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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

Page 94

by KL Donn

  “Theo!” she growls.

  I lift my head and look up at her from between the creamy flesh of her thighs with a smirk on my lips. “Yeah, baby?”

  “Fuck you!” She grips the sheet with both hands and clamps her eyes shut.

  I laugh and drop my head again, and between kisses I remind her, “You…” Kiss. Lick. Kiss. “Need to…” My tongue slips over her clit and she sucks in a breath. “Beg.” I trace my finger over her pussy, teasing her, pushing her to the edge, waiting for the words I want to hear.


  When the word leaves her lips, I cease all contact and look up at her.

  She glares down at me, her fingers thread through my hair and she tugs on it until I wince. “Are you fucking insane?”

  “What? You told me to stop. I stopped.”

  An entirely unladylike grunt comes from her before she continues, “No, not— I meant stop teasing me, Theo, please… just, fuck—please fuck me… please Theo. It’s been so long, I need you inside me… I’m begging you.”

  I smile wider than I have possibly in all my life. “Couldn’t handle it, baby?”

  “I swear to God, Theo, if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to kill you.”

  With that, I move up and rest my elbows either side of her head as she spreads her legs wide and I thrust my cock into her hot, tight heat. Her pussy sucks me in to the hilt and I almost collapse in relief.

  This is where I should be. This is home.

  I start off slow, relishing in each thrust of my hips and the heat of Ivy’s tight pussy sheathed around my cock. I lick, suck and kiss her neck while she moans and begs me (yeah, she’s still begging) to go faster and harder. When her lips capture mine the kiss is deep and powerful, combining our breaths and melding us together in this moment.

  “Harder,” she begs again. “Please, Theo—”

  She’s cut off when I grip the headboard and slam into her causing the bed to rock. Soft hands press on my chest before her fingernails dig into my flesh and she cries out, “More… oh god, I’m almost—”

  I drop my head and suck her nipples into my mouth, gently tugging on each one with my teeth before I lean into her neck. Sweat drips from forehead and Ivy’s fingers tangle in my hair.

  “Baby, I’m gonna—”

  As her pussy clenches and she screams out in pleasure, my cock throbs and with one last thrust a white hot heat ripples through my body before I release inside her.

  I slump over her, my heart racing wildly, my chest covered in a sheen of sweat, and my eyes on Ivy as she smiles, a blissed out expression on her gorgeous face. Fuck, I’ve missed her.

  Ivy lets out a sigh of what I can only describe as relief as she tightens her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck and we fall into a decadent silence where our hearts are one and our souls are finally back together. Poison Ivy and her Viper.



  I get four blissful days with Theo before it all falls apart. Our time is spent alternating between his house and the main clubhouse with his men, all of whom I’ve come to love. I can see they all respect Theo, and even though I hate the years I missed out on with him, it soothes my soul to know that he wasn’t alone all this time, and had these men with him.

  The morning after we had sex—sex he forced me to beg for—I was worried it would be weird. That when the emotions and adrenaline from the night before faded, we would be left with an awkward morning after routine of sideways glances and tension filled silence. Those fears were all but erased when I woke to Theo nibbling on my ear, whispering kisses down the column of my throat.

  Now our bubble is being shattered. I knew it would end eventually, but standing here listening to Blip, one of my prospects yelling on the other end of the phone, I’m trying to make sense of what the fuck is happening.

  “It’s all fucked, Ivy, I had to get her out. What the fuck do I do? Where do I go?!” Blip’s voice is frantic and I’m trying to figure out who the hell he’s talking about when it hits me. Rachel.

  “Blip, where are you at? I need to call Ranger or Blade and let them know so they can come help you.”

  “Fuck, FUCK! They can’t come help, Ivy.”

  “What? Why? What’s going on?”

  “They’re down, Ivy. I don’t know if they’re dead or alive, but they didn’t make it out. Blade told me take Rachel and get her out of there so that’s what I did. I stole a car from the lot and we’re on the road now.”

