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Buying His Baby: Baby Daddy University Book 2

Page 8

by Hamel, B. B.

  Well, I’m not hungry, but I am angry. And I do want to talk to my stinking sponsor.

  So I’m going out into the rain.

  * * *

  I make it inside the sponsored dorm and shake the rain off the umbrella. “This was a dumb idea,” I grumble, taking a few squishy steps into the marble entryway.

  As soon as I stepped outside, the rain doubled. The umbrella helped but my shoes and pants are soaked. The man at the front desk, a guy named Horatio, gives me a big smile.

  “Ah, Miss Jenna,” he says. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Hi, Horatio,” I say, smiling back. He was always nice to me when I lived here. I stopped and talked to him a few times which I think surprised him a little bit. I bet most of the girls just pretend like he doesn’t exist.

  “Back for a visit?” he asks.

  “That’s right.”

  “I believe he’s upstairs.”

  “Good, okay.” I hesitate a second. “Should I, uh, have you call up first?”

  “If you’d like,” he says. “But it’s your apartment.”

  I grin at him. “Okay then. I think I’ll just head up.”

  “As you wish. Have a good night, Miss Jenna.”

  “You too, Horatio.”

  I grab the elevator and ride it up to my floor. I get off and walk down the familiar hallway. It’s odd, I lived here for a year and walked this route almost every day, but now it seems like it’s not mine anymore.

  I stop outside my door and pull my card from my pocket. I think about knocking but decide against it.

  Better to surprise him. I doubt he’d knock for me.

  I use the card and the door unlocks. I open it and step inside.

  And stare, wide-eyed, at Brady wearing nothing but a towel with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

  He looks over at me, almost as surprised as I am.

  “Jenna,” he says.

  “Oh, shit,” I say, turning away. The door slams shut before I can grab it and I drop my card, the umbrella dripping and splashing water everywhere as I fumble for it. “I don’t mean to, I didn’t know, I’m sorry.”

  He laughs, deep and low. “Oh, fuck,” he says. “Holy shit. Your face.”

  I grab the card and finally stand, glaring at him. “It’s not funny.”

  “It’s really, really funny.”

  “Knock it off.”

  He keeps laughing and I can’t help but notice how his ripped abs and incredible chest tightens with each breath. The man is muscular and gorgeous in a way I never expected to have in my life, but I’m pretty glad I get this.

  I have to look away though. “Are you alone?” I ask him.

  He slowly stops laughing and blinks at me. “Of course.”

  “I just thought maybe—”

  “I had just gotten done fucking some random girl? Maybe Morgan? So I was out here in a towel, drinking a post-coital drink.”

  I hesitate for a long moment as he stares at me.

  “Pretty much.”

  He groans. “Come on. Seriously?”

  “Can you blame me?”

  He sighs and shakes his head before sipping his drink. “I took a shower. I got out of the shower and came out here to pour a drink. I’ve been stressed.”

  “I bet.” I bite my lip and shake my head, feeling stupid. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be crazy.”

  He sighs and puts the glass down. “You’re not crazy. You have every right to wonder.”

  “I’m not trying to accuse you of anything you didn’t do.”

  “I know.”

  “I just—”

  “Really, Jenna. It’s okay.”

  I bite my lip and stare at him, pulse pounding. “You’re naked under there, huh?”

  He grins at me. “Very.”

  I look away. “Maybe you should get dressed.”

  “You sure? Maybe you can get undressed. Or we can meet in the middle. Underwear, maybe?”

  I smile a little. “How about you get on my level and we can try fully dressed.”

  “Your loss, I guess.” He turns and starts walking back to his room. I watch him go, my eyes staring at his muscular back. He turns as he disappears into the bedroom and catches me looking.

  I turn bright red as he winks at me.

  “Asshole,” I mutter to myself and walk over to the bar. I pick up the drink he left before and sip it. I’m not a whiskey girl but my nerves are up and the alcohol helps to steady them a little bit.

