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SEAL Love's Legacy (Silver SEALs Book 1)

Page 13

by Sharon Hamilton

  But sleep was elusive. Occasionally, voices and animal sounds from outside broke through the night, including the howl of a wolf. And then it got very quiet.

  What was she doing with her life? She missed everything that made her feel happy and secure. Mimi let the sadness wash over her, not fighting the tears dripping from the corners of her eyes into her hairline. She knew she’d be up all night, clutching the covers, shivering in the cold until her mattress warmed up. She was a ten-year-old child again with no one to protect her.

  She vowed that when she managed to escape from this little Hollywood horror movie she’d quit running away from things and begin running toward something beautiful.

  Mimi lost track of time. An hour or more went by until she thought she heard someone outside her door. She sat up then padded quietly to the table and grabbed the dull knife, ready to defend herself. She couldn’t see the doorway but did hear the latch on the metal handle being turned very slowly and deliberately. Her heart raced as she prepared herself for the worst, considering all the tools she had to use. There were the two chairs and the huge crockery bowl or the heavy glass pitcher. She could even throw the covers over someone if she had to.

  A burst of cold air blew into the room, and a hulking figure obscured the view of the bright stars outside. She remained very still, slouching in the corner, waiting for her visitor to come looking for her in bed. Then she’d pounce.

  “Mimi? Are you there?” came the whisper, unmistakably Garrett’s voice.

  Relief flooded over her entire body as she realized he’d come for her.

  “Oh, Garrett!” she sighed, running straight towards him, slamming up against his chest and feeling his arms encircle her. She pressed herself into his hard body and began to shake.

  “It’s okay, Mimi,” he said as his big hands sifted through her hair. “You’re doing great, sweetheart, just great.”

  “No. I’m. Not. I don’t want to be here, Garrett. I want to go home. I don’t belong—”

  “Shh, shh. Don’t say that. Have you found Joshua? Any idea where he is?”

  “Bales said he was still here. I think they’re holding him somewhere.”

  “I have a hunch. But you’ve not seen him?”

  “No.” She began to shake again. “I think I saw Georgette, though.”

  “Good.” He rubbed his hands up and down her spine, then massaged the muscles at her upper neck. “Better?”

  “Garrett, I can’t do this any longer. You need to get me out.”

  “Quiet, Mimi. We have to be very careful not to get discovered,” he said, holding her face between his giant palms. His thumbs rubbed away her tears. “Don’t be afraid, honey.”

  He kissed her eyes and cheeks, and then his lips were brushing against hers.

  “Please, Garrett, get me out of here. I can’t do this!” she said between kisses.

  “You can. I wouldn’t have asked you if I thought you couldn’t do it. Help is on the way. You’re not alone.”

  She didn’t want to hear that and began to pull away, but he held her tighter, refusing to let go. She pressed her palms against his concrete chest, but he still hung on. She twisted to the side and tried to wiggle free but found it impossible.

  “Mimi, stop it. Calm down. You’re alright. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  “No, I don’t want to do this. Get me out of here,” she insisted.

  But Garrett would not let her go. She could feel tension in his powerful arms, in his hands that gripped her tight.

  “Mimi! Stop it!” It was a whisper, but it was a command.

  She stopped just long enough to reset her emotions, gulping in air and trying to stop her shaking. She began to notice the rhythm of his heavy breathing, long and slow, matching hers. She could feel his anger brewing or his disappointment.

  He released her and stepped back.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. She could barely hear him.

  “Garrett, I’m just not good enough. I wasn’t made for this, like you were.”

  Although she couldn’t see him, she felt his body heat and the gentle touch of his hands at her shoulders, smoothing up her neck and angling her face up towards him. He caressed her hair with his strong fingers but left the hot space between them without kissing her again.

  “Don’t tell yourself that, Mimi. It isn’t true. You are strong. In fact, you’re one of the strongest women I know.”