  My vision goes dark. Ranger and Blade are down. Nonono. My legs go weak but before I can hit the ground a steel band wraps around my waist. Theo takes the phone from my hand. He talks to Blip several minutes before he hangs up and tosses the phone to the bed.

  “Ivy, baby, listen to me. We need to get to Rachel. You need to call Priest and get his men mobilized.”

  I hear his voice but it doesn’t make sense. Down? No. That can’t happen.

  “Sweetheart, we have to go now. If Ranger and Blade go down do not let it be worth nothing, you hear me?”

  I choke on my scream as I attempt to contain the fury and rage trying to claw its way up my throat. I take a collecting breath and resolve settles in my bones. They will not go down for nothing.

  In the next second, I’m pulling on my jeans and my cut. By the time I get outside, Theo and his men are already there waiting for me. I stop short, realizing I don’t have a ride and I’ll have to take a fuckin’ cage, but then Theo steps up with an emerald green helmet in his hand. My brows draw together when I see the Poison Ivy vines entwined through a skull. Beneath the skull, a viper is coiled in waiting, ready to strike.

  “Gotta admit this isn’t how I pictured giving this to you, but I gotta roll with the wind.” His lips meet mine, his tongue swipes inside my mouth fast before he pulls away and puts the helmet over my head.

  He puts his own helmet on and presses a button near his chin before doing the same on mine.

  “Can you hear me?” His voice comes through my helmet and I can’t help the bright smile I give him.

  “That’s amazing. Thank you.”

  “Fox is going to follow behind us in a cage so you can ride his bike.”

  What? I glance back at Fox before I ask Theo, “He’s okay with that?”

  Theo nods. “We need you at your best and your best is on a bike.” He nods to the empty bike between Dagger and West. “Let’s go get your girl.”

  It’s not until we’re on the road that I realize in the midst of our sexfest I never found out where we’re at. “How far are we from Sloan Memorial?”

  Theo’s voice comes through the speakers inside my helmet and I decide this is the second best way to hear his voice, coming in first is when his lips are at my ear whispering dirty words and sweet promises while he’s inside of me. “We’re over an hour from Sloan Memorial but we’re not meeting there. Blip was already on the road, so we’re meeting at an abandoned warehouse about forty minutes from here. I sent the location to Priest, they’re meeting us there.”

  Fuck, I forgot to call Priest. “Hey does this thing only work to talk to each other?”

  As we reach the interstate and merge on, we synchronize. Moving as one we weave in and out of traffic seamlessly.

  “It’s paired with your phone, if that’s what you mean.”

  Before I can pull my phone from my pocket to dial my dad, my phone rings. I pull it from my back pocket expecting to see my dad’s name but it’s a number I don’t recognize.


  “I’d hurry if I were you, princess. Your butterfly is about to lose her wings.”

  Fuck, no. Russell. “It doesn’t have to happen like this Russell. There’s no reason for Rachel to get hurt any more than she already has. All she wants is to start over.”

  His laugh is the last thing I hear before the line clicks off.

  “Theo—” I choke, trying to keep a hold on my emotions.

  “I know,” he growls as his bike leading us revs, picking up spee
d. “Stay focused, Ivy. We’re almost there, get ready.”

  Minutes later we’re pulling off the interstate and onto a desolate exit. A closed gas station is all that I can see as I follow Theo until we reach a side road. As we approach the drop point, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I don’t see any of my other men. A nondescript sedan is parked haphazardly, both doors open wide as the car sits idling.

  Theo stops his bike first, the rest of us falling behind him. As I dismount and remove my helmet, my eyes scan the area around us, searching for Rachel or Blip. I pull my borrowed Beretta from my back and flip the safety off.

  Blip said that Ranger and Blade were down. He made no mention of my dad or the others. I assumed he would have notified them about the meet so they could act as backup. So where the fuck are they?



  Theo stands slightly in front of me as we secure the perimeter of the building. “How far were the Guardians?” I ask. I’m uneasy as fuck that we’re in the middle of goddamn nowhere with no backup to speak of whatsoever.