  I put the drink back down and sit on the couch. I take off my shoes and socks and lay them out to dry while I wait. He comes back out a few minutes later wearing gray sweats that fit him like a glove and a black Henley shirt. He looks like a model as he walks over to me and smiles.

  “No shoes?” he asks.

  “Wet,” I answer.

  “Right.” He sits down with an eyebrow arched. “The shoes, or just you in general?”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Cut it out.”

  He just grins at me.

  I clear my throat and look away. I can’t take his gorgeous eyes right now. “I’m here to talk.”

  He sighs softly and nods. “I figured.”

  “Did you kiss her?” I ask straight out.

  “No,” he says.

  “So what did Iris see?”

  He tells me the whole story. He tells me about getting to the dorm early, about Morgan bringing him inside, about her kissing him and him pushing her away. “Iris came out at the exact wrong moment,” he says. “And you came back at the exact wrong moment, and it was all a fucking mess. I don’t think she could’ve planned that any better.”

  “You’d be surprised.” I clench my jaw. “Apparently she used to bully another girl.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Another sponsored girl that lived in the dorm.”

  “Huh. I heard something about a girl and her sponsor leaving together. Apparently she lost her privileges and he refused to sponsor anyone new, just paid for everything she needed by giving her cash directly. So basically still her sponsor, minus the official sanctioning.”

  “Huh,” I say. “Iris didn’t tell me that part.”

  “It’s a weird story.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, I can’t say I’m surprised about Morgan. She doesn’t seem very… pleasant.”

  “So why’d you come inside with her in the first place?”

  He looks away. “Honestly?”


  “I was nervous and I wasn’t thinking.”

  I stare at him, a little taken aback. “You were nervous?”

  “I was nervous.”

  “Huh.” I smile to myself, unable to help it. “Mr. Famous Director himself, nervous to come see me?”

  “Don’t be an ass.”

  “I’m just saying. You were nervous to see me.”

  “I was stupid when I followed her inside,” he says, moving away from this line of conversation. “I shouldn’t have done it. And I’m sorry.”

  I sigh and shake my head. “No, I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to you. I was just…”

  “Fed up with the bullshit surrounding me?”

  “That’s one way of saying it.”

  “Yeah, well, I am too.”

  We stare at each other for what seems like a long moment before he glances away. He gets up and grabs his drink, sipping it once. “Well, you’re here now.” He cocks his head. “How about we have that dinner date?”

  I laugh a little. “What, in here?”

  “I planned on taking you somewhere, you know, not on this fucking campus. But here we are, so…” He trails off. “What do you think?”

  “Okay,” I say. “Let’s do it.”

  He grins, walks over to the phone, and orders us food. Not long later, it arrives on a cart with silver platters. We sit down at the table and have the most normal dinner I ever could’ve imagined.

  Everything with him has been so difficult and confusing, but as soon as we’re
just sitting and eating and chatting, all the drama disappears. He makes me laugh a lot, makes me smile, makes me feel… comfortable. It’s strange, I don’t know how I can still click with him like this despite everything.

  But as soon as we forget Morgan and Charlene and the outside world, it’s comfortable and fun and flirty and just… normal.

  It’s exactly what I want from him. I don’t want any of this confusing drama, any of this constant uncertainty. I just want a normal person in my life making me happy. Maybe that seems like a lot to ask, but I feel like it isn’t.

  I don’t need his money or his fame. That’s what my family wants, it’s not what I need. I just want him.

  It’s a strange thought to suddenly have as he leans back in his chair and smiles at me. It hits me all at once that I just want him, plain and simple, without all the other crap attached to it.

  I thought I was getting in this for other reasons, mixed-up and complicated reasons. But now that I’m here…

  I just want someone in my life that makes me happy. I don’t need much more.

  That’s why I hated being so alone last year. Even if I was alone in luxury, I was still alone. I wanted him here, in my room, his body, his mind, every part of him here.