  She didn’t move, loving the warmth of his palms, the sounds of his voice, and the feel of his chest rising and falling. At last, he’d traversed the distance and his lips nibbled at hers.

  “You’re fearless,” he continued, deepening the kiss afterwards. “Intuitive,” he murmured, kissing her again. “So smart.” His lips brushed back and forth across her hungry mouth. “You care about people and that’s what makes you so strong.”

  She took a deep breath, readying herself for what she hoped was coming next, allowing the warmth traveling down her spine to set her insides on fire with a deep craving for his touch.

  And then his lips were there, consuming hers and begging her to open up to him. The fire in her belly grew, settling her shaking but leaving her breathless. She was starved for his kisses, melting into his hot body. His muscled arm wrapped around her waist, pressing his groin into hers deliciously, showing her his need.


  He gently put his palm against her mouth to stop her. “Shhh,” he whispered to her ear. “You’re wearing a wire.”

  Damn it.

  But the wheels were already in motion, and she was unable to stop. Instead, she quickly pulled her gown over her head, allowing her thighs to brush against the rough denim of his jeans. She stood close enough to feel the length of him against her as she removed her shirt and tossed it into the corner far away. Her nipples knotted up as she stood in front of him completely naked and wished he could see her. Her palms slipped over his chest, up to his neck as she pressed her breasts to him, and felt his quick inhale.

  He picked her up and carried her over to the bed, placing her gently on top of the covers. She heard the mechanical sound of something metal being carefully placed on the ground and then the friction of material as his clothes dropped to the floor. In seconds, his powerful body was on top of hers, his hips writhing against her, rooting to find her opening. His hands squeezed her breasts as he bit and kissed her neck under her right ear. He slid his palms beneath her rear, raising her pelvis up to angle for him. Her knees fell to the sides. His cock brushed back and forth against her lips.

  “Mimi, tell me to stop and I will, sweetheart.”

  “No. I don’t want you to. I need you inside me, Garrett. Please,” she begged, arching her spine and pressing his buttocks down as he thrust up and deep inside her.

  They blended into one another in a dance of muscle, strength, and tenderness. His powerful hips pushed him to the hilt and sent her into oblivion as he repeated his motion over and over again, pressing against her internal walls, stoking her fire.

  He stretched her arms over her head and held her wrists together with one hand, using his other to lift her pelvis to accept him, going deeper with his slow rocking motions. The more he kissed, touched, and squeezed her body, the more she needed him.

  Their lovemaking was urgent, but Garrett was patient, pausing several times to let her feel the power of her own orgasm before slowly rebuilding the rising tide of desire so that she could experience it all over again and then flutter back down to earth. He was attentive, careful, but loved full out, with complete abandon.

  He left her feeling like a rag doll, soaking wet and completely out of breath as she felt his long release.

  Neither one of them spoke. Her fingers drifted up and down his powerful back, traveling over his rear and down the backsides of his thighs. She traced the arc of his ear and kissed him tenderly there.

  “Stay. Stay with me. Don’t go.”

  “In due time. But I can’t stay tonight.”

  The b
lack of night started to give way to a dark grey promise of morning. Her eyes began to see his jawline and handsome face.

  With arms and legs tangled, she was lulled to sleep, exhausted, curled up in his arms that still held her body tight as if he could squeeze away all her fear and make her fly.

  Minutes later, he woke her with probing fingers and wet kisses and quietly slipped out of bed.


  “I have to, Mimi.”

  She sat up and watched him dress. “Stay a little longer.”

  “Honey, it isn’t safe. But you can count on me showing up tomorrow—rather, today. In the meantime, wear your shirt—” He handed it to her.

  “Does it work?”

  “We heard it all, sweetheart. And I’m sure Tanner’s gotten an earful tonight.” His long fingers touched her lips, making a line down between her breasts, ending up at her belly button. She accepted the shirt and loved the feel of him dressing her. His scarred hands smoothed down her thighs, his eyes following their travel. “You have such a beautiful body, Mimi. You’re perfect.”

