still lying in a heap on the floor where Jasper tossed them after stripping them off of me. My core clenches as I recall the feel of his body against mine, and I throw the covers off me as I leap up from the bed. I will not let myself get sucked down this rabbit hole. Last night was amazing, and something I definitely don’t regret, but it’s over.

  I snatch my jeans off the floor, my phone thumping to the carpet as it slides out of the pocket, and I mumble in frustration as I lean over to grab it. I smile when I see Leah’s name on the screen, remembering its three hours ahead in New York and that she’s actually up. Before I respond, I use the bathroom, then find my robe, wrapping it around me as I plop back down on the bed. I know she’s probably in the office, but take a chance, and try calling instead of texting, in case she can actually talk.

  “Did I wake you up?” Her voice, hushed slightly, asks over the phone.

  “No, I was up.” I scoot further back on the bed. “Can you talk, or are you busy, busy, busy?”

  “Do you need to talk?” I love that she can read me like a book. “I’m at my desk, but I can go down to the lobby and grab a coffee.”

  I nod my head, even though I know she can’t see me. “Yes, definitely need to talk.”

  “Ooooh.” She draws out. “Now I’m curious.”

  “Just call me back when you’re in the lobby.” I end the call before she can interrogate me further, letting myself fall back onto the bed, my head hitting the pillow. I turn my head, inhaling deeply as I do, Jasper’s spicy scent filling my nostrils. This must be the pillow he used. I raise my head, lifting my arms under my head at same time to yank the pillow out, then hug it to my chest. I drop my face into the soft cotton fabric, practically snorting it up my nose I sniff so hard, my body warming in response to his smell. I let out a long hum of appreciation, squeezing tightly, wishing it was him in my arms instead, then burst out laughing, my face still buried. I’m seriously losing it over this man!

  My phone rings, interrupting my self-admonishment abruptly as I fling the pillow off my face to reach blindly to find my phone. My fingers locate and wrap around the insistent device, and I raise it to my ear. I realize she’s Facetiming me, so angle the phone over my face as I press accept. She appears a second later, her brows knit together as she frowns at me with concern. “You haven’t showered yet?”

  “It’s barely seven here.” I defend, noticing the weather behind the large, plate-glass window she’s sitting in front of. “It’s still snowing?”

  “Ugh.” Her head turns to look outside, then back at me through the phone. “Yes, for hours now. Getting to the office this morning was a nightmare. Thank God for the subway.”

  “Well, not to make you too jealous, but it was in the seventies here yesterday.” I grin widely when her mouth drops open.

  “So not fair.” She takes a sip of whatever she’s drinking, most likely a mocha cappuccino, then gives me a serious look. “Talk to me. I’ve only got ten minutes. Did you meet some hot doctor from the hospital and finally get laid?”

  “He wasn’t a doctor.” I scrunch my eyes closed, afraid to see what her reaction’s going to be, not that it matters, because the loud screech coming through the phone makes it clear.

  “You slut!” She giggles. “Tell me everything!”

  I open my eyes, and blow out a breath. “Leah, I couldn’t even help myself.” I shake my head, splaying a hand across my face, my fingers spread wide so I can peek at her through them as I continue. “He was that frickin’ fine. And Lord help me, so was the sex.”

  “Oh my God. You little minx! Tell me all the details. I want to know everything.” She squeals, hopping up and down in her seat.

  “I met him here at the hotel, yesterday, kind of by accident.” The hand that was on my face is now waving in the air as I recount what happened in the lobby yesterday, then about how he found me in the bar, and finally, how we somehow ended up making out in the elevator. “Leah, that first kiss. If I actually had panties on, they would have burst into flames it was that scorching hot.”

  “Please tell me you did it in his room and not on the elevator.” She chuckles, her head tilting as one brow shoots up in her weak attempt to chastise me.

  “He’s got a roommate, but don’t worry, we went to my room.”

  “Wait, a roommate?” Her tone growing serious. “Please don’t tell me you hooked up with some college guy on winter break or something.”

  “Nope.” My mouth breaks into a wide smile as I shake my head. “He’s a professional football player.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” She yells, her hand slamming over her mouth as her eyes pop wide. Her hand lowers a second later as she shifts her attention to apologize to someone that must be standing near her, then swings quickly back to me, her voice softer. “A professional athlete?” She throws her head back as she lets out a hearty laugh, then looks back at me. “Only you. Guess I don’t have to ask how his endurance was?” I feel my face heat as I remember just how good his endurance was, Leah’s mouth dropping open before speaking again when she registers my reaction. “I hate you so much right now.” She smiles as she rolls her eyes. “But only because I’m green with jealousy.”

  “Well, don’t be.” I shrug, trying to appear nonchalant, even though it’s not how I’m really feeling. “He snuck out sometime during the night while I was sleeping. No note or anything.”