  Now I have that. And I have to admit, it feels good. It feels really good.

  I smile at him and tilt my head. He smiles back.

  “What?” he asks.


  “No, really. What?”

  “I was just thinking. This feels weirdly normal. You know, for a situation that’s about as far from normal as it gets.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, that’s true.”

  “You know, I’ve been wondering. Why did you get involved in all this?”

  He looks at me for a moment, his smile slowly dying. He sips his drink and hesitates. “A lot of the men will say they’re looking for stability. For family. And that’s something I am looking for, it’s just…” He trails off.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I’m famous,” he says finally. “I live in this weird fame world where people look at me like I’m some kind of freak. I haven’t had a normal relationship in years because it’s impossible to divorce my job from my life. I thought maybe I could get away from that here.”

  “Huh,” I say softly. “Not what I expected.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “I don’t know. Something about nubile young girls.”

  He grins. “That’s part of it too.”

  I laugh and stretch. “I think I get that. And Gradus is the perfect place.”


  “Nobody gives a shit about you here.”

  He laughs at that, genuinely delighted. “Very true.”

  I grin at him and he sips his drink as we lapse into a comfortable silence. Finally he gets up and clears the table, piling the dishes back onto the service cart.

  “What now?” I ask him as he moves the cart over toward the door. He pushes it outside and leaves it in the hall for the staff to come collect. “I should probably get back.”

  “Probably,” he says. “But why don’t you stay instead?”

  He gives me this look and comes closer. I bite my lip, feeling that intense longing in my chest I get every time he stares at me like that.

  “Iris might worry. You know her, high strung.”

  “Text her. Or forget about her.”

  I smile. “I can’t. She’ll go nuts.”

  “So then text her. Tell her you decided you missed your old bed.”

  “She won’t believe it.”

  “Who cares? Sounds like you’re making excuses.”

  I cross my arms but I don’t move as he gets closer to me. “Maybe I am.”

  “You’re scared,” he says. “I can tell. I don’t blame you. While this place is good for getting past my fame problem, it’s not exactly good for fostering healthy relationships.”

  “Other people seem like they’re having a better time,” I say softly.

  “You think those are healthy relationships?” He cocks his head at me. “I don’t think so. I don’t think so at all.”

  I frown as he stops inches away from me. He puts his hands on my hips and draws me even closer. I put my hands on his chest and looks up.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “You see any laughter around here? Any happy people?”

  I frown as I think back to my year in this dorm.

  He’s right, I can’t recall a single time I heard people in the hallways laughing. In my short time in the normal dorms, I’ve heard more people laughing and having a good time than I heard in the whole year I was living here.

  I was intensely lonely here, not because I’m an antisocial person. I’m actually usually good about making friends.

  It’s because this place is so lonely in general.

  “I noticed it right away,” he says softly. “Nobody looks happy. Nobody’s laughing. It’s supposed to be a dorm but it’s more like an apartment building. It just feels… off.”

  “Now you know why I wanted to get out of here.”

  “I understand.” He sighs, shakes his head. “There’s just something off here.”

  “How come you seem like you have all the answers?” I ask him.

  He laughs. “Maybe because I do.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Maybe I just know what I want, at least.”

  “Yeah?” I look into his eyes. “So what do you want then?”

  He leans down and kisses me, sending that flame through my chest, just what I’ve been waiting for this whole time.



  I kiss her deep and slow because, god damn, does she taste good.

  It all goes away, all the anger, the confusion. It all melts away and there’s only Jenna in front of me, her body pressed against mine, soft in all the right places.

  I’m hard almost right away. I kiss her deep and slow and she kisses me back like she’s been waiting for it all night. I reach up and take her hair in my fist, her gorgeous, thick hair, and I pull it back as I kiss her neck.