  “He didn’t say but they were wheels out before we even hung up. Guesstimating, I’d say about another ten to fifteen before they get here.”

  Fuck. That’s too long. We can’t wait on them, we have to move in now. The warehouse is more of an abandoned barn than anything else and the stalls inside give me pause knowing Russell could be anywhere. We’re too fucking exposed.

  We’ve just checked the third stall when a scrape on the opposite side of the barn draws our attention. My body sags as Rachel steps out from another stall, but the relief is short lived when the fear on her mangled face registers in my brain. Behind her, Russell steps into view, moving so we can see the gun he has held to his wife’s head.

  “Ahh, our guests are finally here, sweetheart.” He nudges Rachel’s head with the tip of his gun and she whimpers, her body visibly shaking.

  I take a step forward but Theo stops me with a hand on my arm. The rumble of pipes in the distance causes a rush of relief to course through me—Priest and his men are close.

  “Rachel, are you okay?” I need to buy us time. Right now he’s too unstable for any of us to risk shooting him, and with Rachel in the middle of the fray, it’s not a risk I’m willing to take.

  “DON’T YOU FUCKIN’ TALK TO HER!” Russell roars, lifting his arm and pistol whipping Rachel on the back of her head. She falls with a strangled cry but Russell grabs her, fisting his hand in her hair before she hits the ground and costs him his only cover. He pulls her body against his chest, our chances of taking him out decrease with every second that passes.

  Outside, gravel crunches beneath tires and the approaching pipes have finally reached us, but any relief I may have let myself have vanishes when I hear a mass of gunfire. Theo’s face drains of color realizing that some of his men are outside without backup and are now receiving fire.

  There’s movement behind Russell and fear slices through me thinking the men outside have worked their way through Theo’s men and are coming inside. But instead, my eyes meet a pair of familiar ones. Blip stands behind Russell and before I can blink my ears ring with the sound of his gun firing. Rachel screams and Russell’s body hits the ground with a jarring thud.

  My arm falls to my side and I rush to Rachel to make sure she’s okay. Her head is bleeding from where Russell hit her with his gun but other than that she seems unharmed, physically at least.

  Her body shakes with shock, so I grab her face and tell her to breathe. “In through your nose and out through your mouth.” She follows my instructions and I nod encouragingly. “You’re okay now, it’s all going to be okay.” I try to reassure her but her head shakes, she’s frantic as her mouth opens and closes but no words come out.

  “Rachel, honey—” Her eyes move to look over my shoulder and I realize that something is very, very wrong. Theo is still to my right, gun raised and trained at whoever is over my shoulder. Silently, I beg for his eyes to come to mine but they don’t move from his new target. Russell is still on the ground beside me. He hasn’t risen from the dead or become a zombie, so that only leaves one other option.

  “Throw your gun to the side.” Blips voice is unusually calm. Unlike I’ve ever heard before. The tip of his gun brushes against my hair and my heart pounds against my ribcage. This isn’t a mistake… this is a set up and I know all too well it’s not the time to start fighting back or throwing around accusations.

  Reaching behind me I grab my Beretta and toss it away before I turn to face him. At least my rat finally has a fuckin’ face.

  “Why?” I ask. I need to know how the fuck was he able to sneak under our radar for so long.

  “This was never about you, Ivy.” His eyes—and his gun—move to Theo. “It’s about him.”

  Wait, what?

  “Theo? What could he have to do with this? He’s been gone for years.”

  Blip nods. “I know. I’ve been a very patient man waiting for this day to come.” As he speaks, his voice continues to change until it’s thick with a heavy Spanish accent. Who the hell is he?

  He turns back to Theo. “Tell me Viper, do you know who I am yet? Can you see how far your venom spread?”

  My eyes are darting between the two while I try my best to ignore the gun Blip has pointed at my forehead again. God, I want to scream. I’m in the fucking dark here, but from the look on Theo’s face he knows exactly who Blip really is.

  “I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say you’re Juan Rodriguez’s son.”