  It was the first time a man had ever said that to her.

  She teared up, grabbed his hand and kissed his palm. “I want these fingers to touch every inch of my body. I want to do this all night long.”

  “We will. I promise. I keep my promises, Mimi.”

  She sensed he had something difficult to share with her. “What is it, Garrett?”

  “I realize now we haven’t much time. I can’t leave you here for very long. You’ve got to find Georgette. Can you do that for me?”

  “I will. I’ll scout around this morning. I know she must be here somewhere. What about Joshua?”

  “I think I saw where he could be held.”

  He pressed her back down onto the mattress and rolled her on her side, tucking the covers up over her shoulder.

  “Rest up, a few minutes, Mimi. Today’s a big day,” he said as he kissed her cheek before he left as quietly as he’d entered.

  Basking in the glow of what they’d shared, she no longer shook. She dreamt of blue waves and white beaches and Garrett running to her, carrying his surfboard tucked under his right arm.

  Chapter 15

  The motorhome was completely quiet when Garrett and Cornell returned. Everyone was still up, but no one wanted to make eye contact. It was nearly dawn.

  “I’m going to get a little shut eye for about an hour, and then we’ll go back and get her, get them all. I think I discovered where they’re holding Josh.”

  “What about Georgette?”

  He shook his head. “Mimi said she thought she saw her. She’s going to look this morning.” He finally made eye contact with Tanner. “You heard—?”

  “I heard it all Garrett. I liked that part about your fingers all over her body,” he said with a smirk.

  Everyone chuckled.


  Luke’s smooth voice cut through the laughter. “You better keep that promise, Garrett. She’s never going to let you forget it, either.” He winked.

  “We’re witnesses,” barked Fuzzy. “You lucky dog.”

  “Okay, I deserve all this and more. Rest up if you need it. Then everyone but Tanner goes in.”

  “I’m waiting for satellite images any minute, Garrett,” began Tanner. “They’re setting up the live feed as well. So I’ll catch you on the other side of your power nap.”

  “That’d be nice. Everyone else, try to get a quick rest.”

  Garrett crawled to the rear bedroom and was out before he felt his head hit the pillow.

  Fuzzy woke him up. “Showtime.”

  Garrett threw cold water on his face and brushed his teeth. Then he grabbed several power bars, placing them in the used backpack they’d bought in town. He downed the meal replacement shake Cornell handed him. He tucked his Glock into the waistband of his jeans at the small of his back and secured the clips he’d brought, zipping them into a side pocket on the canvas backpack. He switched out his underwear, and decided against shaving, and laced up his boots.

  Fuzzy and Luke checked their weapons and tested their Invisios, as well as the wires Tanner had sewn into their shirts, making sure their Kevlar vests didn’t interfere with reception.

  “DHS is on standby in case you need more boots. They can deliver within four hours of the call. And they have two birds they’re grounding as backup in an emergency, just like you requested.”

  “Sweet,” muttered Garrett. “We never got that kind of service overseas. I must be a big shot now.”

  “And here’s the sat photo.” Tanner laid out several black and white prints of the compound and the surrounding area.

  “That’s where I think they’re holding Josh,” Garrett pointed. “This building over here I’d sure like to get a look at.” He put his finger on the long warehouse beyond the greenhouses he’d seen last night. “Cornell, you make sure you can cover us there from your perch.”

  “Roger that. Won’t be a problem, sir.”

  “Here’s where Mimi is.” Then he brushed over the terrain above the encampment. “Tanner, you watch for activity here. Make sure they keep the link open ’cause you’re our eyes. Lots of off-road trails, and now that I look at this, I can see they’re well-traveled. They also have a second entrance at the back beyond the gardens. We’re going to have to block that if we need containment. I also don’t want reinforcements coming in and giving us a surprise party, understood? So you report any vehicle movement, especially a convoy.”

  “Hell, yes, I’m on it. Garrett, I also got some good smoke-belching drones in case we need them.”