  She lets out a little gasp. “Let’s be honest with each other,” I whisper in her ear as I move her back and pin her up against the wall. “You want the same thing I do.”

  She stares at me, lips hanging open. “You think so?”

  “I know so. You want this just as bad as I do, and if there weren’t fucked-up lies in the way, you’d be giving every single inch of yourself to me.”

  “Who says I’m not doing that right now?”

  I let out a growl and kiss her again. I pin her wrists up above her head and she kisses me back just as hard. I love her taste and fucking hell, I just need this right now.

  I release her wrists and she wraps her arms around my neck as I unbutton her jeans. I slide my hand down the front of her, finding her panties already soaking wet. I skip past them, slide my hand down the front, and tease her wet pussy. I slide a finger up along her slit and find her clit dripping. I rub it slow and let her moan into my mouth.

  “God, you taste good,” I growl into her ear as I kiss her neck. I slide my fingers up inside and I love the way she lets out this sexy moaning gasp. “You can be as loud as you want in here, little Jenna.”

  She groans as I pull my fingers back and tug her jeans down over her hips. I get them off, dropping to my knees to slide them over her ankles. I throw them aside and grab her hips, spreading her legs and kissing her inner thigh.

  “Shit,” she whispers. “I didn’t have this in mind when I came over, you know.”

  “I bet you didn’t.” I push her panties aside and lap at her clit. She lets out this sexy as hell gasp and moan as my tongue licks her top to bottom. I suck her clit and she grabs my hair nice and tight. Her body shakes and I know she fucking loves it.

  “I think you knew what you were doing, coming here,” I say as my fingers tease her. I slide two inside of her, deep and slow, before I lick her clit again, teasin
g her. “I think you knew what you wanted when you walked out in that rainstorm. You just couldn’t stop yourself.”

  “Oh, god,” she whispers. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “You wanted this,” I growl. “Me down on my knees, licking your delicious, wet little pussy. Making you moan.”

  “Yes,” she gasps. “Oh, god, yes. I knew it. I want it.”

  “That’s right.” I stand up, grab her hair, and kiss her hard. She fumbles at my sweats before pulling them down, along with my boxer briefs. She grabs my cock with both hands and strokes me slowly, up and down. I groan into her kiss as my fingers find her pussy again. She strokes me and I stroke her, both of our hands moving together, her moans in my mouth as I kiss her, fingers feeling her slick wet lips, spreading them wide, rolling along her clit.

  I can’t take this anymore. I pull her from the wall and rip her shirt up over her head. I unhook her bra, kiss her perfect, perky breasts, then drag her back into the bedroom. She gasps and stumbles as I bend her over the bed and spank her ass hard.

  I pull off my shirt and I love the way she looks at my hard body. I tease her again from behind, fingers working her clit before I kneel down and spread her ass wide open. I lick her top to bottom, tasting every inch of her. She groans and her eyes go wide as my tongue does its dirty work.

  I stand back up and spank her ass before grabbing her hair. “Every inch,” I whisper. “You know what you want.”

  “I want it,” she moans.

  I press my cock against her pussy and slowly slide myself in.

  Fuck, she’s tight. It feels like heaven as I sink deep inside her amazing little pussy. I’m big, very, very big, and she moans with a little pleasure and a little pain as I fill her to the brim. I slide deeper and deeper before I’m satisfied that she’s completely full.

  I spank her ass and start to stroke in and out. She moans and moves her hips, bucking back against me. I love it when she pushes back, gets into it. I want her to feel me deep, stretching her out, fucking her hard and rough. I’m not going to be easy, I’m not going to take it slow. I’m going to fuck my girl and make her come.

  I pull her hard, cock slamming into her tight pussy. She moans and leans back, reaching behind to grab my hair. I kiss her over her shoulder as she grinds her hips back, digging my cock deeper, moaning into my lips. I push her forward and fuck her, grabbing her arms and pulling them back. I push her down onto the bed and rip into her tight pussy.


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