  “Ah, so the snake is smarter than he looks.” Blip or Juan spits before noticing the confusion on my face. “Do you not know who I am, little Ivy?”

  At my blank expression is barks out a humorless laugh. “You did not tell her what you did?” he asks Theo.

  “Ivy—” Theo’s voice is pained, but the pain is shrouded by anger, a potent venom that flows through his veins. I’ve only seen this side of him a couple of times, and whatever happened, I know he must have had his reasons. Fuck, I hope I’m right.

  “Your time for talking is over, snake. Now sit there while I tell Ivy about your sordid past, the past of a murderer.” There’s a wicked gleam in Blip’s eyes.

  “She has nothing to do with this, Juan. This is between you and me. Let her go and I’ll stay. It’s me you want.”

  Damn it, Theo! I want to leap to my feet and shove Theo aside, take a bullet for him and destroy Blip, the bastard who had us all fooled. But with a gun at my head, and Rachel cradled in my arms, I’m helpless.

  “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong.” Blip chuckles. “How’s that saying go? An eye for an eye. Well, Viper, since your father is already dead, I can’t kill yours to get back at you for murdering mine. So she’ll have to do.”

  What the fuck? Theo killed Blip’s father… why would he do that? What did Theo have to gain by killing him, is that why he really left? Unanswered questions flow through my mind along with snippets of memories, conversations, and moments I’d long forgotten. There’s nothing at all to suggest Theo had anything to do with Blip, let alone his father.

  “An eye for an eye was settled when I slit your father’s throat. He murdered my father in cold blood. I murdered him.” Theo voice has turned cold and he shrugs as if that’s the only explanation needed.

  Rage builds behind Blip’s eyes causing them to take on a dark sheen. He’s furious as he paces toward Theo, the gun poised and ready to shoot. When his footsteps pass by me, I take my chance.

  Without thinking, I press a finger to my lips and warn Rachel to stay quiet. She nods slightly and when she moves off my lap, I slowly, cautiously get to my feet, my eyes fixed on Blip’s back. One step, then two, then another. I keep my steps soft and even as I move closer to Blip and while his rage is focused on Theo, I leap forward and wrap my arms around his neck, squeezing with all the strength I have.

  The gun goes off and from the corner of my eye I see Theo jump out of the way of Blips wayward bullets.


  Before I hear anything else, I’m thrown back onto the dirt and the air is sucked from my lungs as Blip lands on top of me, his back pressed hard against my chest. The gun goes off again and this time I shove a finger into his eye socket causing him to howl in pain. He rolls over and crushes me beneath his hard body while I punch at his face and head.

  “Get off her!” Theo shouts.

  Blip doesn’t budge, he glares at me, his face bloody and an ugly sneer on his lips. “You like being under me, little Ivy?”

  “Get the fuck off me!” I scream.

  Two gunshots go off in quick succession before Blip finally shoves off me and gets to his knees beside me. “Do it, Viper, kill me, I dare you.”

  Theo raises the gun, his expression blank, his eyes dark and empty. He presses the barrel of the gun into Blip’s forehead before a shout from outside distracts us. Theo’s gaze lifts and I glance over my shoulder to see three of my men.

  Relieved, I push to my feet and point down to Blip. “Get this bastard chained up and take him back to my father.”

  No one moves, the only sound comes from Blip who laughs as though this is all a fuckin’ joke.

  “I always said daddy having you as VP was a mistake,” Blip says. “It’s over now, little Ivy—”

  He’s cut off when rapid gunfire pierces the air. The three men who were seconds ago standing, are now on the ground, bleeding from multiple gunshot wounds. Blip’s face pales as he watches four of the Heaven’s Guardians walk in, guns in hand and smiling like they’ve just one a prize. That prize being Blip. He’s in for a world of pain.

  I turn back to Theo. “Let them take him, Theo.”

  Theo drops his hand before the gun falls at his feet, a second later he falls to his knees and drops his head in his hands. I scramble over to him, the voices and shouting from Priest and his men fade into the background as I wrap my arms around Theo and cling to him.


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