  “Seriously?” Her tone sharp. “What’s his name? What team does he play for? I’m going to ask Tom about him.” Tom is her older brother, and knows everything there is to possibly know about football. He played in high school, played in college, and was drafted to the NFL. Unfortunately, he never got to play professionally due to a debilitating knee injury he suffered in a car accident only a month before he was supposed to start.

  “No, absolutely not!” I declare. “Tom will never let me live it down if he knows I hooked up with some football player.” Especially since I had a mad crush on him my entire sophomore year of college. I met him the summer between my freshman and sophomore year when I spent half the break at Leah’s house. There was a lot of flirting and one stolen kiss, and then the car accident. Any hopes or dreams I had of more between us were squashed when his whole world collapsed. I had long since moved on, but I still didn’t want him being privy to my one-night-stand.

  “Pffft, I’m sure he could care less.” Leah never knew th
e extent of the crush I had on her older brother. Sometimes, some things just stay hidden no matter how close friends are. “I’m just going to ask him about the guy. I won’t say a thing about why. I promise!”

  “Argh!” I gripe out, knowing I’ve told her enough now that she won’t give up easily. “Fine. His name is Jasper Chase.”

  “From the Patriots?” Her brows fly high when her eyes grow large.

  I nod, my heart rate picking up a notch at her response.

  “Jesus, Meg, even I know who Jasper Chase is.” She gives me a dramatic eye roll, and repeats her earlier sentiment. “Only you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I pout.

  “He’s only one of the most popular wide receivers in the league, and girl, definitely one of the hottest. The fact that you have no clue at all about this is just so you.”

  I sit up on the bed, shrugging my shoulders as I do. “I can’t help it if I don’t like football.”

  “Well, you sure know how to pick ‘em, I’ll give you that.” She laughs shaking her head. “Babe, I gotta go. It’s been way more than ten minutes, and you know what happens if the wicked witch comes looking for me and I’m not at my desk.” The wicked witch is her boss in the marketing firm she works for, and has earned her name due to her evil temper.

  “Okay, go. I need to jump in the shower anyway. I have to be at the hospital by nine.” I slide off the bed to stand.

  “Yeah, go wash that dirty sex off yourself, you nasty thing.” She teases, laughing.

  I stick my tongue out at her, clicking end before she can respond, then head to the bathroom.

  I walk back into the hotel just after three, noting that it’s much quieter, and empty, than it was the previous day. I’m secretly hoping Jasper might be waiting for me, but am still surprised when a wave of disappoint crashes over me when he’s not. I shake off the feeling, squaring my shoulders as I force myself to stand straighter as I walk across the lobby to the elevators.

  “Oh, Ms. Lewis!” I stop short hearing my name called out from one of the people standing behind the registration counter. “I’m so glad I saw you.”

  I change my direction to head that way instead, stopping when I reach the young woman. “Yes, is there a problem?” Maybe there was a noise complaint last night from whomever was stuck on the other side of the wall from my room. Jasper and I weren’t exactly quiet.

  “Oh no, not at all.” The woman, who’s wearing a name tag displaying Jennifer, reassures me with a smile. “I just wanted to let you know that there was a delivery for you, and that I had it brought to your room.”

  “A delivery?” I repeat, racking my brain as I try and remember if the New York office was going to send something to me.

  “Yes ma’am.” She’s beaming at me, wearing a smile that seems to be trying to tell me something. Unbeknownst to her, I’m not getting the message as I stare back at her with a blank expression.

  “Okay.” I state slowly, confusion dragging out my response. I thank her, then walk back in the direction of the elevator, boarding when the doors slide open. I press the button for my floor, exiting when I arrive, heading for my room. I dig for the key in my purse, yanking it out when I finally find it, then swipe it over the sensor, pushing the door open when it turns green. I step inside, halting in my tracks when I spot what’s been delivered for me. A huge bouquet of pink roses is sitting on the desk in front of the window, a note attached.

  I drop my bag to the floor, mindless of where it lands as I stride to the flowers, their scent filling the space in my small room. I cradle my hands around the bottom of the green circumference of the flowers, then bend, burying my nose in the soft petals to inhale deeply. I close my eyes, my lips curving into a wide smile as I savor the fragrance. When I pull back, I marvel at their simple beauty, my mouth gaping when I count and realize there are thirty roses in the vase. I shake my head in disbelief, then snag the card out of the holder in the middle of the arrangement. I tear the small envelope open carefully, my pulse quickening as I begin to read the print scrawled on the card.


  Sorry I had to leave before you woke.

  Dinner again tonight?

  I’m free any time after four.

  Call me 508-476-8932.



  I admit it. It stung a little when I woke up this morning to not only find him gone, but also because he didn’t leave a note or say goodbye. Even though I knew when I brought him back to my room, we were hooking up and a one night stand is a one night stand, I still expected some kind of closure. This however, made up for it completely.