  Cornell pointed to a ridge of trees. “I’ll be up there, like before, except inside the perimeter this time with y’all. You tell me when the party’s started, Tierney.”

  Garrett pointed to the dozen larger buildings. “We got a lot of places to check for Georgette. She could be anywhere. Tanner, if Mimi finds anything, she’ll let you know.”

  He let the group study the pictures for a few seconds.

  “Last minute questions?”

  “Give us the code on the use of force, Tierney,” barked Fuzzy.

  “We’re the Bone Frog Command, and as I told you back in Virginia, we’re here to get in and out without too much fanfare, but if we have to stir things up, we do it. Deadly force is used only to save the life of an innocent or one of our team members. But you better be damn sure. We’re just here for the girls and Josh. We let the locals clean up the illegal crap they might be engaged in. Drugs probably. And with all the rumors, maybe trafficking girls. But until we see proof, that’s not our job. Understood?”

  “Let’s rock-n-roll,” said Cornell.

  Before they left the motor home, Garrett gave one last instruction to Tanner. “You hear anything about Josh or hear from him, or find out the signal’s moved or stopped, you make sure I know about it right away.”

  “Roger that.”

  The team began the jog up the slope to the camp. Garrett slowed for a quick rest for Fuzzy’s benefit. The tough cop was keeping up, but his face had already turned bright red, and Garrett could see he was stressed.

  “Got about twenty more minutes, Fuzzy. Piece of cake, right?”

  He got a finger for the comment while Fuzzy poured water on his face and then drank the rest of his bottle. “You just worry about yourself, old man. I’ll be fine.”

  They heard trucks in the distance so the men moved into the brush a few hundred yards from the enclave entrance. Three covered trucks with the People of God logo ground their gears and made their way slowly past them down the hill.

  “Looks like deliveries have started,” said Luke.

  When they came to the perimeter fencing, Cornell tested it first and then cut a square in the wire large enough for even Fuzzy to get through. One by one, they crawled on their bellies and then ran between boulders, brush and small saplings for cover. Garrett gathered the team together first before giving assignments.

  “You know the passwo

  Everyone nodded.

  Cornell signaled and disappeared into the brush to take up his sniper position.

  Garrett used his scope to assess the activity of the camp. He saw people milling about a large canvas tent. The smell of fresh coffee and cooking food permeated the air.

  He handed his single scope and binoculars to Luke. “I don’t want them to find this, but I’ll take my chances with the Glock. Keep checking for our people. I’m headed for the entrance.”

  “I’m in position,” Cornell’s voice came over the Invisio.

  “Can you shoot a couple of those darts into the building with Joshua?”

  “You got it.”

  He heard the faint tinkle of breaking glass. “Tanner, can you confirm?” asked Garrett.

  “Oh yeah, that’s him. He just gave me a ton of attitude in Spanish.”

  “That’s good news.” Garrett faced Fuzzy and Luke. “So I’m going back outside. You guys find cover where you have a clear view of the entrance. I’m going to go pick a fight. We get Josh, find the girls, and get out of this place, quick. Understood?”

  “Be safe, brother,” whispered Fuzzy. Luke gave him a salute.

  Garrett wrapped the headscarf around his neck, took a gulp of water and then headed back to their hole in the fence.

  He hiked five minutes along the perimeter until he came to the entrance beneath the guard tower. He squinted but couldn’t make out if anyone was actually in the tower.

  He raised a fist and pounded on the metal. “Open these fuckin gates!” he yelled at the top of his lungs.

  He heard scurrying on the other side, several bodies moving quickly past the cutout designs in the heavy metal. At the sides, he saw two guards look through the fencing at him. No one appeared in the guard tower.

  He banged on the gate again. “Hey assholes! Open the fuck up!”

  “Brother?” came a voice at the side, behind the fence.

  Garrett noticed a man in his twenties addressing him.

  “I’m not your fuckin’ brother. Open this fuckin’ gate right now.”


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