  I place the note on the table beside the vase, then scoot back over to my bag on the floor to find my phone. Once I locate it, I unlock the screen, find Leah’s number and press call. She answers on the second ring. “Hey Meg.”

  “He sent me roses!” I blurt out, not even bothering to give her a proper greeting.

  “What?” She bellows through the phone. “Talk louder! There was a train going by.”

  I realize she must be in the subway waiting for her train home, so I raise my voice to accommodate for the background noise, repeating what I just said. “He sent me roses!”

  “He did?” She lets out a short squeal. “So much better than a note!” There’s a short pause, and I’m about to answer, but she interjects. “Did he send a card? What did it say? Does he love you already?”

  “Shut up!” I respond on a laugh, rolling my eyes. “He wants to take me to dinner tonight.”

  “You mean, he’s looking for round two?” The sarcasm in her tone doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “So what if he is? Leah, he’s hot. I’m up for another round.” I walk back over to the roses and brush my fingers over the delicate petals, wondering out loud. “Maybe I am a slut.”

  “You are so not a slut. Stop that.” She admonishes.

  “I mean, it’s a really nice bouquet of roses. I should at least thank him.” I mumble more to myself than to her.

  “I can’t hear you.” She yells again. “Hold on, I’m getting on the train.” I wait, taking the phone away from my ear long enough to snap and send her a picture of the flowers. “Okay, that’s better. What did you say again?”

  I can actually hear just her, and not a bunch of noise, so lower my voice. “Look at your texts. I just sent you a picture.”

  There’s a moment of silence, then her response. “Holy crap. How many freaking roses did he send you?”

  “Thirty.” I plop down on the bed, chewing on a fingernail. “It’s nice, right?”

  “Um, more than nice. It’s gorgeous.”

  “He left me his number.”

  “I can hear you chewing your nails through the phone.” She chastises, the frown on her face evident through the tone in her voice as she continues. “Are you going to call him?”

  “I mean, I have to at least say thank you for the roses, right?” I move my thumbnail to my mouth, then pull it away before I bite, shoving my hand under my leg.

  “Yeah, but how nice of a thank you do you want to give him?” She snorts. “Did you pack anything dressy to wear, or just work stuff?”

  I stand and walk to the closet, sliding the door open. Everything I packed was ironed and hung up as soon as I arrived. I’m a little OCD like that. I run my fingers along all the outfits, trying to determine if anything would be suitable. “I mean, I have a nice dress. And of course work outfits, but those are boring. And my comfy jeans.”

  “Which dress did you bring?” She demands, making it clear she’s decided I’m going on the date.

  “The black one.” I reach for it to pull it free.

  “That doesn’t really narrow it down for me, Meg.” She sighs dramatically. “You have about ten in your closet.”

  “The halter-top one. It’s sleeveless and kind of has that short, flowy skirt.” There’s nothing but silence on the other end of the phone, so I continue giving her clues. “You know, the one I wore that time we went to
that club where that band was playing and the drummer bought us those blue shots.” A description only a best friend would understand.

  “Oh, that dress!” She exclaims. “That’s perfect! Wear that!”

  “What if he takes me to a taco truck?” I joke, wondering if maybe it’s too dressy for the L.A. scene.

  “Then you’ll be the hottest one there. Except for the hot sauce.”

  She laughs out loud at her own joke, and I can’t help but join her. “You’re so corny sometimes.”

  “I know, but it’s why you love me.” She counters.

  “It’s true. I do.” I smile wide as I glance at the clock. “He said to call him after four, and it’s just after three-thirty here. What time should I text him? I don’t want to look too eager.”

  “You can give eager beaver a whole new meaning.” She cracks up at her own joke again, stopping after a second when I don’t respond. “Okay, sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I shake my head, still smiling. “Seriously, how long should I wait til I call him?”

  “You could make him squirm a little. I mean, he doesn’t know how late you’re working and anticipation always sweetens the reward.” She clucks her tongue, a habit she has when she’s thinking, then continues. “Or you could just text him now. Screw all the mind games.”

  “Winner.” I declare. “I so don’t want to play games.”

  “No. Just get laid again apparently.” Leah teases. “But I mean, it’s Jasper Fucking Chase. Girl, if you don’t take him up on the offer, I’ll hop on a plane right now.”

  “That won’t be necessary.” I assure her. “I think I’ve got this.”

  “Then go get him.” She giggles. “And make sure you call me tomorrow! I want to know everything!”

  “Okay, I will.” I promise her, saying goodbye as I end that call, so I can make another. I get up to retrieve the card, then create a new contact in my phone for Jasper, entering his number. I don’t overthink it, well any more than I already had, and send him a text.


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